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英语六下 小学教师备课笔记.docx

1、英语六下 小学教师备课笔记第一单元教学目标和要求一、言语技能目标1、能够借助图片和所学的单词和句型,在适当的情景中运用简单的过去时态的句子表达自己和他人在过去某个时间做的事情。2、能够在一定情境中,用英文就有关假日活动和学习收获等话题和朋友进行简单交流。3、能够正确书写本单元要求四会的单词和句子。二、语言知识目标1、能够正确地听、说、读、写以下单词和词组:by plane, sun, moon, star, at night, at home, learn, a lot of, word, blackboard, say, subject, lesson, but, yesterday, wh

2、y, use 2、能够正确地听、说、读、写以下句子:What did you do for your holiday? I went to Sanya. We are very interested in English. How did you learn English? We learned English by doing things. 等句子。3、能够正确地听、说、认读下面的短语:Go to the beach, enjoy sunbathing, enjoy the moon and stars, stay at home, have a party, enjoy Spring

3、Festival, listen to English, speak English, read English, write English, talk in English, play in English, do tasks, have an English party, act in drama, learn from each other;4、能够正确地听、说、认读下面的句子:We have learned a lot of English words. We learned from each other.等句子。5、能够熟练、准确地说唱3个chants ;熟悉字母组合ng, ed

4、, wh在单词中的读音规律,对/n/,/d/,/w/三个因素发音准确、清晰。6、重视本单元Fun Facts学习,通过独立阅读、同桌合作、小组活动等多种方式,主动思考,积极求知,从中了解我国古代伟大教育家孔子和他的教育理念,增长历史知识。三、情感态度目标1、学习旅游话题,了解祖国的美好山河,培养热爱祖国的情怀。2、通过有关学习收获的讨论,认识到自己在英语及其他学科上的优势与不足,学习其他同学的长处,逐步形成自己的学习策略。四、学习策略目标1、学会利用归纳的方法初步了解动词过去式的拼写规律。2、培养归纳、总结、梳理知识的学习策略和习惯。Unit1 I went to Sanya for my h

5、olidays主备教师周庆兰教学内容Lesson 1授课时间教学目标1. To learn new words and sentence patterns. What did you do during your holidays? I went to Sanya. How did you get there? We got there by plane. Did you have a good time? Sure.2. To arose the students interest of English learning;3. To train the students to coopera

6、te with each other.教学重点To master the words and sentences. Did you have a good time?.教学难点Understanding the useful of the simple past tense教学准备some pictures ,word cards, a tape recorder教学过程个人复备及动态修改Step 1: Warming Up1. Greeting.2.Present some pictures about winter holiday and organize the students to

7、talk about them , To review some words: nice/interesting/excitingStep 2: Presentation1. The teacher ask the students :“How did you get there? To elicit the sentences:We got there by plane.2. Make the students understanding the useful of the simple past tense: is / am & was are & were3. Introduce my

8、holidays. Read the text by themselves and then translate the text into Chinese in groups.4. Listen to the tape and then read after it, after that let students read the text by themselves.5. Listen to the tape and repeat one by one.Step 3: Practice1. Try to retell the text or act out the dialogues.2.

9、 Organize group workHave the students use the new sentence patterns and new words freely by making new dialogues.Step 4: Homework1. Make up a new dialogue in groups;2. Talk about the Spring Festival in China.3. Try to write something about your holiday.板书设计教学反思Unit1 I went to Sanya for my holidays主备

10、教师周庆兰教学内容Lesson 2授课时间教学目标1. To learn new words and sentence patterns. by plane, sun, moon, star, at night, at home, What did you do during your holidays? I went to Sanya.2. To ask the students to inquire or introduce ones holiday;3. To teach them to love our motherland.教学重点To master the new words an

11、d sentences. What did you do during your holidays? I went to Sanya.教学难点Understanding the useful of the past tense of be.教学准备some pictures , a tape recorder教学过程个人复备及动态修改Step 1: Warming Up1Greeting.2. Review last lesson. Talk about the holiday and the Spring Festival.Step 2: Presentation1. Show a set

12、of pictures, point to the pictures and ask: “What did you do during your holidays?” To practice the sentences:I went to Sanya.2. Practice the four key adjectives by asking and answering in pairs.3. Listen to the tape and then read after it, after thatlet students read by themselves.4. Listen to the

13、tape and read one by one.Step 3: Practice1. To look at the words and pictures on the blackboard and ask the students to practice the new sentence patterns. 2. Encourage the students to ask more questions such as “Where were you during”3. Finish part 3 “Lets interview”, Have students to talk about th

14、e places they went.4. Lets read and chant./n/ Listen to the tape, read it again and again,then say it together.Step 4: Homework1. Talk about the places you went by using four-skills knowledge. .2. Listen to the tape and read the chant.3. Copy new phrases and sentences. 板书设计教学反思Unit1 I went to Sanya

15、for my holidays主备教师周庆兰教学内容Lesson 3授课时间教学目标1. To learn new sentence patterns, We are very interested in English. We have learned2. Can talk English learning by using simple past tense;3. Cultivating students love of books by buying books activities.教学重点To master the new words and sentences. Where wer

16、e you yesterday?教学难点Using the new pattern to solve the problems in real life.教学准备some pictures , a tape recorder教学过程个人复备及动态修改Step 1: Warming Up1Greeting.2Review last lesson: Show a map of China and interview. “Where were you during”“How was your holiday?”Step 2: Presentation1. T : You began to learn

17、 English three years ago. You have learned a lot of words and sentences, and you can use them in and out of class. You are very interested in topics like school life, daily life, family, sports, holidays and animals. 2. Who wants to tell us how you to learn English?3. To learn the text. 1. Listen to

18、 the tape. 2. Repeat sentence by sentence. 3. Read the text.4. Introduce Gao Weis English learning and then translate the text into Chinese in groups.Step 3: Practice1. Try to retell the text or introduce your English learning.2. Organize group workHave the students use the new sentence and new word

19、s freely by making new dialogues about their learning.Step 4: Homework1. Talk about someones learning.2. Try to write a diary about your English learning. 板书设计教学反思Unit1 I went to Sanya for my holidays主备教师周庆兰教学内容Lesson 4授课时间教学目标1. To learn new words and sentence patterns: listen to English, speak Eng

20、lish, read English, write English, talk in English, play in English2. Can understand and speak out in right tone;3. To promote the students interest and confidence. 教学重点To master the words and sentences. We are very interested in English. We have learned a lot of English words.教学难点Can talk about you

21、r own learning using past tense.教学准备some pictures , a tape recorder教学过程个人复备及动态修改Step 1: Warming Up1. Greeting.2.Try to retell your English learning or someones. Step 2: Presentation 1. Present the new words by showing some pictures: listen to English, speak English, read English, write English, talk

22、 in English, play in English2. Present the new sentences: We are very interested in English. We have learned a lot of English words. 3. Listen to the tape and then read after it.4. Let students read the new words and sentences by themselves. Listen again and repeat one by one.Step 3: Practice1. Work

23、 in pairs to practice the new words and sentence patterns. 2. Finish part 3Lets talk, ask and answer in groups. What did you learn in the first year? We learned many new words and used them.3. Lets read and chant./d/ Listen to the tape, read it again and again, then say it together.Step 4: Homework1

24、. Copy new phrases and sentences.2. Finish the exercise of L3-L4;3. Listen to the tape and read the chant. 板书设计教学反思Unit1 I went to Sanya for my holidays主备教师周庆兰教学内容Lesson 5授课时间教学目标1. To learn how to learn English? How did you learn English? Our English teacher taught us in many ways. 2. To arose the

25、students interest of English learning;3. To train the students the ability of listening, speaking and writing.教学重点Ask and answer how to learn English教学难点Understanding the sentence: We used words and sentences to tell stories.教学准备some photos ,PPT , a tape recorder教学过程个人复备及动态修改Step 1: Warming Up1、Gree

26、ting.2To review four-skills words and sentences in Lesson4: listen to English, speak English, read English, write English, talk in English, play in English.We are very interested in English. We have learned a lot of English words.Step 2: Presentation1、T: When did you begin to learn English? Ss: T: H

27、ow did you learn? Ss: T: What did your teacher do for your English learning?Ss: T: Did you do a good job?Ss: 2. Show a photo, this is Li Yan. Lets listen how she learned it? Please watch the video.3. Listen to the tape and read one by one.Step 3: Practice1. Read the text by themselves;2. Have studen

28、ts talk about their English learning;3. Make up a dialogue in groups according to this lesson.Step 4: Homework1. Interview your friends English learning;2. Search the internet to find some information about famous people learning.板书设计教学反思Unit1 I went to Sanya for my holidays主备教师周庆兰教学内容Lesson 6授课时间教学

29、目标1. To learn how to learn English? How did you learn English? Our English teacher taught us in many ways. 2. To know more information about famous peoples learning3.To train the students the ability of listening, speaking and writing. 教学重点Ask and answer how to learn English教学难点Enable the students t

30、o use the sentences well in their life.教学准备some pictures, some cards, a tape recorder教学过程个人复备及动态修改Step 1: Warming Up1、Greeting.2Play a game: Ask and answerS1: When did you begin to learn English?S2: I began to learn English 3 years ago. How did you learn it?S3: I learned it in many ways. Did you do a good job?S4: Yes, I did a good job.Let someone introduce your English learning.Step 2: Presentation1. Show a set of cards of Ss learning. Point to the card and ask and answer in pairs with the sentences above.2. Finish the exercise P10. Fill in the timeta

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