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1、英语学士论文五四运动时期汉语和现代汉语中外来词之比较“五四运动”时期汉语和现代汉语中外来词之比较摘要 语言是一种社会现象,它随着社会的发展而发展。不同历史时期,语言呈现不同特点,外来词便是不同语言接触的历史见证。一种语言对另一种语言最简单的影响就是词的“借贷”。外来词正是这种文化交流和融合的产物。因此,可以从外来借词中窥见文化的方方面面,并通过词语借用方式来发掘沉积在一个民族心理结构中的深层内蕴。作为汉语新增词汇的来源之一,外来词在文化交流中起了举足轻重的作用,并影响到社会生活的各个方面。五四时期是外来词引入的一次高潮,同现代汉语中外来词相比,它们在引入领域、接受程度、传播方式、翻译及影响上有

2、诸多异同之处。通过五四时期和现代汉语中外来词之比较,及其语言特点,可以影射不同时期文化的交流情况及语言的文化沉淀。语言通过文字符号来表达思想的交流,它反映出世界的不断发展与变化,极富灵活性。作为语言最敏感、最活跃因素的词汇,则是观察社会生活变化的一个窗口,是反映社会生活的一面镜子。外来词的作用在于:一是吸收异文化、新概念,补充本民族语言自身,促进本民族社会及文化的发展;二是促进不同民族更方便的交流。外来词的吸收不仅有助于我们学习外国和其他民族的先进经验和技术,而且会大大地丰富汉语词汇的宝库。本文旨在探讨不同历史时期社会的发展对词汇的影响。关键词 外来词;汉语A comparison of th

3、e Chinese Loan Words in “May 4 Movement” Period and Modern TimesAbstract: Language is a social phenomenon, which is developing as the development of society. It demonstrates different characteristics in different periods, and loan words are the witness of historical contact of languages. The simples

4、t way of a language influencing another is borrowing. And loan words are the very result of culture contact and integration. So, we can find some cultural aspects through the words, and dig out the inner cultural psychology of a nation by the ways how words are borrowed. As a source of Chinese new w

5、ords, loan words play an important part in cultural communication and affect peoples daily lives. During “May 4 Movement” period, borrowed words come into Chinese in large numbers. Compared with the ones in modern times, they distinguish in the prevailing fields, acceptance degree, spread manner, tr

6、anslation and influence. Language is communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of written symbols, and it reflects constant changes happening in the world and among its people. It cannot be regulated and should not be legislated. As the most active and sensitive part in a language, voc

7、abulary is a mirror which reflects the variation of social lives. The effect of loan words lies in: on one hand, absorb foreign culture and new concepts to complete the national language itself, and to enhance the development of society and culture. On the other hand, promote the communication betwe

8、en different nations. The introduction of loan word not only help us learn advanced experience and technology from other countries and nations, but also enlarge Chinese vocabulary at the same time. This paper aims to discover the language trends in different times as society developing, which is ref

9、lected by the vocabulary accumulation. Key words: loan word, borrowed word, Chinese Contents1 Introduction12 Literature Review 23 Word Formation33.1 Definition of loan word33.2 Background of word borrowing in different times43.3 Factors that promote word borrowing73.4 Characteristics of loan word104

10、 Influence of Loan Word114.1 Historical significance 114.2 Fields where loan words start124.3 The acceptance of foreign word144.4 How English loan words culturally impact on Chinese in the new era155 Translation of Loan Words165.1 Standardization175.2 Translation patterns185.3 How are words exchange

11、d between English and Chinese 196 Language Development227 Conclusion 23Bibliography24Acknowledgements 25Appendix (Translation)261 IntroductionLoan words are words adopted by the speakers of one language from a different language (the source language). The history of loan words in Chinese can be divi

12、ded into three stages: loan words of ancient Chinese, loan words of modern Chinese and loan words of contemporary Chinese. Each has its own strong peculiarity due to the progress of Chinese and Chinese society.Language is a social phenomenon, which develops with the development of society. It demons

13、trates various characteristics in different times. And loan words are the witness of the language communication. One language affects another by borrowing broadly, and loan words are generated through this cultural contact and interaction. So, we can discover many aspects of society and cultural psy

14、chology of a nation. A comparison of the Chinese loan words in “May 4 Movement” Period and modern times helps to understand the language characteristics, cultural communication and vocabulary evolution. Loan words organized along a chronological-thematic framework. It will briefly reveal the early d

15、ays of translating American and British fiction and drama into Chinese, the social context in which these translations were done, the literary ideas which have affected the work of Chinese writers, and the social impact that translated works of literature and literary theory have had in various peri

16、ods of literature.Borrowing is a consequence of cultural contact between two language communities. Borrowing of words can go in both directions between the two languages in contact, but often there is an asymmetry when more words go from one side to the other. In this case, the source language commu

17、nity has some advantage of power, prestige or wealth, which makes the desirable and useful objects and ideas to the borrowing language community. The main reason for using borrowed words is that new elements are introduced from another culture, but there are no proper words in the receiving language

18、 to name it or explain it. Consequently, the new word is simply added with some variations.In retrospect, language is able to cleanse itself, with or without statutory regulation. Some words that sounded alien to most Chinese in the May 4th New Culture Movement in 1919 are the catch phrases of today

19、. They withstand the test of thriving or vanishing. Meanwhile, some words repeated day and night just decades ago could now only be found in the archives or history books.2 Literature ReviewThe subject of loan words has drawn attention and interest of many lexicology experts. They do research on thi

20、s topic from new viewpoint.Shi Youwei insists that language contact has two relative characteristics: the inequivalence in new contact of different nations is more prominent, and it plays more importance at present. There are three factors to affect the development of loan words: features of languag

21、e and culture, language policy and condition of foreign languages, and characteristics of politics and economics.” (1998.10)In New Formation of Chinese Loan-words and Their Regulations, Cai Mei writes: “In the past 20 years, esp. since the reform and opening to the outside of China, a large number o

22、f loan-words have been gradually brought into modern Chinese language. It is partly because of our rapid economic development and party because of advancement in science and technology all over the country. These newly-born loan-words vary in formation. Absorbing new words is not simple quotation, b

23、ut to alter according to pronunciation, meaning and forms to adapt to the rules of word formation in Chinese” (2003.9) In the paper On the Prevalence of Chinese Borrowings from English, Li Chengjun puts it in this way: “Through the analyzing of the basic models and features of English loan words in

24、Chinese, it finds the prevalence trends of loan words. The transliteration is arising while the free translation is lesser than before. It is in accordance with the regulations of language development” (2002.1)In My View on the Scope and Definition of Loan words, Song Yang holds that loan words are

25、the ones borrowed from foreign countries, affected by their culture, but also restricted by Chinese pronunciation, meaning and characters. The means of producing loan words include literal translation, free translation and a mixture of both sometimes. (2006.8)Wang Jinmei writes in her article The Ab

26、sorption of Loan Words and the Purity of Chinese, as new things and concepts enter China in large quantity and at a high speed, many people fear that the loan words will destroy the purity of Chinese. We should recognize that they enrich the vocabulary of Chinese, and respond actively to put the new

27、 words into useful application. (2006.5)In The History of Words Borrowing and Features, Wang Shujian holds the opinion that the penetration of words is inevitable as long as contact between languages exists. Whether one extends its range or the other borrows because of its own necessity, the process

28、 gives vitality to the language and brings convenience to communication. (2005.5)3 Word FormationA loan word can also be called a borrowing. The abstract noun borrowing refers to the process of speakers adopting words from a source language into their native language. Loan and borrowing are metaphor

29、s, because there is no literal lending process. There is no transfer from one language to another, and no returning words to the source language. The words simply come to be used by a speech community that speaks a different language from the one these words originated in.3.1 Definition of loan word

30、A loan word refers to a term that was borrowed from another language. Borrowing is a method for a language to add new words from other languages into its own system. That is, it “takes over words from other languages.”(George Yule, The Study of Language, p.65) In English, borrowing belongs to one of

31、 the processes of Derivational Morphology. A loan word is a word directly taken into one language from another with little or no translation. The calque or loan translation is a related process whereby the meaning or idiom that is borrowed rather than the lexical item itself.Those who first use the new word might use it at first only with speakers of the source language who kn

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