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1、课本218235页先英文后中文A. From Reading Materials1. Free Medical Careregistration 挂号费uremia 尿毒症 dialysis 透析 payroll 职工名册;发薪簿 on the payroll 被雇佣 designated/appointed hospital 指定医院 emergency treatment 急诊治疗 be affiliated to 隶属 staff and workers/workers and staff members 职工 handle patients 接待病人payment by bill 记账

2、home visits and delivery of medicine 送医送药上门health protection/care 保健disco for the elderly 老年迪斯科medical/physical examination; health checkup 体格检查make the rounds of 巡视hygiene 卫生学;卫生 sanitary standards 卫生标准2. Reform in the Free Medical Care Systemmalpractice 歪风state revenue 国家岁入/税收malnutrition 营养不良 vas

3、cular 血管的 clinical 临床的 prescription (医)药方,处方;处方的药 penicillin 青霉素 tetracycline 四环素kidney 肾efficacious 有效的;(药等)灵验的blood dialysis therapy 血透疗法transfer operation 移植手术diagnostic 诊断的nuclear magnetic resonance/image check 核磁共振成像检查mismanagement 管理不善establish relationship(with) 拉关系subsidy 补助金,津贴3. Traditiona

4、l Chinese Medicinetherapy 疗法organism 有机体build up the bodys resistance to disease 增强机体对疾病的抵抗力regularization 调整cardiovascular 心血管的cerebrovascular 脑血管的symptom 症状complementary 互补的antipathetic 格格不入的side effect 副作用remedy 药品;疗法;补救(法)convalescence 康复massage 按摩cupping glass 拔罐子alimentary diet 富有营养的食物radiothe

5、rapy 放(射)疗(法)cnemotherapy 化(学)疗(法)immune system 免疫系统skin complaints/disease 皮肤病have a stroke 中风,脑溢血4. Beijing Friendship Hospitalthoracic surgery 脑外科cranial surgery 脑外科anesthesia 【医】麻醉nuclear medicine 核医学medical worker(s)/personnel/staff public health worker医务人员refresher course 进修进程echelon 【军】梯队chro

6、nic bronchitis 慢性气管炎coronary thrombosis 冠状动脉血栓形成intantile pneunmonia 小儿肺炎B. From Exercises2. death toll 死亡人数3. Ministry of Health 卫生部to inoculate 给注射预防针against 给接种4. cerebral disease 脑疾病malignant tumor 恶性肿瘤immunity disease 免疫性疾病5. health care network 保健网patriotic public health campaign 爱国卫生运动pest 害虫

7、6. practitioner 开业医生to originate in 起始于to specialize in 专攻,专门研究bonesetting 正骨World Health Organization(WHO) 世界卫生组织Infant mortality 婴儿死亡率Immunization campaign 预防接种Respiratory disease 呼吸系统疾病C. Appendixes补充词汇与表达1. 一般用语In medicine and health work , put the stress on the rural areas把医疗卫生工作的重点放到农村去Heal th

8、e wounded , rescue the dying ,practice revolutionary humanitarianism救死扶伤,实行革命的人道主义To overcome the shortage of medicines 改变缺少医药的状况to put prevention first 预防为主Chinese medicine and pharmacology are a great treasurehouse ; efforts should be made to explore them and raise them to a higher level.中国医药学是一个伟

9、大的的宝库,应当努力发掘,加以提高。To combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine ; the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine中西医结合Therapy of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine; combined methods of treatment of traditional Chinese and Western medicine 中西医结合治疗To absorb the best o

10、f both traditional Chinese and western medicine and weed out the obsolete and worthless吸收中西医之精华,弃其糟粕To enjoy/receive/have free medicine care/treatment/service; to be eligible for free medical care/service/treatment 享受免费医疗To bring medical service and medicines to the patients homes to bring medical c

11、are right to the patients home 送医送药上门To go from house to house giving medical treatment to the patients 挨家逐户为患者治病To conduct/start/launch patriotic public health campaign 开展爱国卫生运动To get rid of/wipe out the 4 pests(mosquitoes, flies, rats and bed bugs) 除四害Personal health 个人卫生Public health 公共卫生To impro

12、ve environmental sanitation 改善环境卫生Sanitary inspection 卫生检查Popularize/spread knowledge of hygiene/hygienic knowledge 普及卫生知识Public health work 保健事业Health care network 保健网2. 医疗机构General hospital 综合医院Obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院Maternity/lying-in hospital 产科医院Stomatological hospital 口腔医院Tumor

13、 hospital 肿瘤医院Mental hospital/home 精神医院Health institution 保健机构Health center;medical station 医疗保健站Health center for women and children;maternity and child care center 妇幼保健站First-aid station 急救站Sanitation and anti-epidemic station 卫生防疫站Quarantine station 检疫站3. 医院部门、科室及医务人员、病人Dept . of internal medicin

14、e/ medical dept;internist ;physician 内科dept. of surgery/surgical dept.;surgeon 外科dept. of pediatrics;pediatrcian 小儿科dept. of obstetrics and gynecology; obstetrician;gynecologist;ob/gyn specialist 妇产科dept. of ophthalmology; ophthalmologist 眼科dept. of stomatology;stomatologist 口腔科dept. of dentistry/ d

15、ental dept.;dentist 牙科ENT (ear-nose-throat) dept.;ENT specialist 耳鼻喉科dept. of dermatology;dermatologist 皮肤科dept. of urology;urologist 泌尿科dept. of neurology;neurologist 神经科dept. of psychiatry;psychiatrist 精神病科dept. of orthopedics;orthopedist 骨科dept. of cardiology;cardiologist;heart specialist 心脏病科dep

16、t. of traditional Chinese medicine;doctor of traditional Chinese medicine 中医科health dept. 保健科 dept. of radiology/X-ray dept.;radiologist 放射科dept. of pathology;pathologist 病理科dept. of physical therapy 理疗科 pharmacy ;dispensary ;pharmacist ;druggist 药房laboratory;laboratory;technician 化验室blood bank 血库ou

17、t-patient dept ;out-patient 门诊部in-patient dept ;in-patient emergency case 住院部nursing dept 护理部admission office 住院处registration office 挂号处medical records divisionroom 病例处emergency unit 急诊部emergency room 急诊室consulting room 诊室waiting room 候诊室operation room theater 手术室ward 病房medical surgical ward;medical

18、 surgical patient 内科外科病房maternity ward 产科病房isolation ward 隔离室病房observation ward 观察室medical personnel staff worker 医务工作者directory 医院院长dept. head 主任doctor physician in charge 主治医生resident doctor 住院医生interne 实习医生head nurse 护士长patient 病人case 患者;病例emergency case 急诊病人 lying in woman 产妇 incidence 发病率 commo

19、n diseases 常见病 frequently occurring diseases 多发病 acute disease 急性病 chronic disease 慢性病 epidemic disease 流行病endemic disease 地方病occupational disease 职业病infectous disease 传染病空气contagious disease 传染病接触parasitic disease 寄生虫病lung trouble 肺病TB,tuberculosis 肺结核Infantilepneumonia 小儿肺炎chronicbronchitis 慢性 支气管

20、炎 Asthma 哮喘Kidney trouble 肾脏病Kidney stone 肾结石Liver trouble 肝病Hepatitis 肝炎Gall stone 肝结石Stomach trouble 胃病Gastric ulcer 胃溃疡Gastritis 胃炎Appenditis 阑尾炎Heart trouble;cardiac disease 心脏病High blood pressure;hy-pertension 高血压Low blood pressure;hy-pertension 低血压Arthritis 关节炎Rheumatic arthritis 风湿关节炎Gynecolo

21、gical disease 妇女病Miscarriage 流产自然的Abortion 流产人工的Skin disease;dermatosis 皮肤病Tumor 肿瘤Malignant 恶性Benign 良性Cancer 癌症Venereal disease 性病Aids Acquired Immunity Deficiencl Syndrome 艾滋病获得性免疫缺陷综合症Typhoid 伤寒Cholera 霍乱Influenza ; flu 流感Whooping cough;pertussis 百日咳Scarlet fever 猩红热Diphtheria 白喉Dysentery 痢疾Mala

22、ria 疟疾The plague 鼠疫Smallpox 天花Chicken-pox 水痘Measles 麻疹Infantile paralysis 小儿麻痹症Polio 脊髓灰质炎Snail fever ;schistosomiasis 血吸虫病Tetanus 破伤风Anemia 贫血Diabetes 糖尿病Cerebral hemorrhage 脑溢血Apoplexy ;stroke 中风Fracture 骨折Spur 骨刺Burns 烧伤Chilblain 冻疮Hemorrhoids ;piles 痔疮To have ones blood stool, urine, etc.tested

23、验血大、小便等Blood group /type AB ,A ,B ,O 血型Group O O型To take ones blood pressure 量血压X-ray examination; to be X-rayed X光检查To have an electro-cardiogram 做心电图General check-up 体检Laboratory report ;lab results 化验结果To diagnose ;diagnosis 诊断To write ort a prescription 开药方To be taken orally 内服For external appli

24、cation 外敷To be allergic to 对过敏To inoculate ;protective inoculation 预防注射To give /have an injection 打针To vaccinate ;vaccination 种牛痘Blood transfusion 输血Fluid infusion 输液Oxygen therapy 输氧To have an intravenous drip 打点滴To administer an I.V. 给某人点滴Radiotherapy 放疗Chemotherapy 化疗Physiotherapy 理疗Electrotherap

25、y ;electrical treatment 电疗Ultrasonic treatment 超声波疗法Course of treatment 疗程To be under therapy 做疗To take treatment 接受治疗To respond well to treatment 治疗见效To fail to respond to any medical treatment 治疗无效To perform an operation 施行手术Major /minor operation 大/小手术To operate on a patient for 给病人开刀To have /und

26、ergo an operation 接受手术(wound)to heal 愈合To recover without any after effect 病愈没有后遗症To recur ; recurrence of a disease ; to have a relapse (病)复发6、中医、中医疗法To suit the medicine to the illness ; to suit the remedy to the case 对症下药To expel pathogenetic factors and reinforce antipathogenetic qi 去邪扶正To feel

27、ones pulse 切脉Acupuncture and moxibustion 针灸Ear acupuncture 耳针( acupuncture ) points 穴位To give /have an acupuncture treatment ; to insert the needle 扎针Traditional Chinese breathing exercise ; breathing technique therapy 气功疗法7、药物1)tablet 西药Pill 药片Powder 药丸Capsule 药粉Capsule 胶囊Liquid medicine 药水Ointment

28、; paste 软膏Nasal drops 滴鼻剂Eye drop 滴眼剂Pain-killer 止痛剂Sedative 镇静剂Sleeping pill 安眠药Aspirin 阿斯匹林Sulfa drugs 磺胺类药物Antibiotic(s) 抗生素Vitamin 维生素Alcohol 酒精Contraceptive drugs 避孕药Oral contraceptive ; the pill 口服避孕药2)中药Herbal medicine 草药Herb soup ; medicinal broth ;decoction 汤剂Medicine to be taken after being mixed with boiling water/ wine , etc. 冲剂Pill 丸剂Medical ointment 药膏Plaster 膏药Home prescription 秘方Folk prescription ; traditional popular prescription 偏方Ginseng 人参American ginseng 西洋参Royal jelly 蜂王精Medicated wine 药酒

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