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1、中学英语课堂用语八百句二Part 3 教授英语技能一、听力课指导1. 不要只是听,而要带着目的听。 Dont just listen, listen with a reason.2. 准备好开始听了吗? Are you ready to listen ?3. 你们想再听一次吗? Do you want to listen once more?4. 只需要听,暂时别说话。 Just listen. Dont talk yet.5你们都能听清录音吗?Can all of you hear the tape clearly?6你们感觉音量如何? Do you think the volume is

2、OK?7现在我们一起听录音。 Now lets listen to the tape8你们将听到一段会话。What you will hear is a dialogue9听录音完成下列句子。 Listen to the tape and complete the following statements10你们将听一段文章,根据录音在正确的句子前面写上T,错误的写F。 You are going to hear a passageWrite a “T”in front of a statement if it is true andan“F”if it is false according

3、to the recording11听录音,完成书上第20页的图表。 Listen to the tape and complete the chart on Page 20 in your textbook12重复录音带上的话。 Repeat after the tape13. 下课的时候别忘记关掉电源。 Don“forget to turn off your power buttons when class is over.14. 大家跟着磁带一起读。 All together, after the tape.15.再试一次。 One more time.16. 你能再说一遍吗? Coul

4、d you say it again?二、语音课指导1. 听一听正确的发音。 Listen to the correct pronunciation.2. “跟读”对于提高你的发音非常有效。Shadowing is very good for improving your pronunciation.3. 你怎么念这个?How do you say this ?4当我读这些元音辅音的时候,注意听。 Listen to me carefully while I read these vowelsconsonants5双元音是两个元音合二为一的音,在同一个音节中一个接一个地发音。发双元音时,在由一

5、个音向另一个音滑动的过程中,口形要改变。A diphthong is two vowel sounds pronounced one after the other within the same syllableWhen you pronounce diphthongs,change the shape of your mouth as you move from one sound to another6这些是中元音,那些是后元音。These are central vowels and those are back vowels7注意下面摩擦音破擦音鼻辅音舌边音。 Pay attenti

6、on to the following frictionaffricatenasallateral consonants8区分下列的辅音,一个是清辅音,一个是浊辅音。 Distinguish the following consonant soundsOne is9音节是词的一部分,是英语节奏的基本单位。 A syllable is a part of a word and the basic unit of English rhythm10语调用来表达我们的情感和态度。它使听者更容易明白说话人试图表达什么意思。 Intonation is used to express our feelin

7、gs and attitudesIt will make a listener much easierto understand what a speaker is trying to convey11特别注意语流,别把单词连成一串读。 Pay special attention to the flowDont run words together12一般疑问句用升调读,特殊疑问句用降调读。A general question should be read in the rising tone,while a special question should be readin the fall

8、ing tone13朗读时,应该注意句子的重音、意群、停顿和连读。When you read,you should pay attention to sentence stress,sense group,pause and liaison14. 仔细听,然后你来试试。 Listen carefully and then you try.16.我先读一遍。 Ill read it first.17.请听好。 Listen carefully.18.请复述。 Repeat after me.19.请跟我读。 Read after me.三、口语课指导1. 要尽量多说。 Try to speak

9、as much as possible.2. 发言时尽量表达出你的感情。 Try to express your emotions when you speak.3. 请不要担心发音不够标准。You dont have to worry if your pronunciation is not good enough.4. 分组练习对话,我找同学表演。 Practice the dialogue in pairsIll get some students to act it out5让我们完成下列对话。 Lets finish the following dialogues6请根据下列话题发表

10、意见。 Please give your opinions on the following topics7用这些观点练习类似的对话。 Please use these opinions to practice similar conversation8用你的话描述一下这幅图片。Describe the picture in your own words9在下列主题中任选一个,准备一段五分钟的讲话。 Prepare yourself to speak for five minutes on any one of the following topics10根据下面提供的情景和你的搭档编排对话。

11、 Make up the dialogue with your partner according to the situation given below11给同学们讲讲你的旅游经历。 Tell the class about your travelling experience12先回答下列问题,然后把答案串成一个完整的故事。 Answer the following questions first and then piece together answers into a complete story13. 有没有别的表达方法? Is there any other way of sa

12、ying it?14.请使用英语。 Please speak in English.15. 这个用英语怎么说? What is it in English?16.大家一起说。 Lets speak it all together.17.请声音洪亮些。 Please speak out and clear.四、阅读课指导1. 长期坚持阅读很重要。 Reading steadily is important.2. 不要逐字逐句地翻译。 Dont translate word by word.3. 在阅读的同时请把要点划下来。Underline the main points while you r

13、ead along.4. 略过不理解的词语。Skip the words you dont know.5阅读能够扩大我们的词汇,拓展我们的视野。 Reading can enlarge our vocabulary and broaden our range of knowledge.6第一遍快速阅读, 然后在短文中每段的主题句下划线。 Read it fast the first time and then underline the topic sentence of each paragraph in the short passage.7根据问题将全篇迅速地看一遍。 Go over t

14、he whole passage quickly according to the questions.8. 要想提高阅读水平,就要有意识地提高阅读速度。To improve your reading comprehension,you should try consciously to increase your readingspeed9你可以通过上下文猜出词义。 You may guess the meaning of unknown words by using the context clues10阅读下面短文并回答有关问题。 Read the following passage a

15、nd then answer the questions on it11解释本文中下列单词的意思。 Explain the meaning of the following words in this article.12如果你学会从大意和思想概念上去阅读,那么你不仅读得更快,而且理解能力也会提高。 If you learn to read ideas and concepts,you will not only read faster,but your comprehension will improve13. 第一遍阅读要对短文有个整体印象,第二遍阅读要注意重要的细节,第三遍阅读要检查阅读

16、中的难点。The first reading is to get an overall impression of the passage,the second reading is to concentrate on the important details and the third reading is to check points that cause difficulty14通过阅读你可以学会大量的词汇,获取大量的信息。 You can learn lots of Vocabulary and gain a lot of information through extensive

17、 reading五、写作课指导1. 这里有一些写好文章的建议。 Here are some tips for good writing.2. 阅读他人的作品非常有助于写好文章。Reading other peoples work helps a lot to write good essays.3. 从下面主题中任选一个,写一篇八十字左右的文章。Write all essay of about 80 words on one of the following subjects.4. 首先,定好主题。 First of all, decide a topic.5根据下列题目写一篇记叙文。 Wri

18、te a descriptive essay on the following topic.6写一篇有关如何快速阅读的说明文。Write an expository essay explaining how to read fast.7用归纳法或演绎法写一篇议论文。Write an argumentative essay following the pattern of either inductive or deductive argument.8写一个有关介绍邀请感谢祝贺的便条。Write a note of introductioninvitationthankscongratulati

19、ons9. 我们应该学一些基本的写作技巧。 we should learn some basic writing skills10写作之前,你可以从网站下载一些资料作为参考。You may download some materials for your reference from websites before writing.11. 写作文之前应该先拟个提纲草稿。You should write an outlinedraft first before writing a composition.12. 写文章之前一定要将思路整理好。应该简明扼要,条理清晰。Be sure to orga

20、nize your thoughts well before you write an article. Writing should be simple and clear.13请注意用词的准确性。 Mind your accuracy of diction14. 不要忘了在末尾加上句号。 Dont forget to put a full stop at the end.六、翻译课指导1. 当你翻译句子时,应整体考虑这个句子的意思。when you translate a sentence, You should think about the meaning of the meaning

21、 of the whole sentence2. 不要逐字逐句把它从汉语翻译过来。Dont translate it word for word and sentence from Chinese.3如何把这个句子译成汉语?How will you translate this sentence into Chinese?4. 这个词的汉语对应词是什么?What is the Chinese equivalent for this word?5你能为我们把这个短语译成英语吗?Could you put this phrase into English for us?6你帮我翻译一下好吗?Wou

22、ld you mind interpreting this for me?7请对照原文仔细译文。Please check the translation against the original carefully.8. 比较这篇文章的原文和译文。Compare the original and the translated version of this article9. 考虑一下整个句子的含义, 忠实的翻译非常重要。Think about the meaning of the whole sentenceA close translation is very important10. 请

23、把课文翻译成中文。 Please translate the text into Chinese.七、语法课指导1. 你能找出语法错误吗? Can you find a grammatical error?2. 这个动词搭配什么介词? Whats the preposition that goes with this verb?3. 用所给词语的正确形式填空。 Fill in the blank with the right form of the given word.4谓语动词必须与主语的人称和数保持一致。 The predicate verb must agree with its su

24、bject both in person and in number5把这些句子改成被动语态。 Put the sentences into the passive voice6形容词和副词有三个级别:原级、比较级和最高级。 There are three degrees of adjectives and adverbs,namely level degree,comparative degreeand superlative degree.7. 这个句子的语序是倒装的。 This sentence is in the inverted order8. 把直接引语变成间接引语。 Change

25、 the direct speech into the indirect speech9. 写出括号里动词的正确时态。 Write the verbs in brackets in their correct form10. 按照正确的顺序排列形容词。 Rearrange the adjectives in the correct order11. 将这个肯定句改为否定句或疑问句。 Change the affirmative sentence into a negative sentence or an interrogative sentence.12. 当不定式短语或动名词短语用作主语时

26、,谓语动词要用单数形式。When the infinitive phrase or gerund phrase is used as the subject,the predicate should be inthe singular form13. 现在分词具有主动意义,而过去分词具有被动意义。The present participle has an active meaning,while the past participle has a passive meaning.Part 4 活动指导一、做练习1. 试着做练习12. Try exercise 12.2. 我们做第1题到第5题。

27、 Lets do numbers 1 to 5.3. 第二部分不用做。 Leave out the second part.4. 做第3页上的练习六。Do Exercise 3 on Page 6.5. 让我们分组练习。 Lets practice in groups6. 我想让你们做练习三。 I want you to do Exercise 3 as well7. 你们可以把它视为热身练习。You can use it as warmingup exercise8. 让我们做一些替换练习。 Lets do some substitution drills.9. 回答前五个问题。 Answe

28、r the first five questions10把练习三全部完成。Do the whole of Exercise 311.一题隔一题回答。Answer every other question12. 让我们从头到尾把练习做完。Lets go through the exercise13. 让我们把全班分成四组,以便有充分的练习机会。 Lets divide our class into four groups in order to have sufficient practice14. 在下一页找答案。 Find the exercise on the next page.二、练习

29、要求1. 大家现在注意了。Everyone, attention please.2. 先做到这,都回到座位上。Stop where you are and come back to your seats.3. 你必须用钢笔写。You must use your pen to write4. 在练习本上做练习六。 Write Exercise 6 in your exercise books5要写得整齐。 Write it neatly6写出的字迹要清楚。.Write it out legibly.7做练习前把铅笔削好。Sharpen your pencil before you do your

30、 exercises8如果你的字迹不清楚,就得重写。If your writing is illegible,you will have t0 rewrite it9标出正确的答案。Mark the right answer10请勾出你所听到的句子。Circle the appropriate answer11圈出合适的答案。Tick the sentences you hear12. 正确的答案在括号里打勾,而错误的答案划叉。Give a tick for an affirmative response and a cross for the negative in the brackets13. 请做练习题。Do the exercise.三、测验通知1. 我们会有一个简单的测

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