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1、西班牙女佣正片译文西班牙女佣(正片译文) 1 00:00:31:03 00:00:33:18 To Dean of Admissions, Princeton University.致普林斯顿大学入学部主任.2 00:00:33:20 00:00:35:21 The most influential person in my life.我生命中最重要的人是.3 00:00:35:23 00:00:39:05 .is Mother Teresa, whose example helped me overcome the arrogance.格雷西电影制作公司特丽莎院长,她的良好榜样使我克服了自己

2、因在.4 00:00:39:07 00:00:43:08 which threatened after my 1,600 SAT score and National Merit Scholarship.学力评估考试(即美国的高考)获得1600分满分及全国优等奖学金而滋生的骄傲自满5 00:00:43:10 00:00:46:17 My influential person taught me the most important word Ive learned.生命中对我最重要的人教会了我一个字6 00:00:46:19 00:00:48:14 Aloha, which l.那就是欢迎(夏

3、威夷语)7 00:00:51:27 00:00:55:24 To the Dean of Admissions, Princeton University.致普林斯顿大学入学部主任.8 00:00:56:04 00:00:58:10 from Cristina Moreno.本人名叫克里斯蒂娜莫里诺9 00:00:59:09 00:01:03:30 Most influential person: My mother. No contest.我生命中最重要的人莫过于我的母亲,这是毫无疑问的10 00:01:06:05 00:01:09:07 I think I have been pointi

4、ng toward this essay.我想早在12年前.11 00:01:09:09 00:01:13:29 ever since the day, 12 years ago in Mexico, when my father left.当我父亲过世时,我已经开始构思今天这篇文章了12 00:01:19:10 00:01:22:05 Such was my mothers need to protect me.我母亲为了保护我.13 00:01:22:22 00:01:25:11 that she would not let me see her cry.总是不让我看到她哭泣14 00:0

5、1:28:27 00:01:30:01 The trick was.方法是.15 00:01:30:04 00:01:33:22 get over it as quickly and privately as possible.避开我偷偷尽快哭完16 00:01:49:03 00:01:51:19 Such was my need to protect her.导演:詹姆斯-L布鲁克斯而我为了保护她.17 00:01:51:21 00:01:54:21 that I never let on that I could hear her.总是装作没有听到她哭18 00:02:05:03 00:0

6、2:08:04 My mother kept us in Mexico as long as possible.主演:亚当桑德勒我母亲尽可能让我在墨西哥住久一点.19 00:02:08:06 00:02:11:06 to root me in all things Latin.以便让拉丁文化在我心中扎根20 00:02:11:21 00:02:15:23 Finally, she sensed our last opportunity for change.终于有一天,她觉得是时候改变我们的生活了21 00:02:17:02 00:02:19:03 We would leave for Ame

7、rica.我们决定要到美国来22 00:02:22:08 00:02:23:15 One tear.只能流一滴眼泪23 00:02:24:13 00:02:25:23 Just one.只能流一滴噢24 00:02:26:13 00:02:29:15 So make it a good one, she said.所以痛快地哭一滴吧25 00:02:41:03 00:02:43:16 She would be my Mexico.片名她就是我的整个墨西哥26 00:02:49:27 00:02:52:27 Because this admissions essay is open record

8、.主演:蒂亚李欧妮因为这篇入学申请论文是记录在案的.27 00:02:53:19 00:02:58:10 let me just say that our transportation into the United States was.帕兹薇格我只能说我们进入美国是.28 00:02:58:25 00:03:00:11 economy class.搭的二等舱位(实为偷渡)29 00:03:04:06 00:03:06:10 In order to raise me properly.克劳斯利特曼为了更好地那把我养育成人.30 00:03:06:14 00:03:11:04 my mothe

9、r needed as much of the security of her own culture as possible.我母亲想要将我安置在西班牙文化氛围浓厚的地方31 00:03:11:19 00:03:13:04 So we rolled through Texas.所以我们放弃了德州.32 00:03:14:10 00:03:15:29 just 34% Hispanic.因为那里只有34%的居民是西班牙裔.33 00:03:18:15 00:03:20:12 to Los Angeles.而来到了洛杉矶.34 00:03:20:24 00:03:23:05 48% Hispan

10、ic.因为那里48%居民是西班牙裔35 00:03:23:07 00:03:25:28 .Iook at the Detroit Pistons.看看底特律活塞队36 00:03:26:00 00:03:28:27 And your mothers saying, Get up! But, no, what of it?你妈当时说站起来看!但是你没站起来,为什么呢?37 00:03:28:29 00:03:31:15 You cant see them. Why? Cause youre being killed.因为站起来也看不到.为什么?因为你会被.38 00:03:31:17 00:03

11、:34:03 youre being strangled by the psychotic Raider fans.疯狂的快艇队球迷杀掉的39 00:03:34:05 00:03:37:21 What do you have in Oakland? You got a bunch of psychotic.那奥克兰队又怎样呢?还是一群疯子.40 00:03:37:24 00:03:40:25 A few minutes adrift in an alien environment.在这异国风情的洛杉矶辗转几分钟后.41 00:03:41:30 00:03:45:28 then we turne

12、d a corner, and we were right back home.在我们转了一个弯后,这里突然变得像故乡一样亲切42 00:03:57:04 00:04:00:15 My mothers favorite cousin, Monica, gave us shelter.我母亲最亲近的表妹莫妮卡收留了我们43 00:04:02:13 00:04:04:12 For the next six years.在接下来的6年里.44 00:04:04:14 00:04:07:24 neither of us ventured outside our new community.我们母女都没

13、有离开过这个新社区45 00:04:09:07 00:04:13:20 Mom worked two jobs, paying a total of $450 a week.妈妈做两份工作,周薪总共只有450美元.46 00:04:16:15 00:04:20:10 each of us doing everything we could to make things work.我们都尽量省吃俭用47 00:04:24:08 00:04:27:01 We were safe and happy.但我们都感到既安全又开心48 00:04:34:16 00:04:36:23 If only I c

14、ould have stayed six.要是我永远都是6岁就好了49 00:04:38:26 00:04:41:01 But I was blossoming.但我慢慢长大,变得婷婷玉立50 00:04:41:08 00:04:43:11 And during my very first dance.而当我第一次与男孩子跳舞.51 00:04:43:13 00:04:45:14 in the time it took a boys hand.第一次牵男孩子的手.52 00:04:45:17 00:04:48:09 to go from my back to my bottom.谁知他的手竟从

15、我的背摸到了我的屁股上.53 00:04:48:21 00:04:52:01 it was evident that she would have to leave her night job.母亲之后毅然辞掉了夜班工作.54 00:04:52:03 00:04:54:07 to keep a watchful eye on me.警惕地监视着我55 00:04:55:08 00:04:59:00 Within days, she was on her way to a job interview.不久,她就去面试一份工作56 00:04:59:22 00:05:03:14 She neede

16、d $450 from one job.她需要一份周薪450美元的工作57 00:05:04:04 00:05:07:24 And that meant, after all her time in America.而这意味着,她来美国以来.58 00:05:09:04 00:05:12:06 finally entering a foreign land.头一次离开西班牙裔社区59 00:05:18:07 00:05:19:10 Hello?你好?60 00:05:19:22 00:05:24:07 Yeah, hi. Were here for the interview with Mrs

17、. Clasky?嗯,你好.我们来参加克拉斯科太太的面试?61 00:05:24:10 00:05:26:20 Oh, great. You made it.好极了,你们很准时62 00:05:27:11 00:05:30:30 Come on in. The front doors open and were out back. Okay?请进.前门开着,我们在后院,你们进来好吗?63 00:05:31:02 00:05:32:25 And call me Deborah.黛博拉64 00:05:39:23 00:05:41:21 Holding out had helped though.

18、社会的历练总是有帮助的65 00:05:45:14 00:05:47:26 She was no longer intimidated.妈妈再也不怕迈出西班牙裔社区了66 00:05:50:15 00:05:53:19 Working for Anglos now posed no problems.为美国人服务也没什么了不起阿67 00:05:54:07 00:05:55:28 It would just be a job.不过是份工作罢了68 00:05:57:03 00:05:58:30 White America beckoned.美国白人在向我们招手了69 00:06:00:00 0

19、0:06:02:24 She stepped across the cultural divide.她终于迈出了消除文化隔离的第一步70 00:06:11:15 00:06:13:10 Gee whiz in heaven, are you okay?上帝阿,你没事吧?71 00:06:13:12 00:06:15:11 No. Dont worry, Im not mad.不,别担心,我不是72 00:06:15:13 00:06:19:28 Ive been looking for decoration to put up on the glass so people wouldnt wa

20、lk into it.我一直想在玻璃上贴点装饰,以防止人们撞到玻璃上73 00:06:20:01 00:06:23:15 Instead of taking what was in stock, which was awful, I special ordered.因为我家的装饰很难看,所以我才特别定做了一个.74 00:06:23:18 00:06:26:17 but Ill design something myself, which I shouldve done.我本想亲自设计,但我应该早点.75 00:06:26:19 00:06:28:28 What does that matte

21、r when your nose is bleeding?你鼻子都流血了,我说这些有什么用?76 00:06:28:30 00:06:31:11 - Shut up, Deborah. - Now you got it, Mom.-闭嘴,黛博拉 -你现在才明白阿,妈妈77 00:06:31:18 00:06:34:23 - Theres no ice pack, Bern! - So get anything frozen.-家里没冰袋! -那拿点冰吧78 00:06:44:18 00:06:47:04 Pressure! Just pressure!压着!压着!79 00:06:48:09

22、00:06:49:11 Take this.拿着80 00:06:53:22 00:06:57:11 Is it strange that I just gave you money? I just felt really badly.我这样给你钱是否很奇怪?我只是觉得很内疚81 00:06:58:10 00:06:59:19 Its okay.没什么82 00:07:05:19 00:07:07:12 Chum, knock it off!查姆,闭嘴!83 00:07:07:19 00:07:10:07 Im sorry about the way the place looks.真抱歉这里

23、看起来乱糟糟的84 00:07:10:09 00:07:13:04 Im hosting a fundraiser for the school tonight.因为我今晚要组织一个学校筹款晚会85 00:07:13:06 00:07:15:21 Its just a mess. Come sit right here.所以才这么乱.来坐下吧86 00:07:16:15 00:07:18:05 Here you go.来吧87 00:07:18:26 00:07:20:19 Yeah, just. Thats great.没错,这太好了88 00:07:20:21 00:07:22:23 Ju

24、st toss it.把它扔一边好了89 00:07:27:16 00:07:30:05 Shes my cousin.她是我表姐90 00:07:30:07 00:07:34:01 Shes been here for a while and she understands some, but doesnt really.她来美国已经有一段时间,但她能听懂一些,还不大会.91 00:07:34:03 00:07:36:29 speak English, but, anyway.说英语,所以,不管怎样.92 00:07:37:01 00:07:39:09 She lives in the ap

25、artment I manage and.她是住在我的公寓里.93 00:07:39:11 00:07:41:24 - So who am I interviewing? - Her.到底面试的是谁? -是她94 00:07:43:21 00:07:45:08 Youre gorgeous.你美极了95 00:07:50:10 00:07:54:08 She didnt mean it as a compliment. Its more of an accusation.她不是在称赞你,而是在忌妒你96 00:07:55:10 00:07:57:07 - Mother! - Go ahead.

26、-妈妈! -继续说吧97 00:07:59:01 00:08:02:07 Im sorry. This is my daughter, Bernie.很抱歉.这是我女儿,伯妮.98 00:08:02:10 00:08:05:16 - and my mother, Evelyn Wright. - Evelyn.-这是我母亲,依芙琳赖特 -叫我依芙琳99 00:08:09:12 00:08:12:11 - Do you want to come in out of the sun? - No, were fine.-你们要过来坐在阴凉的地方吗? -不用,没关系100 00:08:12:14 00

27、:08:14:28 You need some sunscreen? I got a 70 here.你要防晒油吗?我这有防晒指数70的101 00:08:17:00 00:08:18:05 She loves the sun.她很喜欢晒太阳102 00:08:18:07 00:08:21:05 Look, were wearing the same sweater. Thats good booga-booga.看我们穿的毛衣是一样的呢,的确很漂亮103 00:08:21:07 00:08:23:12 You want some lemonade, maybe?你想要柠檬水吗?104 00:

28、08:24:27 00:08:28:05 Lemonade, please? Would you like to take some? Both of you?要吗?你们两位要柠檬水吗?105 00:08:31:02 00:08:33:05 Okay, lets just talk.那好,我们开始聊聊吧106 00:08:34:25 00:08:39:10 I have two children. My husband is a top chef. Like that makes me something.我有两个孩子.我丈夫是位顶极厨师,我好像也妻凭夫贵似的107 00:08:39:13 0

29、0:08:43:04 - Anyway, he works nights, so. - Do you work?-反正,他上夜班,所以. -你工作吗?108 00:08:43:06 00:08:45:29 Yes. No. Not right now. Why? How do you know to ask that?是的,没有.现在没有.为什么这么问?109 00:08:46:01 00:08:48:01 Its okay. I can talk about it. I just.没问题,我可以回答.我只是.110 00:08:48:04 00:08:50:22 I ran a commer

30、cial design company until four months ago.我经营的商业设计公司.111 00:08:50:24 00:08:51:29 when it was downsized to zip.4个月前倒闭了112 00:08:52:01 00:08:54:29 - Now Im a full-time mom. Gulp! - Double gulp.-现在我是全职妈妈,真是欲哭无泪 -妈妈我也是阿113 00:08:56:00 00:08:59:03 I have two children. My son Georgie is nine, Bernie you k

31、now.我有两个孩子,我儿子乔治9岁,还有我女儿伯妮.114 00:08:59:05 00:09:01:24 and I like the house to be like me, you know.我想要我的房子像我一样.115 00:09:01:26 00:09:05:11 Im very loose and meticulous at the same time.我这人既散漫又细心116 00:09:05:13 00:09:07:23 Its all about first names and closeness here.这是由我的姓和狭隘的性格决定的117 00:09:07:25 00

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