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1、人教版初中英语九年级下册Unit12练习卷2021年人教版初中英语九年级下册Unit12练习卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1(题文)They_about eight hundred English words by the end of last termAwill learnBhad learntCare going to learnDhave learnt2I_all the exercises before my teacher collected the exercise booksAhave finishedBfinishedChad finishedDfinish3P

2、lease ask them_for the meeting next timeAnot be lateBto not be lateCdont to be lateDnot to be late4I waited for my friend for a long time at the bus station,but she didnt_at lastAshow upBlook upCthink upDcheer up5The boy likes to play tricks_the girlsSo they dont like himAwithBasCtoDon6This math pro

3、blem is as_as that oneI cant work it outAdifficultBmore difficultCmost difficultDthe most difficult7My parents_for fifteen yearsAmarriedBgot marriedChave marriedDhave been married8They ended up_about the story in ChineseAtalkBtalkingCto talkDtalked9Lisa decided_the swimming clubAjoinBjoiningCto join

4、Djoined10There were_many people on the bus that I couldnt get on the busAsoBsuchCveryDquite二、完型填空完形填空April 27 is a special day in BritainIts called Take Our Daughters to Work DayIt was 11 to Britain in 1994 from AmericaOn that day thousands of girls take a day 12 school and go with one of their pare

5、nts to their workplacesBy doing this,it can 13 girls more about the society where they liveNow the girls can have a close look at 14 their parents are doingThis may help them to be calmer when they have to choose a 15 Mary experienced a day of work at her mothers officeThis helped her 16 her mothers

6、 work betterShe said that this made her feel more confident about her futureSchools and many companies 17 the activitytooSome schools 18 make the day a necessary part of school lifeExperts think that girls with more selfconfidence are more likely to be 19 than common girls 20 parents can set good ex

7、amples both at work and at home for them,they will do better than othersTake Our Daughters to Work Day is surely a step in the right direction11Asent Bgiven Ccaught Dbrought12Aoff Bat Caway Dof13Atalk Bkeep Cteach Dmake14Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwhom15Aplace Bschool Cfriend Djob16Athank Bunderstand Cprai

8、se Dremember17Ahold Brefuse Cchoose Dsupport18Ajust Bnever Ceven Dever19Asuccessful Bpolite Cfriendly Dknowledgeable20ABecause BIf CWhile DThough三、阅读单选阅读理解While popular in the US,the April Fools Day tradition is even more popular in European countries,such as France and Great BritainAlthough the roo

9、ts of the traditional tricking are unclear,the French and the British both have their own stories about the origin of the celebrationOne story holds that the first April Fools Day was on April 1 of the year when the king of France introduced the new calendarThis new system placed the day that had fo

10、rmerly been the first day of a new year on April lMany people were not used to the new calendar and continued(继续)to celebrate New Years Day on what had become the first day of AprilThus,they became the first April FoolsOthers began to give funny gifts on the day to laugh at the fools who continued t

11、o celebrate the New Year on April 1An English story about the day,however,says that it began sometime during the 1200sAt the time,King John was in the habit of making roads out of the paths he most often walked alongThe people of one particular farm village were aware of thisToavoidhaving their gree

12、n grasslands and pastures(牧场)disturbed by one of the kings roads,they built a fence that prevented the king from walking through their countrysideThe king sent a group of messengers(使者)to inform the villagers that they must remove the fenceUpon hearing that the king was planning to do this,however,t

13、he villagers developed a plan of their ownWhen the kings messengers arrived,they were met by the villagers pretending to be madThe people just throw things and ran around wildlyThe messengers were surprised by this and reported to King John that these people were so mad that there was no necessity o

14、f punishing themSo,the villagers saved their farmland by tricking the kingIn Great Britain,tradition only allows April Fools tricks from midnight to noon on April lThose who try to play tricks in the afternoon become the fools themselves21Which country has the origin of the celebration of April Fool

15、s Day?AJapanBFranceCGreat BritainDBoth B and C22When was the first April Fools Day?AIt was on April lstBIt was on April 2ndCIt was on March lstDIt was on May lst23Why did French people become the first April Fools?ABecause they were stupidBBecause they were not used to the new calendar and continued

16、 to celebrate New Years Day on what had become the first day of AprilCBecause they were happy to become the first April FoolsDBecause they were given funny gifts on the day24The underlined word“avoid”probably means“_”in ChineseA加强B倡议C避免D建造25From the passage we can know that_AApril Fools Day is very

17、popular in Asian countriesBaccording to the English story,April Fools Day began sometime during the 1300sCaccording to the English story,King John of England was in the habit of making a buildingDaccording to the English story,the citizens of one particular farm village were against what the king di

18、dIn early November of 1503, during Christopher Columbus fourth and final trip to America, his ship was seriously damaged in a storm. Columbus and his men had to live on a small island for several months while they tried to repair their ship and return to Spain.At first, the local people on the islan

19、d were very kind to the European visitors, giving them all the food and clothes they needed to survive. However, as the months passed, the local people became more and more unhappy with their guests, who were tricking and stealing from them. Finally the locals decided to stop helping. Without food o

20、r any way to leave the island, Columbus group was soon in serious trouble.Luckily for Columbus, he had a book about the stars and planets on his ship. It described the movements of all the objects in the night sky. The book, written by a well-known German scientist, said there would be a total lunar

21、 eclipse (月食) on the evening of February 29, 1504 and how long it would last.Columbus worked out the difference in time between Germany and North America. He then had a meeting with the local leaders just before the eclipse would take place. In this meeting, Columbus told them his god was angry beca

22、use the local people were no longer giving food. So his god would take away the moon to punish them. At the moment Columbus finished talking, just as he had planned, the moon began disappearing.The local leaders grew frightened and quickly agreed to provide Columbus with food and anything else he wa

23、nted. But first, Columbus god had to return the moon. Columbus told them he would have to discuss the idea with his god on his ship. Knowing the moon would stay completely hidden for about 48 minutes, Columbus returned just before the moon began to reappear. From that day on, until they finally left

24、, Columbus and his men no longer had any trouble getting the food they needed.26At first, the local people helped Columbus and his men by_.Agiving them food Bbuilding a house for themCrepairing their ship Dproviding them with a book27The local people became angry because the Europeans_.Alooked very

25、different Bhad nothing to tradeCwere cheats and thieves Dwanted to take their land28What did Columbus do after returning to his ship on the night of the meeting?AHe discussed the problem with his god.BHe waited for the eclipse to finish.CHe read about the stars and planets.DHe told his men what happ

26、ened.29What can we learn about the Europeans from the passage?AThey all believed in god.BThey never returned to Spain.CThey admired the local people.DThey caused their own problems.参考答案1B【解析】根据by the end of last term可知是“到上个学期末的时候”,表示过去的过去,所以答案是B。2C【解析】从before my teacher collected可知时态应用过去完成时,故答案是C。3D

27、【解析】be late for意为“迟到”,ask sb(not)to do sth意为“让某人(不要)做某事”。句意:请让他们下次开会不要迟到。4A【解析】考查动词短语的用法。句意:我在公共汽车站等我朋友等了很长时间,但是她最终也没有露面。show up意为“出席,露面”,故选A。5D【解析】play tricks on sb是固定搭配,意为“捉弄某人”,故所缺的介词是on。6A【解析】asas之间要用形容词或副词的原级,故答案为A。7D【解析】由for fifteen years可知,要用延续性的have been married。8B【解析】end up后若跟动词,要用动名词形式。故答案

28、为B。9C【解析】decide to do sth表示“决定做某事”10A【解析】如果名词前有many修饰,则要用so。故答案为A。11D12A13C14B15D16B17D18C19A20B【分析】这篇文章主要讲述了在英国有一个特殊的节日,即父母带女孩子们去工作的节日。这样孩子们就能够了解自己居住的环境,更好地了解父母的工作,对以后自己选择工作和以后的人生都有一定的帮助。11句意:这个(习俗)是在1994年从美国带到英国的。A. sent送;B. given给;C. caught抓住;D. brought带来,引进。bring sthto表示“把某物带到”,主语与谓语动词是被动关系。故答案选

29、D。12句意:在这一天数以千计的女孩从学校放一天假。A. off离开;B. at 在;C. away离开;D. of的。take a day off表示“放一天假”,故答案选A。13句意:它可以教给女孩更多地了解她们生活的社会。A. talk谈话;B. keep保持;C. teach教。D. make使。由上下文可知“它能教给女孩们”,故答案选C。14句意:现在女孩们能近距离看到她们的父母正在做什么。A. which哪一个;B. what什么;C. that那个; D. whom谁。what作从句中的do的宾语,其他选项与文意不符。故答案为B。15句意:当她们不得不选择一份工作的时候这也许会帮

30、助她们更加镇静。A. place地方;B. school学校;C. friend朋友;D. job工作。由go with one of their parents to their work places可知女孩们是去父母工作的地方看,那就是和工作有关,此处表示这可以帮助她们选择工作时能更冷静,故答案选D。16句意:这帮助她更好地理解妈妈的工作。A. thank感谢;B. understand理解;C. praise表扬;D. remember记住。由She said that this made her feel more confident(自信)about her future可知此处表示这帮助她更理解她妈妈的工作,答案选B。17句意:学校与很多公司也很支持这项活动。A. hold持有;B. refuse拒绝;C. choose选择;D. support支持。由Some schools_make the day a necessary part of school life可知此处表示学校和许多公司也支持这个活动,故答案选D。18句意:一些学校甚至把这一天作为学校生活必要的一部分。A. jus仅仅;B. never从不;C. even甚至;D. ever曾经。结合语境可

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