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1、8AUnit4学案词组:1. 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth.2. 还活着stay alive3. 使某人或某物保持某种状态keep sb./sth. +adj e.g . keep him safe4. 不断做某事keep doing sth.5. 不断占用土地keep taking the land6. 继续做某事continue to do/doing sth.7. 长成grow into8. 看起来像一只白鼠look like a white mouse9. 野生动物wild animals10. 处于危险之中in danger11. 脱离危险out of

2、 danger12. 独立地/单独地on ones own=by oneself13. 一开始/起初at the very beginning14. 把某人带走/把某物拿走take sb./sth. away15. 关于.了解很多learn a lot about16. 海豚表演a dolphin show17. 生存地的丧失loss of living areas18. 用虎骨做药make medicine from tigers bones19. 动物皮做的衣服clothes made of animal fur20. 群居生活live in family groups21. 挣很多钱ma

3、ke a lot of money22. 一次/每次at a time23. 竹笋bamboo shoots 24. 尖尖的爪子sharp paws25. 在白天行动move around in the daytime26. 直立行走walk upright27. 迷路lose ones way=get lost28. 丧命lose ones life29. 走过雨林地区walk through the rainforest30. 穿在我身上很迷人look lovely on me31. 一天长达十四小时up to 14hours a day32. 在野外生存live in the wild3

4、3. 砍伐cut down34. 两整天two full days35. 踩/踏到上step on36. 采取行动/措施take action37. 砍树cut down trees38. 挣钱earn /make money句子1.八个月以后她不再是个小宝宝了。Eight months later, she was not a baby any more.2.她长成一只健康而年轻的熊猫。She grew into a healthy young giant panda and weighed 35kilograms.3.起初,她一天吃母乳多达14小时。At the very beginnin

5、g, she drank her mothers milk for up to 14hours a day.4.不幸的是,对于大熊猫来说在野外生存很困难。Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.5.如果猎人捉住了一只大熊猫,他们就会为了谋它的皮而杀了它。If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur.6.如果农民砍伐树木毁了森林,大熊猫就会无处居住。If farmers cut down trees and forests,

6、 giant pandas will have nowhere to live.7.熊猫妈妈常让宝宝独自呆两整天。Mothers often leave baby pandas for two full days on their own.8.鼓励农民从大熊猫自然保护区迁走。Encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves.9.如果我们什么事都不做,这样很快就不会再有大熊猫。If we do nothing, soon there will be no giant pandas in the world.10.我认为你不应该买动物皮做的衣服

7、。I dont think you should buy clothes made of animal fur.11.如果我不买的话,别人也会买。If I dont buy them, someone else will buy them.12.他们穿在我身上看起来很迷人。They look lovely on me.13.他们会以群居生活在一起捕猎。They will live in family groups and hunt together.14.因为他们的栖息地正在变成农田所以数量变的越来越少The number is getting smaller and smaller beca

8、use many of their living areas are becoming farmland.15.如果没有了竹笋和竹叶,熊猫将很难生存.Its difficult for giant panda to live without bamboo shoots and leaves.16.对于我们来说保护野生动物很重要。Its important for us to protect wild animals.17.走过这片雨林,沿途你会看见很多蛇。If you walk through the rainforest, you will see lots of snakes.18.如果农

9、民继续占用土地,野生动物将没有生存地了。If farmers keep taking farmland, wild animals will have nowhere to live.19.猎人可以通过卖象牙挣很多钱。Hunters can make a lot of money if they sell elephants tusks.20.因为大雪野生动物找不到足够的食物。The wild animals cannot find enough food because of the heavy snow.单词辨析:本单元易错单词:一、因词形变化引起的错误1. mouse (复数) -2.

10、monkey (复数) -3. wolf (复数) -4. kangaroo (复数) -5. begin(ing) -6. train (ing) -二、因词形相似引起的错误:1.weight 名词 weigh动词1)When Xi Wang was born, she _ (weigh) just 100 grams.2)The _ of hers was 100 grams when she was born. (weigh)2. live动词,居住, 做形容词是“活的,现场的 ” living 活着的,可做定语,可修饰人或物,放在名词前,强调“尚在人间,健在”alive “活着的”,与

11、死相对,做表语或后置定语 life 名词,生活(1)I _ in a wooden house with my parents.(2) I told myself to calm down since I was still _.(3) This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered _.(4) Their _ areas are becoming farmlands.(5). They are talking about the _ in the British school.3. loss 名词,丧失,失去lose动词,丧失,失去,丢失los

12、t形容词,丧失的,失去的,迷路的,迷失的1)The _ (lost) of living areas makes tigers nowhere to live.2)I _ my wallet yesterday. Now, I have found my _ wallet. (lose)3)The whole world mourned the _ of a great chairperson. They put down the flag half.because+句子 because of+单词/词组用because, because of填空1. He was ill_ he works

13、 for lots of days with little rest.2. We wont go out for a picnic _ the rain.3. I will go to Hong Kong by air_ it is fast.4. Sara cant go to school_ her family is poor.5. He loves her _ her kindness.grow into; killfor fur;; take away; survive in the wild; in danger选词填空1. Many hunters _

14、animals _ a few years ago2. I didnt know he my school bag. I spent much time looking for it.3. Eight months later, she _ a healthy young giant panda.4. If our friends are , we should help them.5. The animals are very brave and strong. So they can today.6. I like Ms Yang very much because she always

15、me _ be a good teacher.GrammarIf-clause(if从句)if条件状语从句的功能:用于谈论可能出现的情况。主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。主句结构如下:1.will/shall/be going to +V原形If it is fine tomorrow, we shall go to the country.If it doesnt rain tomorrow, he will climb the hill.2.主句谓语动词为want, hope, wish等e.g. I want to travel around the world if I have en

16、ough time.I hope you will come here earlier if it is sunny tomorrow.3.主句的谓语由may, must, can等情态动词构成。e.g. You may go fishing if you finish your homework on time.4.主句是祈使句。Put up your hands if you have any questions.注:1.如果介词短语在句中表示条件,则可以改为if引导的条件句。Without your help, we cant finish the task.=If you dont h

17、elp us, we cant finish the task.2.“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”这一并列结构表示条件意义。其中,祈使句相当于if引导的一个条件状语从句。Set your alarm clock, and you wont oversleep.=If you set your alarm clock, you wont oversleep.Take a taxi or youll miss your train.=If you dont take a taxi, youll miss your train.Exercises:用if连接句子1. You use your he

18、ad. You will find a way.2. Wild animals will die. They cant find enough food to eat.3. You may ask the teacher for help. You have any questions.选择1. Hurry up_ you will be late for school.A. or B. as C. if D. though2. _you stay in bed for another day, you will be better.A. Before B. If C. Until D. Wh

19、ich3. We will go out for trip if it_ tomorrow.A. will rain B. rain C. doesnt rain D. will not rain4. If I _enough money, I_ buy my mother a new bike.A. will have, buy B. have , will C. dont have, wont D. Both Band C5. He came to school late again this morning _ the heavy traffic.A. because B. since

20、C. if D. because of6. Tom didnt take part in the sports meeting _ his leg was hurt.A. because B. why C. if D. because of同义句1. Think hard and you will find a good way.2. Hurry up , or youll miss the early bus.3. He failed in the exam because of his carelessness.4. If it rains tomorrow, I wont go to t

21、he park.5. He didnt get to the airport on time because the rain was heavy.6. If you dont go to bed early, you will feel tired tomorrow.7. How heavy is the panda?汉译英1.如果她来的话,我将会给你打电话。2.如果我们不快点,我们开会将迟到。3.如果明天不下雨,他们就去动物园看老虎表演。4. 如果明天我有空,我将和我的朋友在网上聊天。中考链接1. Im waiting for my friend. _, Ill go shopping a

22、lone. 08年 重庆中考A. If she comes B. If she will comeC. If she doesnt come D. If she didnt come2. Mrs Black doesnt know if her American friend _ to Heilongjiang. If he _ here, she will meet him at the airport. 08年 鹤岗中考A. will come, comes B. will come, will come C. comes, will come 3. Wont you go to the

23、dinner tonight? - I will if I _. 08年 漳州中考A. Will be invited B. have invited C. am inviting D. am invited4. If I _, I will go to the sea arty this evening. 08 年 嘉兴中考A. invite B. invited C. will invite D. am invited(对划线部分提问)1. The fat man weighed about 150 kilograms.(对划线部分提问)2. They will come to our school in two weeks.3. The boy looks like a ball.4. They will kill it if they catch a giant panda.5. He didnt come to school yesterday because he was ill.6. I go to the cinema once a month.

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