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1、捷径英语备课教案unit4上Unit 4 Inspiring Others (1-2 periods) (Reading for learning)Step1 Warm up This section introduces the idea of inspiring other people through our actions. Students are given a number of scenarios to consider and compare.Teaching tips:Depending on the time you have available, you could u

2、se this as an individual comprehension task. If you have more time available you could allow more student discussion.1. Which of these situations do you find most inspiring?Rank them in order from the MOST inspiring to the LEAST inspiring and share your reasons with a partner.*I think the most inspi

3、ring one is2. Can you think of one example or two which you find inspiring?A poor man adopted many orphans and brought them up on his own.Step 2 Words and phrasesTeaching tips:1. Ask Ss to look at the words and explain the meanings to Ss.2. Play the audio again and tell Ss to repeat each word as the

4、y hear it.Step 3 Reading for learning This section starts with recognising time order. It then encourages students to think one approach to text organisation.1. Vocabulary and GrammarStudents look at word formation based on words from the text. They also practise using words related to the theme.The

5、 grammar focus revises the use of articles, focusing on the use of the articles a/an and the.2. Beyond the TextStudents react to quotes and stories.Teaching tips:1. Ask Ss to cover the text, look at the book and listen carefully. 2. Ask Ss to uncover the text. Play the tape again and tell Ss to foll

6、ow in their books.3. Check Ss answers to the question above.3.1 Ask Ss to read the text again. 3.2 Ask Ss to read questions.3.3 Give Ss time to work out the answers.3.4 Check answers.Step 4 Reading and Understanding In Reading and Understanding, Task 1 of identifying the time order also checks stude

7、nts understanding of the main points. Task 2 and Task 3 encourage students to summarise main ideas and to see connections between ideas within the text.Teaching tips:1. Ss should have a quick view without checking detailed understanding.2. Recognizing the time order (理解时间顺序)3. Ask Ss to find the ans

8、wers in the texts.4. Check the answers as a class.Step 5 Vocabulary Focus Step 6 Do the related tasksUnit 4 Inspiring Others(3-4 periods) (Reading for doing )Step 1 RevisionTeaching tips:1. Review what they have learnt in the last class by asking some questions and summarizing the key points and the

9、 difficult points.2. Check the homework assigned last time.3. Asking any questions from the students.Step 2 Warm up Teaching tips:Ask Ss to Look at the pictures. Tell a partner what you think are happening in these pictures.1. Ask Ss to discuss the questions in the task in pairs.2. Ask Ss to speak o

10、ut in pairs.Step 3 Reading for doing FLASH MOBS: Political Statement or Just Fun?1. Students read an article describing flash mobs.2. Students create their own flash mob.3.1 Teaching tips:1. Ask Ss to read the responses and underline keywords.2. Ask Ss to match each response to a problem in the text

11、. 3. Check the answers.Step 4 Words and phrases1. statement n.声明;陈述e.g. Weattachednosignificancetoherstatement.2. plastic adj. 塑料的e.g. Theplasticcoatingiseasy toapplyonanysurface.3. flash mob快闪运动;快闪族e.g. Some young peopleorganisedaflashmobinfront of the building today.Step 5 Exercises1. Do the relat

12、ed tasks to the passage.2. Show your response to a partner and discuss the questions.3.Select Ss to present their work.4.Check the answers.Unit 4 Inspiring Others (7-8 periods) (Audio/Video Lab)Step 1 RevisionTeaching tips:1. Review what they have learnt in the last class by asking some questions an

13、d summarizing the key points and the difficult points.2. Check the homework assigned last time.3. Asking any questions from the students.Step 2 Warm upTeaching tips:1. Students watch a video showing images of inspiring people and events:(1) listening for main ideas(2) students discuss who and what i

14、nspires them2. For each part of the video you might want to play it twice. Students might need more support with Task 4. With weaker classes, provide some phrases or sentences on the board to help them.3. Ask Ss to read the heading and look at the pictures.4. Ask Ss the question given and elicit ans

15、wers.Step3 Audio/Video labTeaching tips:Listening for the main ideas in a speech 1. Look at the pictures. What is happening in each one?Possible answers:In Picture B, it might inspire people to teach others and show them what they know.In Picture C, the person is caring for an elderly person. It mig

16、ht inspire people to look after their elders.2. Watch the video and complete the main ideas.3. Watch the video and complete the main ideas.4. Watch the video and tick the person who inspires others by doing the right thing.5. Watch the video again. Tick the person who inspires others by doing the ri

17、ght thing.Possible answersI agree with some of the advice, especially the first half.Possibly, I know I did when I was a team captain.I find my parents inspiring. They had very little and now they are quite successful.6. Listen to three speakers talking about the things they find inspiring and then match each thing to the speaker.Step 4 SpeakingTeaching tips:Ask Ss to work in groups of four and practice posting letters and parcels with the given information and the following useful expressions:

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