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新教材人教必修二Unit 1Reading for writing 课时练解析版.docx

1、新教材人教必修二Unit 1 Reading for writing 课时练解析版人教版2019高中英语必修2 Unit 1 Cultural HeritagePeriod 3 Reading for Writing(解析版)阅读理解37.5+七选五10+语法填空15+命题作文15 =77.5分,建议用时50分钟。一阅读理解(每题2.5分,共计37.5分)AThere are plenty of beaches in the world that are attractive for exactly the same reasons. Can you imagine having a swim

2、 with pigs, flamingos or even penguins?Pig Beach: Bahama!Nobody knows exactly how the pigs got to this remote island, but we can easily understand why they decided to stay: good temperature, clear water.The Pig island is located in Exuma. There are about 20 wild pigs and piglets that love the beach

3、and to swim. They also like to be caressed, fed, and entertained by the curious tourists!Akumal Beach: MexicoThe coast of Mexico is the chosen spot by many sea turtles as the perfect place to lay their eggs. Turtles are able to travel thousands of miles to make their nest year after year literally i

4、n the same place. At this beach you can swim with these prehistoric creatures, but theres a simple rule: you must keep a minimum distance of 3 meters. Dont forget that youre in their home and they shouldnt get stressed. Boulders Beach: South AfricaPenguin are funny animals.At the Boulders Beach, 42

5、km away from Cape Town in South Africa, there is a colony of African penguins that live in freedom and truly enjoy the water and rocks of this place. If you visit this beach, youll most likely be able to watch these animal closely. Monkey Beach: Koh Phi Phi,ThalandThis is an attractive beach by itse

6、lf, and it sums up points due to is unusual animals monkeys. On this beach, lives a colony of monkeys that will entertain you with their games and yes, watch out for the food and the bright objects, they have very long arms and are very fast!1. What will people see when they go to Pig Beach?A.They w

7、ill see monkeys that will entertain you with their games. B. They will see wild pigs and piglets that love the beach and to swim.C.They will see many sea turtles who are looking for places to lay eggs. D.They will see African penguins that live in freedom and enjoy the water. 【答案】B【解析】细节理解题,根据文中第一部分

8、提及:There are about 20 wild pigs and piglets that love the beach and to swim. 有大概20头喜欢沙滩和游泳的野猪及小猪。故答案为B。2.Which beach will you go if you are interested in Penguins?A.Pig Beach:Bahamas B.Akumal Beach: Mexico C.Boulders Beach: South Africa D.Monkey Beach: Koh PhiPhi, Thailand【答案】C【解析】细节理解题,根据文中提及:At th

9、e Boulders Beach, 42 km away from Cape Town in South Africa, there is a colony of African penguins that live in freedom and truly enjoy the water and rocks of this place.在离南非开普敦42公里的巨石海滩,有一群非洲企鹅自由生活,真正享受这个地方的水和岩石。故答案为C。3.Which is right according to the passage?A.When you swim at Pig Beach, you must

10、keep a minimum distance of 3 meters with pigs. B.When you go to Boulders Beach, you will find many penguins that come from Antarctica. C.When you swim at Akumal Beach, you must keep a minimum distance of 3 meters with turtles. D. When you go to Monkey Beach, you will find monkeys that have short arm

11、s and move fast.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题,文中提及“keep a minimum distance of 3 meters”是在Alkumal Beach上的turtles,故A选项排除;D选项排除,期中关于猴子的描述与原文不符;B选项排除,南非的企鹅来自非洲,并非南极洲Antarctica,故答案为C。BThe city of Angkor was the capital of the Khmer Empire from the 9th to the 15th centuries. It was founded on political and religious ide

12、as adapted from India, and the temples of Angkor were intended as a place of worship(敬拜)for the king.Angkor Wat was built by King Suryavarman II in the 12th century as a vast funerary(丧葬的) temple that would hold his remains, suggesting his permanent identity with Vishnu.During its six centuries as c

13、apital, Angkor went through many changes in architectural styles and in religion. The city of Angkor changed its god from the Hindu god Shiva to the Hindu god Vishnu, and finally to the Mahayana Buddhist goddess Avalokitesvara.By the late 13th century, the once uncontrolled pace of Angkors architect

14、ural pursuits(追求)had begun to die down, and a more limited type of religion was on the rise under the growing influence of Theravada BuddhismAt the same time, Angkor and the Khmer Empire were increasingly threatened and attacked by invading armies. By the 16th century, the golden age of Angkor was o

15、ver and many of the great temples began to gradually disappear into the jungle.From the 15th to 19th centuries,Theravada Buddhist monks cared for Angkor Wat, and it is thanks to them that the temple remains mostly safe and sound. Angkor Wat is one of the most important pilgrimage (朝圣) sites in South

16、eastern Asia. Angkor Wat is the best preserved example of Khmer architecture in Cambodia and is so grand in design that some rank it among the Seven Wonders of the World. It appears on the Cambodian national flag, a very rare example of a flag including an image of a building. 4.Angkor Wat was first

17、 built to_.A. worship the gods B.act as a pilgrimage site C. serve as the royal palace D. hold the remains of a king 【答案】D【解析】细节理解题,根据文中描述:Angkor Wat was built by King Suryavarman II in the 12th century as a vast funerary(丧葬的) temple that would hold his remains, suggesting his permanent identity wit

18、h Vishnu. 吴哥窟是苏利耶跋摩二世国王在12世纪建造的一个巨大的丧葬用的,存放他遗体的寺庙,表明他的毗湿奴的永久身份。故答案为D。5. Vishnu was the name of_. A. an Indian god B.a temple in Cambodia C.a king of the Khmer Empire D. a monk in ancient Cambodia【答案】【解析】细节理解题,根据文中第三段提及:The city of Angkor changed its god from the Hindu god Shiva to the Hindu god Vish

19、nu,故答案为A。6.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Angkor Wat is widely accepted as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. B. Theravada Buddhist monks had fought against the outside invaders. C. Angkor Wat has become a symbol of Cambodia. D. Angkor Wat is not so important as it used to be.【答案】C

20、【解析】判断推理题,A选项排除,原文叙述的是有些人认为是世界七大奇迹之一,并非被广泛认为是世界七大奇迹之一;B选项排除,并未提及;D选项排除,文中提及: Angkor Wat is the best preserved example of Khmer architecture in Cambodia and is so grand in design that吴哥窟是柬埔寨保存最完好的高棉建筑,其设计如此宏伟,被用在国旗上,说明吴哥窟依然很受重视;故答案为C。CMadagascar, an island nation off the southeastern coast of Africa,

21、 is home to some of the most unusual animals in the world. But many of these species may be in danger. Bushes and lowlying plants have started to take up too much space on the forest floor, providing fuel for wildfires. So scientists are considering using giant tortoises to help prevent the forest f

22、ires and thereby help the native wildlife in Madagascar.Why? Long ago, giant tortoises lived all over Madagascar. They ate up many plants that grew on the forest floor. They also spread the seeds of native trees keeping the ecosystem in check. But when humans settled on the island over 2,000 years a

23、go, hunting caused the giant tortoises native to the island to become extinct.Now, scientists plan to ship 300 close relatives of the extinct Madagascaran tortoises to the island. They hope that these tortoises will spread the seeds of native plants and chow down on the extra bushes just like their

24、relatives did long ago.To find the relatives, scientists studied the fossils (化石) of Madagascars extinct giant tortoises. They discovered that they were actually very similar to another group of giant tortoises that live on the Aldabra Atoll, a group of islands in the Indian Ocean. When the tortoise

25、s first arrive in Madagascar, they will live in an area closed off from the rest of the wildlife. There, researchers will watch the tortoises every move to see how they will react to the native plants. If all goes well, the tortoises will be released into the wild.Similar practice has been successfu

26、l in other places. Take the island of Rodrigues, located east of Madagascar, for example. Seven years ago, tortoises were brought there. Now they are spreading seeds and keeping the bushes from taking over. If the same thing works in Madagascar, the giant tortoises may be used to help out other fore

27、sts around the world.7The underlined phrase “chow down on” is the closest in meaning to “_”Awalk around Beat upCgo through Dlive with【答案】B【解析】词义猜测题。根据画线部分后面的“just like their relatives did long ago”和第二段中的“They ate up many plants that grew on the forest floor.”可知,“chow down on”在句中意为“吃光eat up”之意。8. How

28、 will researchers deal with the tortoises to be introduced to Madagascar?AThey will do an experiment with them.BThey will always keep them off the wildlife.CThey will make them adapt to native plants gradually.DThey will compare them with the extinct tortoises in Madagascar.【答案】A【解析】细节理解题,根据第四段内容可知,

29、在引进新的乌龟品种时,科学家们先要将它们关在一个特定的区域,观察它们是否适应当地的植物,如果一切顺利的话,再考虑将它们放到自然界中。也就是说,要先做一个实验,观察它们的反应。9. By mentioning the island of Rodrigues, the author tries to show _.Athe importance of the forestsBtortoises are widely spread all over the worldCit used to have the same problem as MadagascarDthe giant tortoises

30、 can bring hope to Madagascar【答案】D【解析】判断推理题,根据最后一段信息可推断出,作者介绍在Rodrigues岛上成功引进乌龟的例子,是想说明乌龟有望改善马达加斯加的环境。10. What is the best title for the text?ATortoises come to the rescue!BMadagascars native tortoises brought to life!CTroubles caused by too many bushesDThe relationship between tortoises and forests

31、【答案】A【解析】主旨大意题,第一段最后一句为本文主旨句。全文主要介绍岛国马达加斯加为防止森林火灾和保持生态平衡,考虑引进一种巨型龟。come to the rescue意为“前来营救”。DOn the night of November 14, 1978, a six-year-old Korean boy was flying to the United States. All he knew was that he was on a plane heading for somewhere. The plane landed at Kennedy International Airport

32、, where he was greeted by a family. This young boy was me.I have grown up in a town where there were few Asians, so I stuck out in the crowd. I made friends quickly and they treated me just like anyone else. You may ask if anyone made fun of my appearance. Well, of course, I mat that kind of person. I just shrugged it off.As an adopted child, I have something that others dont have. I have had the benefit of two f

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