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1、摩登家庭第6季第6集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语打印word版Look - in the hallway! 快看 走廊里Its a bird! Its a plane! 有只鸟 有架飞机Its super-out-of-breath. 真是超上气不接下气啊Happy Halloween to you, too. 也祝你万圣节快乐Im sorry. Im just - 对不起 我只是Im really nervous about this closing argument today. 我很担心今天的结辩陈词Is it because youve lost three cases in a r

2、ow? 是因为你已经连输三个案子了吗Whispering it doesnt make it any less painful. 这么小声说也不会减轻痛苦的- Sorry. - Okay. -抱歉 -好了No, its just that this case - 不是 是这个案子本身Its so hard to hold the jurys attention. 很难维持陪审团的注意力Well, do you want to run your argument by me? 你要跟我排练一遍你的陈词吗- Could I? - Sure. -可以吗 -当然Um, okay. 好Six years

3、 ago, Alger Equities 六年前 阿尔杰证券公司took investments 从市政养老基金from municipal pension funds and private investors 和个人投资者获得投资and funneled all of that into offshore - 然后将这些资金全部投向海外.And Ive already lost you. 你已经没在听我说了No. I was just thinking - because its Halloween, 不 我是在想今天正好是万圣节what if you wore these in the

4、courtroom? 你戴着这个出庭怎么样Show the jury Hey, Im playful. 向陪审团显示看 我这人很幽默Cam, Im an attorney, 小卡 我是律师not Bugs Bunny trying to hide on a train. 不是在火车上躲猫猫的兔八哥Im ready. 我准备好了Theres Waldo! 沃尔多来了I think Im gonna win the costume contest. 这次装扮服比赛我要赢了Hey, now, honey, its not important if you win. 亲爱的 赢不赢不重要Its jus

5、t for fun. Picture. 主要是好玩 来拍个照But its more fun if you win. 但如果赢了就更好玩了No offense, Daddy. 无意冒犯 小爸You know, Lilys been letting me know recently 莉莉最近一直在暗示我that shes feeling neglected. 她觉得被冷落了I think its because of all my football stuff. 应该是因为我一心扑在橄榄球上Thats why I went all out on her costume. 所以我这次卯足劲儿装扮她

6、Look how incredibly accurate it is. 你看是不是一模一样Where is that little guy? 那小家伙在哪儿呢Come on. Come to me. Come on. 快点 快出现 快点Here you - here you go. 在.在这儿No matter how long he stares at it, 无论他盯着沃尔多看多久读者要在一副混乱的图中找出主人公沃尔多 儿童读物寻找沃尔多Cam cannot find Waldo. 小卡就是找不到他Its crazy. 太不可思议了O-once, he pointed to a barbe

7、r pole, 有一次 他指着理发店外的旋转彩柱and we just gave it to him. 我们就让他以为他找对了Where is the little guy? 那小家伙在哪儿Hes right there. 就在这儿How do you find it so. 你是怎么这么快找到.Lets try these. 你试试这个Okay. 好了Boys, what do you think about my costume for tonight? 伙计们 你们觉得我今晚穿这身怎么样You look dynamite, honey. 看起来好极了 亲爱的Ay, thank you.

8、I am Princess Fiona. 谢谢 我是菲欧娜公主So does that make me a prince? 这样我要扮王子吗Do I have to keep track of a crown all night? 我得一整晚都扶着个王冠吗No, youre Shrek, the ogre. 不 你扮史瑞克 那头怪物You mean that big green thing? 你是说那个绿怪物吗Nah, I dont want to walk around all night 不 我才不想一整晚都戴着with an ugly rubber mask. 丑兮兮的橡胶面具No. Y

9、ou just need to paint your face green, 不用 你只要把脸涂成绿色and thats it. 就可以了You do this every time. 你每次都这样You go as a princess. I have to go as some freak. 你自己扮成公主 我就得扮成个怪物Youre beauty, Im the beast. 你当美女 我当野兽Youre Beyonce? Im.that guy. 你当碧昂斯 我就是.那谁Well, you never want to go shopping with me for costumes,

10、你又不跟我一起去买装扮服so I get what I want, 所以我想买什么就买什么and you are what comes with it. 你就得跟我配套Well, this year, Im getting my own costume, 今年 我要自己打扮一套and its gonna be tough and manly - 打扮得很健壮 充满男子汉气概maybe a cowboy or a construction worker. 比如牛仔或者建筑工人You know that 你知道thats what Mitch and Cam wore last year, rig

11、ht? 米奇和小卡去年就是那样穿的吧Damn it! I cut my finger! 该死 我切到我的手指了Happy Halloween. 万圣节快乐No, really - I cut myself. Look! 我是说真的 我切到手指了 你看That looks great. 很逼真啊Whatd you use to make the blood? 那血是用什么弄的A knife. Im actually hurt. 用刀 我真的受伤了Great production value, sweetheart. 水平很高嘛 亲爱的Im impressed. 了不起Cant believe I

12、ve got to go to work on Halloween. 难以置信万圣节我还得上班This blows! 真讨厌Dont worry.By the time you get home, 别担心 你回家的时候Dont worry.By the time you get home, 奇妙乐园AwesomeLand will be up and running. 奇妙乐园就已经投入运作了Claires busy with work this year, 克莱尔今年工作很忙so Im taking over the halloween duties. 所以由我来负责万圣节活动My them

13、e is AwesomeLand. 我的主题是奇妙乐园Which includes anything Phil finds awesome. 包含一切菲尔觉得很奇妙的东西Its a pretty big umbrella. 比如一把巨大的伞Big, pretty umbrellas - those are awesome. 巨大的美丽的伞 简直太奇妙了Claire loves blood and guts and gore, 克莱尔喜欢血 内脏啊 暴力什么的but who says Halloween has to be scary? 但谁说万圣节一定要这么吓人Everybody but yo

14、u. 除了你之外的所有人This is killing her. 这简直要让她气死了At least somethings dying. 至少有什么要死掉了Court is now in session. 现在开庭Counselor, are you ready to deliver closing arguments? 律师 准备好做结辩陈词了吗Yes, your honor. 是的 法官大人Well, lets get - 那就开始Wait. Where is Holly? 等等 奥利呢Sorry, your honor. My bus was late. 抱歉 法官大人 我的公交车晚了C

15、ounselor, proceed. 律师 开始吧O-okay. 好的Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, 各位陪审团成员the details of this case are - 这件案子的细节are complicated and technical, 复杂又充满专业术语but they have a, uh, a tragic and profound effect on the victims. 但是对受害者有悲惨又深远的影响Uh, the, um. 那个.pensions were squandered, lives were destroyed, 养

16、老金遭到滥用 生活被毁and careers, once so promising, 曾经很有前途的职业were now.ruined. 现在全完了So, because of this marriage, 因为这段婚姻youre basically third cousins with Shakira. 你基本上就是歌手夏奇拉的第三个表弟了I mean, we dont get the free tickets, 我们没法拿到免费的演唱会门票but its fun. 但很好玩Ay, dios mios. What is this? 天啊 这是什么Whats up, princess? Im

17、Prince Charming. 怎么了公主 我是白马王子I can see that. 我能看出来I got Joe a donkey costume, 我给乔准备了驴子装扮服and I got Stella cat ears. 给斯黛拉准备了猫耳I just hope she doesnt chase herself. 希望她不要追赶自己Ah, I get it - because shes a dog. 我懂 因为她是一只狗I also found out that Princess Fiona 我还发现菲奥娜公主is supposed to wear a tiara, so here

18、you go. 应该戴皇冠 所以给你They had a whole bucket full of em. 他们有一桶呢I love it. 我好喜欢Ay, and you look so handsome. 你看起来好帅Its like those pictures of you in the navy. 像是你当海军时拍的照片上的样子I have an idea. 我有个主意Why dont we put Joe down for a nap 不如我们让乔睡个午觉and then we go and take a nap, 然后我们也去休息会儿but not the one we slee

19、p - 但不是去睡.I got it. Im in. 我明白 我加入Okay. 好Okay. 奇妙乐园Hey. I thought you had a big meeting. 你今天不是要开重大会议吗I do, but I left my cellphone here. 是啊 但我把手机忘在家里了I need it to read at stoplights 我需要在红灯时用手机阅读so I dont think about stuff. 这样就不会乱想了Im sorry, but thats ridiculous. 抱歉 这太荒唐了Ohhh. Honey, I dont think tha

20、t fits. 亲爱的 这好像不大合适It fits in AwesomeLand. 在奇妙乐园里就很合适Its a magic hat. 这是魔法帽Im gonna have this bunny jumping out of it. 我会让这只兔子从里面跳出来You gonna put some blood on it, 你要在里面放点血吗maybe dangle an eyeball? 也许掉出一个眼球Who hurt you? 谁伤害了你啊Im kidding. 我开玩笑的I know its Jay and Dede. 我知道是杰和迪迪Anyway, I got to go get

21、my costume. 总之 我得去取装扮服了Oh, for gods sake. 看在老天的份上I kiss my mom hotter than that. 我亲我妈都比那有激情He does. I seen it. 是的 我见过Our new neighbors, 我们的新邻居medical-marijuana retailer Ronnie and his wife, Amber, 医用大麻零售商罗尼和他老婆安布尔moved in two months ago, and - 两个月前搬了过来Its been a week and a half. 才一周半啦Dear god. Reall

22、y? 天啊 真的吗Yeah. 是啊I dont get it. 我不明白Whats scary about a giant cupcake? 一个巨型纸杯蛋糕有什么吓人的Were not doing scary this year. 今年我们不玩吓人的Well, heads up - 提醒一下were doing crap-your-pants scary on account of the contest, 我们要举行吓出屎来的恐怖比赛so I just hope we dont offend you over here in candy land. 希望不会冒犯到糖果乐园的你们What c

23、ontest? 什么比赛Oh, its something we started in the old neighborhood. 这是我们在之前的社区组织的比赛If youre into it, you, uh, chip in 20 bucks, 如果你想加入 就交20块and scariest house on the street wins the pot. 街上最吓人的房子获得奖金大麻Not actual pot. 不是真的大麻啦Id have to see a prescription for that. 我需要处方才能给你拿Wait. Youre not a cop - 等等 你

24、不是警察.No, for the 12th time, Im not a cop. 我都说了12次了 我不是警察Well, you are not gonna offend me 你们的装饰with your little decorations. 不会冒犯到我Please know that this. is Phil. 要知道这一切都是菲尔搞的When Im in charge, its terrifying. 要我来负责 一切都会很可怕的Ill bet you give all the other soccer moms 我相信你会别着一个写着呸的胸针a good scare with

25、that pin that says Boo. 把别的孩奴妈妈吓一跳You are so lucky that I have to go to work today, 你真走运我今天要去上班or I would show you scary. 否则我会让你见识一下什么叫吓人I would win your little contest. 我会赢得你的小比赛You dont know what youre up against. 你不知道你的对手有多强大We dont let preggos or people with heart trouble 我们不会让孕妇或者有心脏病的人past our

26、 front gate. 经过我家大门Couple years ago, 几年前we scared a man Into the hospital almost to death. 我们吓得一个人进了医院 他差点吓死Well, since you got an excuse, princess, 既然你有借口 公主looks like my winning streak will carry on. 看来我的连胜纪录会保持Might even win at the old house, too. 也许我们家的老房子也能赢呢We left that place pretty scary. 那地方

27、挺吓人的Im meeting a friend for coffee. 我要去跟一个朋友喝咖啡No, youre not. No. 不行Youre helping me take this all down. 你要帮我把这些都弄倒Everything goes. 全都拿开Everything except the bunny. 除了兔子I have plans for the bunny. 我对兔子有安排Okay! On three, say Argh! 好了 数到三 说啊- Argh One, two, three! - Argh Argh! -一 二 三 -啊Oh, thats great

28、. 太棒了Thank you. And how are you two related? 谢谢 你俩是什么关系Uh, you know what - gay or straight, 知道吗 不管是异性恋还是同性恋theres no wrong way to make a family, so. 都可以组建家庭 所以.Okay, down, girl. 好了 别激动I meant, how are your costumes related? 我是说 你俩扮演的角色有什么关系Its a parent/child costume contest. 这是亲子装扮服比赛It is? 是吗It was

29、 all clearly stated on the flier. 传单上都写得清清楚楚了There was a flier? 还有传单吗I gave it to you, daddy! 我给你看了 大爸I knew your costume was all wrong! 我就知道你的装扮服都搞错了O-okay, hey, dont panic. 好吧 别慌张Theres plenty of time before the parade. 游行之前还有很多时间Is there another character in Wheres Waldo? 寻找沃尔多里面还有什么人物Wizard Whit

30、ebeard. 白胡子巫师Okay! Well, thatll be fun! 那就扮这个了 会很有意思的I havent gone out with a Whitebeard 我上次跟白胡子一起出去玩since I took my cousin Sally to the prom. 还是带我表妹莎莉去舞会的时候All right, Ill be back as soon as I can. 好了 我尽快回来Lily, explain daddys joke. 莉莉 解释一下大爸的梗I loved having hair, and I knew how to use it. 我喜欢有头发 我知

31、道怎么物尽其用Id walk up to a pretty girl 我可以走到美女面前and run my hand through my hair. 捋一下头发Score a touchdown, whip the helmet off, 停下摩托车 摘掉头盔run my hand through my hair. 捋一下头发People say clothes make the man, 有人说人靠衣装but that makes no sense. 其实根本不是这回事What makes the man is a nice head of hair. 男人的精髓在于一头浓密的靓发Damn it! Its like a phantom limb! 该死 感觉好像我的头发还在一样Damn it! Its lik

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