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1、外研社二下英语M7备课 二 年级 英语 学科课时备课课题Module 7 Unit 1 Its Childrens Day today.课时1教学设计人夏菊白教学目标重点难点知识与技能1. 了解六一儿童节的由来。2. 能够理解课文内容,并能跟录音朗读。3. 会跟唱歌曲 “Its Childrens Day .” 并理解歌曲大意。能正确认读并理解单词:some , say , poem , dragon , play , class.过程与方法Be able to understand and repeat the dialog Talking about Childrens Day with

2、friends.情感与态度谈论孩子们自己的六一儿童节培养学生乐于观察,在生活中运用英语。课前准备(师、生)教师:Computer ,Tape(recorder) Cards学生:Book, AB课件有( )无( )教 学 过 程教学环节设计意图教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备注Warm upReviewPresentationPractiseConsolidationSum upReview the knowledge we have learned.Show the new knowledge through this dialogCheck the Ss if it can use the

3、knowledge we have learned.Consolidate the knowledge they have learned today.Sum up the key points.Step 1 Warm-up Greeting.T: Good morning, children.Step 2 Presentation Describe the pictures.T: You did a good job .Watch TV, please. Lets describe some pictures. What are he/she/they doing?Teach : say-s

4、aying poem Check up in line .Theyre doing a play.Teach : say - play 话剧、小品Theyre doing a dragon dance.Teach: dragon dance Check up in pairs.Review the new phrases.T: Can you remember the new phrases? Now Lets check.doing a play , saying a poem , doing a dragon dance , singing a song .Listen and under

5、stand the text.T: Well, children. Do you like singing a song?Ss: Yes.T: Oh, look at these children. They like singing, too. Now, listen, why are they singing the song?Read after the teacher.T: When is Childrens Day?Ss: 6月1日.T: Yes, its on June 1st. This is your festival. Are you happy?Ss: Yes.T: The

6、re are some children. They are very happy on Childrens Day. So theyre having a party. Lets watch TV. Who are they?Ss watch TV.Answer: Xiaohu / Daming / Lingling / Sam / Amy / Children from Class 2.T: Xiaohu is a reporter. Hes from School TV. Now read after me: from. Who can read it?S: from.T: Follow

7、 her/him.T: Hes from School TV. Hes reporting what the children are doing. Listen and tick. T: Now lets listen to this report. Take out this piece of paper. Look at the form, listen and tick .a. Listen and tick.doing a playsinging a songsaying a poemdancingdoing a dragon danceDamingLinglingSamAmyChi

8、ldren from Class 2 b. Discuss in fours.T: Have you finished it? Now discuss it in groups and try to answer: what are they doing? c. Check and answer. a. Daming is doing a play with some children. b. Lingling is singing a song. c. Sam is saying a poem.d. Amy is dancing. e. Children from Class 2 are d

9、oing a dragon dance.Sum up.T: Well done! Look at the blackboard. Please Follow me, Its Childrens Day today. Im Xiaohu from School TV. Daming is doing a play with some children. Lingling is singing a song. Sam is saying a poem. Amy is dancing. Theyre doing a dragon dance. Are the children happy?T: Gr

10、eat. Close your books and look at the screen. We know Xiaohu is a reporter. I want to be a reporter .Do you want to be a reportor ?Ss: Yes.T: Now listen, Im Miss Xue from School TV. Daming is doing a play with some children. Who can try?S: Im * from School TV. T: Now lets be reporters. Change your n

11、ame here.Step 3 Practice Look and say.T: Oh! Youre good reporters. You reported on Childrens Day .Can you have a report on Mothers Day?Ss: Yes.T: Look! Its Mothers Day. What are they doing? Talk about it in groups. 2. Talk about the festivals.T: I have a question. June 1st is Childrens Day. Describe

12、 the pictures.T: Just now, we talked about some festivals. Look, what festival is it?Ss: Its Childrens Day.T: Oh, theyre your classmates. Yes? T: Well, I think youre very happy on Childrens Day .This year Childrens Day is coming. Lets sing a song for it. Ok?Step 4 SummaryThe good Ss:Ss: Good morning

13、, Ms Xia .Say and do the action.T: Ok, follow me. Say and do the action.drawing a picture / writing /making a card / playing the flute / playing the drums / singing a song / dancing The good Ss:Ss: Shes playing the flute.Hes saying a poem.Listen to the tape.Ss read the words when teacher show bomb s

14、top reading.The good Ss:Listen and point.Ss listen to music and answer: Its Childrens day.The good Ss:Listen and say.Ss: Childrens Day. The good Ss:Ss listen and point . Answer : What are the children doing? The good Ss:What are they doing? Can you introduce them? You can be a reporter. Its Children

15、s Day. Im * from Class 1. * is . . Practice in pairs.S: * is singing a song. * is dancing.Sing a song.The good Ss:Read the story.a. T: Yeah. The children are very happy. b. Because its Childrens Day today. c. Xiaohu is happy, too. d. 那么让我们用快乐的语气读一读小虎的话. OK?Ss: Ok.T: Now open your books and turn to p

16、age 26. Listen, point and repeat.Ss repeat.b. Read the story by yourselves. c. T: Who wants read the story? Picture 1.To be a reporter.The good Ss:When is Mothers Day? S: 5月的第二个星期日.5月的第二个星期日Its Mothers Day .6月的第三个星期日 Its Fathers Day .9月10日 Its Teachers Day . 10月1日 Its National Day . 12月25日 Its Chris

17、tmas Day . 1月1日 Its New Year . S-s Choose one of them, talk about it in groups. 作业设计【1】每天作业计划使用( 10 )分钟,作业设计内容如下:A.基础作业:1. Listen to the tape and repeat .2.唱P29的歌曲,并加上动作。B.拓展作业:和朋友说一说Childrens Day(英语)【2】作业反馈情况:A.达标情况: B.需关注的学生: C.需要在 上进行巩固练习 板书设计Module 7 Unit 1 Its Childrens Day today.singing a song

18、doing a play doing a dragon dance saying a poemdancing课后反思亮点采集:存在问题: 二 年级 英语 学科课时备课课题Module 7 Unit 1 Its Childrens Day today.singing a song课时2教学设计人夏菊白教学目标重点难点知识与技能1. 能够熟练朗读课文,并能做听力、回答相关问题等练习2. 能根据课文进行听力练习。3、能看图说句型。过程与方法Be able to understand and repeat the dialog Talking about Childrens Day with frie

19、nds.情感与态度谈论孩子们自己的六一儿童节培养学生乐于观察,在生活中运用英语。课前准备(师、生)教师:Computer ,Tape(recorder) Cards学生:Book, AB课件有( )无( )教 学 过 程教学环节设计意图教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备注Warm upPresentationPractiseConsolidationReview the knowledge we have learned.Consolidate the base knowledgeShow the new knowledge through this story.Check the Ss whet

20、her can use the knowledge.Step 1 Warm-upSing a song. “Its Childrens Day.”Review the phrases.Do a play, sing a song, say a poem, dance, do a dragon dance Have a free talk.T: What are you doing?T: What is she doing?Step 2 PresentationListen and answer.What is Daming doing?Daming is doing a play with s

21、ome children.What are the Children from Class 2 doing?Listen,point and repeat.Listen and choose the correct picture.The teacher reads sentences and the Ss choose the picture.Listen and say. P27Listen and point.Listen,point and say.Step 3. Practice.1. Do the exercises on page26 of Activity Book.Look

22、and read.Listen and complete.Look and say.Look at the picture and say the sentences.Step 4. Summary.Sum up the key points and the key structures together.The good Ss:words review : 1)read the words 1 by 1 .2) read the words in pairs.The best Ss:S: Im doing a play.S: Shes doing a play.The good Ss:学生通

23、过看课件,初步感知课文内容,并由此引出本课词组短语。Ss: poemThe good Ss:Listen to the tape.The good Ss:Listen and point.The better Ss:Ss: Theyre doing a dragon dance.The good Ss:Ask and answerA: What is Lingling doing?Lingling is singing a song.What is Sam doing?Sam is saying a poem.What is Amy doing?Amy is dancing.作业设计【1】每天

24、作业计划使用( 15 )分钟,作业设计内容如下:A.基础作业:1. Listen to the tape and read.2. Talk about Childrens DayB.拓展作业:理解M7U1课文,要求可以用自己的话来复述这个小故事。【2】作业反馈情况:A.达标情况: B.需关注的学生: C.需要在 上进行巩固练习 板书设计Module 7Unit 1 Its Childrens Day today.Daming is doing a play with some children.Lingling is singing a song.课后反思亮点采集:存在问题: 二 年级 英语

25、学科课时备课课题Module 7 Unit 2 Were having a picnic.课时3教学设计人夏菊白教学目标重点难点知识与技能1. 学生能正确理解课文,并能做听力、回答相关问题等练习。2. 能熟练诵读课文。3. 能正确认读并理解单词:picnic , fly , sleep .会跟唱歌曲 “Its Childrens Day .” 并理解歌曲大意。过程与方法Be able to understand and repeat the dialog Talking about Childrens Day with friends.情感与态度能用所学的英语谈一谈六一儿童节课前准备(师、生)

26、教师:Computer ,Tape(recorder) Cards学生:Book, AB课件有( )无( )教 学 过 程教学环节设计意图教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备注Warm upPresentationPractiseConsolidationSum upReview the knowledge we have learned.Present new knowledge through this storyConsolidate the base knowledge through these activities.Consolidate the base sentence throug

27、h these activities.Aims to improve the Ss speaking abilities.Sum up the key points and the key structures.Step 1 Warm-up “What do you usually do on Sundays?”Have free talk.T: Hello.T: Whats he/she doing?Ss: He/Shes .Step 2 Presentation Words.Free talk.T: Look, what am I doing? (做睡觉姿势。)Ss: 睡觉/T: Yes,

28、 I am sleeping.Teach: sleep-sleeping-I am sleeping.VolunteersShow the picture.T: What are they doing?Ss: 野餐。T: Theyre having a picnic.Teach: picnic.Check up in line. Reading.Listen and judge. First listen.1). My father is flying a kite. ( )2). My mother is drinking. ( )3). My grandma is drawing a pi

29、cture. ( )4). I am sleeping. ( ) Listen again.5) Were having a picnic at the zoo with our family.( )6) The weather is sunny and warm. ( )Answer the questions. A. Listen and find the questions. The students listen and number. B. Answer. Read.1). Listen and repeat.2). Read after the teacher.3). Ss PK T.The Ss read and the teacher recites. Song.1). Listen.2). Point

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