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2、is a careful boy.(作定语,用形容词)He is careful.(作表语,用形容词)You must keep your eyes closed. (作宾语补足语,用形容词)。常见的使用副词的情况:修饰动词、形容词、副词和整个句子。He writes carefully. He walks slowly.(认真地写,慢慢地走,修饰动词用副词)This material is environmentally friendly.(修饰形容词用副词)He runs very slowly.(修饰副词slowly, 因此very是副词)Unfortunately, he lost a

3、ll of his money. (修饰整个句子用副词). 用括号内词的形容词或副词形式的适当形式填空, 并说明为什么用这种形式。1.This math problem is _ and I can work it out _.(easy)2.There was a _ wind last night, it blew _.(strong)3.The boys have a _ time, theyre playing _.(happy)4.The_ girl sings very _. (beautiful)5.“Ive missed it,” Robert said _. (angry)6

4、._(surprising), he returned safe and sound (安然无恙地) the next morning.7._ (hope), he can get on well with all his classmates in the new school.8._, he didnt fail in the exam.(luck)9.He was _ ill and I was _ sorry for that. (terrible)10.It was _ (extreme) cold that day and the meeting was _ (especial)

5、important.11.He is an _ singer and he sings _ well. (incredible). 选择括号内的形容词或副词填空。The hikers were walking (1.slow/slowly) up the mountain path. Suddenly, they saw a large creature above them. It looked very (2. strange/strangely), with a large head and thick black hair. The creature screamed (尖叫) (3.

6、 loud/loudly. )It sounded (4.horrible /horribly), like the scream of a mad person. Then the creature ran (5.quick/quickly) behind a rock. When the hikers got there, they saw big footprints in the snow and some black hair on the rocks. The hair was dirty and smelled (6. terrible/terribly). The hikers

7、 (7. careful /carefully) took photos. From that moment they started to feel (8.anxious/anxiously) and they slept (9.bad/badly) that night. When they got back home, they developed (冲洗) the photos. There was nothing there, only snow and rocks!. 单项选择。1.These oranges taste _. A. good B. wellC. to be goo

8、d D. to be well2.【2006上海春】Some experts think that language learning is much _ for children as their tongues are more flexible. A. easy B. easierC. easily D. more easily3.【2009福建】It seems that living green is _ easy and affordable. A small step makes a big difference. A. exactly B. fortunatelyC. surp

9、risingly D. hardly 4.What do you think of the plan? I feel _ that we ought to give it up at once.A. strong B. strongerC. strongly D. it strong5.【1993全国】She doesnt speak _ her friend, but her written work is excellent. A. as well as B. so often as C. so much as D. as good as6.【2004上海】He speaks Englis

10、h well indeed, but of course not _ a native speaker. A. as fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as D. much fluently than7.【2006湖南】Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way _ to the Home Circle Building. A. easy enough B. enough easyC. easily enough D. enough easily8.【2007 上海春】N

11、owadays the roles of husband and wife are not as _ defined as before, especially when both partners work and earn money for the family. A. clear B. clearerC. clearly D. more clearly9.【2007 浙江】Work gets done _ when people do it together, and the rewards are higher too. A. easily B. very easyC. more e

12、asily D. easier10.【2005上海春】What a nice fire you have in your fireplace!During the winter I like my house _.A. warmly and comfortably B. warm and comfortableC. warm and comfortablyD. warmly and comfortable11.【2007 上海春】Although the country has had political independence for over a century, _ it needs

13、the support of its neighbors. A. naturally B. economically C. especially D. luckily12._, the thief didnt take anything valuable but my notebook. A.Strange it is B. To be strange C. Strangely enough D. It was strange考点2.形容词也作状语,但表示主语所处的状态1.【2013上海】The judges gave no hint of what they thought, so I le

14、ft the room really _.A. to be worried B. to worryC. having worried D. worried2.The old hostess stood _ for a moment when she saw a beggar appear before her suddenly. A. surprising B. surprised C. surprisedly D. to surprise3.【2008北京】 After the long journey, the three of them went back home, _.A. hung

15、ry and tiredly B. hungry and tired C. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired4.【2009浙江】_ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai. A. To be tried B. TiredC. Tiring D. Being tired 考点3.以-ly结尾的未必都是副词下列单词以-ly结尾,但却是形容词而非副词:lively, lonely, lovely, deadly, friendly

16、, ugly, silly, likely, brotherly, timely等。考点4.下列几组词,词尾有无-ly都可作副词一些副词有副词原形和以-ly结尾两种形式。大多数情况下,不以-ly结尾表“具体”,以-ly结尾表“抽象”。1.close与closelyclose意思是“近”; closely 意思是“仔细地,密切地”。如:He is sitting close to me.Watch him closely.2.late 与latelylate意思是“晚”;lately意思是“最近”。如:What have you been doing lately?3.deep与deeplyde

17、ep意思是“深”,表示空间深度;deeply时常表示感情上的深度,“深深地”。如:He pushed the stick deep into the mud.Even Father was deeply moved by the film.4.high与highlyhigh表示空间高度;highly表示程度,相当于much。如:The plane was flying high.I think highly of your opinion.5.wide与widelywide表示空间宽度;widely意思是“广泛地”,“在许多地方”。如:He opened the door wide.Engli

18、sh is widely used in the world.6.free与freelyfree的意思是“免费的”;freely 的意思是“无限制地”。如:You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.You may speak freely; say what you like.5.【2002北京】It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother. A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing6.H

19、old the book _ please, for I cant see the words in it clearly.A. more closer B. more closely C. closely D. closer7.Although he was disabled when he was only ten years of age, yet he aimed _, for which his classmates spoke _ of him.A. high; high B. highly; highly C. highly; high D. high; highly第2讲-ed

20、形容词与-ing形容词-ed形容词,通常说明人,意为“(某人)感到”;-ing形容词通常说明事物,意为“(某事物)令人”或“令人的(事物)”。He has a frightened look on his face. 他脸上带有惊恐的神情。(他感到恐惧)He has a frightening look on his face. 他脸上带着令人恐惧的神情。excite 使人兴奋 excited 感到兴奋的 exciting 令人兴奋的surprise 使吃惊 surprised 感到吃惊的 surprising令人吃惊的amaze使惊奇 amazed 感到惊奇的 amazing令人惊奇的emb

21、arrass使窘迫 embarrassed感到窘迫的 embarrassing令人窘迫的frustrate使沮丧 frustrated 感到沮丧的 frustrating令人沮丧的interest使感兴趣 interested 感到有兴趣的 interesting令人感兴趣的thrill使兴奋 thrilled感到兴奋的 thrilling令人兴奋的terrify使恐惧 terrified感到恐惧的 terrifying令人恐惧的please使高兴 pleased 感到高兴的 pleasing令人高兴的satisfy使满意 satisfied感到满意的 satisfying令人满意的frigh

22、ten使害怕 frightened 感到害怕的 frightening令人害怕的tire使疲倦 tired 感到疲倦的 tiring 令人疲倦的bore使厌烦 bored 感到厌烦的 boring令人厌烦的relax使放松 relaxed 感到放松的 relaxing令人放松的fascinate使神魂颠倒fascinated感到神魂颠倒的 fascinating令人神魂颠倒的annoy使恼怒 annoyed感到恼怒的 annoying令人恼怒的move使感动 moved 感到感动的 moving令人感动的worry使忧虑 worried 感到忧虑的 worrying令人忧虑的confuse使困

23、惑 confused 感到困惑的 confusing令人困惑的touch使感动 touched感到感动的 touching令人感动的disappoint使失望 disappointed感到失望的 disappointing令人失望的shock使震惊 shocked感到震惊的 shocking令人震惊的puzzle使迷惑 puzzled感到迷惑的 puzzling令人迷惑的练 习. 用括号内所给动词的-ed形式或-ing形式填空。1.The children were _ after the trip. (tire)2.The trip was _. (tire)3.The _ children

24、 went to bed early after the trip. (tire)4.The _ trip lasted a whole day. (tire)5.The trip made the children _. (tire)6.The bad weather made the trip _. (tire)7.Toms parents are _ at his _ results of the exams. (disappoint)8._ and angry, he left the meeting-room. (disappoint)9.It is _ that he didnt

25、pass the examination. (disappoint)10.When hearing the _ news that Michael Jackson passed away, they were _ to look at each other. (surprise)11.He was _ about his _ son. (worry)12.Im not _ with his interpretation of this sentence. (satisfy)13.He was _ with the _ person. (annoy)14.A police car appeare

26、d on the road, the thief had a _ look on his face. (frighten)15.The situation here is _ and we are _. (encourage)16.I find the shopping very _. I get very _ in supermarkets. (bore)17.I am _ in science. I think its very _. (interest)18.I dont find basketball _. I only get _ when I watch football. (ex

27、cite)19.He said he was _ (please) with the progress of economy, but I found some of what he said was _ (worry). 单项选择。1.From his _ voice on the phone I know everything is going under way.A. satisfactory B. satisfying C. satisfied D. satisfaction2.【2002春】 Im very _ with my own cooking. It looks nice a

28、nd smells delicious.Mm, it does have a _ smell. A. pleasant; pleased B. pleased; pleased C. pleasant; pleasant D.pleased; pleasant3.【2003北京春】Mr. Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel.A. tired; boring B. tiring; boredC. tired; bored D. tiring; boring4.【2004重庆】Laws that punish parents for

29、their little childrens actions against the laws get parents _. A. worried B. to worriedC. worrying D. worry5.He had never spent a _ day.A. more worry B. most worrying C. more worrying D. more worried6.【2006安徽】Tom sounds very much _ in the job, but Im not sure whether he can manage it. A. interested B. interesting C. interestingly D. interestedly7.How did you find your visit to the museum?I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was _ than I expected.A. far more interesting B. even much interestedC. so more interesting D. a lot much interested8.Poor boy! His _ looks and _ hands sugge

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