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Unit 2 Book 4.docx

1、Unit 2 Book 4 综合英语课程教案课程名称 综合英语III 学 时 数 80 本章名称 Unit 2 Salvation 学 时 数 7 hours 授课对象 授课学期 2012-2013学年第1学期授课教研室 英语专业教研室 授课教师 王 婉 华 教研室意见 教研室主任签字: 年 月 日院系部意见院(系、部)签字: 年 月 日教务处意见教务处签字: 年 月 日Unit 2本章主要内容 (Teaching content):1) Text I Salvation and Text II Valuing Childhood2) Discourse analysis: Two kinds

2、 of narrations: factual events, stories. Analysis of autobiography3) Writing techniques: parallel constructions.教学目的及要求(Teaching aims):1) The students can have a good command of the words and useful expressions introduced in this unit;2) Writing ability of the students can be improved by analyzing v

3、arious kinds of narrations and the students are able to apply the writing techniques to write more effectively; The other three skills (reading, listening and speaking) can also be developed;3) Relative cultural knowledge can be expanded in the aspect of religion and the cross-cultural awareness of

4、the students can be aroused in order to improve their communicative ability.4) To cultivate students creativity and ability of logical thinking further.5) To improve students cross-cultural knowledge and awareness and cultivate their ability of logical thinking further by discussing religions or chi

5、ldren education.教学重点(Teaching main points):1) Full understanding of Text I by introducing the relative religious background.2) Reading comprehension of Text I and II;3) Language points presented in Text I and II;4) Types of narrations and writing techniques employed in Text I;5) Have a deep thought

6、about religions or child education.教学难点(Teaching difficulties):Language expressions with the religious implication.教学方法及手段(Teaching methods):Various teaching methods are employed, mainly including the communicative approach, task-based teaching method and grammar-translation method. Media technologi

7、cal devices are used as an important aid.教学时间(Teaching time):8 hours时间分配(Allotment of teaching time):1. 1 hours for Lead-in and reading comprehension of Text I;2. 2 hours for detailed study of Text I;3. 2 hours for rough understanding of Text II and workbook;4. 2 hours for theme-related discussion a

8、nd guided writing.教学过程(Teaching procedures):I. Lead-in (20)1. Rough introduction of religions will be given. The concept and definition of religions will be clarified and the origin of religions will be discussed. Referential answers will be provided. 1) Religion is Belief in the existence of a supe

9、rnatural ruling power, the creator and controller of the universe, who has given to man a spiritual nature which continues to exist after the death of the body. Religion is belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this belief, such as prayer or worship in a church or temple

10、. The word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with faith or belief system, but it is more than private belief and has a public aspect. Most religions have organized behaviors, congregations (gathering of people) for prayer, priestly hierarchies(organization with grades of authority from lowe

11、st to highest), holy places and scriptures(sacred book of a religion. e.g. the Bible经文). 2) Where does religion come from?Humans were weak and ignorant of the forces of nature that surrounded them. They were at the mercy of the these forces and therefore devised a scheme (think out ordered system) o

12、f gods and spirits to whom they could pray for support. Religion was developed by a few as a means of suppressing the masses. Believers say that God revealed religion and religious truths to human beings at some point in their development. 2. Major religions of the world will be introduced, mainly f

13、ocusing on the type of religion, its holy book, symbol and god worshipped, its followers and house of worship.3. A relative detailed introduction to Christianity.1) Introduction to Christianity. Christianity is the largest world religion at the moment. It has over 2 billion followers, who classify t

14、hemselves under 34,000 different denominations. Initially, Christianity was derived from Judaism, as Jesus Christ was a Jew, as were his twelve disciples. Christianity is based mainly around the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christians believe in the Bible being the word of God.Main

15、grouping of Christianity: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant.2) Beliefs and Principles:Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the anointed saviour of the world and that his presence on earth was the fulfillment of the prophesies made in the Old Testament about the Messiah who was to come and save human

16、ity from their sins. This was achieved for Christians, by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, whereby he defeated Satan and paid the price for all the sin in the world. The consequence of this is that anyone who accepts this belief is given eternal life and freedom from sin. Christians hold

17、that Jesus will return on Judgment Day to fulfill the rest of the Old Testament prophesies, to judge the living and the dead and establish Gods kingdom in the new creation. According to the Gospels, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem. Not much is said abo

18、ut Jesus childhood, but his last years on earth were heavily documented in the Gospels. Christians consider Jesus death, resurrection and ascension to be the most important doctrines in their faith. This is because Jesus shows his omnipotence over death and ultimately is the most convincing evidence

19、 for Christians that he is fully God. 3) Bible.The founder of Christianity is Jesus ( Christ). Bible is the Sacred / holy writings of Christianity.It has 2 main divisions: the old testament and the new testament. Old Testament(旧约全书): about God and the laws of God(39 books) New Testament(新约圣经): about

20、 the doctrine of Jesus Christ(27 Books) They are made up of series of books. The first book of the old Testament is Genesis. It describes the beginning of the world. We can find the story of Adam and Eva. Also in Chapter 5 to 9, there is story of Noahs ark. Its the model of the ark in which Noah and

21、 his family were saved from the Flood, with small animals and human figures.Genesis(起源): the origin of the Hebrews, the world and of man 4. Some terms related to Christianity1) Jesus Christ = Messaih (in Hebrew) The founder of Christianity; 2) trinity: The Christian doctrine of the Trinity teaches t

22、he unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead3) sin4) save: set from the power of or from the eternal punishment for sin.5)salvation: the state of having ones soul from sin and its consequences6) sheep, lamb: Believers in Christianity who are under Gods care and protection

23、.7)fold: Enclosure for sheep; the body of believers in the Christian religion8) priest, minister: A priest or priestess is a person having the authority or power to administer religious rites9) sermon, preacher: A talk usually based on Bible. In Christianity, a sermon is often delivered in a place o

24、f worship. Preacher is a term for someone who preaches sermons 10) congregation: A congregation is a large gathering of people, often for the purpose of worship11) revival: Series of meetings intended to produce an increase in interest in religion, or to stir up the religion firth among those who ha

25、ve been indifferent. They are usually with preaching and confession of sins.5. Related festival:Christmas, Good Friday; Holy Saturday; Easter; Ascension.II. Reading comprehension of Text ISalvation (40)1. To have a look at the introduction of the author and the features of narrative writing.2. To fi

26、gure out the organization of Text I based on some elements of narration.Question: Who were involved in the whole process of salvation? What did they do?The preacher: He preached a sermon, sang a song and encouraged the young to be savedOld people: they knelt around and prayedThe young people: they w

27、ent to the altar and were saved.Westley: He took Gods name in vain and lied and then got up and was savedAunt: She sobbed and told the minister the authors name.To figure out what happened in the story by answering the questions.1) Why did the childs aunt speak of the special meeting for days ahead?

28、Being a pious Christian, she had a deep respect and boundless love for God, hoping that God would bless and save her whole family. Now that there was an opportunity for the soul of her nephew to be saved, she couldnt help feeling excited. She was looking forward to the special meeting for children,

29、unable to hide her eagerness.2) What did his aunt say to the child about salvation and what effect did the description of salvation have on him?She told him that he could see and hear and feel Jesus in his soul when he was saved. Jesus would come to him and the child would see a light and feel diffe

30、rent inside. Being a child of twelve, he believed her and waited in great earnest for Jesus to come into his life.3) Why didnt the child rise and be saved sooner?He believed that many old people certainly knew better, that God would come into his life. He felt he had to wait patiently to see Jesus i

31、n spite of the heat, the crowd, and the earnest entreaties (earnest request 恳求) of some of the members of the congregation.4) Why did the boy get up at last?He could not resist the power to do what a great many people thought he should. He had to do what they expected of him and sit on the mourners

32、bench to be saved and say Jesus had come.He didnt want to hold everything up and wanted to save further trouble, so he was compelled to tell a lie.5) How would he react to religion and to what his aunt said from then on?He was greatly disappointed at that he was not really saved from sin as he expected eagerly and he had been deceived and forced to tell a lie. He could not and wouldnt believe in

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