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1、哈佛大学幸福课第九课中英文讲义哈佛大学幸福课第九课中英文讲义首先我想向进修学院的同学问声好So first I wanna say hi to extention school.每天都有350名学生观看讲座We have 350 students watching our lecture every day.我想向他们问声好So I wanna say hi to them.我想特别邀请进修学院的同学And actually I want to especially invite extention school及在座的各位来听谦逊的Taland everybody here to see o

2、ur very modest Tal- right?-他没告诉我们他上了60分钟时事杂志 但没关系he didnt tell us he was on 60 Minutes,but that is OK.但周六晚上But Saturday night,Tal将担任女子队Tal is going to be the honerary basketball coach荣誉篮球教练for the womens team,周六晚七点对抗Cornell大学队which- the game against Cornell on Saturday at 7 oclock,那是本赛季最重要的比赛which i

3、s the biggest game of the season.六点吗?周六晚六点 本赛季最重要的比赛Six? Six oclock on Saturday. The biggest game of the season.希望能见到在座的每一位We actually wanna see everyone of you here及进修学院的同学去观赛and everybody at the extention school at the game.进修学院的同学们 我有免费票给你们Extention students,Ill have free tickets for you.有一百张票Wel

4、l,most of you- a hundred of you.以示敬意So in honor of that,我们有可敬的同学和可敬的球队we have an honorary student and an honorary team which is,著名的Kathy Delaney-Smith 获奖的our very famous Kathy Delaney-Smith,award-winning,国内最著名的教练the most fabulous coach in a whole nation and.女子篮球队也在这里 上来our womens basketball team is

5、here! Come on now!这就是可敬的同学们 上来 她们害羞These are our honorary students. There you go. They are shy.来吧 上来 见见大家Alright,so come! Come and see them!我会和所有朋友和家人去观战And actually Ill be there with all my friends and families.Tal会在你们的手上签名And Tal will sign your hand.好 准备好了吗 好了Alright! Ready guys? (One player: Yeah

6、.)这是最重要的比赛This is the biggest game.她们是去年的长青藤联盟冠军These are the Ivy League Champs last year!好 把礼物扔出去吧 扔出去吧Alright. Give em a throw. Throw em out. Throw em out!扔 快扔 快扔Go! Go! Go! Lets go! Go! Go! Lets go! Hahaha.好的 谢谢你们Alright. Thank you.谢谢 周六见 祝你们好运 谢谢Thanks. Ill see you all on Saturday. Good luck. Th

7、anks.好 这不是我安排的 好啦OK. I didnt plan this,but. (Tal blows a whistle.) Alright.好的 身上还有别的东西吗?好Alright,do I have anything else? Oh. OK.谢谢你们 也感谢你们Thank you .And thank you.我们继续谈感激And we are going to continue talking about gratitude.那么.上次课结束时我讲到我的榜样So. Last time,I ended by talking about my role model-我的一个典范t

8、he person who to me exemplifies,比任何人都重要 一个真正的积极者more than anyone else what a true benefit finder is.当我谈到我的祖母时 我说.And when I told about my grandmother,I told the.我告诉你们她并不无视无益的东西I told you how she wasnt ignoring what wasnt working,她并不无视邪恶 坏的 生命中消极的东西she wasnt ignoring the evil,the bad,the negative in

9、her life.但同时 她也拒绝无视积极的东西However,the same time,she refused to ignore the positive.换言之 她坚持保持现实In other words,what she insisted on was staying real.现实地生活 与周遭保持联系Being real. Being connected to what was around her.当周遭充满邪恶的坏的东西And when it was evil and bad,她与之保持联系 与此同时she was connected to that and at the s

10、ame time,她也与好的东西保持联系she was also connected to the good.积极者不是盲目乐观的人Benefit finder is not about being a detached Pollyanna.区别很大 我们上次提出的问题Far from it. The question we asked last time-我想以感激结束今天的讲座and I want to end the lecture today on gratitude然后开始讲改变 第一是before we move on to change- was: one,为什么没有更多的积极者

11、?why are not more people benefit finders?为什么没有更多的人保持乐观?Why are more people not optimistic?大家看到研究 人们活得更长I mean,you saw the research. People live longer.更快乐 更健康 更成功They are happier,healthier,more successful.为什么不是人人都是积极者?Why isnt everyone a benefit finder?为什么我们不都是乐观主义者?Why arent we all optimists?如果它是有回

12、报的If it pays,用终极货币形式 以幸福来回报in both the ultimate currency- the currency of happiness也用硬货币来 以成功来回报?as well as in hard currency- success currency?为什么没有更多的积极者?Why are not more people benefit finders?问题的答案 在很大程度上And the answer to that was,to great extent,是因为媒体的原故because of the media.媒体正在放大 聚焦What we have

13、 in the media is magnifying,zooming in,放大消极的东西 使其最大化magnifying the negative,maximizing it,由它占据整个屏幕 整个版面having it take the entire screen,the entire page,同时最小化积极的东西while minimizing the positives.在很多方面 媒体把我们变成消极者And in many ways,the media makes fault finders out of us.而我们需要反击 如何反击?And we need to counte

14、r that. How do we counter that?宏观层面上可以收看好的新闻频道On the macro level,by having good news channels,for example.微观层面上可以培育富有启发性的艺术On the micro level,by having more inspiring art.艺术在历史进程中改变了世界Art throughout history has changed the world-不论是在黑暗年代whether it was during the dark ages,在向文艺复兴过度的时期at the transitio

15、n to the Renaissance,或者是在18和19世纪兴起的浪漫艺术家whether it was during 18th and 19th century with Romantic artists致力铺设通向自由之路and paving the road to freedom,亦或是上世纪三四十年代whether it was in mid 1930s and 40s with the Renaissance好莱坞的复兴 带给人们更多希望in many ways of Hollywood,bringing more hope to people.艺术扮演着非常重要的角色So ar

16、t plays a very important role,希望能继续如此and hopefully,will continue to do so.然后我们谈到大的层面 宏观层面So then we talked about the global level,the macro level.在微观层面上On the micro level,我们谈到不要坐等坏事发生we talked about not waiting for bad things to happen,不要等悲剧for tragedy,或等外界有事发生 我们才知感激for something external to happen

17、 for us to be grateful.因为我们感激 就其定义而言Because when we are grateful,by definition,就是不以某事为理所当然we dont take something for granted.我们还分享了有关感激的文章及研究And we shared the readings and the research on gratitude.做这个修习的关键The key,when doing it,when doing this exercise-正如我所说 我每天都在做and as I said,I do it every single

18、day.从1999年9月19日开始Ive done it since 19th of September,1999.每一天 都进行信仰修习Every single day. Religiously.修习的关键 不将此修习视为理所当然The key to doing it and not taking this exercise for granted是一直保持新鲜感is by maintaining freshness through-如果你想每周做一次if you want to do it once a week,每周一次用心去做its better to do it once a wee

19、k mindfully比每天去做并将之视为理所当然要好than doing it every day and taking it for granted.好的 做过了 但最理想的是每天做And OK check- did that. But ideally,you want to do it every day.因为每天去做才能养成习惯Because by doing it every day,thats when you form a habit.那样才能改变思维Thats when you transform your thinking.每天去做的话 关健是要有变化And if you d

20、o it every day,the key is to vary,每天思考不同的方向to think about different aspect every day,思考家人的不同方面to think about different aspects of your family如果你每天都给家人写信if you write family every day.一周讲述工作 下一周写家庭To write about work one week. To write about home the next week.每次都要用心Maintaining mindfulness,专注以前没有注意过的事

21、情focusing on things you didnt notice before,109发现新的特点 Ellen Langer如是说creating novel distinctions,as Ellen Langer would say.并在脑中想像And visualize-当你想到你的女或男朋友so when you are thinking about your girlfriend or boyfriend,书写感激之情时 在脑海中想像他们and writting your gratitude,visualize them.当你想到When you are thinking a

22、bout the meal刚在食堂吃过的一顿美味可口的饭时that you just had in your dinning hall which was delicious,想它 在脑海中想像 让它变得尽可能真实think about it. Visualize it. Make it as real as possible.孩子就是这样思考Thats how children think.所以孩子们每天都感觉新鲜And thats why children have this freshness on the day to day-他们不把任何东西视为理所当然 他们视生命为奇迹they d

23、ont take anything for granted. They see life as a miracle.爱默生曾经说过You know,Emerson once said,如果星星每千年闪烁一次if the stars would shine once in a thousand years,我们都会仰视赞美这个世界的美丽we would all look up and praise the glory of this world.但是因为它们每天都在闪烁 我们将之视为理所当然But because they shine every day,we take them for gra

24、nted.在孩子眼中不存在理所当然For children,that dosent exist.其中的一个原因And part of the reason why it dosent exist是因为他们不会自动地概念性地思考is that because they dont think automatically,conceptually.他们的思维是感知感性的They think more perceptually. Or sensually.他们和现实保持联系And they remain connected to the real.通过在脑海中想像 我们就能做到And we can d

25、o it simply by visualizing.这项杰出研究完成于这里This is a wonderful research done here,就在William James大楼的八楼William James Hall,8th floor.做到感激 及实现即将谈到的改变的关键The key to this,as to any change that well talk about-我们会用超过两次讲座专门谈改变we are going to devote more than two lectures to change today利用今天和下周整周as well as the wh

26、ole of next week-关键是去做 亲力亲为 没有捷径the key is to do it. To just do it. There are no short cuts.不是因为你们听了有关感激的讲座Its not because youve been through a lecture on gratitude你们理解and you understand,你们真正理解积极者的含义you really understand what a benefit finder means.那不会.That dosent.仅仅理解不会让你成为积极者That will not in and o

27、f itself make you a benefit finder.你需要去做 需要去经历You need to do it. You need to experience it.只有这样 经过一段时间And its only through that,that over time,over time,你才能开始越来越多地看到世界的积极方面youll begin to see more and more of the positive in the world才能反击当下禁锢着and counter the current schema大多数人的思维方式that most of us hav

28、e literally been imprisoned by,也就是消极者的思维the fault finder schema.William James在1890年William James in 1890,说过需要21天改变一个习惯said that it takes about 21 days to change a habit.可能有点过于乐观Its probably a little bit optimistic.可能需要更长时间 但不妨尝试21天May take a little bit longer. But try for 21 days.看会怎样 有些人See what ha

29、ppens. You know there are some people.我知道有些人已经在上次课后开始尝试I know some of you have already started this after last class.有些人立即见到益处Some people see the benefits immediatly当然益处可能会消失and then you know the benefits may go away.然后又在六个月后出现And then they see the benefits again six months later.但尝试一下 起码尝试21天或一个月Bu

30、t try. Try it for at least 21 days. At least a month.这也是你们下周的任务Next week is going to be your task作为每周任务的一部分as part of your weekly assignment.从今天开始 不要等 实现改变没有他法But start today. Dont wait. No other way to change. Because因为你所做的是一点点凿掉多余的石头what you are doing is gradually chipping away the excess stone.那多余的石头 那些强加给我们的限制That excess stone,that limitation that has been put on us例如通过周围的观念by the schema all around us,通过今早读到的新闻 大多数的交谈by the news that you read this morning,by most conversations,还有内心的审视internal conversations that go on以及外在的交谈等等as well as the external co

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