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1、五年级英语电子教案绥阳县枧坝镇黄枧小学(20152016学年度第一学期)学科: 英 语 年级: 五 年 级 教师: 高 素 琴 备课序号:第(1)节教学内容Lets learn, Lets find out课 型新授课课时安排1课时备课时间9月15日上课时间9月16日教学目标1、能听、说、认、读,并理解本课的五个新单词:young,heavy,old,funny,kind2、能掌握句型:Whosyour?Whatshe/shelike?能在具体的语境中运用.3、培养学生热爱、尊敬老师的情感。教学重点四会掌握五个单词。能运用句型Whosyour?Whatshe/shelike?教学难点四会掌握五

2、个单词。能运用句型Whosyour?Whatshe/shelike?教学准备recorder,somebooks,somepictures,somecards教 学 过 程个性修改Step1Warmup1.Tshowsthepicturesoftheclassrooms, Sssay(Musicroom,Artroom,Computerroom,Lab,etc.)2.Puttheteachersintherightrooms.T:Whoshe/she?Hes/Shes.(musicroom-musicteacher)3.Makeachant:Tall,tall,computerteacheri


4、pictures andask:Whatshe/shelike? (young,funny,tall,strong,kind,old,short,thin)2.readthewords.3.Spellthewords:tall,strong,old,short,thinStep3Practise1.Makeachant:Mygrandmaisold,mymotherisyoung,Myfatheristall,Mylittlebrotherisshort,Zoomisheavy,Zipisfunny,Theyareallverykind,andImkind,too.2.Describeyour

5、teachers.3.Decribethepictures.(somefamouspeople)4.LetschantStep4Assessment1.Makeaninvestmentaboutyourteachers(Name,Whatshe/shelike?Doyoulikehim/her?Suggestions)备课序号:第 2 节教学内容Letstry,Letstalk.课 型新 课课时安排1备课时间9月20日上课时间9月 21 日教学目标知 识 与 技 能能听懂会说并在实际情景中运用对话:能将所学的句子运用在游戏当中,并能在实际情景中进行运用。过 程 与 方 法了解歌谣的含义,并能吟

6、唱歌谣的内容。情感态度价值观能将所学的句子运用在游戏当中,并能在实际情景中进行运用。教学重点Whosyourmathteacher?教学难点Whatshelike?教学准备展示人物特征的一些小道具。请学生课前设计好一张你心目中最理想的学科教师的图片。教 学 过 程个性修改Step1Warmup1.LetschantMygrandmaisold,mymotherisyoung,Myfatheristall,Mylittlebrotherisshort,Zoomisheavy,Zipisfunny,Theyareallverykind,andImkind,too.2.Showssomepictur

7、es,SsguessWhatshe/shelike?Whoishe/she?Step2Presentation1.(Thandsoutthepictures, practisethedrills)Whosyourmathteacher?Whatshelike?(Sshowsapicture, says:)eg.S:MrZhaoismymathteacher.Hesthinandshort.T:Whosyourmathteacher?Ss:MrZhao.T:Whatshelike?Ss:Hesthinandshort.2.课上请几名学生以哑剧形式并配道具表演各种神态及动作。eg,T:Look!T

8、herearethreenewteachershere.Theywanttomeetus.T:Doyouhavenewteachers?Ss:Yes.Wehaveanewscienceteacher.T:Whosyourscienceteacher?Ss:MissLiu.T:Whatsshelike?Ss:Shesveryyoungandkind.3.FreeTalk(threeSsagroup, talkabouttheteachers, onegroupacts)4.Listentothetape.5.Readafterthetape.6.Letschant.a.Listentotheta

9、pe.b.chantafterthetape.c.chanttogether.Step3ConsolidationStep4Homework1.Describeyourteachersorfamilymembers2.writethesentences备课序号:第 3 节教学内容Letslearn,Letschant课 型新课课时安排1备课时间9月21日上课时间9月 23 日教学目标知 识 与 技 能1、能听懂本课时单词及词组:principal,universitystudent,strict,smart,active2、能听懂、会说句型:Whoshe?Hesfrom.Whatshelike

10、?3、能听懂Letschant的歌谣,并按照节奏来念。过 程 与 方 法4、能运用上节课的词汇进行pair work巩固练习。情感态度价值观5、能在教师的指导下完成Readandwrite.教学重点principal,universitystudent,strict,smartactive教学难点principal,universitystudent,strict,smartactive教学准备教 学 过 程个性修改Step1warmup1.listenandsingthesong:Mynewteacher2.pairwork:reviewthedrillsWhatshe/shelike?He

11、s/Shestall.Step2Presentation1.Present:principal,strict,universitystudent用图画展示场景。认识出席的各课教师。a.T:Whosthatman/woman?Oh,hestheprincipal.Whatshelike?b.readaftertheT.c.Ishekind?Yes,andhesverystrict. Readtheword.d.Tshows清华大学Look!ThisisQinghuaUniversity. Whatsitlike?(beautiful,nice)Thisisaboy.HesfromQinghuaU


13、andherstudents.Whatsshelike?Whataretheylike?Shesactive.Theyareactive, too.readtheword:activei.Playgames:(smart,active,strict,young)BingoArrangethelettersj.LetschantListentothetapechantafterthetape.asksomeSstochant.Step3ConsolidationReadthewordsStep4Assessment1.同学之间描述自己尊敬的一位老师或亲密的朋友. 备课序号:第 4 节 教学内容L

14、ets start Main scene课 型新课课时安排1备课时间9月27 日上课时间9月 28 日教学目标知 识 与 技 能Grasp the drill: What day is it today? What do we have on Mondays?过 程 与 方 法Grasp the four-skills words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.情感态度价值观运用新的语言进行星期转盘游戏。Understand and sing the song: My Days of the Week.教学重点Four-skills words: Mo

15、nday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.教学难点Four-skills words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.教学准备Recorder, tape, picture, cards, 游戏转盘。教 学 过 程个性修改Step 1. Warming up1.Listen to the song: My Days of the Week.2.Daily dialogue practice:A: Hello, B. What time is it?B: Hello, A. Its 8:20. Its time four Engli

16、sh class.3.Lets chant, Lets sing, Lets do.(Book4) Step 2. Preview 1. Review the sentences: Its 8 oclock. Its time four Chinese.2. Review some words about subject.3. 画课程表,复习有关课程的词汇。引出:We have Chinese, Englishon Monday.Step 3. Presentation1.Lets learn& Lets learn(1)T shows the picture of“Main scene”,t

17、hen asks: What classesdo you like?(复习有关课程的词汇,感知本单元的主要语言)(2)T shows the picture of “Lets learn”, then says: Its a time schedule. Lets have a look. Its 8:00. Its time four Chinese. Its 8:50. Its time four English. Its 9:50. Its time four math. Its 10:40. Its time for music. What day is it? (引出新单词和句型)M

18、onday We have on Mondays.(还可设置问题:What day is it today? What day do you like?)(3)Read the new words: Listen to the tape, Ss read after the tape.(4)Write the four-skills words1.Lets play玩星期转盘游戏,运用句型:What day is it today? Its2.Lets sing(1) Listen to the tape. (2)Sing after the tape. (3)Sing together 3.

19、 设计英文课程表,在班级进行展示。4.Play a game: Guess“What day is it today?”5.Sing the song to parents or friends.小结运用新的语言进行星期转盘游戏,使学生对学英语产生兴趣。备课序号:第 5 节教学内容Lets try Lets talk Group work 课 型新 课课时安排1备课时间9月28日上课时间9月30 日教学目标知 识 与 技 能1.Understand and be able to ask and answer: What day is it today? Its What do you have

20、 on? We have I like过 程 与 方 法Good to know the holidays in West countries情感态度价值观Different points: Lets try.教学重点Important points: What day is it today? Its What do you have on Wednesday? We have English, science, computer and P.E. I like Wednesdays.教学难点Different points: Lets try.教学准备Recorder, tape, pic

21、tures教 学 过 程个性修改Step 1. Warming up Sing a song: My Days of the Week.1. Review the words.2. Daily dialogue: A: What day is it today?B: Its Tuesday.C: We have P.E. class. I like Tuesdays. Step 2. Preview Listen and finish“Lets try”.Step 3. Presentation1. Lets try & Lets talk(1) Listen to the tape.(2)用

22、转盘教具做游戏,操练第一组句型:What day is it today? Its(3)出示课程表,操练第二组句型:What do you have on? We have I like(2) 学生自己设计课程表练习Lets talk.2Group work3.Good to knowStep 4. Consolidation and extension1. Do the exercises.2. Listen to the tape.( 3 times )设计课程表并练习Lets talk.(make a dialogue)备课序号:第 6 节教学内容A. Read and write Pa

23、ir work C. Pronunciation课 型新授课课时安排1课时备课时间10月8日上课时间10月12日教学目标Be able to understand and use the sentences in “Read and write”.Grasp the four-skills sentences, finish the sentences.Good to know the pronunciation of “o w, o u, c l, c r”.教学重点Important points: four-skills sentences.教学难点Different points: P

24、ronunciation.教学准备Recorder, tape, pictures, word cards.教 学 过 程个性修改Step 1. Warming up1. Sing a song.2. Review the words.3. Daily dialogue: A: What day is it today? B: Its Thursday.C: I like music. Do we have music today?D: Yes.Step 2. Preview Have a race: Let Ss look at the word cards, then spell the

25、words Quickly.Step 3. Presentation1. Read and write(1)T shows the picture, then speaks: Its time to go to bed. Mike puts away his textbooks. But he puts wrong books in his schoolbag. Why? (Let Ss answer in English or Chinese.)(1) Watch VCD, listen to the tape, read these sentences.(2) Finish the sen

26、tences.(3) Write the four-skills sentences.2. Pair work3. Pronunciation(1) T shows some word cards (include “ow, ou, cl, cr”), then read them, Ss make these words in some groups after reading again.(提示:根据发音归类。) (2) Listen to the tape, read the words and tongue twister.Step 4. Consolidation and extension1. Do exercises.2. Listen to the tape.(3 times)Speak and do.(Pair work)完成了

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