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摩登家庭 第4季第13集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语打印word版.docx

1、摩登家庭 第4季第13集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语打印word版As great as it is bringing a baby home from the hospital, 尽管把宝宝从医院带回家是件幸福的事theres one sound you absolutely dread waking up to. 有种声音绝对是你醒来时恐惧面对的Relatives. 亲戚们I really never saw these wedding pictures, mam. 我还真没见过这些婚礼照片 妈妈How handsome and young papa looks. 爸爸看起来多年轻潇洒啊

2、Ay, it makes me sad. 看得我好伤感Ay, I know that you miss him. 我知道你想念他No. Look at my ass. 不是 你看我的翘臀There are two things in that picture I dont have anymore. 照片里有两样东西 现在我都失去了Ay, mama, que loca. 妈妈 您太搞笑了Sonia, can I help you? 桑娅 需要我帮忙吗No, no, shes fine. It keeps her busy. 没事 没事 让她忙去吧We need more corn. Glori

3、a, where is your garden? 得再来点玉米 歌洛莉亚 菜园在哪I will harvest some. 我去摘点儿They dont live that way, honey. 宝贝儿 城里人家里可没菜园Gloria, give me the keys. Well go to the market. 歌洛莉亚 给我车钥匙 我们去趟超市Hey, youre all awake. I didnt hear you. 嘿 你们都起床啦 我都没听见你们的动静Oh, look at my two handsome men. 看看我们家两个帅哥Mi nio, my little Ful

4、gencio Umberto. 我的宝贝 我的小弗汉希欧翁贝托You know, about the name, were not entirely sure. 说到名字 我们还没完全确定.Sonia, vmonos. Good-bye, Fulgencio. 桑娅 走啦 再见哟 弗汉希欧Say good-bye to Fulgencio. 跟弗汉希欧再见Good-bye, Fulgencio. 再见 弗汉希欧His name is Joe. 他的名字叫乔You tell her that were not naming him 你去告诉她我们不会用她去世的老公after her dead h

5、usband or his father before him. 或他爹的名字给孩子取名- His name was- - Please dont say it again. -他的名字是 -别说了Jay, I cannot go against my mothers will. 杰 我不能违背我妈妈的愿望But she likes you. 但她喜欢你Maybe if you convince her. 如果你去劝她Fulgencio Umberto- the initials are F.U. Pritchett, 弗汉希欧翁贝托-缩写是F.U.普里契特Fulgencio Umberto-

6、 the initials are F.U. Pritchett, 即FUCK You Pritchett操你普里契特which is exactly the way it feels right now. 我现在就是这种操蛋的感觉Is there some kind of dress code for godparents? 教父教母有什么着装要求吗Youre not wearing a fedora, Phil. 不许戴你那顶大傻帽子 菲尔Can you pick up the dry cleaning? 你能去取下干洗的衣服吗That sounds like an offer I can

7、t refuse. 听起来我好像不能拒绝啊Yeah, were not doing that. 别 我们不搞这一套So I got delayed picking up Lily from dance class. 我接莉莉下舞蹈课已经迟到了Now Glorias got me running around 现在歌洛莉亚又叫我到处跑doing a thousand things for christening. 准备一堆洗礼的事Son of a bitch. 操他妈的Its not that bad, really. Im just-Im venting. 别激动 我只是发发牢骚而已I cou

8、ldnt believe it. Somebodys balloons 难以置信 有人把气球were blocking my billboard. Philboard. 挡到我的广告牌了 菲尔牌My Philboard. 我的菲尔牌Can we wear the same outfits at Crispins party 我们能把穿去参加洗礼的衣服that were wearing to the baptism? 穿到克里斯宾的派对上吗Oh, you know what? I dont know. 这个啊 我也不知道Because you wanna be subdued at church

9、 因为你想在教堂低调and then fabulous at night. 到了晚上却很华丽You know who would make a fortune? 你知道谁会狠赚一笔吗The designer who comes up with the little black dress for men. 给男人设计小黑裙的设计师Im bored. 我好无聊I know, sweetie, but daddies are talking 我知道 小甜心 但是爸爸们在讨论about what were gonna wear tonight, 我们晚上要穿什么and thats a difficu

10、lt conversation. 那可是很难做决定的- Cry me a river. - Lily. -难死了也跟本小姐无关 -莉莉I-Im not loving this attitude. 我不喜欢你这样哦You seem a little mean. 你这样显得有点刻薄You seem a little mean. 认为对方在为一些愚蠢的事而哀号抱怨Sorry. Should I call you a wah-mbulance? 对不起 需要我帮你们叫辆救父车吗Oh, my gosh. She has been so snarky lately. 我的天啊 她最近好毒舌啊I know.

11、 Ive actually been getting nervous 是啊 现在只要一害她迟到when were making her late for something. 我的神经就很紧张Because of what she said the other day? 因为她那天说的话吗- Today, ladies. - Hurtful. -抓紧时间 小姐们 -真伤人You know, she hears us doing it, 你也知道 她听到我们那样说话So we-we should try and be less negative. 所以我们 我们不该造成那么多负面影响Model

12、some better behavior. 做好榜样Yeah. Well, you know, if its a model she needs, 是啊 如果她需要的是一名模特Yeah. Well, you know, if its a model she needs, Model: 模范-模特Shes come to the right place. 那她就来对地方了- Oh, boy. - Hmm. -妈呀 -哼I wish Lily was in here, 要是莉莉在就好了so she could hear me not comment on that. 她就可以看到我对这事不予置评I

13、 get it. Youre modeling. 知道啦 你在扮模特走秀Hey, its Phil Dunphy again. 嘿 又是我 菲尔邓菲I-I got cut off by your machine. 你的电话断线了Im, uh, not sure where I left off there, 不知道刚刚说到哪了but Ill attempt to be brief, 但我尽量长话短说As I do appreciate when people do the same for me. 因为别人这么做我也会很感激Anyhoo, uh, your balloons are co-da

14、mn it! 话说回来 你的气球挡住-妈的Is anyone home? Mom! 有人在家吗 妈I need her first. Mom! 我先找她的 妈Shes out. 她出去了Why is she always gone when we need an adult? 我们需要一个成年人的时候她怎么老不在- I can help. - Whats with the cage? -我可以帮忙 -盒子里是什么- Science project. - Mom, where are you? -科研项目 -妈 你在哪里- Out. Its just the three of us. - Fou

15、r. -出去了 就我们三个在 -四个- I need her. - Rats. -我需要她 -是老鼠I know, right? 我知道 好吧Guys, Im right here. What do you need? 同志们 我就在这里 你们需要什么No, its okay. Were good. 没事 我们没事- Okay, never mind. - No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. -没事 -不 不不不不不Family meeting. Everybody grab some za. 家庭会议 每人抓块披萨Were gonna talk about thi

16、s. 一起讨论下这个问题Listen, I know you guys like to go to mom, 听着 我知道你们喜欢找妈妈because shes Mr.Tough guy problem-solver. 因为她是问题解决小能手She gets results. 她办事有结果Yeah, she does. She does. Youre right. 对 她有 她有 你没错Like the last time we got pizza from our favorite place here. 比如上次 我们买到了最喜欢吃的披萨Remember that? We got shor

17、tchanged, 还记得那次吗 他们少找了我们零钱She cursed a blue streak and got our money back? 她连珠炮似的骂了一通 把钱要回来了Hows that pizza, by the way? 顺便问下 披萨好吃吗- Pretty good. Its okay. - Liars! -挺好的 不错 -撒谎Its garbage. 难吃死了Thats not Scardinos, its Scandonis. 那不是斯卡迪诺家的披萨 是斯卡多尼的You know why? 你们知道为什么吗cause your moms little blow-up

18、因为你们老妈的小脾气得罪他家了got us banned from Scardinos for life. 我们这辈子都吃不到斯卡迪诺家的披萨了So maybe your moms way isnt always the best way. 所以 也许老妈的办法并非总是最好的Now why dont you guys tell me whats going on? 现在 你们跟我说说发生什么事了Im having a 60s-themed birthday party next week. 我本来打算下周办一场60年代主题生日派对Hippies, bell-bottoms, tie-dye.

19、嬉皮士 喇叭裤 扎染什么的Karen Sullivan heard about it, 凯伦苏利文知道了and decided to have the same party. tonight. 决定办一场同样的派对 就在今晚Not groovy. 情况不妙I accidentally called my teacher Mommy. 我一不留神把我老师叫成了老妈My Friend Reuben went around and told everyone. 我朋友罗本到处宣传 全校都知道了Oh, hey, Reuben, 我说 罗本do you remember that class field

20、 trip to the zoo 你还记不记得那次全班到动物园郊游when the zebra rushed the fence and you peed your pants? 有只斑马从栅栏里冲出来 你都尿裤子了I didnt tell anyone, not even on the bus ride home 我都没告诉任何人 就算他在坐车回家的时候when he had to sit next to mom- 不得不坐在老妈旁边.Ms. Bockman! Damn it! 不对 是鲍克曼老师 该死Our neighbors out of town, 我们邻居出远门了and shes p

21、aying me to move her car on street cleaning days. 所以她雇我在街道清扫日那天替她挪车Now I would just park it in her driveway, 我倒想只是把车停在车道上but she already has a camper and a cord of wood there. 可那里已经停了一台露营车 还种了很多树Pretty sure shes a lesbian. 她肯定是女同性恋Anyway, easy money, right? 不管怎么说 这钱容易挣 对吧Oh, my god, I cant see anyth

22、ing! 我的神呐 我什么也看不见Hard starboard! 右满舵What does that even mean?! 那是什么意思啊How much longer do I have to block people? 我还要在这里堵人堵多久啊Im late for the airport. 我赶飞机要迟到了Dylan, you are being no help right now! 迪兰 你现在一点忙都没帮上Sorry, but Im already in trouble with dispatch 对不起 但是我自己也遇到分流麻烦for drinking all those lit

23、tle waters. 我之前喝太多水了Drive! Do it now! 开车 快开How do I tell her I snapped a branch 我要怎么告诉她 她心爱的柠檬树on her beloved lemon tree? 树枝被我撞折了I mean, she boils the leaves 那些叶子她是要煮来to add a scent to her own work boot oil. 给她自制的靴子油添加香味的Did I mention she plays in two softball leagues? 我有没有提到她效力于两个垒球联盟Now what are y

24、ou guys gonna do? 你们这些家伙要怎么办You gonna have your mom go around 你们是希望让你们老妈四处转转and yell at all these people and burn a bunch of bridges? 跟这些人大喊一通 毁坏一批友谊的桥梁Or are you gonna talk to your Reubens, 还是 去和你们的罗本们your Karens, your lemon. lady, 凯伦们 还有你的柠檬.女士谈谈tell em how you feel, 和他们谈谈你们的感受appeal to their huma

25、n side? 唤起他们人性的一面The choice is pretty simple, huh? 这选择显而易见 对吧So shes out all day? 就是说她今天不会回来了- Ill try her cell. - Its off. -我再试试打她的手机吧 -关机了I texted her while dad was talking. 老爸说话的时候我给她发短信了Pilar, I brought you a coffee. 皮娜 我给你带了杯咖啡Oh. I put a little something extra in it. 我往里面加了点儿料Jay, you devil. 杰

26、 你耍坏Hey, by the way, look. 顺便说一下 你看its beautiful, no? 漂亮不Its the dressing gown for Fulgencios christening. 这是为弗汉希欧洗礼准备的袍子哦All the men in our family wear this. 我们家所有男丁都穿过它Whats one more son in a dress? 不会又给我来个基佬儿子吧Oh, tradition. Oh, its so important. 这是传统 那可是很重要的I have a gift in here for little Fulge

27、ncio. 我为小弗汉希欧准备了一个礼物 放在这里That has been in my family for three generations. 这东西在我们家族里传了三代人了You know, about this naming thing- 关于给孩子起名的事情In America, its not real common to hear the name Fuljencio. 在美国 福建西欧这个名字可真不常见Its Ful-hen-cio. 应该是弗-汉-希欧- Hen? - Hen. -汗 -汉I dont need to practice it cause I cant nam

28、e my son that. 我不用练这个 我不会给我儿子起这名字的Im just being honest with you. 我只是和你实话实说No. No, no, no, no, thats good. 不 没关系 这样很好Thats good. I should be more honest with you sometimes. 这样很好 有时候我也该和你说说实话Well, weve known each other a few years. 是啊 我们彼此相识也有些年头了I dont like you, Jay. 我不喜欢你 杰nah. We can act like every

29、thing is fine for the family, 我们可以看在家庭的份上 装作一切都好But, you know, I have never liked you. 但是 你知道的 我从来没喜欢过你The way you take whatever looks good to you- 你那种见到好东西就要占的嘴脸you know, like my daughter or the last piece of meat. 比如 我女儿或者最后一块肉Youre always too busy to pick me up at the airport. 你总是很忙 忙到不能去机场接我You

30、send a total stranger with a cardboard sign. 只派来一个完全陌生的人举块纸牌子- Hi, grandma. - Hey. -嗨 外婆 -你好Hey, buddy. Get over here. 伙计 到这儿来I sure do love the cross you got me. 我是真的很喜欢你送我的十字架But do I have to wear it today? 可是我今天必须带着它吗Its kinda hard to close my shirt over it. 我的衬衫都因此扣不上了Oh, no, no, no, no, no. 不 不

31、用You do whatever you want, Padrecito. 你想怎么样都行I know thats the way in this house. 我知道这个家里就是这种行事风格But if you wear it, ooh, youll make me proud. 不过你要是带上它 会让我非常骄傲的Its been in my family for five generations. 那已经在我们家族里传了五代人了- Okay. Ill walk you out, buddy. -好吧 -我送你出去 小弟Is anything in her family new? 她家里有没有什么东西是新的Just you. 就是你呗Okay. Excuse me. Sorry. 好的 让一让 不好意思All right. Here weve got the deli platter, 好了 我们有熏腌大拼盘了and theres more in my car.

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