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1、集美大学外国语学院英国文学简史课本I老师画的主要内容集美大学外国语学院英国文学简史课本(老师画的主要内容)I. 第一部分中古英语时期一、The Old English PeriodThe British civilization is one of the oldest in the world. One of its extant signs, the Stonehenge, dates back to 1400-1800BC.This prehistoric monumental pile of stones indicates a fairly advanced level of eng

2、ineering and astronomy.Ancient people of the land must have had a prehistoric literature of their own.The Celts were probably the first inhabitants of the British Isles in recorded history. One of their tribes, the Britons. “Britain” means “the land of the Britons.” The Celts left behind a rich oral

3、 tradition of myths and legends, of which the Arthurian legends are and important part.The Anglo-Saxons were a branch of the Germanic tribes.Anglo-Saxon became Old English, and the place became England, or the Angle-land, “the land of the Angles.”7th century, the first English poet, Caedmon by name,

4、 began to sing.8th, Beowulf, (epic史诗) the first English poem still intact as a whole piece today.The wifes lament 妻子的哀怨 ruin废墟The Ecclesiastical History of England-Bede 英格兰宗教史Anglo-Saxon Chronicle-King Alfred the Great 盎格鲁撒克逊编年史BeowulfLengthy narrative poem 长篇叙事诗The only organic whole poem to come o

5、ut of the Anglo-Saxon period is Beowulf, an epic of well over 3000 lines.The story takes place in Scandinavia. The hero comes from Sweden, and performs his deeds in Denmark.It was handed down by word of mouth from generation to generation.Beowulfs fight with the sea-monsters Grendel and his mother i

6、n the first part, and his killing a fiery dragon and his death in the second.But the story is unique as a hybrid(混合的) of fact with legend.写作修辞手法1、use of “kenning”比喻的复合辞A kenning is a kind of metaphor chiefly designed to appeal to people thinking in images and pictures and facilitate a process of att

7、aining knowledge by guesswork. Kennings embellish the whole of Beowulf.2、There is the conspicuous显而易见的occurrence of alliteration.头韵Alliteration is by definition a succession of similar consonant辅音sounds repeated at the beginning of successive words. It is good for rhythmic chanting effects, emphasis

8、, and helping to memorize things.3、Equally noticeable is the use of assonance.协韵Another popular sound pattern of repeating vowel sounds in successive words either initially句首 or internally句中.二、Middle English: Medieval literature中世纪文学Romance浪漫主义1、The legends of King Arthur and his knightsHe claimed t

9、hat the book was a translation of a Welsh history of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table.亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士One of these was Wace of Jersey whose Roman de Brut布鲁特传奇 made the story a romance of chivalry.2、Sir Gawain and the Green Knight高文爵士和绿衣骑士It virtues of loyalty忠诚, valor勇敢, rectitude公正, and int

10、egrity正直.It is a 4-part work of 2530 lines in 101 sections.骑士精神对照:To the intensity of the ladys offensive, the hunting serves as an apt foildeer(timidity)怯懦, the boar(the wild and aggressive)攻击性, and the fox(the cunning).狡猾3、Robin Hood罗宾汉Robin Hood, the hero of the poor, and the enemy of the rich an

11、d the powerful.4、William Langland wrote Vision of Piers the Plowman. 威廉朗格兰(英国文学之父,著有耕者皮尔斯)1、Geoffrey Chaucer1)Father of English poetry2)Master of English language3)First realistic writer4)Forerunner of humanismHe was the first preeminent English poet in history and ranks with Shakespeare as the most

12、 popular and most widely read of all poets today.The Book of DuchessCanterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集 诗体小说Heroic couplet英雄双韵; rhymed stanza雅韵诗节; end rhyme尾韵By far the most famous of all his works is The Canterbury Tales, a collection of 20-odd stories.Boccaccios Decameron 薄伽丘的十日谈 (模仿、借鉴坎特伯雷)works in a similar

13、 way in that ten narrators each tell a story a day for ten days. On the pilgrimage朝拜 to CanterburyThe painting begins in the General Prologue, which is Chaucers purely English work. It offers such a panorama of social life that the readers can instantly imagine themselves back into the time tunnel a

14、nd relive the 14th-century as one of the travelers in the Tales. The variety of lifestyles, customs and traditions, the ways people walk in their peculiar gaits and talk in their peculiar language, the juxtaposition of the serious and the dignified alongside the jocular and the vulgar, the candid fo

15、lk with the treacherous, the high with the low, and female with maleall these reveal Chaucers thorough knowledge of his country and his rare gift for adequate expression.“The Wife of Baths Tale” A young knight in King Arthurs time violates the knightly code and rapes a young woman.违反骑士美德,骚扰女性Woman w

16、ants to be the mistress of her own house most.The implication is that hers may not be a physical beauty, but one that resides in the soul and that a man should love a woman for her worth rather than her face.“The Pardoners Tale” “The Millers Tale”三、The Pre-Elizabethan PeriodThe 150 years between the

17、 death of Chaucer and the ascension of Queen Elizabeth I was a very important period I history.Free from spiritual restraint, loyalty of God and authority of clergy were declining.ReformationThe growing corrupt practices of the Catholic ChurchFirst stared in German by Martin LutherThe Protestants, s

18、uch as the Lutherians and the CalvinistsThe rebirth or revival of classical learning, which first began in 14th-century ItalyHumanism as a movement came into existence.2、Thomas MoreUtopia consists of two books with emphasis on Book II in which the Utopian weal republic is described in detail. Book I

19、 is written in the form of a dialogue between More and a traveler by the name of Rapael Hythloday.To explore the potential of human lifeUtopia, a kind of “Nowhere land”Utopia offers the best ideal social system possible that could be offered at the time.The limitation of Utopian Society:The Utopian

20、society is clearly male-dominated: there is no mention of gender equality, no equal opportunity for administrative and religious jobs, no clear recognition of the female sex and their rights, but a very clear indication that the women folk have to submit to their men folk as, for instance, they have

21、 to kneel before their men and confess on days of religious observance.Renaissance文艺复兴时期四、The Elizabethan Age1、The Elizabethan period began with the ascension of Queen Elizabeth I in 1588.The War of the Roses (1455-1483)Francis Drake defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588, England became the first sea

22、power in the world.The Elizabethan age was one in which Renaissance transformed Chaucers Medieval England into Shakespeares modern one.Spirit of adventure permeated all the fieldsThe age furnished a fertile soil, as it were, on which a plethora a fresh flowers and plants grew to survive.三个时期I、The fi

23、rst of these stretches over two decades, beginning with the printing of Tottels Miscellany and concluding with the publication of Edmund Spensers The Shepheardes Calendar.The main contributors to Tottels Miscellany were Thomas Wyatt, who introduced the sonnet into the country, and Henry Howard, Earl

24、 of Surrey, who brought the blank verse(素体诗、无韵诗) into English poetry (blank verse being rhyme-less iambic pentameter(不押韵,五步抑扬格) or a line of ten syllables in five iambs(五个抑扬格,十个音节), a rhythmic unit of two syllable with the unstressed followed by the stressed syllable)II、The second phase covers some

25、two decades from 1580 through 1599, the year of Spensers death. This was a period of intense literary activity in which the greatest Elizabethan writers made their presence felt.SpenserThe Faerie Queene仙后Philip SidneyAstrophel and Stella爱星者与星星John LylysEupheus Its quaint style with its extravagant,

26、conceited, and florid language 最初文章很奢华Euphemism委婉语 John Lyly contributed to the English languageUniversity Wits大学才子派each and every one of whom was a man of genius, out with their brilliant creations, and would have all taken up a lot more space in literary history had there not towered above them th

27、e all-time Shakespeare. These “Wits” include Christopher Marlowe, Robert Greene, George Peele, Thomas Lodge, Thomas Nash, and Thomas Kyd. All were graduates either from Oxford or Cambridge or both, had a short but brilliant literary career that placed them among the ancestors of modern English write

28、rs, and most left the scene as soon as they came mainly as result of their reckless and dissolute Bohemian lifestyle for which the Elizabethan age was famous or notorious.大学才子派的常用手法“戏中戏”The mechanism of the play within the playLodges Rosalynde(洛奇的罗莎琳达) gave the storyline for Shakespeares As You Like

29、 It(皆大欢喜). The work of the University Wits paved the way for the rise of Shakespeare.III、The third phase spans over some three decades. This was the period in which Shakespeare finished all his later plays, and Ben Jonson did almost the whole of his work.The Authorized Version of the Bible授权版本的圣经Kin

30、g James Bible国王詹姆斯圣经The Elizabethan age is famous in every possible sense of the word, in volume数量, quality, variety, originality, and permanence持久性.2、Edmund Spenser埃德蒙斯宾塞The Faerie Queen 仙后先给伊丽莎白女王的诗,came out in 1590 and made him the best of poets of his time.He was buried near Chaucer in the Poets

31、 Corner of Westminster Abbey角落的威斯敏斯特教堂. Spensers major works include The Shepheardes Calendar(牧羊人日历), The Faerie Queene, Colin Clouts Come Home Againe, two odes to MarriageEpithalamium祝婚诗 and Prothalamium婚前曲, and Amoretti祝婚曲, a collection of sonnets.The Faerie Queene is a grand epic poem.Spenserian

32、stanza斯宾塞诗体Spenserian stanza, which has continued to be a popular stanzaic form for dreamy and meditative works.The rhyme scheme is abab bcbc c3、Shakespeares plays reveal traces of acquaintance with Spensers poems. Milton calls him his “poetical father.”Dryden and Pope were both indebted to him.And so were James Thomson, Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, and hundreds more.4、Philip SidneyApologie for Poetrie

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