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《英语新闻阅读与写作》双语讲义教案3 Interview 新闻采访.docx

1、英语新闻阅读与写作双语讲义教案3 Interview 新闻采访Chapter3: InterviewOverviewInformation is the merchandise of a journalist. Some of it is gathered from records and some from observation, but most of it is gathered in person-to-person conversations. For that reason, every journalist needs to develop interviewing skill

2、. In this chapter, you will learn:1. Whats interview 2. Two kinds of questions.3. Two kinds of interviewing styles. 4. How to phrase your questions.ContentLets Begin With An Old StoryOne day, a young monk asked his superior The young monk was very distressed. A friend advised him to rephrase the que

3、stion. So, the monk asked his superior a couple of days later: Of course you can! This story tells us that the way questions are structured often determines the answer.Journalists always face the same challenge when they do their interviews. Interviewing is really challenging work. What is Interview

4、The reporters job is to gather information from a variety of sources, synthesize that information and prepare it for dissemination. The No. 1 way in which a reporter gathers information is through interviewing.Its so basic, but so difficult for so many. Like public speaking, it is a fear for many to

5、 become vulnerable and risk asking a stupid question or being shut out by a source. You need to overcome it. Interviews are too important.So, what is involved in an interview? To some it is just asking questions. But what questions? To whom? Whats okay and whats off limits?1. Definition:It is a conv

6、ersation between a reporter and a person of public interest. Interviews are different from ordinary conversations. Reporters decide what to say and how to say it.A. interviewee B. topic C. whenD. whereActivity 1: Discussion in groups 1. What are the differences between interviewing and ordinary conv

7、ersation? Can you give me an example? 2. Suppose the library of CSUF caught fire two hours ago. Who would you interview first? Then who else you will continue?3. What kind of information would you want to knowgather? 2. Function:Interviews are now seen as the most natural and obvious way of gatherin

8、g and disseminating information.It is the main way that journalists collect information for news stories. The better the interview, the better the information and the stronger the story is. Interviewing is an integral skill for the journalist and one that is difficult to master.Interviewing has diff

9、erent kind.Mainstream news media rely on fact and opinion interviewing, a magazine journalism uses human interest interviewing for soft news and feature pieces. Fact and opinion interview relate more to hard news. A. Fact interview usually concentrates on the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE questions and is

10、used for print news brief and broadcast news stories, where space and time are limited. B. The interview for opinion or comment emphasizes the WHY and HOW questions, and is more commonly used in longer stories.The human interest interview also includes fact and opinion questions, but concentrates on

11、 the emotions and the soft news angle. 3. Way: Interviewing can be face-to-face meeting today, but electronic journalists are increasingly reliant on telephone interview, media conferences, doorstop interview, as well as email and satellite interviews. Types of interviews: A. Vox pops(vox populi) Vo

12、x pops are used regularly by print and broadcast journalists and have the benefit of immediacy and spontaneity. Essentially they are street surveys to canvass peoples feeling about a persons action or a topical issue. For instance, numerous vox pops have been conducted on smoking in public and on th

13、e popularity of political leaders. The question should be short, easily understand and open. Everyone who is interviewed should be asked the same question to ensure the validity of the results. B. Doorstops and ambushesThere are some drawbacks to spontaneity and the doorstop method is one that shoul

14、d be used with great care to gain an interview, a doorstop interview in which the interviewee is asked to respond to accusations or allegations of serious misbehavior is usually an adversarial situation. The interview can be inexperienced and at a disadvantage when appearing on television. The doors

15、top interview should not normally be used unless every alternative way of getting the interview has been pursued. But it is sometimes the easiest way for journalists to catch busy sources when they are on their way to, or from, an appointmentFor instance, you may watch a politician after a media con

16、ference or a celebrity leaving a concert or launch. Thats good opportunity for you to interview him.C. Death knocks Death knocks are interview where the journalist knocks on the door of relatives and friends of someone who has just died to talk to them about the deceased for a story.D. Rounds and ev

17、ents Two Kind of Questions Interview is more art than science.Compare the following interviews:e.g. 1“Mr. Mayor, why did you fire the police chief?”“I dont want to discuss that because its a personnel matter.” “Mr. Mayor, what qualities do you look for in the new police chief?” “I think he needs to

18、be honest ”e.g. 2Do you favor the city councils plan to beautify the downtown area?The city council plans to spend $3 million to beautify the downtown area. Are you in favor of this?Activities 2: 1. Watch a video, write down all the questions the reporters asked. 2. Can you use another word to rephr

19、ase it? Try and write your question.3. Discuss these questions with your group.There are two kinds of questions:1. Closed-Ended Questions A. A closed-ended question is a form of question which can normally be answered with a simple yes or no, a specific simple piece of information, or a selection fr

20、om multiple choices.B. Examples: Do you get along well with your supervisor?Is that a photograph of your children?Are you leaving right at 5:00 today?Were you wounded then?C. It can: (A) Close in on a subject(B) Pin down details(C) Get the respondent to be specific D. Application 1: CCTV reporter in

21、terviewed the children in Remote Mountain Areas: Reporter: 小孩,你在干嘛?What are you doing?Child: 放羊。Pasture my sheep.R: 放羊干嘛呢?What do you want to do by pasturing sheep?C: 挣钱。Earn money.R: 挣钱以后呢?What can you do after earning money?C: 结婚。Marry a girl.R: 然后呢After your marriage?C: 生小孩。Have a baby.R: 小孩以后干嘛呢

22、? What you want your baby do then?C: 放羊呀!Pasture sheep.2. Open-ended QuestionsA. An open-ended question is designed to encourage a full, meaningful answer using the subjects own knowledge and feelings. B. It can(A) Be more objective (B) Less leading than closed-ended questions (C) Allow the responde

23、nt some flexibility.C. Examples: Tell me about the relationship with your supervisor.How do you see your future?Tell me about the children in this photograph.Whats the purpose of government?Why did you choose that way?D. Application1: Wang Zhi(王志) interviewed Wang Qishan(王岐山)R:Whats the question you

24、 dare not facing most? Can you tell me? W:It depends on whether we can shut the sources of infection off. R:Where the difficulties lied in? Application2: Yang Lan(杨澜) interviewed Mr. Ieoh Ming Pei (贝聿铭)Y:Do you believe in Fengshui?P:All the architects should believe in Fengshui. For example, when we

25、 design a house, we always let it face the lake or sea, the back against the mountain. We should believe in Fengshui architecture in this point. But if they use it a little too much, it turns into superstition, and this is what I objected to Two Kinds of QuestionsClosed-Ended QuestionsOpen-ended Que

26、stionsA closed-ended question is a form of question which can normally be answered with a simple yes or no, a specific simple piece of information, or a selection from multiple choices.An open-ended question is designed to encourage a full, meaningful answer using the subjects own knowledge and feel

27、ings.Examples :Is this a photograph of your family?Do you get along well with your wife?She wants to divorce with you?Did your wife successfully provoke you?Can you say something about your family?Whats the relationship with your wife?Why did she say that?Whats your feeling about that?Focus on Do, b

28、e, when, where, who, how many, what Why, how, what Merits(A) close in on a subject(B) pin down details(C) get the respondent to be specific (A) be more objective (B) less leading than closed-ended questions (C) Allow the respondent some flexibility.Fit for (A)Children, older, worker, not so talkativ

29、e personPolitician, leader,scholar, CEOtalkative personApplication:CCTV reporter interviewed children Heavy traffic accident interviewing Oriana Fallaci interview Deng Xiaoping: Will chairman Maos portrait above Tiananmen Gate be kept there?Interviewed Liu XiangWhat makes a successful teacher?Yang L

30、an interviewed Bei Yu MingDe you believe in fengshui?. Two Kinds of Question Styles Journalists use different style or approaches. 1. Aggressive interview: who argues with the interviewee at every points.2. Agreeing interview: who is overawed by the talent, agreeing with every word and allowing the

31、interviewee to remain unchallenged. Example: Italian journalist Oriana Fallacis interview style Oriana Fallaci was one of the most famous reporters in the world. She became famous in the 1960s and 70s for her war journalism and her long, aggressive and revealing interviews with prominent people. She was once described in The Los Angeles Times as “the journalist to whom virtually no world figure would say no.” Among her subjects were Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the father of the Iranian

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