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1、专四高频 2010年专四备考必备词汇表America n.美利坚合众国,美洲Africa n.非洲(略为Afr.)Canada n. 加拿大propaganda n.ideas, false or true information, etc. spread about officially, esp. by a government宣传,传播 organs for propaganda宣传机构propaganda作宣传、广告讲时常常带有贬义.【作者建议】此词常含贬义,不可滥用.panda n. a large bearlike animal with black and white fur,

2、originally from China 大熊猫agenda n. things to be done; business to be discussed at a meeting (会议)议程,日程,待议事项构词有法,扩散记忆! 词根ag意思为做(do, act),-end是名词后缀,-a表示复数.ag做+-end名词后缀+-a复数agendathings to be done待做的事项会议上待议的事项议事日程.-a表示复数以-a 结尾的词:phenomena现象(复数)phenomenon现象(单数);data资料(复数)datumn资料(单数)【典型例句】 Now, lets come

3、 to item No.5 on the agenda. 现在让我们讨论议事日程上的第五项.soda n.chemical substance in common use, a compound of sodium苏打 soda water苏打水,汽水idea n. a plan, thought, or suggestion for a possible course of action计划,主意,念头【典型例句】Somebody had the bright idea of recording the meeting. 有人想出了为会议录音的好主意. 【常用词组】 have no idea

4、不知道,无能为力/not onesidea of 对无想法/put ideas in someones head使某人存奢望.plea n. an eager or serious request恳求,请求 an excuse辩解,托词【典型例句】 Their plea of national poverty rings a little hollow.他们关于国家贫困的托辞听上去有些空洞.【常用词组】 cop a plea承认有罪以求轻判pea n. a round green seed, used for food豌豆【常用词组】 as like as two peas一模一样area n

5、. surface measure, extent of surface面积 part of the earths surface; region地区,地域sea n. expanse of salt water that covers most of the earths surface and encloses its continentsand islands; any part of this海,洋音同义异,最需注意! sea和see可以一起记忆,发音相同,但意思不同,由sea可联想到river,ocean,seabed,coast,seasick,seaman等词.【常用词组】 by

6、 sea乘船,由海路 / on the sea在海边,临海 / at sea在海上,茫然,迷惑 / a sea of一大片,大量的 / follow the sea当海员,做水手nausea n. feeling of sickness (esp as caused by bad food) or disgust; seasickness作呕,恶心,晕船tea n. evergreen shrub grown in China, India, etc.茶叶 drink made by pouring boiling water on these leaves茶 a small meal, us

7、u. served in the afternoon with a cup of tea午后茶点抓住词干,记住一串! 与tea有关的词:tea green茶绿色;teakettle茶壶;tea strainer滤茶器;tea tray茶盘;teaspoon茶匙sofa n. large comfortable padded seat with raised arms and back, wide enough for two or more people沙发encyclopadia/encyclopedia n. book, or set of books, giving informatio

8、n about every branch of knowledge or on subject, with articles in ABC order.百科全书India n. the country of Indian印度Australia n.澳大利亚,大洋洲Oceania n. the islands of the central and south Pacific, including Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia, and some times Australasia and the Malay Archipelago大洋洲pneumonia n.

9、 a serious disease of the lungs with inflammation and difficulty in breathing肺炎malaria n. kinds of fever conveyed by mosquitoes ; which introduce the germs into the blood疟疾构词有法,扩散记忆! 派生词: malarial = malarian adj. 疟疾的,患疟疾的;malariology n. 疟疾学;malariologist n. 疟疾学家,构词法:-logy是后缀,意思为 process of study (研究

10、过程).连接元音o连接词与词根,及词根与后缀.这类构词方式在英语词汇中很多,考生可以通过对其结构的分析而达到理解其含义的目的.如:gastroenterology胃肠(病)学;biology生物学;physiology生物学cafeteria n. restaurant at which customers collect their meals on trays at counters and carry them to tables 自助餐馆同类联想,扩散记忆! canteen,cafe, restaurant , eating-house, refectory , snack bar【典

11、型例句】 A cafeteria is a restaurant , at which customers collect their food on trays at counters and carry them to tables . cafeteria是顾客自己从柜台拿菜饭至餐桌食用的餐馆.【常用词组】 a cafeteria question 自选问答题【词义辨析】 canteen 尤指工厂、办公室、军营里的小卖部;dining-hall (吃饭用的)餐厅;pub (俗)酒馆Asia n.亚洲Russia n. 俄罗斯,俄国gorilla n. a very large Africa

12、n monkey that is the largest of the manlike monkey大猩umbrella n. an arrangement of cloth over a folding frame with a handle, used for keeping rain off the head伞 a protecting power保护的力量,保护伞【典型例句】 When he wasnt looking, she hung the handle of her umbrella over the attendants wrist, and walked away quic

13、kly.趁他不注意,她把雨伞柄挂在管理员的手腕上,很快地走开了.villa n. a pleasent house with a garden, esp. one in the country or used for holidays别墅,郊外住宅formula n. a genenal law,rule,fact,etc., expressed in a short form by means of a group of letters,signs,numbers,etc. 公式;方程式;分子式 a list of the chemical substances used in making

14、 a medicine,a fuel,a drink,etc.,sometimes also including a description of how they are to be mixed 配方,处方 a method or set of principles used for gaining a particular result 准则;原则;方案peninsula n. a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water半岛drama n. play for the theatre , radio or TV ; series

15、 of exciting events 剧本,戏剧; 戏剧性事件或场面panorama n. a complete view over a wide area风景的全貌,全景照片 不断变化的景象义近形异,扩散记忆! 近义词:scenic, view, scenery, prospect, overview【典型例句】 This book gives a panorama of life in England 400 years ago.这本书再现了四百年前的英格兰的生活图景.cinema n. theatre in which films are shown 电影院 motion pictur

16、es as an art-form or an industry 电影艺术;电影事业diploma n. certificate awarded for passing an examination , completing a course of study , etc 毕业证书,文凭【作者建议】 diploma 通常指大学毕业证书, 文凭,学位证书. 小学、中学毕业证书和某种资历合格证书则多用certificate . diploma 后接介词in , 表示某学科的毕业证书.在美国,中学的毕业证书,即文凭, 有时也可用diploma, 而其肄业证书有时可称certificate 或cert

17、ificate of attendance .banana n. long, yellow skinned fruit; the tree on which it grows香蕉,香蕉树【作者建议】 常用搭配:peel a banana剥香蕉皮;a band of banana一簇香蕉arena n. central part, for games and fights of a Roman amphitheatre; (fig) any scene of struggle古罗马斗技场中央竞技和搏斗的地方;(喻)任何竞争角逐的场所China n.中国china n. baked and gla

18、zed fine white clay ; articles made from this 陶器;瓷器【常用词组】 china closet 放置或展示瓷器杯皿的橱柜algebra n. branch of mathematics using signs and letters to represent quantities代数,代数学zebra n. an African animal looking like a horse with back and white lines all over its body斑马【常用词组】 zebra crossing涂成斑马纹的人行横道era n.

19、period in history, starting from a particulartime, or event纪元,时代,代举例一番,可见一斑! a new era新时代;the Christian era公元,基督纪元【词义辨析】 epoch也指新时代,新纪元,强调某件事所带来的划时代意义,多用mark an epoch in.开创一个新纪元.time指时期,age年代,这些词只用指于表达普通意义的时间.camera n. apparatus for taking still photograph or (film / movie)moving pictures or (TV )fo

20、r receiving light images and transforming them for broadcasting live or for receiving on video tape 照相机,电影摄像机【常用词组】 go into camera (法官)入私室商议 / in camera 在法官的私室里 / on camera 在摄制中 / a camera crew 电影(电视)摄影组opera n. a musical play in which many or all the words are sung歌剧构词有法,扩散记忆! 派生词:operatic a. 歌剧的,似

21、歌剧的;operatically adv. 歌剧式地;operatize vt. 将 改编成歌剧/复合词:opera cloak n. 夜礼服,女披风;operagoesr n. 经常赴歌剧院者orchestra n. a large group of musicians who play music for combinations of different instruments管弦乐队音近形近,最需用心! orchard n.果园;orchestra n.管弦乐队extra n.sth. for which an extra charge is made额外的事物 adv. more t

22、han usually; in addition特别地,非常地,除外extra 除了作 adj. ,还可作 adv. 用来修饰 adj. ,意为特别地,尤其,相当于 n. an official mark put onto a passport giving a foreigner permission to enter, pass through or leave a particular country签证【常用词组】 an entry visa入境签证 / an exit visa出境签证data n. (pl of dadum) facts; things

23、 certainly known资料,材料【常用词组】 data bank资料库 / data processing资料处理 / data phone数据电话 / data sheet数据表influenza n.flu流行性感冒cab n. vehicle (now usu motorised =taxicab) that may be hired for short journeys出租汽车;计程车 part of a railway engine for the driver and fireman; part of a bus, lorry, etc for the driver火车机

24、车内供司机所坐之处;(公共汽车、卡车等之)司机室lab n. short for laboratory(尤指化学)实验室crab n. ten-legged shellfish ; its flesh as food 螃蟹,蟹肉构词有法,扩散记忆! 派生词:crab apple (口)脾气坏的人;crabbed adj. 潦草的,难懂的;crabber n. 捕蟹人,好抱怨的人; crabby adj. 易怒的,好抱怨的;crablike adj. 似蟹的,似蟹行的; crabwise adj. (常为僵硬或笨拙的方式)横向的,蟹行般的cab n. vehicle (now usu motor

25、ised =taxicab) that may be hired for short journeys出租汽车;计程车part of a railway engine for the driver and fireman; part of a bus, lorry, etc for the driver火车机车内供司机所坐之处;(公共汽车、卡车等之)司机室 lab n. short for laboratory(尤指化学)实验室 crab n. ten-legged shellfish ; its flesh as food 螃蟹,蟹肉 构词有法,扩散记忆! 派生词:crab apple (口

26、)脾气坏的人;crabbed adj. 潦草的,难懂的;crabber n. 捕蟹人,好抱怨的人; crabby adj. 易怒的,好抱怨的;crablike adj. 似蟹的,似蟹行的; crabwise adj. (常为僵硬或笨拙猩本录音由沪友 友情提供grab v. to take hold of with a sudden rough movement, esp. for a bad or selfish purpose攫取;抓住 to get quickly and perhaps unfairly抢先,抢占 to make a sudden attempt to grab(急速地)

27、抓住;抓牢 n. a sudden attempt to take hold of something试图抓取;有意抢夺【典型例句】 When her uncle died, she grabbed everything she could get her hands on.她的叔叔死后,她把能弄到手的东西全部都据为己有. 【词义辨析】 grab v. 急抓,抢;指粗暴地、过急地扑住或抢某物,可表示贪心的意思;snatch v. 夺取,抓住;指突然猛力迅速地抓取某物.如:The thief snatched the womans bag.那贼抢走了这妇女的提包.grip v. 抱紧,握紧,指用

28、手的最大的力量来抓某物.如:The frightened child gripped his mothers arm.受惊的孩子紧紧抓住他母亲的胳膊.grasp v. 紧握,领会,指用手指头、爪等紧紧抓住,用于比喻意义,则指完全了解.如:Did you grasp the main points of the speech?你是否领会了这演讲的要点?【常用词组】 grab at突然想抓住 / make a grab at 有意抢夺,试图抓取 / up for grabs供人竞购的;待价而沽的stab v. pierce(sth.) or wound (sb.) with a pointed t

29、ool or weapon刺,戳 n. act of stabbing刺,戳【常用词组】 stab at sb.刺向某人 / a stab in the back暗箭伤人,背叛 / stab sb. with用某物刺某人web n. a net of thin threads spun by some insects, esp. spiders, to trap other insects蜘蛛网a detailed arrangement or network网状组织【作者建议】 上网常见的缩写www, 即是world wide web之意. rib n. one of the 12 pair

30、s of bones running round the chest of a man or animal, from the spine to where they join at the front肋骨 lamb n. young sheep; its flesh as food羔羊,小羊(肉) climb vt & vi go or get up or down; go higher , gain height 攀登;爬上;升 n. climbing , place (to be ) climbed 攀登;攀登之地bomb n. hollow metal ball or shell fi

31、lled with explosive for causing destruction on bursting炸弹 v. drop bombs on扔下炸弹突破拼写,问题解决!注意以mb结尾的词b不发音 comb n. 梳子;tomb n. 坟墓;thumb n. 拇指;climb v. 爬comb n. piece of metal, rubber, plastic ,etc with teeth for cleaning the hair , making it tidy 梳子 red fleshy crest of fowl 鸡冠tomb n. hole dug in the ground, etc. for a dead body, esp. one with a stone monument over it墓,(穴)坟

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