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外研社九年级上册英语 Module 1 词汇与语法基础解析版 3.docx

1、外研社九年级上册英语 Module 1 词汇与语法基础解析版 3知识图谱Module 1 Wonders of the world知识精讲一、必背词汇man-made mnmed adj. 人造的natural ntrl adj. 大自然的wonder wnd n. 奇观,奇迹discussion dskn n. 讨论,商讨eastern i:stn adj. 在东边的,though conj. 虽然,但是loud lad adj. (声音)响亮的wow wa int. 呀,哇opinion pnjn n. 看法,主张electricity lektrsti n. 电belowbl prep.

2、 在下面,在以下shine (shone /shined, shone /shined) an v. 照耀sign san n. 迹象,标志,招牌silent salnt adj. 寂静的silver slv adj. 银灰色的,银制的sky ska n. 天,天空grey re adj. 灰色的,(天气)阴沉的beside bsad prep. 在旁边,在附近reply rpla v. 回答,答复clear kl v. (烟雾等)开始消失stream stri:m n. 小河,小溪nearly nli adv. 几乎,差不多canyon knjn n. 峡谷remain rmen v. 逗留

3、,留下by ba prep. 在旁边,靠近二、重点词汇1. wonder wnd n.1). a feeling of great surprise and admiration caused by seeing or experiencing something that is strange and new惊讶;惊叹例句: The boys gazed in wonder at the shiny red Ferrari.男孩子们惊讶地盯着那辆锃亮的红色法拉利跑车。2). an object that causes a feeling of great surprise and admir

4、ation奇观;奇迹;奇事例句: We spent a week visiting the wonders of Ancient Greek civilization.我们花了一周时间游览古希腊文明的奇观。2. discussion dskn n.the activity in which people talk about something and tell each other their ideas or opinions讨论,议论,谈论例句: The matter is still under discussion (= being considered).我无可奉告这个问题还在讨论

5、之中。3. shine (shone /shined, shone /shined) an v.1). to send out or reflect light照耀;发光;反光例句:The sun shone all afternoon.整个下午阳光灿烂。2). to make something bright by rubbing it把擦亮例句: Guy ironed his shirt and shined his shoes for the interview.为了参加面试,盖伊熨平了衬衫,擦亮了皮鞋。4. nearly nli adv.almost, or not completel

6、y几乎,差不多,将近例句: Shes nearly as tall as her father now.她现在几乎和她父亲一样高了。【拓展】1). not nearly as/soa lot less远非,差得多,少得多例句: Shes not nearly as beautiful as you said she was.她远没有你形容的那么漂亮。2). not nearly enoughmuch less than you want or need远不够例句: Theres not nearly enough food for all these people!食物远不够这么多人吃!5.

7、remain rmen v.1). formal to stay in the same place or in the same condition停留,留下;保持不变,仍然是例句:The doctor ordered him to remain in bed for a few days.医生嘱咐他要继续卧床几天。2). to continue to exist when other parts or other things no longer exist剩余;余留;遗留例句: After the flood, nothing remained of the village.洪水过后,村

8、庄荡然无存。三、必背短语in ones opinion 按某人的意见,据某人看来 more than 超过millions of 大量的,无数的 go through 穿过fall away 突然向下倾斜 on top of 在上面,盖住四、经典句型1. Im not sure我不确定2. That sounds great.它听起来很神奇。3. In my opinion按我的意见4. I agree with you.我同意你的看法。5. Whod like to?谁愿意?三点剖析一、考点1. join的用法1). join指“加入”组织、团体或政党,成为其中一员。例句: What hav

9、e you done since you joined Greener China?自从加入中国绿色组织你干了什么事?2). join in相当于take part in,指参与某项活动。例句: They are going to join in the school sports meeting.3). join sb和某人一起做某事例句: Would you like to join us to clean the classroom?你愿意和我们一起打扫教室吗?2. reply的用法reply用作动词,意为“回答”,可作及物动词和不及物动词,用作及物动词时,常接that从句或直接引语;用

10、作不及物动词时,常与介词to搭配。例句:He replied that it was out of the question.他答复说那是不可能的。I asked him where to go, but he didnt reply.我问他到哪里去,但他并没有回答。二、易错点1. because & because of1). because后接从句表示原因。例句: He didnt attend the meeting because he had too much work to do.因为他有太多的工作要做,所以他没有参加会议。2). because of后接名词、代词及名词性短语,意

11、为“由于;因为”,在句中一般用作状语,相当于thanks to。例句:Because of the illness, the boy did not go to school.因为生病,这个男孩没有去上学。2. below & underbelow & under这两个介词都有“在下面”的意思,表示数量时,两者均可用。表示位置时,两者有所区别:1). below表示低于某物或在某物的下方,但不一定是正下方,其对应词是above。例句: The village is 100 meters below the sea level.这个村子低于海平面100米。2). under指物体的正下方,物体间

12、可以接触,也可以不接触。其对应词是over。例句: Put your shoes under the bed.把你的鞋放在床下面。题模精选题模一:join的用法例1.1.1 -Jenny, I hear there will be an art club in our school.-Wonderful! I cant wait to _ it.A. repeatB. forgetC. receiveD. join例1.1.2 将汉语句子翻译成英语。你想跟我们一起打篮球吗?_题模二:reply的用法例1.2.1 The boy said no, so the monster breathed

13、on the road and made it disappear. (选择同义项)A. repliedB. refusedC. relaxedD. regarded例1.2.2 根据首字母提示完成单词。After a few days, he r_ to the letter.随堂练习随练1.1 根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。(1)I looked down to the Colorado River, a silver s_ nearly one mile below me.(2)He asked his mother what happened, but she didnt r_.(3)

14、Its n_ twelve oclock. Lets have lunch.(4)There was a hotel _(在下面)the mountain before.(5)There is a _(小路)in the forest not far away from here.随练1.2 用所给词的适当形式填空(1)The _(high)of Mount Qomolangma is about 8844. 43 metres.(2)Father told me that the earth _(go) around the sun.(3)The police is researching

15、the thief on the computer according to his _(describe).(4)Please find out the _(local) of the cities on the map! OK, Mr. Smith.(5) I spent two weeks _(write)the composition.随练1.3 根据短文内容从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使短文完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。 What is the highest mountain on earth? Most of us think the _ is Mount Qomo

16、langma. But there is something that is three hundred and four _ taller than Mount Qomolangma. However, it is mainly underwater. It begins at the _ of the Pacific Ocean. Its _ is Manna Loa. In the Hawaiian language, Mauna Loa _ Long Mountain. It is the _ and most active volcano(火山)on earthIt has prod

17、uced liquid (液体的)rock more than thirty _. Liquid rock is also called lava(熔岩). Today, Mauna Loa is _. It doesnt produce lava. However, volcano expels say it is only a matter of time before this happens once again.随练1.4 -Are you willing to live on Mars one day?- _. It sounds exciting, but it still wo

18、rries me.A. Of course I am.B. Im not sure.C. Why not?D. Are you joking?随练1.5 _ went swimming last weekend because of the bad weather.A. SomeoneB. No oneC. EveryoneD. Nothing随练1.6 -Excuse me, Mr. Li, where is the Diaoyu Islands?-Let me show you on the map. Its _ the east of China.A. inB. onC. toD. be

19、tween随练1.7 -Cathy, can you answer the door? I _ the room.-Im coming, mum.A. cleanB. cleanedC. have cleanedD. am cleaning随练1.8 -Hello, Mum. Long time no see!-Hello, Mary. Are you busy these days? I am looking forward _ your phone.A. to answerB. answeringC. to answeringD. answer随练1.9 根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式

20、填空。1. I was on the side of Tom in the _ (discuss).2. She is from New York, an _ (east) state of the USA.3. After Taiwan, Hainan is easily the _ (large) one of all our islands.4. Id like _ (spend) my holiday in Hawaii once more.5. The second half of the book is _ (exciting) than the first.随练1.10 从方框中

21、选出适当的句子完成对话(有两个多余选项)Zoe: Hi, Anna! Whats your favourite country?Anna: China. It has a rich and fascinating (吸引人的) history.Zoe: _.Anna: Oh, yes. I visited it four years ago.Zoe: _.Anna: My parents.Zoe: _.Anna: Yes, we went to the worlds highest mountain, Mount Qomolangma.Zoe: Wow! Did you climb to th

22、e top?Anna: _.Zoe: Where else did you go?Anna: Well, we went to Beijing and climbed the Great Wall.Zoe: _. It must be fantastic.Anna: Yeah. I think its the greatest man-made wonder in the world. You should visit it some day.能力拓展拓展1 -Ben and Sue arent at home, are they?-No. They _ to London on busine

23、ss.A. have goneB. goC. have beenD. will go拓展2 With the help of the Internet, information can _ every corner of the world quickly.A. goB. landC. reachD. arrive拓展3 Dont drive so fast! We must slow down when we drive _ the tunnel.A. pastB. acrossC. overD. through拓展4 翻译(1)这儿有一张纸,请在顶部写下你的电话号码。Here is a p

24、iece of paper. Please write down your telephone number_ _ _.(2)在我看来,音乐会很精彩。_ _ _, the concert was wonderful拓展5 句型转换(1)The glass pyramid is over twenty metres tall. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is the glass pyramid?(2)What about joining in the discussion, Mike?(改为同义句)_ _ joining in the discussion, Mike?拓展6 Mrs. Blac

25、k is going to give much money to charity, _ she is not rich enough.A. ifB. unlessC. sinceD. though拓展7 There were _ people there.A. million ofB. millions ofC. two millions ofD. two millions拓展8 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词。1. Do you know the man who is sitting b_ John?2. Nobody is able to smoke in the park becau

26、se there is a s_ “No smoking” here.3. When the man went t_ the forest alone, he lost his way.4. Sorry it took me so long to r_.5. I dont think you should keep _ (沉默).拓展9 任务型阅读根据短文理解,回答下列问题。 Did you see snow in your hometown last winter? Did you feel it was warmer than before? (2)自1986年以来中国已有21个暖冬了,

27、said scientists. They also said that in the past 100 years, as the global (全球的) temperatures went up by 0.74 C, the temperature in North China has climbed 1.4 C in only 50 years. China needs to take quick (1)_ to cut carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) emission (排放), because its the main reason for global warming

28、. The good news is that China has seen the importance of going green. China set the goal of cutting energy use by 20 and pollution emission by 10 in the 11th Five-Year Plan. Can you slow down global warming? Sure! (3)You and your family can take steps to cut the amount of carbon dioxide that is sent out into the air. Here are some pieces of advice to help you save the earth. Wear used clothes. Wearing your brothers, sisters or dads old T-shirt mea

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