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1、06DataReviewData ReviewInstructor Notes:Help the students understand the relationship of this tasks to other tasks.ChemStore WorkflowWe have now:1) Setup a sequence in ChemStation and transferred our data; and2) Performed a query to retrieve our data.Now we are ready to review our data using the Che

2、mStore Review Client SoftwareIn This Section, We Will Discuss:We will attempt to clearly and logically work our way through each of the items listed above. Broadly they are setting up to see our results and then deciding to approve, reject or reprocess our results. Much of the setup is something you

3、 will build as you understand the options in ChemStore and once you build it you can save it to reuse next time.Review Layout We looked briefly at the ChemStore Review Client before, but lets look at the items on the screen in detail.1 - The functions available from the toolbars are also available u

4、nder the menus at the top of the screen.2 - We looked at the Query and Filter tools in the last section.3 - These three buttons are key as they select between views of your data. Review Layout shows results for individual runs with chromatograms. Table Layout gives you access to your results laid ou

5、t in tables. Chart Layout allows the creation of plots from your data. The drop down menu turns on and off summary or regression statistics for your results.4 - These tools give you access to all aspects of reporting, creating, editing, selecting, previewing and printing. All of the different ways d

6、ata can be viewed and calculated on the screen are available in reports. In addition reports offer more sophisticated options for sorting, grouping and filtering results.5 - This tool saves and manages the screen layouts (views) you create so you dont have to recreate them constantly.6 - The sample

7、and Compound tabs switch between viewing results that have one unique value for each run (Sample) and those that have values for each peak or signal (Compound)7 - The three tools here carry out approval, rejection or batch creation for selected runs.8 - These three tools display very detailed inform

8、ation about a single selected result.9 - The tool with a table on it controls the columns of data shown in each view. The Funnel tool turns on and off the filters defined under the funnel tool in area 2.10 - This tool allows you to begin automated playback of your results one after another.11 - When

9、 results contain information from more than one chromatographic signal this menu allows selection of signals for display.12 - The truck exports the data to other applications, via the clipboard or a CSV file. The printer tool prints the data in the current view.13 - Previous / Next is another way to

10、 navigate back and forth from one result to the next. Exclude / Include allows specific runs to be ignored or return them to the results set.14. This tool allows you to open the custom calculator where you can design custom calculations for your study.Review Layout Compound ViewIf we select the comp

11、ound tab we see results for each individual peak, like spectra.Selecting ResultsIn every layout, selecting the columns tool gives us access to the items to be displayed on the screen. Navigate through the tree of data categories on the left until you locate the item you wish to include. Use the butt

12、on to place them in the list on the right. You can press the Format button to select how your values are displayed.If you select an item in the display list, the up and down arrow buttons move the item up and down the list. This controls the order the columns are displayed on the screen.Review Layou

13、tThis slide shows an example of the Review Layout before and after columns are added.Saving ViewsOnce you have created a screen layout to your satisfaction, you can select the View tool (1) and save the layout (2). You can give the view any name you desire and it will appear in the list of available

14、 views. When you save a layout it contains the information from all of the layout under each of the layout buttons. This allows you to setup your Review Layout now and save the view. Then you can come back later, select that view and define a Table Layout. When you save the view again the new table

15、layout is added to the existing review layout and both layouts are available when the view is loaded.Selecting Manage allows you to add comments, rename or delete your views.Note that the views you create are yours and they are not available to others. In the administration section we will show you

16、how the administrator can share your views with others. When you allow someone else to share your view they will still not be able to change your view. They can save your view under a new name and create their own view but you are the only one that can change views you have created.Instructor Notes:

17、Runs can be approvedfrom the sample view orthe compound view (nextslide).Approve, Reject, or Reprocess When we review our results we can use the review layout to examine the baselines for the chromatograms and the numeric results. We may want to use other views or reports to determine things like th

18、e system suitability and performance criteria. Once we understand which results we are satisfied with, we can right click in the run list and get a list of options for marking runs. For an individual run, or all runs at once, we can mark the runs for approval, rejection, or reprocessing in the ChemS

19、tation.You can also click on the check marks at the bottom of the run list to mark the run.When you mark a run as excluded, it remains in the run list but the data is not displayed on the right. This is similar to filtering but can save a lot of effort in creating queries or filters that remove spec

20、ific runs.For example, if you have a blank injection in your sequence it should not be included in your statistics. Rather than changing the query or filter you could simply exclude the blank run. The reports reflect the runs that have been excluded you no one will think you are simply hiding result

21、s.Instructor Notes:Runs can be approvedfrom the sample view orthe compound view (nextslide).Approve, Reject, or Reprocess You can also mark runs in other views but most find it simplest to use the Sample tab under the Review Layout.Instructor Notes:Runs can be approvedfrom the sample view orthe comp

22、ound view (nextslide).Approving Selected Runs Depending upon the study configuration, the runs may be approved by one or more 1st and 2nd level reviewers. Once you have marked the runs you wish to approve you can select the approve tool shown above. You are prompted for your password to electronical

23、ly sign the approval. There are up to three levels of approval available. The desired number of levels is controlled on a study basis.You must be assigned the privilege in order to be allowed to approve or reject runs. The level of privilege is controlled by the administrator. The audit trail always

24、 accurately reflects the approval activities for a run with identity of the user, date, timestamp, and electronic signature.Once you have entered a valid e-signature, you will be asked to select a reason for the approval and then fill in a comment. You can assign the comment and approval to all entr

25、ies or just the current entry.Instructor Notes:Runs can be approvedfrom the sample view orthe compound view (nextslide).Rejecting Selected Runs Rejection works in the same manner as approval. Rejection does not lock a record so it could be reprocessed and approved later. If you normally want rejecte

26、d runs to be inaccessible you can define queries to exclude rejected runs.Administrators can pre-define a set of standard comments in the Approval Configuration menu. The user can still add a new comment or modify the pre-defined comments during the approval process.Each action will be documented in

27、 the audit trail. Instructor Notes:Runs can be approvedfrom the sample view orthe compound view (nextslide).Second Level Approval If your laboratory requires multiple levels of approval, your administrator will set up this requirement in ChemStore. In the example above, two levels of approval are re

28、quired. The 2nd level reviewer selects the Second Level radio button and provides the approval or rejection reasons.A rejection submitted by one user overrules the approval of other reviewers. A second level approval can also be applied for runs with no 1st level approval.The runs can be automatical

29、ly locked when a specified approval status is reached. Locking a run prevents further batch reprocessing of this run. To undo the lock, the approval needs to be rejected. Locked runs cannot be reloaded into ChemStation.Instructor Notes:Runs can be approvedfrom the sample view orthe compound view (ne

30、xtslide).Create ChemStation BatchWhen you have marked a run for batch reprocessing in the ChemStation pressing the batch tool brings up a more complex dialog box to select how the batch is to be created.We will cover batch reprocessing in detail in the next section.Viewing Custom Field ValuesWhen yo

31、u have selected a run the I buttons provide detailed information for that result. The first button with only a sample vial on it pops up a box with sample information. The first section provides the name and creation timestamp for the run itself (not the time of the selected revision).The second sec

32、tion provides the sample information fields that are a part of the ChemStation sample information for all runs. These items are entered in the single run setup or the sequence table of the ChemStation.The third section is a table of the custom fields you configured with the values you provided in the ChemStore Single Run Setup or the ChemStore Sequence Setup.You can leave this dialog box open and click on different results in the run list to v

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