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1、第5季第12集中英对照文本及详细解说512: The One With Chandlers Work LaughScene: Monica and Rachels, Rachel is trying to pry more information about Chandler and Monica from Joey whos sitting on the couch and busy downing a pizza.try to:试图pry:刺探,打听information:消息couch:长沙发 down:完成 pizza:比萨【是一种由特殊的饼底、乳酪、酱汁和馅料做成的具有意大利风味的食

2、品,但其实这种食品已经超越语言与文化的壁障,成为全球通行的名饮,受到各国消费者的喜爱】-Rachel: Come on Joey!别瞒我了,乔伊!-Joey: Rach, I told you everything I knew last night! Look, its not that big of a deal, so Monica and Chandler are doing it.big of a deal:大麻烦【这里前面加个not表示没什么大不了的】昨晚我已经全对你招了!没什么大不了,他们不过是在办事。-Rachel: I cant believe you would say t

3、hat!believe:相信不敢相信你会那样说!-Joey: Sorry. Monica and Chandler are making love.make love:做爱好吧,莫妮卡和钱德是在做爱。-Rachel: No! I mean come on! This is a huge deal! (She sits next to him on the couch.) mean:意思是huge:巨大的 next to:紧靠旁边 couch:长沙发不,我是说,这是件大事!Fine I wantI need more details, whowho initiated the first kis

4、s?detail:细节 initiate:开始,创始 kiss:吻我要知道详情,谁先主动献吻的?-Joey: (thinks) I dont know.不知道。-Rachel: God, just cannot imagine Chandler being romantic. Is he romantic with her?imagine:想象romantic:浪漫的他对她很浪漫吗?-Joey: I dont know.不晓得。-Rachel: Are they in love?in love:相爱他们相爱吗?-Joey: (thinks) I dont know.不清楚。-Rachel: Y

5、ou dont know anything.你一无所知!-Joey: Ohh, I know one thing!只知道一件事!-Rachel: What?什么?-Joey: They did it right there on the couch. right:正好 couch:长沙发他们就在这张沙发上做的。(He points to where shes sitting and she jumps up quickly.)point to:指着 jump up:跳起来quickly:迅速地Opening Creditsopening credits:片头字幕Scene: Central P

6、erk, everyone is there as Ross enters.scene:场景 central:中心的,中央的perk:高兴,振奋【这里是咖啡小屋的名字】enter:进入-Joey: Hey Ross!嗨,罗斯!-Phoebe: Hey!嗨!-Ross: (disinterested) Hey-yeah.(He hurries up to the counter.) Hey Gunther, can I have a scone please? (To the gang.) Wanna hear some good news?disinterested:不感兴趣的,不关心的,冷漠

7、的hurry up:赶紧行动counter:柜台 scone:(英国北部的)一种薄麦饼 gang:一帮人wanna:=want to想要hear:听见,得知 news:新闻,消息阿甘,给我一块烤饼?要听好消息吗?-Ross: No, No, No, I do. Someone I know is getting married! Yeah! And weddings are happy occasions! Oh, by the by, its my ex-wife Emily!get married:结婚wedding:婚礼occasion:时刻,盛会by the by:顺便提一句ex-wi

8、fe:前妻有人要结婚了!婚礼多快乐!是我前妻,爱米丽!-All: What? Oh!什么?-Chandler: Sorry man.别难过,伙计。-Gunther: Heres your scone.你的烤饼。-Ross: Oh, thanks Gunther. (He takes it, hands the plate onto Rachel, sets it down on the table, and proceeds to pound it into oblivion while saying.)hand onto:递给plate:盘子set:放 table:桌子 proceed:继续

9、下去 pound:连续重击oblivion:遗忘,失去感觉【把饼子砸扁不成形】谢谢。Stupid British snack food!stupid:愚蠢的 snack:点心愚蠢的英国糕点!-Chandler: Did they teach you that in your anger management class?teach:教授anger:愤怒 management:管理class:课你从制怒课上学来这招的吗?-Phoebe: Hey, you know what might help you deal with it? might:可能 deal with:处理我教你怎么办,Thin

10、k of it this way, you and Emily are in the past and you cant be mad about the past. way:方式past:过去be mad:发疯【意思是Ross不应该总想着这事】你该这样想,你和爱米莉的事是历史了。So are you still mad about the Louisiana Purchase?still:仍然 Louisiana Purchase:路易斯安那州【罗斯得知埃米莉马上就要又结婚了非常难受,菲比等人就劝慰他说:一切都过去了?你不应该为过去感到难过。你现在还为“路易斯安那大采购”难受吗?路易斯安那是

11、美国中西部的一大块地方,新生的美国从法国手里以低廉的价格购得,成为了未来美国的发展基础,这次购买行动史称“路易斯安那购地”。这是一笔美国占了超级大便宜的买卖,所以瑞秋就告诉菲比,没有人为这个过去而难过。搞笑的菲比说:“对啊,没有人难过,这正是我想说的.”】购买路易斯安那州的事你还生气吗?-Rachel: Pheebs, I dont think anyones mad about that.谁会为那种事生气。-Phoebe: Exactly! Because its in the past!exactly:确切地 because:因为对嘛,已经是历史了!-Joey: (eyeing the f

12、lattened scone) Anybody gonna eat that?eye:看,注视 flattened:变平的scone:一种圆饼gonna:=going to将要有人要吃吗?Scene: Chandlers office, Monica and him are at a party his office is办公室 party:聚会throw:举行(宴会等)-Monica: Look at us all dressed up for the big office party! By the way, what are we celebrating

13、?look at:看看 dress up:穿上盛装by the way:顺便地celebrate:庆祝工作派对,我们都盛装打扮好了!对了,是哪门子庆祝啊?-Chandler: Oh, we had a lot of liquor leftover from the Christmas party.a lot of:许多liquor:酒,烈性酒 leftover:残余的,剩货Christmas:圣诞节平【纪念耶稣基督生的节日, 12月25日节】圣诞派对后剩下很多酒水。-Monica: I think this is so cool because none of our friends are

14、here and we can be a real couple. cool:帅气none of:没有real:真正的couple:一对,情侣,夫妻帅!熟朋友都不会来,我们可以成为真正的情侣。We dont have to hide.have to:不得不hide:躲藏我们不必躲躲藏藏了。-Chandler: I know, I can do this. (He takes her hand.)正大光明,我可以这样。-Monica: Ooh, and I can do this. (She kisses him on the cheek.)kiss:亲吻 cheek:脸颊我也可以这样。(The

15、y both stand real close together.)both:两者都 real:真正的 close:近的,亲密的 together:一起-Both: We cant do that. (They separate.)separate:分开那样不行。(Chandlers boss (Doug) walks up.)boss:老板 walkup:步行进来-Doug: Hey Bing! (Slaps him on his ass.) (Sees Monica) Wo-ho-ho, whos the pretty lady and slap:拍 ass:屁股pretty:漂亮的lad

16、y:女士宾宾!请教这位美女芳名?what the hell is she doing with you?the hell:到底,究竟她怎么会跟你一起的?-Chandler: I asked myself that very question, sir. Uh, (Points to Monica) this is Monica. myself:我自己 very question:非常问题 point to:指向我自己也搞不懂,这是莫妮卡。(Points to his boss.) This is my boss, Doug. Doug this is Monica.我的老板,道格。道格,这位是

17、莫妮卡。-Monica: Hi, nice to meet you!meet:见到很高兴见到你们!-Doug: Hi! And this is my wife Kara.wife:妻子我太太,卡拉。-Kara: Nice to meet you Monica. Bing! (Slaps Chandler on his butt.)butt:臀部很高兴见到你们。-Doug: Say uh, Bing, did you hear about the new law firm we got working for us?law firm:法律事务所 work for:为工作宾宾,我们刚和一家律师事务

18、所合作,听说了吗?-Chandler: No, sir.没有。-Doug: Yeah, Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe.(Dickem, Stickem & Run.)Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe:人名【钱德勒的上司经常开些不着边际的玩笑,这一回他又对着钱德勒和莫尼卡说:”我们最近找到了杜威奇特姆豪威事务所.”这是美国一家著名的律师事务所,问题是这并不好笑,所以钱德勒只能露出一脸假笑】 em:=them dick:侦探 stick:惩罚 run:跑名叫:杜威、祁提和豪伟。(音同:我们犯法吗?怎么犯的?)(Chandler does a fake laugh

19、.)fake:假的 laugh:笑-Doug: Come on honey, lets go drink our body weight.(They walk off leaving Chandler and Monica alone.)walk off:走开 drink our body weight:我们去喝个痛快leave alone:不打扰,让单独呆着走,我们去喝个痛快。-Monica: What was that?你干什么?-Chandler: What?恩?-Monica: That noise you just made?noise:噪音发出那种噪音?-Chandler: Oh,

20、 that was my work laugh.噢,我的应酬笑法。-Monica: Really? Your work laugh?really:(表语气)真的吗?应酬笑法?-Chandler: Oh, believe me, to survive this party, youre gonna have to come up with one too.believe:相信 survive:幸免于,幸存 gonna:=going to将要 come up with:提出,想出,提供信我,这种派对上要想受欢迎,非得来这一手不可!-Monica: All right, check me out.c

21、heck out:看看,试试好。看我的!-Chandler: Okay.好。(She walks up to where Doug is finishing another joke to another group.)walk up to:走至 finish:完成 joke:玩笑 another:另外一个 group:组,群-Doug: says $30 Father; same as in town.Father:神父 same as:相同那就30元吧,神父,等同市价。(Monica does a fake laugh. For the laughs, youll have to see

22、the episode. I cantdescribe them.)episode:片段,情节 describe:描述Scene: Central Perk, Monica is buying a muffin as Chandler runs in.muffin:(波纹)纸托蛋糕 as:当的时候 run in:跑进来-Chandler: Hey! Everybody at work loved you last night! last night:昨晚昨晚上公司的人都对你赞不绝口!-Monica: Really?当真?-Chandler: And! They like me more jus

23、t because I was with ya! I think you repaired a lot of the damage from when they met Joey.ya:=you 你,只被用于口语 repair:补一补【这里指给了好印象】a lot of:许多 damage:毁坏你的表现为我加了印象分,我和乔伊一起的分都追回来了。And Doug wants us to play tennis with them. play with:与一起玩 tennis:网球道格还邀我们打羽毛球。Hes never even talked to me outside of work. Ex

24、cept for that time when we bumped into each other at that strip club. never:从不 outside of:除以外 except for:除了 bump into:邂逅相遇(巧遇,不期而遇) each other:相互 strip:脱光衣服 club:俱乐部,夜总会除了公事,他以前话都不跟我说。只有那次在脱衣舞夜总会碰面时,说过一两句。(She glares at him.) Stripchurch. Anyway, Im gonna go try and find a racquet.glare at:怒视strip:露

25、天,被剥去church:教堂 anyway:不管怎么说 gonna:=going to 将要racquet:球拍是在露天教堂碰见,我去找只球拍。-Monica: Hey, I thought you already had one.already:已经你不是有吗?-Chandler: Oh I used to, but then Joey thought it would be fun to go to Central Park and hit rocks atbigger rocks. used to:过去常常 fun:有趣的 hit:敲,击 rock:石头曾经有过,但乔伊认为拿它去,中央公

26、园敲石头会更有趣,敲大石头。(He starts to leave and stops an entering Rachel.) Hey Rach, do you have a tennis racquet?start to:开始做 stop:停止 entering:进入你有网球拍吗?-Rachel: Oh umm, you know I lent it to Joey and I never actually got it back.lent:lend的过去式,借给 actually:实际上借给乔伊了,就再没见过。-Chandler: Okay, good luck with that. (

27、Exits.)good luck:好运 luck:运气 exit:离开那祝你好运。-Rachel: (To Monica) Hey!嗨!-Monica: Hi!嘿!-Rachel: Whats up?!whats up:这是怎么回事什么事?!-Monica: What are you doing here? I thought you had to do inventory all day.had to:have to的过去式,不得不 inventory:存货清单,存货盘存(报表),财产目录 all day:整天你在这干嘛?我以为你今天要盘存呢。-Rachel: Well yeah, I do

28、, but I decided to take a long lunch and spend some time with my friend Monica.decide to:决定 lunch:午餐 spend:花(时间,金钱)本来是的,但我决定要慢慢吃顿午餐跟我朋友莫妮卡一起叙叙旧。You know II feel that we dont talk anymore. How are you? What is new with you?anymore:(用于否定句中)不再我们现在很少谈心了。你好吗?有什么新动向?-Monica: Uhh, not much. Uh, works good.

29、没什么新鲜事,工作还算顺利。-Rachel: Oh you know, we dont have to talk about work. We can talk about anything!不谈工作,说点别的!-Monica: Okay. Umm好的。-Rachel: Hey! You know what? Lets talk about relationships!relationship:关系【这里指男女关系】不如这样?谈谈男女关系!-Monica: Okay, whats going on with you?Whats going on:这是怎么回事你交了新男友?-Rachel: No

30、thing! You go!nothing:没什么没!该你说了!-Monica: Well, IIthere was this guy at the bank that I thought was cute umm, but I dont anymore.guy:家伙,伙计 bank:银行 cute:可爱银行里有个家伙挺可爱,但我现在改变了看法。-Rachel: Wow thats uh, juicy. Umm, (checks watch) you know what though Mon,juicy:生动有趣的,富于刺激性的 check:检查,核对 watch:手表有趣。I actually do have a lot of work to do so ififare you sure theres just not anything else?actually:事实上 be sure:确定我确实公事缠身,你确定不想讲点别的?-Monica: Ye

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