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Section 3 Words and Expressions.docx

1、Section 3 Words and ExpressionsSection 3: Words and Expressions from Module 4 Carnivalcarnival n. 1 C, U a public festival, usually one that happens at a regular time each year, that involves music and dancing in the streets, for which people wear brightly coloured clothes: There is a local carnival

2、 every year. the carnival in Rio a carnival atmosphere 2. sing. of sth. (formal) an exciting or brightly coloured mixture of things: this summers carnival of sportghost n.1 C the spirit of a dead person that a living person believes they can see or hear: Do you believe in ghosts (= believe that they

3、 exist)? the ghost of her father that had come back to haunt her He looked as if he had seen a ghost (= looked very frightened). 2 C the memory of sth., especially sth. bad: The ghost of anti-Semitism still haunts Europe. give up the ghost 1 to die 2 (humorous) (of a machine) to stop working: My car

4、 finally gave up the ghost.v.1 = ghostwrite 2 v + adv. / prep. (literary) to move without making a sound: They ghosted up the smooth waters of the river.costume n. 1 C, U the clothes worn by people from a particular place or during a particular historical period: national costume 2 C, U the clothes

5、worn by actors in a play or film/movie, or worn by sb. to make them look like sth. else: The actors were still in costume and make-up. She has four costume changes during the play. He went to the party in a giant chicken costume. a costume hide v. (hid /hd/ hidden /hdn/) 1 vn to put or keep sb./sth.

6、 in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found conceal: He hid the letter in a drawer. I keep my private papers hidden. They hid me from the police in their attic. 2 to go somewhere where you hope you will not be seen or found: v Quick, hide! I hid under the bed. We hid from our pursuers in an em

7、pty house. (figurative) He hid behind a false identity. vn She hides herself away in her office all day. hide your light under a bushel (BrE) to not let people know that you are good at sth. n.1 C (BrE) a place from which people can watch wild animals or birds, without being seen by them 2 C, U an a

8、nimals skin, especially when it is bought or sold or used for leather: boots made from buffalo hide a black hide belt 3 sing. (informal, especially NAmE) used to refer to sb.s life or safety when they are in a difficult situation: All hes worried about is his own hide (= himself). Shed do anything t

9、o save her own hide. have / tan sb.s hide (old-fashioned, informal or humorous) to punish sb. severely not see hide nor hair of sb./sth. (informal) not to see sb./sth. for some time: I havent seen hide nor hair of her for a month.confusion n. 1 U, C (about / over sth.)| (as to sth.) a state of not b

10、eing certain about what is happening, what you should do, what sth. means, etc.: There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be. a confusion as to what to do next 2 U, C (between A and B) the fact of making a mistake about who sb. is or what sth. is: To avoid confusion, please wr

11、ite the childrens names clearly on all their school clothes. confusion between letters of the alphabet like o or a extend v. MAKE LONGER / LARGER / WIDER1 vn to make sth. longer or larger: to extend a fence / road / house There are plans to extend the no-smoking area. 2 vn to make sth. last longer:

12、to extend a deadline / visa The show has been extended for another six weeks. Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car. 3 vn to make a business, an idea, an influence, etc. cover more areas or operate in more places: The company plans to extend its operations into Europe. The school is ex

13、tending the range of subjects taught.INCLUDE4 v + adv. / prep. to relate to or include sb./sth.: The offer does not extend to employees partners. His willingness to help did not extend beyond making a few phone calls.COVER AREA / TIME / DISTANCE5 v + adv. / prep. to cover a particular area, distance

14、 or length of time: Our land extends as far as the river. His writing career extended over a period of 40 years.6 vn + adv. / prep. to make sth. reach sth. or stretch: to extend a rope between two postsPART OF BODY7 vn to stretch part of your body, especially an arm or a leg, away from yourself: He

15、extended his hand to (= offered to shake hands with) the new employee. (figurative) to extend the hand of friendship to (= try to have good relations with) another countryOFFER / GIVE8 vn sth. to sb. (formal) to offer or give sth. to sb.: Im sure you will join me in extending a very warm welcome to

16、our visitors. to extend hospitality to overseas students to extend an invitation The bank refused to extend credit to them (= to lend them money). also vnn USE EFFORT / ABILITY9 vn often passive to make sb./sth. use all their effort, abilities, supplies, etc.: Jim didnt really have to extend himself

17、 in the exam. Hospitals were already fully extended because of the epidemic.pretend v.1 (to sb.) (that . ) to behave in a particular way, in order to make other people believe sth. that is not true: v Im tired of having to pretend all the time. Of course I was wrong; it would be hypocritical to pret

18、end otherwise. v (that) He pretended to his family that everything was fine. We pretended (that) nothing had happened. She pretended (that) she was his niece. v to inf I pretended to be asleep. He pretended not to notice. She didnt love him, though she pretended to. vn (formal) She pretended an inte

19、rest she did not feel. 2 (especially of children) to imagine that sth. is true as part of a game: v (that) Lets pretend (that) were astronauts. v They didnt have any real money so they had to pretend.adj. usually before n. (informal) (often used by children) not real, imaginary: pretend cakesempire

20、n. 1 a group of countries or states that are controlled by one ruler or government: the Roman empire 2 a group of commercial organizations controlled by one person or company: a business empirememory n. ABILITY TO REMEMBER1 C, U (for sth.) your ability to remember things: I have a bad memory for nam

21、es. People have short memories (= they soon forget). He had a long memory for people who had disappointed him. She can recite the whole poem from memory. He suffered loss of memory for weeks after the accident. Are you sure? Memory can play tricks on you. I quickly committed the number of the car to

22、 memory (= learned and remembered it). The drugs had a severe effect on her short-term memory. 2 U the period of time that sb. is able to remember events: There hasnt been peace in the country in / within my memory. It was the worst storm in recent memory. This hasnt happened in living memory (= nob

23、ody alive now can remember it happening).STH. YOU REMEMBER COMPUTINGif (my) memory serves me well, correctly, etc. if I remember correctly in memory of sb. | to the memory of sb. intended to show respect and remind people of sb. who has died: He founded the charity in memory of his late wife. The st

24、atue was erected to the memory of my father. revive v. 1 to become, or to make sb./sth. become, conscious or healthy and strong again: v The flowers soon revived in water. The economy is beginning to revive. vn The paramedics couldnt revive her. This movie is intended to revive her flagging career.

25、Attempts to revive him failed. 2 vn to make sth. start being used or done again: This quaint custom should be revived. She has been trying to revive the debate over equal pay. The poor trade figures have revived fears of higher interest rates. 3 vn to produce again a play, etc. that has not been per

26、formed for some time: This 1930s musical is being revived at the National Theatre.council n. C+sing./pl. v. 1 a group of people who are elected to govern an area such as a city or county: a city / county / borough / district council Shes on the local council. a council member / meeting 2 (BrE) the o

27、rganization that provides services in a city or county, for example education, houses, libraries, etc.: council workers / services book n.PRINTED WORK1 C a set of printed pages that are fastened inside a cover so that you can turn them and read them: a pile of books hardback / paperback books 2 C a

28、written work published in printed or electronic form: a book by Stephen King a book about / on wildlife reference / childrens / library booksFOR WRITING IN3 C a set of sheets of paper that are fastened together inside a cover and used for writing in: an exercise book a notebook OF STAMPS / TICKETS /

29、 MATCHES, etc.4 C a set of things that are fastened together like a book: a book of stamps / tickets / matches a chequebookACCOUNTS5 books pl. the written records of the financial affairs of a business accounts: to do the books (= to check the accounts) You need to go over the books again; theres a

30、mistake somewhere.SECTION OF BIBLE, etc.6 C a section of a large written work: the books of the BibleFOR BETTING7 C (BrE) a record of bets made on whether sth. will happen, sb. will win a race, etc.: Theyve opened a book on wholl win the in sb.s good / bad books (informal) used to sa

31、y that sb. is pleased/annoyed with you: Im in her good books at the moment because I cleared up the kitchen. bring sb. to book (for sth.) (formal, especially BrE) to punish sb. for doing sth. wrong and make them explain their behaviour: We will ensure that people who commit fraud are brought to book

32、 through the courts. by the book following rules and instructions in a very strict way: She always does everything by the book. in my book (informal) used when you are giving your opinion: Thats cheating in my book. (be) on sb.s books (to be) on an organizations list, for example of people who are available for a particular type of work: We have very few nurses on our books at the moment

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