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1、永嘉大师证道歌中英文文逐句对照参考资料【佛慧双语弘道馆】永嘉大师证道歌汉英对照 (R. Aitken 译本)永嘉大师证道歌Cheng-Tao-Ko ShodokaZhengdaoge (C.); (J. Shodoka (J.); Song of Enlightenment.English transl. copyright (c) 1991 by R. Aitken & the Diamond Sangha, Hawaii.君不见。绝学无为闲道人。不除妄想不求真。There is the leisurely one,Walking the Tao, beyond philosophy,Not

2、 avoiding fantasy, not seeking truth.无明实性即佛性。幻化空身即法身。The real nature of ignorance is the Buddha-nature itself;The empty delusory body is the very body of the Dharma.法身觉了无一物。本源自性天真佛。When the Dharma body awakens completely,There is nothing at all.The source of our self-natureIs the Buddha of innocent

3、truth.五蕴浮云空去来。三毒水炮虚出没。Mental and physical reactions come and goLike clouds in the empty sky;Greed, hatred, and ignorance appear and disappearLike bubbles on the surface of the sea.证实相。无人法。刹那灭却阿鼻业。When we realize actuality,There is no distinction between mind and thingAnd the path to hell instantly v

4、anishes.若将妄语诳众生。自招拔舌尘沙劫。If this is a lie to fool the world,My tongue may be cut out forever.顿觉了。如来禅。六度万行体中圆。Once we awaken to the Tathagata-Zen,The six noble deeds and the ten thousand good actions梦里明明有六趣。觉后空空无大千。Are already complete within us.In our dream we see the six levels of illusion clearly;A

5、fter we awaken the whole universe is empty.无罪福。无损益。寂灭性中莫问觅。No bad fortune, no good fortune, no loss, no gain;Never seek such things in eternal serenity.此来尘镜末曾磨。今日分明须剖析。For years the dusty mirror has gone uncleaned,Now let us polish it completely, once and for all.谁无念。谁无生。若实无生无不生。Who has no-thought?

6、Who is not-born?If we are truly not-born,We are not un-born either.唤取机关木人问。求佛施功早晚成。Ask a robot if this is not so.How can we realize ourselvesBy virtuous deeds or by seeking the Buddha?放四大。莫把捉。寂灭性中随饮啄。Release your hold on earth, water, fire, wind;Drink and eat as you wish in eternal serenity.诸行无常一切空。

7、即是如来大圆觉。All things are transient and completely empty;This is the great enlightenment of the Tathagata.决定说。表真乘。有人不肯任情征。Transience, emptiness and enlightenment -These are the ultimate truths of Buddhism;Keeping and teaching them is true Sangha devotion.If you dont agree, please ask me about it.直截根源佛所

8、印。摘叶寻枝我不能。Cut out directly the root of it all, -This is the very point of the Buddha-seal.I cant respond to any concern about leaves and branches.摩尼珠。人不识。如来藏里亲收得。People do not recognize the Mani-jewel.Living intimately within the Tathagata-garbha,六般神用空不空。一颗圆光色非色。It operates our sight, hearing, smell

9、, taste, sensation, awareness;And all of these are empty, yet not empty.The rays shining from this perfect Mani-jewelHave the form of no form at all.净五根。得五力。唯证乃知难可测。Clarify the five eyes and develop the five powers;This is not intellectual work, - just realize, just know.镜里看形见不难。水中捉月争拈得。It is not di

10、fficult to see images in a mirror,But who can take hold of the moon in the water?常独行。常独步。达者同游涅槃路。Always working alone, always walking alone,The enlightened one walks the free way of Nirvana调古神清风自高。貌颊骨刚人不顾。With melody that is old and clear in spiritAnd naturally elegant in style,But with body that is

11、 tough and bony,Passing unnoticed in the world.穷释子。口称贫。实是身贫道不贫。We know that Shakyas sons and daughtersAre poor in body, but not in the Tao.贫则身常披缕褐。道则心藏无价珍。In their poverty, they always wear ragged clothing,But they have the jewel of no price treasured within.无价珍。用无尽。利物应机终不吝。This jewel of no price ca

12、n never be used upThough they spend it freely to help people they meet.三身四智体中圆。八解六通心地印。Dharmakaya, Sambogakaya, Nirmanakaya,And the four kinds of wisdomAre all contained within.The eight kinds of emancipation and the six universal powersAre all impressed on the ground of their mind.上士一决一切了。中下多闻多不信。T

13、he best student goes directly to the ultimate,The others are very learned but their faith is uncertain.但自怀中解垢衣。谁能向外夸精进。Remove the dirty garments from your own mind;Why should you show off your outward striving?从他谤。任他非。把火烧天徒自疲。Some may slander, some may abuse;They try to set fire to the heavens with

14、a torchAnd end by merely tiring themselves out.我闻恰似饮甘露。销融顿入不思议。I hear their scandal as though it were ambrosial truth;Immediately everything meltsAnd I enter the place beyond thought and words.观恶言。是功德。此则成吾善知识。When I consider the virtue of abusive words,I find the scandal-monger is my good teacher.不因

15、讪谤起怨亲。何表无生慈忍力。If we do not become angry at gossip,We have no need for powerful endurance and compassion.宗亦通。说亦通。定慧圆明不滞空。To be mature in Zen is to be mature in expression,And full-moon brilliance of dhyana and prajnaDoes not stagnate in emptiness.非但我今独达了。恒沙诸佛体皆同。Not only can I take hold of complete e

16、nlightenment by myself,But all Buddha-bodies, like sands of the Ganges,Can become awakened in exactly the some way.师子吼。无畏说。百兽闻之皆脑裂。The incomparable lion-roar of doctrineShatters the brains of the one hundred kinds of animals.香象奔波失却威。天龙寂听生欣悦。Even the king of elephants will run away, forgetting his pr

17、ide;Only the heavenly dragon listens calmly, with pure delight.游江海。涉山川。寻师访道为参禅。I wandered over rivers and seas, crossing mountains and streams,Visiting teachers, asking about the Way in personal interviews;自从认得曹溪路。了知生死不相关。Since I recognized the Sixth Founding Teacher at Tsao Chi,I know what is beyon

18、d the relativity of birth and death.行亦禅。坐亦禅。语默动静体安然。Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen;Speaking or silent, active or quiet, the essence is at peace.纵遇锋刀常坦坦。假饶毒药也闲闲。Even facing the sword of death, our mind is unmoved;Even drinking poison, our mind is quiet.我师得见然灯佛。多劫曾为忍辱仙。Our teacher, Shakyamuni, met Dip

19、ankara BuddhaAnd for many eons he trained as Kshanti, the ascetic.几回生。几回死。生死悠悠无定止。Many births, many deaths;I am serene in this cycle,-there is no end to it.自从顿悟了无生。于诸荣辱何忧喜。Since I abruptly realized the unborn,I have had no reason for joy or sorrow入深山。住兰若。岑崟幽邃长松下。At any honor or disgrace.I have enter

20、ed the deep mountains to silence and beauty;In a profound valley beneath high cliffs,优游静坐野僧家。阒寂安居实潇洒。I sit under the old pine trees.Zazen in my rustic cottageIs peaceful, lonely, and truly comfortable.觉即了。不施功。一切有为法不同。When you truly awaken,You have no formal merit.In the multiplicity of the relative

21、world,You cannot find such freedom.住相布施生天福。犹如仰箭射虚空。Self-centered merit brings the joy of heaven itself,But it is like shooting an arrow at the sky;势力尽。箭还坠。招得来生不如意。When the force is exhausted, it falls to the earth,And then everything goes wrong.争似无为实相门。一超直入如来地。Why should this be betterThan the true

22、way of the absolute,Directly penetrating the ground of Tathagata?但得本。莫愁末。如净琉璃含宝月。Just take hold of the sourceAnd never mind the branches.It is like a treasure-moonEnclosed in a beautiful emerald.既能解此如意珠。自利利他终不竭。Now I understand this Mani-jewelAnd my gain is the gain of everyone endlessly.江月照。松风吹。永夜清

23、宵何所为。The moon shines on the river,The wind blows through the pines,-Whose providence is this long beautiful evening?佛性戒珠心地印。雾露云霞体上衣。The Buddha-nature jewel of moralityIs impressed on the ground of my mind,And my robe is the dew, the fog, the cloud, and the mist.降龙钵。解虎锡。两钴金环鸣历历。A bowl once calmed dra

24、gonsAnd a staff separated fighting tigers;The rings on this staff jingle musically.不是标形虚事持。如来宝杖亲踪迹。The form of these expressions is not to be taken lightly;The treasure-staff of the TathagataHas left traces for us to follow.不求真。不断妄。了知二法空无相。The awakened one does not seek truth-Does not cut off delusi

25、on.Truth and delusion are both vacant and without form,无相无空无不空。即是如来真实相。But this no-form is neither empty nor not empty;It is the truly real form of the Tathagata.心镜明。鉴无碍。廓然莹彻周沙界。The mind-mirror is clear, so there are no obstacles.Its brilliance illuminates the universeTo the depths and in every grai

26、n of sand.万象森罗影现中。一颗圆光非内外。Multitudinous things of the cosmosAre all reflected in the mind,And this full clarity is beyond inner and outer.豁达空。拨因果。莽莽荡荡招殃祸。To live in nothingness is to ignore cause and effect;This chaos leads only to disaster.弃有着空病亦然。还如避溺而投火The one who clings to vacancy, rejecting the

27、 world of things,Escapes from drowning but leaps into fire.舍妄心。取真理。取舍之心成巧伪。Holding truth and rejecting delusion-These are but skillful lies.学人不了用修行。真成认贼将为子。Students who do zazen by such liesLove thievery in their own children.损法财。灭功德。莫不由斯心意识。They miss the Dharma-treasure;They lose accumulated power;

28、And this disaster follows directly upon dualistic thinking.是以禅门了却心。顿入无生知见力。So Zen is the complete realization of mind,The complete cutting off of delusion,The power of wise vision penetrating directly to the unborn.大丈夫。秉慧剑。般若锋兮金刚焰。Students of vigorous will hold the sword of wisdom;The prajna edge is

29、 a diamond flame.非但空摧外道心。早曾落却天魔胆。It not only cuts off useless knowledge,But also exterminates delusions.震法雷。击法鼓。布慈云兮洒甘露。They roar with Dharma-thunder;They strike the Dharma-drum;They spread clouds of love, and pour ambrosial rain.龙象蹴踏润无边。三乘五性皆醒悟。Their giant footsteps nourish limitless beings;Sravaka

30、, Pratyeka, Bodhisattva-all are enlightened;Five kinds of human nature all are emancipated.雪山肥腻更无杂。纯出醒醐我常纳。High in the Himalayas, only fei-ni grass grows.Here cows produce pure and delicious milk,And this food I continually enjoy.一性圆通一切性。一法遍含一切法。One complete nature passes to all natures;One universa

31、l Dharma encloses all Dharmas.一月普现一切水。一切水月一月摄。One moon is reflected in many waters;All the water-moons are from the one moon.诸佛法身入我性。我性同共如来合。The Dharma-body of all Buddhas has entered my own nature,And my nature becomes one with the Tathagata.一地具足一切地。非色非心非行业。One level completely contains all levels;It is not matter, mind nor activit

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