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1、牛津英语3B三年级下册教案备课牛津小学英语3B电子备课教案(共106页)第一学期学校 班级 三年级教师 教学计划一、 本册3B牛津英语教材的教学目标1 能按四会要求掌握所学单词。共计30个2 能按三会要求掌握所学单词。共计53个3 能按四会要求掌握所学句型。主要有:whats this/that in/on? Whats this/that in English? May I come in? Whats your job? Is this/that ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Whats plus/minus ? Do you like? Wheres ? Its

2、time to What would you like? What about.? How much is it? Sorry, I dont know.等。4 能运用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,并做到大胆开口,发音准确,所用语言与场合相符。5 能在图片、手势、表情等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的录音材料、课堂用语,配图的小故事和教材要求学生参与手工活动的指示语。6 养成良好的书写习惯,能做到书写规范、整洁。7 养成良好的听英语,读英语,说英语的习惯。能自觉的模仿语音,语调,并逐步养成良好的语感。8 能在任务型学习的过程中运用相关的语言知识,完成某项任务,并促进语言能力的提高。

3、9 能演唱已学过的英文歌曲。朗诵已学过的歌谣。二、 本册教材的重点和难点1 词汇:第一单元:school bag crayon tape knife storybook copybook stapler toy train 第二单元: clock computer camera radio watch key 第三单元: grandfather grandmother father mother uncle aunt son daughter brother sister 第四、五单元:120 第六单元:dining-room bedroom study kitchen bathroom si

4、tting-room 第七单元:hot dog sandwich pie bread rice soft drinks a bar of chocolate a carton of milk 第八单元:cap hat tie vest belt socks shoes trousers 第九单元: piano violin guitar skating according 第十、十一单元:football basketball volleyball baseball rowing swimming climbing skiing fishing jogging running2.句型: 第一单

5、元:whats this/that in/on? Whats this/that in English? 第二单元:May I come in? Come in please. Here you are. 第三单元:Is this/that ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 第四、五单元:Whats plus/minus ? Whats the time? Its time to 第七单元: Wheres ? Sorry, I dont know. 第八单元: What would you like? What about.? 第九单元: Can I help you? H

6、ow much is it?第十、十一单元: Do you play? Do you like? Thats all right.3.培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写规范、整洁。4.初步掌握名词复数的词性和读音的变化。三、 所任班级情况分析三年级共计109人。其中本学期三(1)班转进3人,三(2)班转进2人,总共5个新生,未学过英语。三(3)班优秀生较多,中等成绩的学生潜力较大,而每个班除了新来的学生的学困生差不多。这些学困生的产生主要有以下几种原因:智力因素、学习习惯。通过一年多的学习英语时间,每个班都出现了几个厌学、丧失学习信心的学生。例如:沈凯、孙帆华、张旭、周蒸饺、钱梦涵、吴倩等。因此本

7、学期的工作重点就是以上这些学生。四、 教学设想和措施 从听说入手,结合进行单词教学,然后在继续加强听说的同时,进行辅以情景的句型操练。在教学中根据学生学习的实际情况将各个板块有机结合、合理安排,使它们相互渗透、融会贯通。尽可能地运用图片、实物、多媒体等直观手段,为学生提供真实生动的语言交际情境,并采用“先听说、后读写、先整体、后局部”的方法,引导学生开展形式多样的语言实践活动。1进行大量的听说练习,提高学生运用语言的能力。2进行大量的口语练习,鼓励学生勇于开口,不做英语的哑巴。3鼓励学生进行课外阅读,以扩充自己的词汇量及课外知识。4. 指导学生进行正确的听说读写。此项工作主要安排在课堂上和批改

8、作业时。5. 针对各班的实际情况,进行有目的、有步骤的提优补差工作。教学进度周次教学内容第一周复习3AUnit 1&2第二周复习3AUnit 3&4第三周复习3AUnit 5&6第四周复习3AUnit 7&8第五周复习3AUnit 9&10第六周复习3AUnit 11&12第七周3BUnit 1第八周3BUnit 2第九周3BUnit 2第十周3BUnit 3第十一周3BUnit 3第十二周3BUnit 4第十三周3BUnit 4第十四周3BUnit 5第十五周3BUnit 5第十六周3BUnit 6第十七周复习第十八周期末考试教学内容:Unit 1 第一课时:A部分第1、2幅图。B部分单词a

9、 tape ,a knife ,a crayon , a school bag .教学目标: 1、知识目标:能听懂、会说新授的4个文具及玩具类单词:a tape ,a knife ,a crayon , a school bag2、技能目标:能听懂、会说日常交际用语Whats this /that in /on the?Whats this /that in English ?Its Come here教学重点: 能听懂、会说新授的4个文具及玩具类单词教学难点: 能正确理解、运用介词in和on.教具准备:图片、磁带、录音机、教学挂图、书包等实物。 教学过程:A. Review and stud

10、y .1. 学习新短语come here(师手拿教具进入教室):Come here , close the door ,please .(学生关好门以后,教师道谢:Thank you ).学生跟教师学说:Come here. 2. Greetings: Good morning/afternoon3. 认识本册教材中将要出现的人物,注意人物衣着的变化,并认识两个新人物:苏阳、苏海,双胞胎的区别在于她俩头上发卡颜色的不同。 BPresentation and practice . 1. 介绍句型Whats that/this in/on the ?a. 区别this和that。借助实物和图片,引

11、导学生说This is Thats b. Ss learn to say : Whats this /that? Its 借助上学期所学文具类单词,如pen ,ballpen等c. The Ss learn to say :Whats this/that in /on the ? 把文具放在书book ,desk, pencil box上面或里面,让学生区别in和on . d. Practice . e. Play a game : Touch and guess . 2. 过渡学习新单词:a tape ,a knife ,a crayon ,a school bag . a.在游戏中,放入k

12、nife或其它让生猜是什么,引入新单词学习。 b.The Ss look and learn : tape ,knife ,crayon ,school bag . c.Sing a song : tape ,tape ,tape. Unit 1 My school bag . Whats this/that on /in the desk? 图片 a tape . Its图片Knife . 图片Crayon 图片School bag . d. Drill: 连锁操练。 S1:Whats in my pencil box ? S2: Its a S1: Yes/No ,its a S2: Wh

13、ats in my pencil box ? S3: Its a S2:Yes/No ,Its a S3: Whats in my pencil box ? C. Learn to say . 1.写出课题:Unit 1 My school bag . 2.出示教学挂图,认识人物Gao Shan , YangLing 3.Discuss: Whatre they saying ? 注意纠正: in和on . 4.Listen to the tape and try to imitate . 5.Action . Group work (小组内交流,运用新知) D END 板书设计: Unit

14、1Myschool bag Whats this /that in English ? 图片 tape Its a 图片 knife 图片 crayon 图片school bag教学后记:教学内容:. Unit 1 第二课时:A部分第3、4幅图。B部分单词a storybook ,a copybook ,a stapler ,a toy train.教学目标: 1、知识目标:能听懂、会说新授的4个文具及玩具类单词:a storybook ,a copybook ,a stapler ,a toy train.2、技能目标: 能听懂、会说日常交际用语Whats this /that in Eng

15、lish?教学重点: 能听懂、会说新授的4个文具及玩具类单词教学难点: 能听懂、会说日常交际用语Whats this /that in English?教具准备:图片、磁带、录音机、教学挂图、书包等实物。 教学过程:Step1 Free talk and motivation . 1.Sing a song : tape ,tape ,tape . 2.Free talk . T&S.S&Ss:Good morning .How are you ? Look at my coat 3.Listen and do .( 听指令摆东西) There is a tape on the desk .

16、There is a knife in the book . Step2 Presentation . 1.The T shows the teaching picture. (A 部分第 3、4 幅画) 2.Listen to the tape and try to say something . 3.Listen and say .(学生和录音一问一答,完成对话)Tape : Excuse me , Wang Bing, Whats this in English ?Ss: Its a knife .Tape: Thank you .Tape: Whats that in English

17、?Ss: Its a crayon .Tape: Oh ,I see . 4.Learn to say : Whats this/that in English? S&T practice 进入本课新单词学习:a storybook ,a copybook, a stapler ,a toy train5.Listen and try to imitate . Step3 Consolidation . 1.Sing: tape ,tape ,tape . 2.Listen : A B C song . Step4 Consolidation . 1.Listen to the tape. 2

18、.Try to read the dialogue . 3.Talk with your friends . Step5 Oral work . e.g .T: Whats that in the book ? S: Its a pen . Step6 END . 板书设计:Unit 1Myschool bag Whats this /that in English ? 图片 storybook Its a 图片 copybook 图片 stapler 图片 toy train教学后记:教学内容:. Unit 1 第三课时:CLook and say、 DLook , read and wri

19、te、 work book教学目标: 1、知识目标:能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语Whats this /that on ?Whats this /that in English ? Its 2、技能目标:运用所学语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。3、情感目标:能正确使用礼貌用语Excuse me .培养学生使用礼貌用语的习惯。教学重点: 能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语Whats this /that on ?Whats this /that in English ? Its 教学难点: 运用所学语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。教具准备:图片、磁带、录音机、教学挂图。

20、 教学过程: Step1 Free talk and motivation . 1.Sing a song “ Hello! How are you ?” 2.Greetings : 3.Free talk . 4Review the new words: a school bag ,a crayon ,a copybook ,a storybook ,a tape ,a toytrain ,a stapler ,a knife . 5.Play a game “心灵感应.” 猜老师心里在想什么单词? Step 2 Look and say . 1. Group work .以小组为单位模仿L

21、earn to say 中的场景进行交际问答。 2看图、讨论交流。 3Check 抽查个别小组学生的问答、练习情况。 4Action个别表演(提醒学生注意使用Excuse me ) Step 3 Presentation . 1.Sing a song (Sing after the recorder ): ABC song . 2.Listen and circle .3.Check the answers . 4.Play a game : Whats in my school bag ?Step 4 Sing a song . 1.Listen to the tape : A B C s

22、ong . 2.Sing after the tape . 3.Sing together . Step5 Work book .1.Listen to the tape and do the exerice 2. Check the answerStep 6 End 板书设计: Unit 1Myschool bag Whats this /that in English ? Its a 教学后记:教学内容:Unit 2 第一课时A部分第1、2 幅图,B部分单词 a watch ,a radio, a camera ,a computer教学目标:1、知识目标:能听懂、会说表示日常生活用品的单

23、词a watch ,a radio, a camera ,a computer2技能目标:能听懂、会说日常交际用语What a nice ! May I come in? Come in ,please . Is this ? Yes ,it is / No ,it isnt . Its 教学重点: 能听懂、会说表示日常生活用品的单词教学难点: 能听懂、会说日常交际用语What a nice ! May I come in? Come in ,please教具准备:图片、磁带、录音机、挂图、实物等。 教学过程:A、 Free talk and motivation .1. Lets sing

24、a song : A B C song .2. 师生问候: Good morning /afternoon .How are you ?3. 指着室内物品用 Whats this /that (in the pencil-box /on the desk)? Its 与学生互相问答。(复习Unit 1 中的单词 )4拿出人物图片以Who is he /she ? He /She is 介绍Nancy 等B、 Presentation and practice .1. 介绍生词: a watch ,a radio ,a camera ,a computer .a. 教师出示一个包,把要学单词的实

25、物与文具放在包里让学生摸一摸 ,猜一猜 ,指名上台摸,教师问Whats this in English ? 这样逐一学习上面四个单词,教师读,开火车,拼读。如:radio r-a-d-i-oradiob. Sing : radio, watch ,camera ,radio, watch ,camera . 介绍句型:ay I come in ? Come in ,please.教师故意让某位学生去办公室拿一东西,学生回来“报告”,教师告诉他说“May I come in ?”教师和全体学生示意叫他进教室,同时说:Come in ,please .并多次操练此句型介绍句型:Is this?Ye

26、s ,it is ./No ,it isnt .Its a.教师拿着一本书问:Is this a book ?重复两次,示意学生用Yes ,it is .并反复练几次。b. 教师拿着一本抄写本问:Is this a book ?引导学生用No ,it isnt .Its a copybook .再利用才学的单词练习。介绍What a nice .!教师出示一学生文具盒,并赞美:How nice ! 学生还会用Its nice /pretty /smart .教师引导学生用What a nice pencil box ! 表示赞美惊讶之情。学生出示所带的物品watch ,radio ,camer

27、a .教师或学生用What a nice ! 赞美。Play a game .摸猜。e.gSa 摸:Is this ? Sb : Yes ,it is /No , it isnt.C、Learn to say .听录音,跟读。同位练习对话。分组对话。、Homework .听录音对话内容,教会父母个单词。板书设计:教学后记:Unit2Yes or no Is this ? Yes ,it is / No ,it isnt .Its a 图watch . 图radio 图camera 图computer教学内容:Unit 2 第二课时A 部分第3、4 幅图,B部分单词a clock ,a key教

28、学目标:1、知识目标:能听懂、会说表示日常生活用品的单词a clock ,a key 2、技能目标:能听懂、会说日常交际用语Is that ?Yes ,it is ./No ,it isnt .Its Can I have a look ? Sure ,Here you are .教学重点: 能听懂、会说表示日常生活用品的单词教学难点: 能听懂、会说日常交际用语Is that ? Can I have a look ? Sure ,Here you are .教具准备:图片、磁带、录音机、挂图、实物等。 教学过程:Step 1 Free talkandmotivation .1、Sing a

29、song : A B Csong .(1)、sing in group (2)、sing in pair(3)、sing together2、Ask and answer . (师生对话,生与生对话。)T: Is this a radio? S1:Yes ,it is .T: Is this a watch ?S1: No ,It isnt ,Its a camera .T: Can I have a look ?(师做出看的动作)S1: Sure ,Here you are .教读:Can I have a look ?教师拿照相机、手表等问:Whats this in English ? 生答 Its camera /watch Step2 Presentationand practice .1、教授句型Is this /that ? Yes ,it is ./No ,it isnt .Its Can I h

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