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1、冀教版八年级英语下册单元测试题及答案全册2冀教版八年级英语下册单元测试题及答案全册2(共8个单元,含答案解析)Unit 1标准检测卷笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)21What _ heavy rain it was!Yes,but I love _ air after it rains. It smells so fresh.Athe;a Ba;the Cthe;the Da;a22The temperature is _ zero outside. Youd better put on your heavy coat.Aabove Bbelow Cunder Dov

2、er23Its time _.Lets _home together.Ato leave;to go Bleave;to goCto leave;go Dleave;go24Mike, have you ever been to the Water Park with your sister?_ of us has. Well plan to go there together this weekend.ANeither BNone CAll DBoth 25Jim is not as _ as his sister. But he works very hard.Aclever Bcleve

3、rerCcleverest Dthe cleverest26Dont worry! We have _ time to do the work.Amany Ba lot Cplenty of Dlittle27Bruce practices _basketball every day so that he can be a better player.Aplay Bto play Cplaying28Mount Tai is so famous that _ people visit it every day.Ahundred of Bseven hundreds of Chundreds o

4、f29We have no coffee. Lets have some tea_Atoo Byet Chowever Dinstead30The children had fun _ games outdoors yesterday.Aplay Bto playCplayed Dplaying31This bus doesnt go to the train station. Im afraid youll have to _ at the library and take the A52. Atake off Bput off Cget off Dturn off32Lets go swi

5、mming.I dont want to go. I am _ cold water.Ainterested Binterested inCscared Dscared of33Helen,thanks for _ me.My pleasure.Ahelp Bto help Chelping34There _ a football game played by Messi this evening.Awill have Bis going to beCis going to have Dare going to 35Do you think it will be rainy tomorrow?

6、_.Well work on the farm tomorrow.AI hope not BI think soCNo,it isnt DI agree with you六、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) (词数:约110;建议用时:5分钟)There are four seasons in a year. I think _(36) is the best.When the weather _(37) warm,birds begin to sing and flowers come out. It _(38) that spring has come. The shining sun m

7、akes _(39) grow better and the days begin to become _(40) than the nights.A famous Chinese saying “The whole years work depends on(取决于) a good start _(41)” tells us that spring is the beginning of a year. People should make their plans for _(42) in spring.Although(虽然) there is no good harvest and no

8、 white snow in spring,it _(43)“green” to the world. Everything in spring is full of vitality(活力)Spring is _(44), so I like it very _(45)36A. spring Bsummer Cautumn Dwinter37A. are Bgets Ccomes Dhas38A. goes BshowsC. becomes Dspeaks39A.nothing BanythingCsomething Deverything40A.short Bshorter Clong D

9、 spring Bin the morningCin a day Din the beginning42A.the past Bthe nightCthe year Dthe new term43A.can bring Bcan takeCcant bring Dcant Bcold Cbeautiful Dearly45A.well Bbetter Cbest Dmuch七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A(词数:约140;建议用时:5分钟)What will the weather be like tomorrow?Some people

10、say they can forecast (预测)the weather from animals.Some of them look at seabirds. When they see seabirds fly high,they say it will be a nice day. When the weather is bad,the seabirds stay on the shore(岸)They dont like to fly in strong winds and they sit in trees when rain is on the way.Other people

11、look at different animals on the farm. For example,chickens may make a lot of noise and run here and there when rain is on the way. Frogs(青蛙)can tell the weather,too. When rain is on the way,they stay in water and make a lot of noise too. But when it is a nice day,they will be quiet and jump out of

12、the water.46When some people see seabirds _they think it is going to be a nice day.Asit in treesBstay on the shoreCfly highDfly to the trees47Chickens _ when rain is on the way.Arun around Bkeep quietCknow nothing Dsit in trees48When rain is on the way,frogs may _.Aeat a lot Bnot make a lot of noise

13、Cgo to the land Dnot jump out of the water49_ will make a lot of noise if it rains.AFrogs and seabirdsBChickens and seabirdsCFrogs and chickens DChickens and cats50The passage wants to tell us that _.Aonly animals can tell the weatherBwe can know the weather from some animalsCall animals like rainDa

14、ll animals can tell the weatherB(词数:约160;建议用时:5分钟)Some people dont like storms,but I think they are very exciting.There are often storms at the end of a hot summer day. The clouds are small and white at first. However,they get bigger and bigger until they make one large,black cloud. The sky gets dar

15、k and it starts to rain hard. And then the streets are like swimming pools. There is a flash of bright light in the sky and then,after a few seconds,you can hear the loud “bang” of thunder.Light travels very fast,so we always see the lightning before we hear the thunder. If the clouds are one kilome

16、tre away,you can count to three,between the lightning and the thunder.Lightning is very beautiful but it can also be dangerous. Lightning is electricity(电流) “jumping” to the ground from a cloud. It usually hits tall things,so if you are outside when there is thunder and lightning,dont stand under a

17、tree.51We can see _ in a storm.Aa light rain Ba white cloudCa small cloud Dlightning52The streets are like swimming pools because_.Athe cloud is large and darkBthe sky gets dark Cit rains hardDits a hotter summer day53What does the underlined word “flash” mean?A闪光 B明亮C响亮 D阳光 54If the clouds are thre

18、e kilometres away,you can count to _ between the lightning and the thunder.Athree Bsix Cnine Dtwelve 55What should you do when there is thunder and lightning?AClimb up a tree. BStand under a tree.CStand under tall things. DStay in a car.C(词数:约200;建议用时:7分钟)When the weather is hot, you go to a lake or

19、 an ocean. When you are near a lake or an ocean,you feel cool. Why?The sun makes the earth hot but it cannot make the water very hot. Although the air over the earth becomes hot,the air over the water stays cool. The hot air over the earth goes up. Then the cool air over the water moves in and takes

20、 the place of the hot air.When it moves in,you will feel the wind. And the wind makes you cool.Of course,scientists cannot answer all of our questions. If we ask “Why is the ocean full of salt?”,scientists will say that the salt comes from rocks. When a rock gets very hot or very cold,it cracks(断裂)R

21、ain falls into the cracks and then carries the salt into the ocean. But then we ask,“What happens to the salt in the ocean?”The ocean does not get saltier every year. Scientists are not sure about the answer to this question.We know a lot about our world. But there are still many answers which we do

22、nt have and are curious(好奇的) about.56The main idea of this passage is that _.Apeople feel cool when they are near a lake or an oceanBscientists can explain many things,but not everythingCscientists can explain everything about the oceanDthe salt in the ocean comes from rocks57Now scientists know _.A

23、what makes people feel cool near a lake or an ocean in summerBeverything about the oceanCwhat happens to the salt in the oceanDwhy the ocean does not get saltier and saltier58A rock cracks when _.Arain falls Bit gets very hotCit gets very cold DBoth B and C59In the first paragraph,the underlined wor

24、d “it” refers to _.Athe hot air over the waterBthe cool air over the earthCthe hot air over the earthDthe cool air over the water60Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?AThe reason why people feel cool when they are near a lake or an ocean in hot weather.BThe reason why the ocean d

25、oesnt get saltier every year.CThe reason why the water in the ocean is salty.DThe reason why rocks crack.八、任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分)(词数:约170;建议用时:6分钟)Here is some information about Sanya,Harbin and Beijing.Sanya is in Hainan Province. Its still warm in winter. Its about 15 in the daytime. Sanya has beautifu

26、l beaches.You can play on the beaches or swim in the sea in Sanya.And there are many kinds of delicious fruit for you to taste. The price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night.Beijing is not very cold in winter. Its about 10.It seldom rains or snows. Exploring(探索) Hutong in Beijing is very inter

27、esting. You can learn much about Chinese culture in Hutong.Hotels_usually_cut_their_prices_in_winter. About 200 yuan a night is enough.Harbin is in the north of China.Its very cold in winter,sometimes about 30.Visitors need to wear warm clothes. There is an Ice and Snow Festival that lasts about six

28、 weeks. Many wonderful ice works are on show at the festival. A hotel room is about 230 yuan a night.61题完成句子;6263题简略回答问题;64题找出并写下全文的主题句;65题将文中画线句子译成汉语。61By exploring Beijing Hutong,people can learn much about _.62How much is the hotel room for a night in Harbin?_63Which city is the coldest city in winter in the passage?_64_65_九、基础写作(35分)A连词成句(每小题2分,共10分)(注意各小题的词形变化)66do,enjoy,you,movies,watch_?67how many,movies,kind,of,do you know_?68there be,on show,new movies,many_.69I,happy,watched,so

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