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第二章 船体结构.docx

1、第二章 船体结构GM 4000 HULL Date: 13.12.2006 Page: 1 of 8Title: Outline Specification MAIN GROUP 2 Rev.: BMARACCTABLE OF CONTENTS2 HULL AND STRUCTURE (船体结构). 2 20. Hull materials, general hull work(船体材料,常规船体工作). 221. Pontoons(浮码头). 422. Columns(支柱). 524. Main deck(主甲板). 525.Superstructure, deck houses and

2、helideck(上层建筑,甲板室和直升机甲板). 526. Hull outfitting(船体舾装). 527. Material protection(涂装) . 628. Material protection, internal(内部涂装). 72 HULL AND STRUCTURE(船体结构)20. Hull materials, general hull work(船体材料,一般船体工作)201. Hull materials, general hull work(船体材料,一般船体工作)All materials shall be class approved, and ac

3、cording to class approved Drawings .所有的材料, 图纸都要得到船级社认可。Yard shall provide full traceability as well as material certificates for any piece of material used in the hull or superstructure as required by class. Fabrication and hull work shall be according to class requirements and standards.船厂要提供船体和上层建

4、筑所需的每一块按标准分类材料的详细图纸,例如材料证明书。制作和船体工作要依据按照需求和标准做的规定来实施.Builders shall pay attention to secure proper alignment of structural parts during construction and assembly.在建造和装配的过程中施工人员要注重于局部结构稳定性的问题。Tolerances required by class are to be complied with. i.e:公差范围必须遵照船级社的i.e分级Plainness of unstiffened plate.自由板

5、架Straightness of plate stiffeners.直板上的扶强材Misalignment of plate edges.未对准板的边缘Misalignment of girders, stiffeners etc.未对准的梁, 扶强材等Builder shall ensure that class approved welding procedures and materials are used for all welding.施工人员一定要按规定制定焊接工艺和选择焊接材料。All workmanship entering into the construction sha

6、ll be of good quality in all respects, with special care being exercised throughout critical joints.所有的工艺加入建造中来都要保证好的质量,尤其要注意贯穿板架的那些板缝。The plating is to be fair, smoothly and tightly fitted, and without excessive buckles, depressions and uneven edges.要进行电镀工艺的板一定要保证干净、光滑,还一定要保证合适的尺寸,不能有过大的弯曲,凹陷和边缘变形。

7、Fitting prior to welding is to be according to class requirements and Standards.焊前准备工作要按船级规范和要求来制定。Repairs necessary to comply with class requirements are to be done according to class requirements.修补必须遵守船级社规范.Electrical-arc welding shall be used throughout the GM-4000-Ds structure.电弧焊必须在整个GM-4000-D

8、的结构上使用。All welding shall be in accordance with applicable Classification Bodyand Regulatory Bodies requirements.所有的焊接要满足船级社规范.The Builder shall submit to the Owner a complete set of welding procedures and welding qualification tests, as required by the Classification Body. This submittal shall be ma

9、de prior to commencement of construction.按照船级社的要求,建造者要在船厂进行一次完整的焊接程序和焊接资格考试。这些事情安排在建造开始之前。The Builder shall ensure that approved welding procedures and welding qualification tests are to be used by all subcontractors, as required by the Classification Body. This submittal shall be made prior to comm

10、encement of construction.按照船级社的要求,建造者要确定所有的转包商都进行了有效的焊接程序和焊接资格考试。这些事情安排在建造开始之前。Welding shall reflect Builders preferred practice in accordance with classrequirements. 焊接方法是反映建造者是否按规定操作首选的方法。 Generally welding shall be performed by use of the Following processes:通常焊接有以下几种方法:GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Weld

11、ing钨极氩弧焊FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding 药芯焊丝电弧焊SMAW Shielded Manual Arc Welding手工电弧焊SAW Shielded Arc Welding埋弧自动焊All welding shall be performed by qualified Classification Body approved welders. This shall also apply to subcontracted work. All stiffeners, brackets and girders attached to the inside of t

12、anks for liquid service , as well as forming part of structure in the vicinity of open tanks containing corrosive materials, shall be attached by double continuous fillet welding. Continuous welding shall be provided for the purpose of sealing all areas that are exposed to weather in the finished st

13、ructure. Areas, which are not accessible for painting, shall be sealed off by single side continuous welding.所有的焊接工作都要由船级社指定的焊接工来操作。这些也可以应用于转包合同的工作。与装腐蚀材料舱室相邻的开口舱室焊接方法相同;所有液态舱室内的型材,肘板和纵绗都要进行连续双面焊。一些完整结构中会有暴露在空气中的部位,连续焊可以用来把这些区域整体密封起来。不易涂装的区域要用单面连续焊密封起来。The size of the tack weld shall be sufficient t

14、o support the members andResist shrinkage and distortion during the initial phase of the welding.在焊接的最初阶段,点焊的尺寸要足够承载焊件和抵抗它的收缩变形。Welding consumables and preheat temperature shall be the same as for themain weld. A detailed WPS shall be established for the purpose of tackwelding if, the tack welding i

15、s incorporated in the main weld and qualifiedwelders shall weld it. Qualified welders or tack welders, qualified to AWSD1.1 or equivalent shall perform tack welding.定位焊的焊接材料和预热温度要与正式焊接时保持一致。如果对以进行定位焊的焊缝还要进行正式焊接,就需要按照WPS里的规定来进行定位焊,需要有资格的电焊工来做这项工作。要按AWS D1.1的标准来选择电焊工,或具有同等的焊接能力。All electrodes to be us

16、ed for steel construction welding shall be approvedby the Classification Body. Storage and handling of welding consumablesto be in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and Builders approved procedures.钢结构中使用的所有的电极都要符合船级社的规定。储存和使用焊条都要符合生产厂商的说明书,并且要按照施工人员被认可的规定。Surface defects may be repa

17、ired by grinding, provided the thickness is notreduced by more than 7% of the nominal thickness, or 3 mm, whichever isleast. The defective area shall be ground smooth and 100% checked with magnet particle testing (MPI).可以用打磨的方法来消除表面的缺陷,但要保证打磨掉的不要超过板厚的7%或不要超过3 mm。有缺陷的部位要被打磨光滑,100%的用MPI检测质量。Defects de

18、eper than 7% or 3mm shall be repaired by welding. No repairing is needed for slight surface defects (0.2 mm in depth).打磨掉的超过板厚的7%或超过3 mm的地方要用焊接来修补缺陷。微小的表面缺陷(深度小于0.2 mm)可以不必进行修补Repair welding may be performed according to the original weld Procedure, provided the essential variables have not been cha

19、nged, in which case a new weld procedure shall be established.如果基本的参数没有改变的话,可以按最初的焊接工艺来进行补焊,否则就要制定新的焊接工艺。In weather exposed area, bolts on Carbon steel components shall be hot dip galvanized. 对于暴露在空气中的部位,碳素钢部件上的螺钉必须经过高温镀锌处理。Dimensions less than 12 mm shall be of stainless steel types SUS316, NV316 o

20、r equal. Bolts on stainless steel components shall be stainless steel.尺寸小于12mm的螺钉要用不锈钢SUS316, NV316 或者其他同类型的。不锈钢部件上的螺钉需要是不锈钢材料的。Otherwise bolting shall be in accordance with Builders practice.其他处的螺钉型号根据施工人员的经验确定。Wherever the material protection for steel parts is specified as galvanized,it shall alw

21、ays be understood as hot dip galvanized, including the bolts,otherwise stainless steel material shall be used. 金属零件的保护,包括螺栓,应该详细说明。如镀锌,通常认为是高温镀锌。否则要用不锈钢材料No electric galvanizing shall be accepted.电镀锌是不被认可的。The insulation material shall be of a non water-absorbing type in weather exposed area.暴露在空气中的

22、绝缘材料应选用不吸水的类型。Carbon steel under insulation shall be painted. Stainless steel shall not bepainted under insulation.绝缘层以下的碳素钢需要喷涂,不锈钢不用喷涂。203. Sandblasting, shop priming(喷砂除锈,打底漆)Builder shall ensure that materials are adequately protected duringprocurement, storage and fabrication. 施工人员应确认原材料在运输,储存和

23、建造过程中得到充分的保护。Some formation of rust during fabrication may be accepted, but the rust grade shall be within the limits of ISO 8501-1 grade B or equivalent.在建造过程中有些生锈,但是锈蚀的程度在ISO 8501-1 B级或等效的极限允许范围内,是可以接受的。All steel plates shall be free from rust and primed with 25my shop primerbefore used in fabrica

24、tion.在建造之前所有的钢板必须进行除锈并且打底漆。All welds to be spot blasted to SA 2.5 and primed with 25my shop primer. 所有的焊缝打磨到SA 2.5并且打上25my shop的底漆。Prior to grand block assembly, all blocks shall be blasted to SA 2,5 and painted in accordance with this technical specification.在分段大合拢之前,所有的分段应按照此技术规格书进行打磨至SA 2,5和喷涂。20

25、4. Testing of tanks, bulkheads etc(舱室,舱壁等的密性试验)All tanks shall be tested according to class requirements.所有的舱室应按照船级规范进行测试。All bulkheads shall be tested and inspected according to class requirements.所有的舱壁都要按照船级规范进行试验和检查。Possible leaks to be repaired by welding and retested. 用焊接修补可能存在的漏洞并重复试验。All test

26、s shall be repeated until no leaks are observed. 所有试验要重复进行直到没有漏洞被发现。All testing of tanks and spaces must take place and shall be carried out as agreed with the Classification Body. 所有舱室和隔断的试验必须进行并且要按照船级社的同意执行。The outside surface of tanks and spaces must be dry and clean prior to testing.在测试之前舱室和隔断的外

27、表面一定要干燥清洁。205. X-ray, UT, MPI and other NDT(X射线,超声波,磁微粒和其他无损探伤)Welds of structural steel are to be subject to Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) as the construction work proceeds. Testing is to be carried out applying suitable methods such as visual inspection, radiographic,magnetic particle, ultrasonic

28、etc.钢结构焊接的无损探伤可以随着结构的建造同时进行。检查可以应用合适的方法进行,如:肉眼观察,X光成像,磁微粒,超声波等。The extent of testing shall be in accordance with the Classification Bodysrequirements. NDT is to be reported and all essential control parametersare to be given, and shall be available to the Owner.All NDT operators shall be certified a

29、ccording to Class Bodys requirement or equivalent certification scheme accepted by Owner.检查的范围必须满足船级社的要求。无损探伤必须记录并且提供基本的控制参数,以备接受船东的询问。所有无损探伤操作人员的鉴定必须满足船级社的要求或者船东认可的同等级的证明。21. Pontoons(浮码头)For details see drawings.详见图纸22. Columns(支柱)For details see drawings. 详见图纸24. Main deck主甲板For details see drawi

30、ngs. 详见图纸25. Superstructure, deck houses and helideck(上层建筑,甲板室和直升机甲板)251. Superstructure(上层建筑)The superstructure may be built up as a part of the main structure.上层建筑可以算做主体结构的一部分。Heli-deck support structure to be of round or square tubing. For layout seedrawings.直升机甲板用圆形或方形的结构支撑。见图纸。26. Hull outfitti

31、ng( 舾装)261. Draught marks, loadline, name and port of registry( 吃水标志,载重线,船名和国籍)The unit shall be marked with draught marks visible from main deck on allColumns, Loadline marks as required, as well as name and port of registry.船体所有的柱子都要在主甲板可以看见的位置按要求标上吃水标志,载重线,以及船名和国籍。GM 4000 Hull call sign shall be marked on both sides, forwards and aft, aswell as on the helideck.GM 4000船的船名标志应该标记在船的两舷,首尾端以及直升机甲板。262. Drain,bottom plugs,

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