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1、轮机英语补充题库一轮机英语补充题库一 最新轮机英语考证补充题1. There are four main types of marine engines: and the marine nuclear plant.A. the diesel engine, the steam turbine and dual-fuel engineB. the diesel engine, the steam turbine and the gas turbineC. the gas-diesel engine, the gasoline engine and the diesel engineD. the

2、gasoline engine, the diesel engine and the steam turbine注:船用发动机有四种主要类型:柴油机、汽轮机、燃气轮机和船舶核动力装置,选B。2. In crosshead engines in good condition the cylinder oil consumption may usually be .A. bellow 0.1 g/hp. hr. B. above 10 g/hp. hr.C. below 1.0 g/hp. hr. D. zero注:十字头式柴油机在状态良好的情况下气缸耗油率低于1.0 g/hp. hr., 选C。

3、3. The is the power available at the output shaft of the engine and can be measured using a torsionmeter or with a brake.A. electric power B. shaft power C. indicated power D. mechanical power注:轴功率是指发动机输出轴上可获得的功率,可以使用扭矩表或刹车来测量,选B。4. The greatest turbulence in a diesel engine cylinder is created by t

4、he .A. shape of the combustion chamberB. fuel injection spray patternC. cylinder swept volumeD. degree of penetration of the fuel oil droplets注:柴油机气缸内最大的湍流是由燃油液滴的穿透程度产生的,选D。5. The liquid flowing in the capillary is such that the difference in _ readings taken before the capillary and after it is rel

5、ated to the oil viscosity. A. pressure B. velocity C. flow rate D. temperature注:对于在毛细管内流动的液体,毛细管前后测取的压差与油的粘度有关,选A。6. The starting air bottle should be pumped up to maximum pressure by the _ before start of the engine. A. air compressor B. refrigeration compressor C. vacuum pump D. purifier注:在发动机启动前,

6、应使用空压机将启动空气瓶打到最大压力,选A。7. The primary task of the compressed air system is to deliver the starting air necessary for _.A. starting the M.E. B. starting the emergency electric alternator C. driving the main turbine D. driving the turbocharger注:压缩空气系统的主要任务是为启动主机提供压缩空气,选A。8. Air compressor receivers sho

7、uld be “blown down” at least _. A. yearly B. quarterly C. monthly D. daily注:空气瓶应每天放残,选D。9. Starting air for auxiliary engines may be taken directly from the main reservoirs or through . A. an auxiliary reservoir B. a controlling air bottle C. an emergency air compressor D. a main air compressor注:辅机的

8、启动空气可直接来自主空气瓶,也可来自辅空气瓶,选A。10. The air reservoirs must have _ fitted to prevent rupture in the event of fire. A. high pressure alarm B. fire alarm C. extinguishers D. fusible plugs注:空气瓶必须安装易熔塞,以防发生火灾时爆炸,选D。11. Air reservoirs are designed, built and tested similarly to _. A. boiler drums B. hot wells

9、C. condensers D. evaporators注:空气瓶的设计、建造和试验类似于锅炉的锅筒,选A。12. When the prime movers of two paralleled generators are equipped with mechanical- hydraulic governors, and are operating within their designed range, the unit with the least amount of speed droop will _. A. pick up more of any increase in load

10、 B. pick up less of any increase in load C. share an equal amount of any increase in loadD. drop an equal amount of any decrease in load注:当两台并车运行的发动机的原动机装有机械液压式调速器,并在设计范围内运行,速度降小的装置将会承担更多增加的负荷,选A。13. Which of the following devices is a common basic element with nearly all mechanical governors?A. Pow

11、er piston B. Control rackC. Weights acted on by centrifugal force D. Isochronous droop spring注:受离心力作用的飞重是几乎所有机械式调速器共有的基本部件,选C。14. The required amount in the change of speed necessary before a governor will make a corrective movement is known as _.A. speed droop B. sensitivity C. stability D. promptn

12、ess注:在调速器能做出纠正动作之前所需要的速度变化量,称为灵敏度,选B。15. Which of the following devices is common to both mechanical and hydraulic governors? A. Direct linkage between the ball-head and fuel rack. B. A servomotor. C. A compensating device. D. Flyweights.注:对于机械和液压式调速器,飞重是共有的部件,选D。16. On most diesel engines, the gove

13、rnor controls the output speed by _. A. controlling the amount of fuel injected into the cylinders B. varying the speed of the turbocharger C. adjusting the compression ratio D. changing the timing of the fuel injection camshaft注:在大多数柴油机中,调速器是通过控制喷入气缸的燃油量来调节速度的,选A。17. The ability of the governor to

14、prevent fluctuations in engine speed is termed _. A. sensitivity B. stability C. promptness D. speed droop注:调速器防止发动机速度波动的能力,称为稳定性,选B。18. Oil mist detectors are usually used on board to detect oil mist density within _. A. the engine crankcase B. the engine scavenge boxes C. drain tanks D. fuel tanks

15、注:船上油雾探测器通常用于探测发动机曲轴箱内的油雾浓度,选A。19. An auxiliary reservoir for starting auxiliary engines should be kept at _. A. low pressure at all times B. full pressure at all times C. low pressure at intermittence D. full pressure at intermittence注:用于启动辅机的辅空气瓶,在任何时候都应保持在最大压力,选B。20. Sacrificial zinc anodes are u

16、sed on the saltwater side of diesel engine heat exchangers to . A. reduce electrolytic action on heat exchanger metals B. keep heat transfer surfaces shiny and clean C. prevent rapid accumulation of marine growth D. provide a protective coating on heat exchanger surfaces注:在柴油机热交换器海水侧中,使用锌作为牺牲阳极,以减轻对

17、热交换器金属的电解反应,选A。21. To check the setting of the overspeed trip on a diesel powered generator, you would use a _. A. tachometer B. torsion meter C. dynamometer D. pony brake注:检查柴油发电机的超速保护装置的设定值,可以使用转速表,选A。22. A viscous damper, as used on a marine diesel, is a sealed precision built device which dampen

18、s the torsional vibrations in the _. A. camshaft B. flywheel C. crankshaft D. thrust shaft注:船用柴油机的减振器是一种密封的精密制造的设备,用来减弱曲轴上的扭振,选C。23. The possibility of damage from operating a diesel engine at critical speeds is reduced by the use of_. A. an isochronous governor B. elastic engine mounts C. a vibrati

19、on damper D. a cast iron bed plate with good flexible qualities注:使用减振器可以减少柴油机在临界转速运行时产生损坏的可能性,选C。24. Load control on a diesel engine is accomplished by _. A. regulating the speed of the turbocharger B. rotating the fuel injector pump plunger C. regulating the speed of the fuel oil transfer pumpD. ch

20、anging engine timing注:柴油机负荷的控制是通过转动喷油泵柱塞来实现的,选B。25. Electrically operated safety devices on auxiliary diesel engines function to stop the engine by _.A. increasing the volume of intake air B. shutting off the fuel supply C. increasing the engine back pressure D. over-speeding the engine注:辅柴油机上的电力驱动安

21、全装置能通过切断燃油供应使发动机停车,选B。26. Engine protection by means of an alarm or shutdown control can be obtained with devices that are sensitive to _. A. temperature B. pressure C. engine speed D. all of the above注:通过报警和停车控制来实现发动机保护,可以通过感应温度、压力和转速的设备来获得,选D。27. With simple and reliable construction, convenient o

22、peration, less energy loss during drive and high propulsion efficiency, is the most common drive type and has found a wide application. A. direct drive B. indirect drive C. electric drive D. Z-drive注:由于具有结构简单可靠、操作方便、传动能量损失少和推进效率高的优点,直接传动是目前最常用的驱动方式,并已得到广泛的应用,选A。28. Latent heat changes the _ of water

23、. A. physical stateB. temperature C. atmospheric pressure D. sensible pressure注:潜热改变水的物理状态,选A。29. The amount of heat released by steam when it changes to water at the same temperature is called_. A. latent heat of condensation B. latent heat of vaporization C. latent heat of saturation D. sensible h

24、eat of condensation注:在同样的温度下,蒸汽变成水所放出的热量,称为冷凝潜热,选A。30. A arrangement permits steam generation either by oil firing when the exhaust gas temperature fails due to slow running of the engines or exhaust gas cease when the engines are stopped or by using the engine exhaust gases when the ship at sea. A.

25、 water tube boiler B. fire tube boiler C. composite boiler D. auxiliary boiler注:当主机低速运行引起废气温度下降或主机停车造成废气中断时,组合式锅炉装置可以通过燃油来产汽,而当海上航行时可利用主机废气来产汽,选C。31. Another boiler configuration where an exhaust gas and an oil fired boiler are fully integrated is the . A. fire tube boiler B. composite boiler C. wat

26、er tube boiler D. donkey boiler注:另外一种将废气锅炉和燃油锅炉完全组合在一个整体内的锅炉叫组合式锅炉,选B。32. A is a boiler where the water/steam side gets heat input both from the main engines exhaust gas and from an oil fired burner supplementing the heat input to produce the required steam. A. fire tube boiler B. auxiliary boiler C

27、. water tube boiler D. composite boiler注:组合式锅炉是这样一种锅炉,水、蒸汽侧获得的热量来自主机的废气和燃油燃烧器补充输入的热量,用来产生所需要的蒸汽,选D。33. A very important type of maritime boilers is that typically is installed in the flu gas duct from the main engine to the stack utilizing the energy in the exhaust gas. A. fire tube boiler B. auxili

28、ary boiler C. water tube boiler D. Waste Heat Recovery boiler注:一种非常重要类型的船用锅炉是废热回收锅炉,它主要安装在从主机到烟囱的排烟管上以利用废气中的能量,选D。34. A very important type of maritime boilers is that typically is installed in the flu gas duct from the main engine to the stack utilizing the energy in the exhaust gas. A. water tube

29、boiler B. the exhaust gas boiler C. donkey boiler D. fire tube boiler注:一种非常重要类型的船用锅炉是废气锅炉,它主要安装在从主机到烟囱的排烟管上以利用废气中的能量,选B。35. A bypass line provided around a waste heat auxiliary boiler in a diesel engine exhaust system, may be used to avoid boiler _. A. corrosion at low engine loads B. erosion at high engine loads C. overload at high engine loads D. scaling at all exhaust temperatures注:在柴油机排气系统中的废热辅锅炉周围装有旁通管路,可避免在柴油机低负荷时产生腐蚀,选A。36. The co

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