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狮子王2经典台词 中英文对照.docx

1、狮子王2经典台词 中英文对照狮子王2经典台词 中英文对照(唱)1,Ingonyama nengw enanmbala. 一头狮子和一头豹子来到了这片开阔地。2,Night 夜晚。3,And the spirit of life. 和生命之神。4,-Calling Oh,oh,iyo 在呼唤着 哦,哦,吚哟5,-Malmela Oh,oh,iyo 听 哦,哦,吚哟6,Uhu khosi bo khokho We ndodana ye sizwe sonke 祖先的王位 啊,荣耀石的王子7, Wait 等一等8,Theres no mountain too great. 没有征服不了的高山。9,-

2、Hear the words and have faith Oh,oh,iyo 仔细聆听那些话语,坚定自己的信仰 哦,哦,吚哟10,-Oh,oh Oh,oh,iyo 哦,哦 哦,哦,吚哟11,-Have faith Hela, hey mamela 怀着信仰 嘿,听12,Hela,hey mamela Hela, hey mamela,hela,hey mamela 嘿,听嘿,听嘿,听13,-He lives in you Hela, hey mamela 他与你同在 嘿,听14,-He lives in me Hela, hey mamela 他与我同在 嘿,听15,-He watches

3、over Hela, hey mamela 他注视着 嘿,听16,-Everything we see Hela, hey mamela 我们听见的万物 嘿,听17,-Into the watere Hela, hey mamela 他在水中 嘿,听18,-Into the truth Hela, hey mamela 他在真理中 嘿,听19,-In your reflection Hela, hey mamela 他就在你的倒影里 嘿,听20,-He lives in you Ingonyama nengwenambala 他与你同在 一头狮子和一头豹子来到了这片开阔地21,Ingonyam

4、a nengwenambala 一头狮子和一头豹子来到了这片开阔地22,He lives in you 他与你同在23,-Hey, oh, yeah He lives in you 嘿,哦,耶 他与你同在24,Hela, hey mamela 嘿,听25,-He lives in me Hela, hey mamela 他与我同在 嘿,听26,He watches over 他注视着27,-Everything we see Hela, hey mamela 我们所见的万物 嘿,听28,-Into the water Hela, hey mamela 他在水中 嘿,听29,-Into the

5、trees Hela, hey mamela 他在树中 嘿,听30,In your reflection 他就在你的倒影里31,He lives in you 他与你同在32,Ingonyama nengwenambala 一头狮子和一头豹子来到了这片开阔地33,-Ingonyama nengwenambala He lives in you -一头狮子和一头豹子来到了这片开阔地 他与你同在(对白)34,丁满:An, Pumbaa, look at that little guy! 啊,彭彭!看看这小家伙!35,A chip off the old block!真是他老爸的翻版 36,And

6、ya gotta know whos gonna raise him. 你也知道谁会来抚养他。37,Pumbaa: -His parents? 丁满:Okay, sure. Get technical 彭彭: 他父母?丁满:对了,当然!现实一点吧 38,But whos gonna teach him the really important stuff? 谁来教他真正重要的事情39,Like how to belch. 象怎么打嗝40,And dig for grubs? 和怎么觅食41,Im tellinya, buddy, its gonna be like old times 老伙伴,

7、我跟你说,这就像以前一样42,You, me, and the little guy. 你、我和这小子43,-It is a girl. Girl. 是个女孩 女孩44,-Girl? Oy. Girl? Oh. 女孩? 哦 女孩? 哦换场景45,Wow! 哇噢!46,Whoa. 哇47,Where do you think youre going in such a hurry? 你这么匆忙是要去哪里啊?48,Daddy! Let go. 爸!放开我啦49,Well, I just want you to be careful. 嗯, 我只是希望你小心一点50,Kiara, are you l

8、istening? Accidents can happen. 琪拉雅,你听进去没有?意外随时会发生51,-You could easily get hurt “Hurt, or stepped on, or even get lost.” 你很容易受伤 受伤或跌倒,甚至会迷路52,And remember 还有,记住53,-I want you to stay in sight of Pride Rock at all times. “ at all times.” 我要你待在荣耀石范围里,片刻不离 片刻不离54,I know. “And if I see any strangers, do

9、nt talk to them.” 我知道,“如果我看到陌生人,别和他们说话55,Come straight home. “Okay, okay. Can I go now?” 马上回家来” 好,好,我能走了吗?56,-Please? Mm hmm. 拜托 嗯哼57,-Very funny. Mind your father, Kiara. 真爱耍宝 要听爸爸的话,琪拉雅 58,-Yes, Mom. And stay away from the outlands. 好的,妈妈 离蛮荒之地远一点59,Nothing there but a bunch of backstabbing, murde

10、rous outsiders. 那里只有一群会暗箭伤人又可怕的荒原人。60,Zazus right. You cants turn your back on them. 沙祖说得对 你绝对不能背对着他们61,Really? How come? 真的?为什么?62,Nevere mind. Just run along now. 好了,你只管去玩吧63,-But, Dad, I -Youll understand someday. Go on. 但是,爸爸,我 你将来就会了解的,去吧64,Dad! 爸爸!65,And stay on the path Ive marked for you. 呆在

11、我替你做过记号的路上66,Simba. Who does she remind you of, hmm? 辛巴,她让你想起了谁,嗯?67,Huh? What? Who? 呃?什么?谁?68,Shes just like you were when you were young. 她就跟你年轻的时候一模一样69,Exactly! Do you realize the dangers we put ourselves in? 没有错!你知道这会给我们带来什么危险?70,-Uh! You mean the dangers you put us in. 呃! 你是说就像你以前一样吗?71,Hmm. 嗯

12、72,Shell be fine. 她会没事的73,Hey, Timon! Pumbaa! Come here. 嘿,丁满,彭彭,过来74,Good morning, mon capitaine! 早安,我的老大75,I want you to keep a close watch on Kiara. 我要你们帮我多盯着琪拉雅一点76,You know shes bound to run off. 你知道她很会乱跑的77,Dont worry, Simba, were on her like stink on a warthog. 放心,辛巴,我们会像疣猪的臭味一样紧跟着她 78,-Hey!

13、Its a hard truth, Pumbaa, Live with it. 嘿! 这是事实嘛,彭彭,接收吧79,Guys, Im counting on you. 两位,我就靠你们了80,Danger could be lurking behind every rock. 每个石头后面都有可能潜伏着危机81,-Aha! Hm! Hmm. 啊! 嗯!嗯!嗯!(换场景)82,Hey! Wait! Come back. 嘿,等等,回来啊83,I just want to play. 我只是想玩啊84,The mighty hunter 伟大的猎人85,has cornered her prey.

14、 已经困住她的猎物了 86,Huh? 呃?87,Whoa! Cool. 哇!好酷88,The outlands. 是蛮荒之地耶 89,I wonder whats out there. 不知道那里有什么?90,Oh, dont worry, Kiara. Uncle Pumbaas comin. 哦,别担心,琪拉雅,彭彭伯伯来了91,Oh, no! Oh! Uh, uh 哦,不!哦!呃,呃92,Lets see. “Gee, Simba, the good news is we found your daughter. 我看看 “嗨,辛巴,好消息是我们找到你的女儿 93,The bad new

15、s is we dropped a warthog on her. 坏消息是有只疣猪压到她了94,Is there a problem with that?” 你有什么意见没有?”95,Kiara? Kiara? 琪拉雅,琪拉雅?96,Pumbaa! Let me define “baby-sitting”. 彭彭,辛巴要你盯着她,不是压扁她97,Sorry. 抱歉98,Now, Princess Kiara, as Simbas daughter. 现在,琪拉雅小公主,身为辛巴的女儿99,you know better than to go off all alone. 你知道不该单独跑这么

16、远的100, -You could have been hurt. Bu But 你可能会受伤 但是101,Hurt? Oh, Simba would kill us! 受伤?哦,辛巴会杀了我们102,-You didnt slip a disk, did ya? Bu Bu 你的背没伤到吧? 但是103,-Catch a fever? Get a hangnail? Aah! Timon 发烧了吗?刺到指甲了? 啊!丁满104,-I had one once. Very painful. 我曾刺到过 非常痛苦105,Excruciating. 非常折磨人106,Darling, with y

17、our complexion, you should stay out of the sun. 亲爱的,你那细嫩的肌肤,应该远离太阳107,What? Do you wanna wrinkle? 怎么?你想增加皱纹?108,Will somebody please just listen to me? 拜托你们听我说好不好?109,Im sorry. I wasnt listening. Did you say something, Princess? 对不起,我没在听 公主, 你刚才说什么?110,Im not just a princess, you know. Thats only ha

18、lf of who I am. 我不只是一个公主, 你知道 那只是我身份的一部分111,-Oh, uh, whos the other half? Oh, well, I, uh, um 哦,呃,那另外一部分是什么? 哦,这个,我,呃,嗯112,Well, while youre figuring it out, 噢,趁你在想的时候113,lets eat! 来吃东西吧114,Here we are! Grubs. 这里!虫子115,The other white meat. 是白肉的一种 116,-And so high in protein. Eww! Gross! 而且蛋白质丰富 唷!好

19、恶心117,No? How bout you, big boy? 不要?你呢?猪大爷?118,-Ah! Love grubs. Not “like”. 啊!我爱虫子 不是“喜欢”119,-Love! Love! 爱! 爱!120,Oh! You always do that. 哦!你总是这样子121,You take a bite out of every one, and then put it back. It drives me crazy. 每次都是每只咬一口,然后又放回去,快把我逼疯了122,But you cant tell from the outside which are t

20、he real slimy ones. 但是从外表你没办法确定哪个是粘粘的123,Slimy? Pumbaa, my corpulent compadre,粘粘的?彭彭,我的猪大爷124,its the crunchy ones that make the meal. 是脆脆的虫子比较好吃125,-Slimy. Crunchy. 粘的 脆的126,-Slimy! Slimy! Slimy! Crunchy! Crunchy! Crunchy! 粘的!粘的!粘的! 脆的!脆的!脆的!127,-Slimy! Slimy! Less filling. Crunchy! Crunchy! Tastes

21、 good. 粘的!粘的!陷少 脆的!脆的!好吃128,-Less filling. Less filling. Tastes good. Tastes good. 陷少,陷少 好吃,好吃129,Who are you, pride lander? 你是谁?荣耀国的人?130,-What are you doing? My father says to never turn your back on an outsider. 你在干什么?我爸爸说过,绝对不要背对着荒原人131,-You always do what Daddy says? No! 你总是听你爸爸的话吗? 才不132,Bet y

22、a do! Bet youre Daddys little girl. 一定是,你一定是你爸爸的小宝贝133,An outsider doesnt need anybody. 荒原人不需要任何人134,I take care of myself. 我会照顾我自己135,Really? 真的?136,Cool! 好酷哦137,Run! 快跑138,This way! 往这边139,That was a close one. 刚刚实在好险140,Yeah. 是啊141,Scoot! 快走!142,-Whoa! Hey, wh what about me? 哇! 嘿,我怎么办?143,I-Ill d

23、istract him! Run! Whoops! 我会引开他,快跑啊! 哎呦!144,Whoop Oh! 哎呦哦!145,Look out! 小心啊146,Move it! 快跑147,Whoa! 哇!148,I did it! I didi it! 我成功了! 我成功了!149,Ha! 哈!150,Ho, man, did you see the size of those teeth? 老天哪!你看那牙齿有多大?151,They were going, “Rr, rr, rr, rr, rr.” 他们那样 “吼,吼,吼,吼”152,He just totally ale me up ri

24、ght there, 他差一点就吃到我了153,and I jumped on his head, and I popped him so good! 而我跳到他头上,然后狠狠地打败他154,We make such a good team! 我们真的合作无间155,And you You were really brave. 而且你 你真的好勇敢156,Yeah? You were pretty brave too. 是吗?你也很勇敢157,-My names Kovu. Im Kiara. 我叫做高孚 我是琪拉雅158,Tag! Youre it! 你跑我追!你跑啊!159,Tag! Yo

25、ure it! Youre it! 你跑我追!你跑啊!你跑啊!160,Hello? You run, I tag. Get it? 喂?你跑,我追,懂吗?161,Whats the matter? Dont you know how to play? 怎么了?你不知道怎么玩吗?162,Oh. 哦163,Ah. 啊!164,-Zira. Simba. 吉娜 辛巴165,- Nala. Zira. 娜娜 吉娜166,Timon, Pumbaa. Great! Now that we all know each other. 丁满,彭彭,真好 既然我们互相认识了167,-Get out of our

26、 pride lands! Your pride lands? 马上滚出我们的荣耀国 你们的荣耀国?168,These lands belong to Scar. 这片土地属于刀疤169,I banished you from the pride lands. 我从荣耀国把你驱逐出去了170,Now, you and your young cub, get out! 现在,你和你的小狮子快滚吧171,Oh, havent you met my son, Kovu? 哦,你还没见过我的儿子高孚吧?172,He was hand-chosen by Scar to follow in his pa

27、w prints, 他是刀疤亲选的继承人173,and become king. 也是未来的国外174,Pfft! Thats not a king. Thats a fuzzy maraca. 啐!他才不是国王,儿是一个毛头小子175,Kovu was the last born 高孚出生在176,before you exiled us to the outlands, 是你把我们感到蛮荒之地前177,where we have little food, less water. 在那儿的食物和水都比较少178,You know the penalty for returning to th

28、e pride lands. 你知道回荣耀国的惩罚是什么?179,But the child does not! 这孩子并不知道180,However, if you need your pound of flesh, here. 但是,如果你急着要讨债的话,请便181,Take him and get out. 带着他离开182,Were finished here. 这件事结束了183,-Oh! Oh, no Simba. 哦! 哦,不,辛巴184,We have barely begun. 我们才刚开始185,Bye. 再见186,Bye. 再见(换场景)187,Simba? 辛巴?18

29、8,Kiara, what did you think you were doing? 琪拉雅,你以为你在干什么?189,You could have been killed today. 你今天可能会送命的190,But, Daddy, I-I didnt mean to diso 但爸爸,我不是故意不听191,Im telling you this because I love you. 我告诉你这些,是因为我爱你192,-I dont want to lose you. I know. 我并不想失去你 我知道193,If something happened to you, I dont

30、 know what Id do. 如果你发生了什么事,我不知道我会怎样194,One day, I wont be here. 总有一天我会离开195,and I need you to carry on in my place. 我需要你继承我的地位196,- You are part of the great circle of -“Circle of life”. I know. 你是这个轮回里的一分子 “生命轮回” , 我知道197,Exactly. And you need to be careful. 没有错,而且你必须要小心198,-As future queen What if I dont wanna be queen? 身为未来的女王 如果我不想当女王呢?199,Its no fun. 那又不好玩200,Thats like saying you dont wanna be a lion. 这就像你说你不想当狮子201,Its in your blood, as I am. 这是你的血统,我也一样202,-We are part of each other. Hmph. 因为我们是血脉相连 哼203,Oof! 呜!(唱)204,As y

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