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Why nothing works最新版本精品课件.pptx

1、,Unit 5,Why Nothing Worksby Marvin Harris,Shabby:破烂的Shoddy:made or done cheaply and badly, look like sth.better,Marvin Harris(1927-2001),GeneralistAnthropologist,Main Idea,It traces the cause of the shoddy goods problem and analyzed the main reason from the point of view of the anthropologist.

2、the absence of an intimate,permanent andcaring relationship between manufacturer andcustomers.,Effect-cause pattern,The problem of shoddy goods,Major Cause?(the absence of an intimate,permanent,and caring relationship between manufacturer and consumer),Broad Question,Which factor does he regard as p

3、rimary,human or technology?Why?,Effect,cause,para.5Money relationship,In contrast,Para.2-4 Intimate,permanent,and caringreflection,Thesis statement:Quality demands intelligent,motivated human thought through action,Structure,Exposition:Cause and Effectexemplification,illustration and contrastto deve

4、lop a topic through a causal analysis,Writing technique,Vocabulary,attribute(sth.)to(sb.):being the result of/coming from-This song is usually attributed to Bach.这首歌通常被认为是巴和所作。-Susan attributes her success to hard work.Savant svnt:a learned mancorollary|krlr(fml):natural consequence or result-the co

5、rollary to sb.s argument 某人论据推断的 结果shoddy:of poor quality or badly made 劣质的/粗制滥造的forestall:prevent or defeat(a person or his plans)by acting first(用先发制人的手段)预先阻止, the trick:(informal)to fulfill ones purpose or intention(口)有效,达到目的,E.g.:This medicine ought to do the trick.seaworthy:(of a ship)in go

6、od condition and fit for a sea voyage 适于航海,适航行Evoke:bring forth,call up,cause sth to be remembered or expressedE.g.:The songs evoked memories of my school days.Fashion:v.make or shape sth,using hands only or a few tools A from B;B into A:Alination from:separation from,The original Murphys law reads:

7、If there are two or more ways to do something,and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe(大灾 难),then someone will do it.Edward A.Murphy,Jr.,Paragraph 1,Q&A,What role does Murphys Law play in Harriss writing?Which sentence in Para.1 tells us that Harris think Murphys Law is irresistible?What do

8、es“input”mean in Line 8?,Corollaries to Murphys Law suggest themselvesas clues to the shoddy goods problem:-From Murphys Law we may find answers to the problem of badly made goods.根据一位仅知其名为墨菲的学者所归纳的法则,“任何东西如果会出毛病的话,它迟早要出毛病的.据此得出的推论可以有助于解释次品问题:会出故障的 终归要出故障;会散架的终归会散架;会停止运转的 终归要停止运转。虽然墨菲的理论不能被完全推翻,但是效应

9、通常可以推迟发生。,until a decent interval has elapsed:-until a sufficiently long period of time has passed.decent:“proper;socially acceptable,”e.g.decent behavior,decent clothinga decent interval:long enough for people to accept as properElapse:vi.slip by;pass(时间)流逝n.the passing of timeFive months have elap

10、sed since he joined the army.They met again after an elapse of many years.多年后又相逢。,(ll.5-7)“Much of human.elapsed after,their manufacture.”People spend much of their lifetime trying hard to keep things in good shape.They think that a product,after leaving its factory,shouldlast at least a reasonably

11、long period before ceasing to work.人类在其生存中花费大量的时间和精力,力图保证其生产的物品能在尽可能长时间 里不失灵、不散架、不停止运行。,commitment:devotion,dedication,committed,(in this context)obligation or determination to forestall Murphys Law.Forestalling Murphys Law:-preventing Murphys Law from taking effect.(LL.7-8)“Forestalling commitment.

12、”Delaying the effect of Murphys Law that affect products demands human wisdom,skill,anddevotedness.要阻止墨菲定律作用于我们的产品,需要我们发挥才智、施 展技能,有责任心。,gadget:a small useful and well-designed tool or,machine小器具,小配件a gadget for opening cans开罐器,be Subject to-be governed or controlled by-be prone to 常遭受a child who is

13、subject to colds易感冒的孩子Your vacation is subject to the weather.你的假期可视天气变化而决定。.,Gauge ged:标准尺,量表E.g.air pressure gauge 气压计 Oil gauge:油表be gauged byMaintenance:维修,保养,Murphys Law effect:the shoddy goods problem(Paragraph 1)Cause:human rather than technological(Paragraphs 2 5)Illustration:artifacts used

14、by simple pre-industrial societies(para.2)The source of quality:social relationship between producer and consumer(para.3)Contrast:the wide difference in the quality of products made by the producer forhimself or his kin and of those made for unknown users(para.4 5),Devices used in Exposition,Q&A,Why

15、 does Harris think that people nowadays honor the label“handmade”?Find out the devices used in the expository writing in this paragraph.,Paragraph 2,Artifact:人工制品;手工艺品E.g.:Various artifacts of prehistoric times were discovered during the excavation.Dispel:remove(false belief,doubt,fear)by proving th

16、em wrong驱散,赶跑E.g.:His encouraging words dispelled all my doubts about my own inability.+notion/belief/doubt/fear,china,Pottery-making陶艺制作,Canoe独木舟,小划子Basket-weaving,Dwindle|dwndlv.become gradually less or smallere.g.His money away to nothing while traveling in Europe.(away)(to nothing)Breed:a type of or a particular kind of(animal,people),回顾一下史前和工业化前人类的物质文 明有助于阐述我的观点。只有去摆放着史 前社会人工制品的博物馆参观一下,就足 以驳倒质量取决于技术的观点。那些人工 制品虽然设计简单甚至原始,但是制造出 就能满足设想的作用,而且可靠,耐用终 身。当我们看重“手工制作”的标签,愿意为日渐减少的工匠们制作的珠宝、衣服和 手袋多花钱时,我

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