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1、五年级英语教学设计1五年级英语教学设计_月_日 总第_课时 本周第_课时 主备人_Module1 Unit1 Did you come back yesterday ?教学目标:1Did you come back yesterday ? We came back .2AB Unit1 练习1,2,3,3.调查:在假期中外出游玩的同学是什么时候回来的,互相谈论假期的生活.教学重点: 描述过去发生的事情教学难点: 使运动词的过去式,描述已经发生的事情.教学用具: 单词卡片,录音机及磁带,光盘教学过程: 一,热身复习1,教师欢迎学生们暑假后回到学校.T: Nice to meet you! Did

2、 you happy in holiday?T:Can you tell me your holiday?(请几个学生谈谈自己的暑假生活)2,学生以小组为单位回忆学过的动词或动词词组,并总结出来 。二,课文导入T:The lesson were going to do today is about London. Wheres London?(下面我们将听到lingling,sam和amy的谈话。通过今天的学习,大家可以进一步了解如何用英语叙述过去发生的事情。)三 课文教学1,T:Now I want you to open your books.FindModule1,Unit 1,Acti

3、vity1.Now look at the pictures.please.What can you see?2,教师指着图中的人物JOHN告诉学生:“Hes John”接着问:“Are they talking? What are they talking about? Lets listen.”请学生翻开SB Unit1活动1,播放VCD,请学生边听边看书。3,分段播放录音,请学生回答问题:T: When did Sam and Amy come back? What did they buy in the park? What happened after that?4,通过各种方式教授

4、新单词。例如:教师站在一个学生身边说:“Walk to the blackboard,please!”学生走到黑板出,教师在向他招手说:“Come back,please.”教授“come back” “drop, ice cream”.教师使用不同的方法。5,教师再次播放录音,并在每句话后停顿,多放几遍。6,请全班以四人小组为单位分角色朗读并表演课文,教师请几个小组给全班表演,评出“最佳朗读组”和“最佳表演组”。7,完成SBUNIT1活动2。教师出示日历,问学生今天是星期几,请学生指出“last Sunday”的日子,指上一星期日。8,完成SBUNIT1活动3。教师请学生假象自己一直居住在某

5、个城市,或来自其他城市。四,任务完成1,完成用运任务1:ABUNIT1练习1和练习2。教师先放一遍录音,让学生思考书上的句子是否与录音的内容相符。 再放一遍录音,全班一起订正答案。2,完成任务2,请学生观察几幅小图,根据图及句子提示,使运正确动词的一般过去式来完成句子。3,出示一分调查表: When did you ?NameLeaveComebackT:Where did you go on summer vacation? When did you come back? When did you leave our city?教后记:_月_日 总第_课时 本周第_课时 主备人_Module

6、 1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams.教学目标1、语言知识-Did you ?-Yes,I did./No,I didnt.2、语言技能能运用Did you ?句型询问对方是否做过某事,对方根据具体情况作出应答 Yes,I did./No,I didnt.培养学生在具体情景中正确运用该语言的交际能力。21教育网3、情感态度培养学生团队协作能力和与他人合作的精神以及用英语做事情的基本技能,激发学生竞争意识。4、学习策略培养学生积极与他人合作,主动学习,积极运用英语进行表达和交流,与同学共同完成学习任务的能力。三、教学重难点能熟练运用Did you ?句型对过去发生的事情进

7、行推测。教学过程:一. Warm-up1. Game: 教师快速出示动词或动词词组,让学生快速做出该动作。让学生从另一组动词过去式中找出与图片配对的单词,学习和巩固不规则动词过去式。如:go-went, meet-met, run-ran, buy-bought, eat-ate, see-saw.2. Free talk用“旅游日记”或“假期影集”与组员谈论假日生活。如:Where did you go on vacation?What did you do?Did you?When did you come back?二.Pre-task【任务呈现最快乐的一天】1、教师出示提前收集的名胜风

8、景区明信片,提问:“Did you go to ?” Did you see? Did you buy?2、教师出示英国伦敦的名胜风景区明信片,提问:“Where did lingling go?”学生回答:“London”.教师问:“Where did she go? What did she see/meet/buy?”学生回答后,教师引出课文活动5的歌曲:“Listen to a song from Amy”,学唱歌曲。3、任务呈现寄一张风景明信片给你的朋友教师展示伦敦明信片,并介绍:“This is from Amy to Daming. What did she say? Lets

9、go and see. Then please write about your yesterday to Amy or your friends.”让我们一起瞧一瞧怎样写明信片呢?三While-task1、播放课文录音,并让学生回答课文活动的问题。2、让学生再听一遍录音,并勾出dear, love, went to the park, met John, bought ice creams, went home, ran to the bus, dropped,并请学生跟读。3、完成活动6的游戏4、Group work.完成课本活动7。四.Post-task【任务展示最快乐的一天】 学生四人

10、一组展开活动,轮流讲述自己快乐的昨天,用过去时描述自己做了哪些事情。学生进行信息交换,评选出最快乐的一天向全班汇报。 教师介绍Damings letter 写给Amy的回信。“I met our Chinese teacher by the river yesterday. She walked with her cat. Then we saw a rabbit and a hen . They played with an apple板书 Chinese, teacher, river, rabbit, letter, hen, cat, apple,让学生读出单词、听录音思考并回答划线处

11、的发音;然后完成课堂活动用书练习3,请学生边听边划出每组单词中有着特定发音的字母或字母组合。五Homework1、朗读课文。2、完成练习册练习5和练习6。教后记:授课日期: 年 月 日 总第 课时本周第 课时Module 1Teaching contents: Review Module 1Teaching aims:1、Review the words and sentences.2、Can do exercises.Teaching steps:1、Review the words.2、Review the sentences.3、Do exercises:我是小小翻译家:遇见 在上方地面

12、 那些吃完 冰激凌使掉落 hurry upsend email按要求写词:met(原形) us (主格)run(过去式) come(过去式)Amy(名词所有格) drop(过去式)china(形容词) that(复数)选择:( )1、We are back England .A、For B、at C、from( )2、Did you live _ London? A、in B、at C、on( )3、Lets _some.A、bougut B、buy C、buys ( )4、 your ice cream,please.A、Finish B、Open C、Opening ( )5、Did yo

13、u happy in holiday? A、Yes,I did. B、No,I do. C、Yes,I do.教后记:_月_日 总第_课时 本周第_课时 主备人_Module 2 Unit 1 What did you buy?教学目标:1、语言知识What did you buy?主语+动词过去式+.2、语言技能能运用What did you buy?句型询问对方是否做过某事,对方根据具体情况作出应答 。学生在具体情景中正确运用该语言的交际能力。3、情感态度培养学生团队协作能力和与他人合作的精神以及用英语做事情的基本技能,激发学生竞争意识。4、学习策略培养学生积极与他人合作,主动学习,积极运

14、用英语进行表达和交流,与同学共同完成学习任务的能力。三、教学重难点能熟练运用What did you buy?句型对过去发生的事情进行问答。教学过程:一. Warm-up1. Game: 教师快速出示动词或动词词组,让学生快速做出该动作。让学生从另一组动词过去式中找出与图片配对的单词,学习和巩固不规则动词过去式。如:go-went, meet-met, run-ran, buy-bought, eat-ate, see-saw.22. Free talk用“旅游日记”或“假期影集”与组员谈论假日生活。如:Where did you go on vacation?What did you do?

15、Did you?Did you come back?二.Pre-task【任务呈现】1、教师出示提前收集的购物清单,提问:What did you buy? Where is the fruit?2、引导学生回答。三While-task1、播放课文录音,并让学生回答课文活动的问题。2、让学生再听一遍录音并勾画出:need food for our picnic. Make a shopping list. Lost the list . I dont know.3、Read in groups.4、Group work. 5、Showing。四.Post-task 学生四人一组展开活动,轮流讲

16、述自己购物的快乐。 教师点拨主题句型: What did you buy? 五Homework1、朗读课文。2、完成练习3练习4教后记:_月_日 总第_课时 本周第_课时 主备人_Module 2 Unit 2 How much cheese did you buy?教学目标:知识与能力:1 Enable the Ss to learn the words:picnic,box,bottle,juice.2 Make the Ss understand and use the new sentence patterns: How much cheese did you buy? How muc

17、h juice did you buy?”3 Develop the Ss abilities of listening and speaking .4 学习感知元音字母以及字母组合u,o,ar,a,er,ir,ur在单词中的发音,通过朗读含有这些字母和字母组合的单词,让学生感知发音规律。过程与方法:1 Review the words about picnic,box,bottle,juice by game method.2 Teach the text with the task-based method.3 Do a survey by cooperative learning . 情

18、感与态度: 1 Faster the Ss consciousness of good cooperation.2 Keep the Ss confidence in learning English.教学重点、难点:1、Make the Ss use the following sentences correctly: “ How much do you want? ” 2、How to make a shopping list? How much juice/cheese did you buy?教学过程:Step1:一. Warm-up1. Recite the unit1s words

19、 and phrases and sentences. The teacher should choose some students come to the blackboard.2.Learn the new words and lessons: Show the powerpoint to the students:There are some pictures of picnic,rice,box,bottle,juice.Then play a game:high low voice,it can help boys and girls recite the words.二.Pre-

20、task1.The teacher should play the tape-recorder:S1:What are we going to take on our picnic?S2:Lets make a list(目录、清单).S3:What about juice?S4:Yes.How much juice did we need?S5:Six boxes.S6:All right.1.The teacher should explain the text for the Ss.2.Then the Ss can make a dialogue about make a shoppi

21、ng list.三While-task1.Look at the page11s part2:Look at the pictures,then make some dialogues like this:S1:How much juice did you buy?S2:We bought two bottles.S3:How much cheese did you buy?S4:Half a kilo.S5:How much chocolate did you buy?S6:Half a kilo.2.Look at the page12s part3,listen and repeat.四

22、、Homework:1.Recite the part1s dialogue.2.Make a dialogue about shopping list ,write down on your notebook.教后记:授课日期: 年 月 日 总第 课时本周第 课时Module 2Teaching contents: Review Module 2Teaching aims:1、Review the words and sentences.2、Can do exercises.Teaching steps:1、Review the words.2、Review the sentences.3、

23、Do exercises:我是小小翻译家:可以 清单使用 一半首先 需要瓶子 kiloHow much a lot of按要求写词:lost(原形) us (主格)eat(过去式) buy(过去式)I(复数) a lot of(同义句)china(形容词) banana(复数)选择:( )1、How _juice do we need?A、much B、many C、some( )2、Did he buy _ apples? A、some B、any C、a( )3、Lets buy _noodles.A、one kilo B、one kilo of C、kilo of ( )4、I want

24、 _some bananas.A、buy B、to buy C、bought ( )5、The _thing is buying bananas. A、one B、a C、first.教后记:_月_日 总第_课时 本周第_课时 主备人_Module 5 Unit 1 There are only nineteen crayons.目标导向:1.能口头运用“How many faces can you see?” 这类语句对可数名词的数量提问。2.能识别单词及短语:crayon, begin , give out,all right,thirteen ,fourteen, fifteen, si

25、xteen, seventeen, eighteen,nineteen, floor,3.能书写单词:crayon,begin,floor,many,happily重点难点:1. 如何对数量提问。2. 如何表示11-19的基数词。教学过程:一.复习单词:1.十三-十九的基数词.找规律:后缀teen2.听写单词:crayon,begin,floor,many,happily二. 自学活动一: 1. 自读句子: 2. 同桌翻译: 你们可以看到多少张脸? 我们可以看到十五张脸。3.讲解句型:How many can you see? we can see.How many后边跟复数4.练习:十三支铅笔 十六个苹果三. 小组合作学习活动二: 1. 小组共同翻译: 2. 班内展示成果: 师生共同点拨:Class begins. 开始上课。 Give out 分发 All right.好的 3. 重点句子:There are only. 只有。4.跟录音读:四. 操练: There are three crayons. But there are four children. 六个学生 五把椅子 四顶帽子 五个学生 两件体恤衫 三个学生教后记:Module 5 Unit 2 There are forty.目标导向:1.能口头运用“ There are

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