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1、小学英语教案英文版小学英语教案英文版小学英语教案英文版Part A: Read and whitePart C: Task time/ Pronunciation/Lets check.1. Learn to master the four-skilled words about the colors and clothes.2. Learn to master the way to write the key words and the sentences.Try to understand the meaning of the dialogue.Copy the sentences.To

2、train the students creativity.Cultivate them to co-operate with each other.1. Learn to master the right way to write the key words and the sentences.2. Try to make an own dialogue with the sentences they have learnt.a tape recorder cards picturesStep 1: Warm-up.Greetings: How are you feeling today?

3、& weather: Whats the date? Whats the weather like outside?Step 2:Revision 1. Recite a chant:Mmm!Its warm today. Take off your jacket! Phew!Its hot today! Put on your T-shirt. Ooooh!Its cool today! Put on your sweater! Brrr!Its cold today! Put on your coat! the free talk by pupils. They can use the d

4、rills they have learnt.Whats the weather like today? Whats the weather in Beijing? Whats the weather in London? One pupil ask and the other answerStep 3: Presentation Read and white:1. The teacher shows a chart on the board. Let them talk about the chart such as:Whats the weather like today? What wi

5、ll they do? Where are Zooms shoes?2. Listen to the tape, read after it.3. Groups work: Ask the students to read by roles and see which group can do the best.4. To use the sentence structures to make more different sentences. “Its today. Lets ”5. Copy the key words and sentences on the book.Step 4: P

6、ractice the dialogue after the tape.Read the dialogue and translate it.Read the dialogue by groups.Try to make a new dialogue.Step 5. Task time1. Listen to a weather report and fill in the form2. Talk about the weather report with your partner.3. Do the exercise in “Lets check”.4. Pronunciation./ ho

7、le, home, nose, rose / box, fox, orange, lockThe teacher can give them some other words: / hope vole / lop top hop dogStep 6: Summary1. We learned the dialogue of page2. Cultivate them to co-operate with each other.Step 7: Homework:1. To copy down the new words one lines each.2. Copy down the senten

8、ces two-line eachUnit 3Its warm today! Lets play football.本课主要学习五个表示天气状况的单词,这五个单词对学生来说难度较大,学生掌握起来较困难,常常弄混这五个单词,要用一些特殊的方法帮助学生记忆,并且找一些练习带着学生多练。Lets play部分的练习要求学生能了解各地现在的天气状况。可以带着学生先了解一下,或者预先设定好各地的天气情况,以便于学生开展对话练习。小学英语教案英文版Unit1Lesson3PartALetssay,LetschantPartCCultureTeachingAims:1.Beabletolisten,say,


10、ttercards,somewordpictures,wordcards:appleboyeraserantcrayonbodyheadcakeCokecoffeebagball2.Alittleblackboardwithfour-lineformatandaball.Designingfortheblackboard:pandabeavereaglekangaroo(pictures)ChinaCanadaAmericaAustralia(words)TeachingSteps:Step1.Warmup 1.Singasong. 2.Freetalk T:Hello.ImWendy.Imf

11、romHangzhou. S1:Hello!Im.ImfromHangzhou,too. T:Nicetomeetyou. S:Nicetomeetyou,too. T:Letsplay.Ok? S:Great! T:Watchout!(Tthrowstheball.) S:Oh,no. Makeasimilardialoguewithyourpartner. 1.1)T:Today,wewilllearnletters.Doyouknowletters?JustasA,B,CTheyareletters.Whatsthemeaningofletters? S:字母。 T:Great!Aist

12、hefirstletter.(TshowsletterA.) T:Aa S:Aa T:ThisisbigletterA.大写字母A。 T:BigletterA.S:BigletterA. T:LetsmakeabigletterA.(Withthehands) Runtwotrains:BigletterA.(Withthehands) T:Thisissmalllettera. T:SmallletterAS:SmallletterA. T:Lookatthisgirlshead.Itsasmalllettera. 小a,小a,小翘辫。 Runtwotrains:BigletterA,sma

13、lllettera. 2).Tdrawsanapple:Whatsthis? S:Itsanapple. Tdrawsanantbesidetheapple:Whatsthis? S:Itsanant. T:Aforant,/,/,/. Aforapple,/,/,/. 2.TeachBb,Cclikeabove. Payattentiontothepronunciationofc. Userighthandtomakeac. Bforboy,/b/,/b/,/b/. Bforbag,/b/,/b/,/b/. CforCoke,/k/,/k/,/k/. Cforcoffee,/k/,/k/,/

14、k/. Step3.Practise. 1.Game:Findouttheletterswevejustlearned. appleboyeraserantcrayonbodyheadcakeCokecoffeebag ball Readas:apple,smalllettera. )T:Youresosmart.Youcanreadthem.Now,letswritethemdown. Lookattheblackboard. T:First,letswritedownbigletterA.One,two,three.Now,Letstrytogether.Showmeyourfinger.

15、 S:Myfinger. T&Ss:One,two,three. Tteachesthewritingofsmalllettera. 2)T:Everyonehashishome.WhereisAshome? Hereitis.(Tpointsatthefour-lineformat.) T:Thisislettershome.Thisisthefirstfloor.Thenthesecondfloorandthethirdfloor.BiglettersAlivesinthesecondandthirdfloor. Letswritedownit.Showmeyourfinger. S:My

16、finger. T&Ss:One,two,three. Tteachesthewritingofsmallletterainthefour-lineformat. Writethemonyourexercisebook. TeachthewritingofBb,Cc. 3.Letschant. 1)ReadafterT. 2)Saywiththetape. 3)Saybyyourself. 4.Culture. Twritesdown: T:March8th isWomensDay. Yeah,妇女节。 T:Onthatday,youshouldsay“HappyWomensDay”toyou

17、rmother. Youalsocanpouracupoftea,thensay“Havesometea,mom.” T&Sactlikemotherandson/daughter. S:Dingdong. T:Comein,please. S:HappyWomensDay! T:Thankyou. S:Mom,sitdown,please. Havesometea. T:Thankyou.Mydeardaughter. Step4.Assessment.1).Completethewritingoflettersandexerciseontheactivitybook.2)Makelette

18、rcardsofABC.Thinkitover:小学英语教案一、教学目标:1、知识目标:能够认读、掌握、灵活运用本单元所学的单词和句型:序数词、月份、星期、描写天气的五个形容词;What day is it ? It is_. When is it ? It is_. How s the weather today? It is _.2、能力目标:培养学生听、说、读、写、用能力。能够把所学单词和句型灵活运用到日常口语交流中。3、情感目标:营造和谐的课堂氛围。培养学生敢于开口说英语的积极性。二、重点、难点:Words: 序数词、描写天气的形容词Phrases: What day is it ?

19、Its _. When is it ? Its _ Hows the weather today ? Its _.三. 教具:自制单词和句型卡片、单词和句型的幻灯片、录音机、磁带、挂图等。四.教学过程:Step1:(1)、Greeting:T: Hello! Boys and girls! Are you happy ?(2)、引入课题:T: Today, well review days, months, ordinal numbers and adjectives for weather.Step 2: Review the days and the months.(1)、教师给学生放一首

20、“星期”的歌曲,让学生边听边跟着唱。同时展示关于星期、月份的幻灯片。然后教师进行提问:T: Can you say the days of the week ?C: Yes. _.T: Who can say the first day of the week ?S1: Sunday.T: Very good ! Who can say the seventh day of the week ?S2: Saturday.T: Good job !教师让全班学生一起读一遍星期的单词。(2)、教师接着继续提问,进入月份的知识。T: Which month is it now ?C: April.

21、Very good !T: Can you say the months from January to April ?C: Yes. _.T: Who can say the months from May to August ?S1:_.T: Who can say the months from September to December ?S1: _.T: Very good !接着,教师让学生看着月份的幻灯片,一个接一个地朗读一遍月份的单词。Step 3: Review the ordinal numbers.(1)、Play a game : “ Find your friends

22、 ”.教师让12个学生拿着1到12的序数词卡片站到教室前面,卡片面向其他的学生(序数词的顺序要打乱)。然后,让另外12个学生拿着1到12的基数词卡片到教室前面去找相对应的序数词卡片。让拿着一对词的卡片的学生站到一起,让学生按顺序站好并读出1到12的基数词和序数词。(同时,教师要随时进行评价和纠正。)然后让学生都回到自己的座位上。(2)、教师展示序数词的幻灯片。给学生总结一下基数词变序数词的规律。可以展示一个小Chant来说明。 (First, second, third, 特殊记,-th 从four 起,eight 加 h, nine去 e, 拿来f 代 ve, ty 变成 tie. )(3)

23、、提问:T: What day is today ?C: Today is Thursday,April twenty-fourth.T: What day was yesterday ?C: It was Wednesday, April twenty-third.T: What day is tomorrow ?C: It is Friday, April twenty-fifth.提问这几个问题时,如果学生回答不顺利,可让他们进行讨论,然后再继续回答。教师还可让女孩子提问,男孩子回答。Step 4: Review six festivals.展示六个节日的幻灯片。进行提问:T: When

24、 is New Years Day ?S1: Its January first.T: When is Childrens Day ?S2: Its June first.T: Is Spring Festival in March or April ?S3: No!T: When is Spring Festival ?C: Its January or February.T: Very good !Step 5: Review phrases about weather.(1)、教师利用当天的天气进行提问:T: Hows the weather today ?C: Its sunny an

25、d windy.(2)、教师展示关于五种天气状况的多个图片的幻灯片。进行提问:T: ( Point to the picture of cloudy.) Is it sunny ?S1: No, its cloudy.T: ( Point to the picture of rainy.) Hows the weather ?S2: Its rainy.T: (Point to the picture of snowy.) Is this a rainy day ?S3: No, its a snowy day.T: (Point to the picture of windy.) Is th

26、is a cloudy day ?S4: No, its a windy day.T: (Point to the picture of sunny.) Hows the weather ?C: Its sunny.T: Very good !接着,教师再强调一下这五个描写天气的形容词是在名词的后面加上y 构成的。注意 sunny 的不同。然后让学生朗读单词。Step 6: Class Closing.Home work: Do the weather forecast record for one week.课后反思:本节课利用幻灯片、歌曲、单词卡片、游戏(Find your friends


28、用新学语言。2、教学内容: 第六册 Unit 3 My birthdayLets chant A Lets learn Lets try3、教学目标(1)能够听、说、认、读12个月份的名称,并能书写其缩写格式。(2)能够就12个月份进行四季划分并会唱Lets chant 。(3)能够使用句型:When is your birthday ? My birthday is in (4)能够听懂并填写Lets try部分Amy一家人的生日。4、教学重点和难点(1)教学重点:能够听、说、认、读12个月份的名称并能书写其缩写形式,能够运用句型:When is your birthday ? My bir

29、thday is in (2)教学难点:January、 February的读音,12个月份中文与英语单词的对应。5、教学准备:12个月的英语单词卡片、月份的转盘、“五月花”餐巾纸盒二、 教学过程Step1: Warming up & Revision(1)演唱歌曲,Whats your favorite season,并出示四季卡片,学生看图并跟随录音吟唱歌谣。利用歌词帮助学生复习所学内容,并以此激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。(2)Lets start请学生独立做题,一起校对,12张卡片,按三个月每组在黑板上分成四季。(教师事先在黑板上画四个框,将四季的卡片贴在框顶)师生看单词卡片进行对话。如:T:Do you like spring?Ss:Yes , I do .T:Whats the weather like in spring ?Ss:Its warm . And its windy , too.T:What can you do in spring ?Ss:I can fly kites ,I can plant trees and flowers.采用师生对话形式引导学生复习

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