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1、高三英语改错电子教案高三英语改错电子教案【篇一:高中英语短文改错赛讲优秀教学设计】 英语短文改错:错误解析与解题方法 课型:语法复习 编写人:延安市第一中学 吴延杰1 唯有了解,我们才会关心;only if we understand can we care. 唯有行动,生命才会有希望。only if we help shall 2 唯有了解,我们才会关心;only if we understand can we care. 唯有行动,生命才会有希望。only if we help shall 3 唯有了解,我们才会关心;only if we understand can we care. 唯

2、有行动,生命才会有希望。only if we help shall 2011年高考英语陕西卷 第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线(_),并在该词下面写出修改的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 last sunday morning, w

3、hen i was having a walk in the park near my home, i came across a crew make a new film with one of my favourite actor. i didnt have my camera with me at that time, but i rushed back home to get. unfortunately, by the time i got back, they have finished the scene and actor couldnt be seen everywhere.

4、 i was really 4 唯有了解,我们才会关心;only if we understand can we care. 唯有行动,生命才会有希望。only if we help shalldisappointing and about to leave when he walked out a building. he was right there in the ont of me! i couldnt believe my luck-not only did i had my photo taken with him, but he signed his name on my shi

5、rt! 课堂检测 练习(名词): 1. my parents want me to devote all my time to my studies so that ill get good marks in all my subject. 2. i once worked as night guard in a factory. 3. what a beautiful weather we are having recently! 4. more cattles have been raised on that farm since then. 5. now susan is paying

6、visit to henerys family in sydney. but one and a half year later, i now think english is fun to learn.(全国卷) 6. please give my best regard to your family. 练习(冠词): 1. the driver brought the cat to stop. in this way, he avoided an accident. 2. when the wind is blowing at 120 kilomters a hour, most wave

7、s will be twelve meters high or less. 3. when sun was setting, he still didnt catch any fish.练习(连词): 1. unless he said he wasnt hungry, he ate the big breakfast. 2. tom didnt see the film, and john did. 3. he had little to eat and a large house to live in. 4. you will not fail unless you work harder

8、. 5. he had no sooner arrived when he fell ill. 6. we all felt if we were going to fly. 7. if you go straight along this street, and you will soon see the cinema. 8. because he had left his key in the room, so he had use 练习(形容词和副词): 1. the football match will be broadcast lively on tv. 2. i found th

9、e game excited 3. they laughed, told jokes about each other, and seemed quite comfortably. 4. if we dont careful protect our environment, the last drop of water will be our own tears. 5. this book is very worth reading again. 5 唯有了解,我们才会关心;only if we understand can we care. 唯有行动,生命才会有希望。only if we h

10、elp shall【篇二:高二英语改错专项训练教案】 短文改错专项练习 一、高考要求和题型分析: 高考短文改错题着重考查考生的语言基本功和正确运用英语进行表达的能力。涉及词汇、语法、句型结构等方面的知识和逻辑判断、综合辨析的能力,在较高层次上考查考生对英语知识的掌握情况和语言综合运用能力。高考短文改错题,是命题者将中学生常犯的各种典型错误更集中、更系统地整理出来,放入一篇内容较为浅显、题材较为轻松的文章中设计而成的,它主要考查考生判断、发现、纠正语篇中语言错误的能力以及在语篇中综合、准确地运用英语的能力。 二、学情分析: 短文改错考点综合性强,覆盖面广,错误设置类型多,对学生的能力要求很高,综

11、合历年高考及我校历次考试情况来看,学生在该题的得分率较低。分析原因:一方面是重视程度不够,考生在这一题型上没有用足时间;另一方面是语法知识薄弱,这一题型对语法的考查较多,不系统掌握语法知识是很难拿高分的。由于学生的基础比较差,所以在教学过程中,要把课堂交给学生,让学生自己学习,自己总结,发扬自己的优势,关键是发现自己的不足。同时,让学生在合作探究中能够互相弥补,取长补短,达到高效学习的最佳效果。 因此,本节课的重点任务是带领学生学会主动快速地获取短文改错中的改点。 三、学习目标及重难点: 1. 通过学习,学生能够理解短文改错的出题意图及找出一些规律性的考点。2. 通过学习,学生能够自我摸索,相

12、互学习一些做短文改错的基本方法和技巧。教学重点是学生能掌握一些做改错题的技巧和方法,难点是怎样帮助学生熟练运用这些技巧和方法,提高他们纠错的能力和改错题的得分率。 四、学习方法: 本节课以三阶段教学模式为基础,采用我们英语组的1t4p教学模式,即任务贯穿始终,让学生始终带着任务去学习。采用自学、小组讨论再结合练习以及必要的解释,充分体现学生自学,教师引导,合作探究。 五、学习过程 本节课主要分为五个步骤: 1.preparation创设情景 复习导入 2.presentation 知识呈现 归纳要点 3. practice 考题重现 深入探究 4. production运用技巧 巩固提高 5总

13、结升华 学以致用 具体来说,第一步准备环节让学生课下习作一篇高考短文改错,评讲后同桌讨论做短文改错的基本步骤。第二步呈现环节有两个任务:第一,学生先做9个单句改错;第二个任务是小组讨论,学生需要讨论总结上面9个句子的错误类型,然后介绍一个短文改错做题口诀。第三步是最重要的练习环节,本环节围绕上述口诀从词法语法的角度逐一进行单句改错训练,习题全部选自历年高考题。第四步巩固延伸环节,这一环节由单句改错过渡到短文改错,挑选了两篇高考短文改错题供学生练习,以检验本节课学生的掌握情况。最后总结做改错题学生需要注意的几个原则。 how to do proof-reading learning aims:

14、1) students know about some common mistake types. 2)students can deal with some exercises about correcting mistakes. learning important points: how to master some skills and methods about correcting mistakes. learning difficult points: how to use the skills and methods freely and improve their abili

15、ty to correct mistakes. learning methods: task-based teaching method, self-study, group-work ,practice combined with explanation. learning procedures: stepi .preparation task 1 self-studystudents correct a passage to know about common mistake forms. task 2 pair-work students have a discussion with t

16、heir deskmates to summarize the steps of doing proof-reading. stepii .presentation task 1 correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 1.the teacher caught me cheating. i dont know what to say. 2.books may be keep for four weeks. 3.what is more, you have to be friends with your students and take

17、 good care of him. 4.whenever i see them, i will often think of my english teacher. 5.ill spend all the weekend reading and prepare for it. 6.the food was expensive and the service was good. 7.i am often a little tired after a days work and watch tv demands very little effort. a result, people

18、in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past. looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest. task 2 group-work students discuss the sentences in groups and summarize common mistake types. summary: a limerick 动词形,名词数,还要注意形和副;代词格,细领悟,介词短语须关注; 从句非谓要记住,冠词连词

19、常光顾。 step practice students try to find and correct the mistakes in the sentences given to them according to the limerick above. then they will summarize some common mistake types and the rules of doing proof-reading. step production students correct one or two short passages to consolidate what the

20、y have learned from this lesson. step learning tips recommend the students some key points that they should pay attention to. (1)“四不改”原则:单词拼写不改。大小写不改。词序错误不改(应从错词或少词方面考虑)。标点符号不改。(2)“五改动”原则:忠实于原文原则(不可改变原文的原意)。一对一原则(一处错误改一个词)。错误以改动最少为原则。虚词以添加或者删除为原则。实词以改变形式为原则。 step homework finish the rest exercises i

21、n their learning plans. step blackboard design 考查目标 1)识别错误并正确校正的能力 2)准确理解语篇,掌握内容及行文逻辑的能力 3)综合运用英语知识的能力 a limerick 动词形,名词数,还要注意形和副; 代词格,细领悟,介词短语须关注; 从句非谓要记住,冠词连词常光顾。 step feedback 本节课设计由易到难,由单句改错过渡到短文改错,层层推进。在学习过程中,注重学法指导,利用口诀帮助学生掌握做改错题的方法和技巧,熟悉出题规律及特点,让学生学会快速地获取短文改错中的改点。但在上课时,由于课件打不开,影响了教学进度。另外,第二部分

22、呈现环节和第三部分练习环节用时过长,时间分配不够合理,导致前松后紧,课堂节奏加快些效果会更好。【篇三:高三短文改错专项复习课教学设计】 高三短文改错专项复习课教学设计 一、教学对象 泰宁一中高三(6)班学生。 二、教材内容分析 短文改错是全国高考卷的写作部分第一节试题。此题型是将错误置于100字左右的篇章中,考查考生在短文所提供的语境情景下辨析并订正错误的能力。本节课主要以2013年至2016年全国高考及部分省份高考真题为课堂使用材料,采用分解,归类等方式进行材料的利用。并且结合泰宁县的旅游特色进行信息挖掘和资源整合,以求达到知识与情感的结合。 三、教学目标 本堂课作为高三总复习阶段的专项复习

23、课,旨在通过一系列任务的设计和完成来帮助学生: (1)了解短文改错题型的特征和要求,提高“词法、句法和语篇逻辑”能力; (2)熟悉解题思路,深入地理解和内化课堂所学知识; (3)发挥团队协作和学习的精神,共同完成各项课堂活动任务。 四、教学过程 step i: preparations (i) t plays a “name guessing” game with the students, aiming to clear the obstacle between t and ss. 意图说明 老师通过游戏,与学生认识,为增强了解和互动性做一个铺垫。 (ii) rules for group

24、work 1. the whole class will be divided into 5 groups. 2. many tasks need to be performed by groups. 3. each of you is supposed to participate. 4. for each task, if you answer the questions or complete the task, you will win points for your group. 5. the group which wins the most points will get pri

25、zes.t shows a picture about the game “finding differences” to lead in the topic “proofreading”. 意图说明 老师通过 “找茬”游戏引出这节课的主要内容 - “短文改错”,引导学生进行该题型的特点分析。 finding differences in the following two has a fulltime job, both dad i planned to do something on mothers day. we up early in the mornin

26、g. dad cleaned the house, and then . when he came back, i found a bunch of flowers in hand. mom has a fulltime job,she has to do most of the she is a great mother. both dad up early in the morning. dad cleaned the house, and then . when he came back, i found a bunch of flowers in hand. t asks ss to

27、point out the correct usages in the paragraph: 1. housework; 2. both and; 3. got up; 4. went shopping; 5. his hand. step iii. introduction of proofreading 第四部分 写作 第一节短文改错(10分) 下面短文中有个单词。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并下面加上 该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后 的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第

28、11处起)不计分 近三年高考短文改错考点分布表1. 改变形式以 “实词”居多 2. 添删以 “虚词”居多 (8:1:1) 4. 改后要保持原意不变 skills for proofreading: step 1. skimming (通读全文, 掌握大意, 确定时态) step 2. scanning 3. 多“改正”少“添删”1)逐句研读,细查语法; 2)由动词入手,注意句型和搭配; 3)由易到难, 各个击破; step 3. checking 复核答案,规范答题;注意“三不改”: a、 标点 ;b、纲外词(汉字注释词) c、词序 step iv: observing rules for p

29、roofreading and making summaries. t takes nouns for example to show how to do group work for observing rules and making summaries. 1. as one of the top seven most beautiful danxia in china, golden lake of taining attracts many visitors every year. 2. as i told you last time, i made three here. 3. mu

30、m taught me some basic of baking. 4. your of greece can help the whole class. 5. the popularity made for the in the porcelain industry. my summary (1)单复数的使用(根据句意、主谓一致、限定词)(2)可数、不可数 (3)词性正确使用 (1)when tea got popular in britain, there was a crying need for good _ (cup) with handles to suit british hab

31、its. from the time i was about four until i was about six, i destroyed each of my _ (toy). (2) my parents are glad every time i make progresses. (3) my uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. group work: ss are divided into 6 groups and will be handed out different tasks before class.

32、they are supposed to finish task one and have a discussion in class to find the rules for each part, then make a summary. teachers example: 1. as one of the top seven most beautiful danxia landform in china, golden lake of taining attracts many visitors every year. 2. as i told you last time, i made three friend here. 3. mum taught me

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