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1、广东省英语教育英语语言学真题064222012年1月广东省英语教育-英语语言学真题(06422)2012年1月广东高等教育自学考试英语语言学问卷 (06422) 150分钟I.Blank-fiiling (20%) Fill in the following blanks with a word, whose initial letter has been given.1 .If the linguistic study aims to lay down rules for correct and standard behavior in using language ,i.e. to tel

2、l people what they should say and what they should .not say ,it is said to be p _. .2.A d_ study of language is a historical study; it studies the historical development of language over a period of time.3.According to Saussure,l_ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of

3、 a speech community. 4.D_ means that language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.5.If we transcribe the speech sounds with letter-symbols only,we are adopting the b , transcription. 6.A p_ is an abstract unit, not a particular sound,but it can be re

4、alized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context.7.When pitch,stress and sound length are tired to the s_ rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as intonation.8. The m_unit of meaning is traditionally called a morpheme.9. Inflectional morphemes are bound morphemes that

5、 are for the most part purelyG_ markers,signifying such concepts as tense,number, case and so on. 10.Phrases that are formed of more than one word usually contain three elements : head , specifier , and c _ .11 .Concerning the study of meaning, the conceptualist view holds that there is no direct li

6、nk between a linguistic form and what it refers to, rather , in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of c_ in the mind.12.The sense relation between sofa and furniture is called h_ .13.C_ is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and

7、 the hearer . It is an essential notion to the pragmatic study of language.14. Idiolect is a p_ dialect of an individual speaker that combines elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations.15.APEC is an a_ derived from the initials of Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation.16.According

8、 to Halliday ,”Language varies as its f_ varies, it differs in different situations.”17.Sapir and Whorf s studies show that the structure of the language people habitually use influences the ways they think and behave. This interdependence of language and t_ is known as Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.18.Whi

9、le the first language is acquired s_ , the second or foreign language is more commonly learned consciously.19.Interlanguage refers to learners i_ system of the second language which is of neither the native language nor the second language, but a continuum or approximation from his native language t

10、o the target language. 20.Learning strategies are learners conscious, goal-oriented and problem-solving based efforts to achieve learning e_ , IIMultiple choice (20%)Choose the best answer to the following items.21 .Who among the following linguists looks at language from a psychological point of vi

11、ew and consider language to be a property of the mind of each individual?A. N. Chomsky B. F. de Saussure C. Leonard Bloomfield D. M. A.K. Halliday 22.If a linguist is interested in what is said, not what he thinks ought to be said,he adopts a study of language .A. descriptive B. prescriptive C. scie

12、ntific D. diachronic23.Which of the following words ends with a velar voiceless stop?A. god B. box C. cock D. dog24.Which of the following words contains a back, open and unrounded vowel?A. god B. boot C. walk D. park-25.Which of the following is a glottal sound?A. h B.k C.g D. 26.Which of the follo

13、wing indicates an implied message in what is said?A. The fall-rise tone. B .The falling tone. C. The rising tone. D. The rise-fall tone.27.The underlined morphemes in the following are all inflectional morphemes EXCEPT .A. tables B. sooner C. painter s D. painter28 The sentence “We need more intelli

14、gent leaders.” is ambiguous, because the sentence may have different .A .deep structures B. surface structures , C. linear orders D. morphological structures .29.The pair of words charge and rebuke is called .A. dialectal synonyms B. stylistic synonymsC. collocational synonyms D. semantically differ

15、ent synonyms30.The sense relation for the pair of words above and below is .A. synonyms B. hyponymy C. antonymy D. homonymy3l. X : John s bike needs repairing. Y : John has a bike.The sense relation between the above sentence is .A.X is synonymous with Y B.X is consistent with YC.X presupposes Y D.X

16、 entails Y32.The sentence Yesterday Nancy lost her purse in the street . may be analyzed as a case of _ predication. A one-place B. two-place C. three-place D. no-place33.According to Searles s classification of speech acts, which of the following is an instance representative?A. I fired you! B.Im s

17、o sorry for the mess I have made.C. Your money or your life! D.I have never seen the man before.34.Change in negation rule belongs to change. A. sound B. morphological C. syntactic D. semantic35.A.Shall we get something for the kids?B: Yes .but I veto I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M.,Speaker B obviously violates th

18、e maxim of .A. quantity B. quality C. relation D. manner36.Which of the following words is formed by means of blending? ,A. smog B.UNESCO C. baby-sit D .disco37.According to Halliday, tenor of discourse refers the of communication.A. subject B. participants C. situation D. means38.Conceming the beha

19、viorist view of language acquisition, which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Language is taken as a set of behaviors.B. Language learning is a matter of imitation.C. Reinforcement is especially important for forming correct linguistic behavior.D. Behaviorism can better explain how children

20、 acquire complex language system.39.Instances of mother tongue interference can be found at the level of .A. pronunciation B. vocabulary C. syntax D. pronunciation, vocabulary and syntax40. Strategies involved in analyzing, synthesis, and internalizing what has been learned belong to strategies.A. c

21、ognitive B. metacognitive C. social D. communicative III. True or false judgement. (20%)Judge whether the following statements are true or false, write T for a true statement and F for a false one.41 .According to Saussure, what linguists should do is to abstract langue from parole, i. e. , to disco

22、ver the regularities governing the actual use of language.42. Language is arbitrary in the sense that we can use words freely without the confinement of time and space.43. Inviting, suggesting, requesting, advising, warning, threatening, ordering are all specific instances of commissives .44. The su

23、rface structure and the deep structure of a certain sentence look the same when transformations are not necessary.45.Wh-movement can apply not only to wh-questions but also to relative clauses.46.In communication it will never be the case that what is grammatical is not acceptable, and what is ungra

24、mmatical may not be inappropriate.47.If the conversational participants do not strictly observe the four maxims of the Cooperative Principle, it is impossible for the conversation to go on.48.The same word may stir up different associations in people under different cultural speech comprehension.49.

25、If a child is derived of linguistic environment , he or she is unlikely to learn a language successfully later on.50.The interlingual errors mainly result from faulty or partial learning of the target language, independent of the native language. IV. Explain the following notions briefly (25%)51 .Wh

26、at does productivity mean as one of the design features of human language? 52. Illustrate assimilation rule 53. Illustrate predication analysis with an example. 54.What situation does bilingualism refer to? 55. Explain Input Hypothesis by Krashen. V. Essay question ( 15%)56.Illustrate with examples

27、how sense” and reference differ from each other in lexical semantics. And how are they related to each other? 部分参考答案(非官方答案,但大部分正确):1. prescriptive 2. diachronic 3. langue 4. Displacement 5. broad 6. phoneme 7. sentence 8. minimal 9.grammatical 10. complement11.concepts 12. hyponymy 13. Context 14. p

28、ersonal 15. acronym16. function 17. thought 18. subconsciously 19. independent 20. efficiency21. A 22.A 23.C 24.D 25. A 26. D 27. D 28.D 29. C 30.C 31. C 32.B 33.D 34. C 35.D 36. A 37. D 38.D 39.D 40.A41.T 42.F 43. F 44.T 45.T 46. F 47. F 48.F 49. T 50.F51. language is productive and creative in tha

29、t it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users.52. The “assimilation rule” assimilates one segment to another by “copying” a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones more similar.53. The predication analysis, proposed by Leech, is a way to anal

30、yze the sentence meaning. A sentence, composed of a subject and predicate, is a basic unit for grammatical relation. The basic unit for meaning analysis is called predication, which is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence.For example: It is hot.(no-place predication): (BE HOT)Children like s

31、weets.( two-place predication) CHILDREN, SWEET(LIKE)John is ill. (one-place predication) : JOHN(BE ILL)54. It has been observed that in some speech communities, two languages are used side by side with each having a different role to play; and language switching occurs when the situation changes. This constitutes the situation of bilingualism.55. Krashen assumed that there were two independent means or routes of SL learning: acquisition and learning.56. Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It is the collection of all

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