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2、选民见面,增强候选人的透明度,新选举法保障了人人平等、地区平等、民族平等。但还有许多不尽如人意的地方,例如选民参与选举热情不高,代表比例的“设计性”色彩过浓,候选人的提名和确认程序不透明,各政党、各人民团体和选民联合提名的候选人提名权不平等,没能放手让选民自由竞争,过于强调“领导旨意”等问题。本文以长春市某辖区人民代表大会代表产生过程的实证考察为基点,力求从理论和实践的结合上指出当前我国基层人民代表大会代表产生方式上的成就和尚存在的问题,并提出了几点完善措施,以期对我国基层人民代表大会代表产生方式的改进和发展有所裨益。【英文摘要】This thesis “ The research on th

3、e productions way of the deputy of the grass root national people congress “ total includes four components.The first part is our country basic unit NPC way to produce the historical evolution, the first hand:before the founding of the communist party of China in basic-level political power construc

4、tion practice of representative organization representing the way to produce. Red political power period, the Soviet political power implement general election, the principle of the workers, peasants, red army soldiers are entitled to vote and stand for election, representative of the grass-roots So

5、viet congress by directly elected, direct elections take hands, raise deserve to be elected. During the Anti-Japanese War,under the leadership of the communist party organization form then changed to base regime levels councilmen. The senator councilmen by directly elected,take a show of hands,votin

6、g,burning holes etc method. At this time of all the anti-japanese political parties,is the highlight of anti-japanese mass organizations can put forward to a list of candidates and presidential pact,campaigning.Chinas war of liberation councilmen instead peoples representative conferences. In the ru

7、ral land reform after the completion of the directly elected by the peasants, the poor peasants group and peasant association for constitutent area, township (village) peoples conference, this period representative general with consultation form produce.The second aspect:after the founding of new Ch

8、ina,our country basic unit NPC way to produce in legal regulation and laws in the practice of the practice. Expounds the electoral system running grassroots NPC way to produce three features:one is limited universal suffrage,the second is limited, the third is equal election at county and implement

9、indirect elections. Then,after 57 yearsdevelopment, six times modified electoral law,realized the National Peoples Congress voting everyone is equal,county/district or county under direct elections and National Peoples Congress, are cautious of multi-candidate election campaign, try to let go of Nat

10、ional Peoples full-time.The second part is the western country members and the former Soviet union representative comparison of Soviet way to produce and their inspiration to China. The first hand:Anglo-American law etc Congressman way to produce overview. Britain, the United States, France is the e

11、arliest produce parliament countries, the grassroots election and central election way consistent, execute a bicameral legislature, composed by both houses. British MPS 659 members, from the 659 constituency of directly elected upper house 669 Congressman, by the king granted sealed as life peerage.

12、 American senators 100, directly elected by the states, Congressman 435 name, according to the population distribution, directly elected. The French national assembly 577 members elected directly by their constituencies produce. The second aspect:the former Soviet union representative way to produce

13、 overview. From Russian October revolution victory to the Soviet union, the Soviet represents the way to produce, through unceasingly consummates, the constitution defines universally, equality, direct and secret ballot principle. Soviet representatives set legislation, administration, supervision a

14、t a suit, fictitious, did not play the role of constitution, the election formalism. Third:western members and the former Soviet union and the characteristics of the Soviet union representative produce to our country NPC way to produce enlightenment. Through horizontally and vertically two perspecti

15、ves, compare Britain, the United States, France and other western countries senators and representatives of our country, the former Soviet union Soviet different periods representative organization representing produce forms and evolution process, we learn that substantially all experienced a right

16、to choose from limiting popularization, from public vote chosen right to vote, the secret from rough to vote until gradually equal process.The third part is our country basic unit NPC way to produce improvement. The first hand:reform achievement, mainly urban-rural in the same proportion of the popu

17、lation election NPC realized the equal right to vote, Recommendation the basic-level peoples congress representative candidates running status confirmation, thus the NPC way to produce the reform has made a great progress, Full-time represent appear to constitutionalism society step forward, Grassro

18、ots peoples congress representatives produce realized the direct election; Realizing the universality of the representative, Secret ballots strengthens the voters of autonomy, Realized five safeguard; Voters co-branded nominated candidates for deputies to the seriousness of the greatly strengthened;

19、 Regulate the pre-selected program, to avoid the sure official candidate for arbitrary, Candidate shall meet with voters, and enhance the candidates representative responsibility consciousness; Enhanced 56 national equality; Provisions candidates multi-candidate election, and creating a preferred ad

20、mitted spectacle. The second aspect:since the reform and the problems facing the cause analysis. One is the voters problems and reasons, anaerobic choose is the cause of the election and interests are disjointed, system design not science, voters lack of recognition, and the election process of inju

21、stice make the voters lack of confidence, two is organizers problems and reasons, obligate representatives, violate compasses operation, dividing constituency security administration; Three candidates problems and reasons, introduce way imperfect, the representatives overmuch, candidate quality and

22、election target inconsistencies, the election violations.The fourth part is improving our country basic unit NPC way to produce the legislative proposals. One is to establish and perfect the candidate nomination mechanism, nomination system areas in need of improvement, is first will elect, be elect

23、ed separately, put forward higher requirement for the candidates. Has the right to vote is analysis, evaluation, management and supervision of national affairs, its core is enthusiastic, actively participating politics enforce laws, implement the ruling partys policy, reflecting the voters willingne

24、ss, express complex information ability. Therefore, to be electoral age, education background, professional and quality requirement should be higher than elector. Second is to narrow the nomination main body, shall be in jural clearly, only political groups will have nominee rights, and such groups

25、are required in the state civil affairs department has registration. Because the election of deputies to the National Peoples Congress is a kind of political activities, besides political organizations outside, other groups to engage in political activities if tenet, affirmation inadequate, politica

26、l activities make not, other business activities also make not, also does not conform to the market economy condition of specialization general rules. Once again, is to propose legislation regulation parties, peoples organizations and voters jointly nominated candidates proportion,and expand the pro

27、portion of voters jointly nominated, expand the proportion of voters nomination, not only conducive to improving the quality of the election, but also helps to voters elected identity. At present, some places in expanding voters nomination percentage has taken some positive measures. Second, strengt

28、hen difference of proportions, introducing competition mechanism. First is to improve the candidates for deputies introduced method, the candidate active consciously and voters contact, directly facing voters, published campaign speech, answer questions, and statements run voters motivations, let vo

29、ters comprehensive understanding of yourself. Next is the election into competition mechanism, the election process is lead into some process, through the campaign, voters know who is strong or weak, be helpful for who made the rational choice. Three is to implement initialization, first is represen

30、ting full-time professional turn of theoretical basis, full-time representative can make a commitment to organ of state power projects, make representatives have enough time and energy into work, and not go out of form, guarantee their powers fully realized. Next is representative of full-time to gr

31、adually implementing, because representative full-time to and other supporting measures such as preparation, funds, such as social security is perfect, and reduce jointly represent the quota, representative of the reform of the full-time coordinated. Once again, is established for full-time represen

32、tative assistant mechanism, in order to adapt to the characteristics of NPC work complication. The fourth is to divide rationally constituency, first is current electoral district division of administrative color too serious to work primarily, this is easily bound voters real intention. Followed by

33、size selection and allows for the existence of the elected candidate of probability of fairness missing. Five, perfect election litigation system, and in the election appeared in the process of disputes by judicial organs should as far as possible, avoid election referee organization as both referees and when athletes.【关键词】基层 人民代表大会 代表 产生方式【英文关键词】【目录】我国基层人民代表大会代表产生方式研究内容

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