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秋八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 2 What sweet music Period 1教学案例设计 新版仁爱版doc.docx

1、秋八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 2 What sweet music Period 1教学案例设计 新版仁爱版doc2019年(秋)八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 2 What sweet music Period 1教学案例设计 (新版)仁爱版 教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕音乐而展开。主要内容包括:由Jack和 Sally谈论周末去听席琳迪翁的音乐会引出话题美妙的音乐 ,同时引出语法:感叹句。谈论音乐自然要涉及到各种常见中外乐器、音乐的分类、各类音乐的特点、阅读和设计音乐会海报、音乐家的轶闻趣事及交流音乐爱好等等内容。另外,通过谈论音乐,继续学习喜欢和不喜欢的

2、功能句。通过学习本话题,学生可以对音乐有一个比较全面的认识,培养学生的音乐素养,陶冶学生的情操。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,3第二课时:Section A2,Section B-1a,1b,1c第三课时:Section B2,3a,3b,Section D-2第四课时:Section C1a,1b,1c,2a,2b第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions,1a,1b,Project 第一课时(Section A1a,1b,1c,3)教学设计思路:本课主要是初步学习感叹句和引入音乐的话题。首先让学生认识1a所谈论的歌手

3、Celine Dion及其歌曲My Heart Will Go On 。让学生欣赏歌曲,以快乐的心情进入到新课。然后通过图片或视频资料引出新词汇和新语法。随后让学生听1a并回答1b的问题。回答了1b的问题,学生了解了对话的大意。接下来让学生读1a找出感叹句,完成1c的任务。为了加强学生对对话内容的理解,教师还布置了根据1b复述1a的活动。只有让学生对1a的对话非常熟悉,才能顺利完成3的编对话任务。3是学生在1a的基础上的升华,所以要作为重点活动。教师鼓励学生展示3的成果,完成3。最后师生一起回顾本课的语法和重点短语,完成本课时。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:

4、(1)学习并掌握新词汇 concert, lend,singer, violin,drum,hip hop,(2)初步学习感叹句的构成。2. Skill aims: (1)能够运用感叹句型表达感叹语气。(2)能够看懂有关音乐的海报。3. Emotional aims:喜欢和学唱英文歌曲也是培养英语学习兴趣的一种方式。 4. Culture awareness: 了解Celine Dion和她的音乐。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: (1) 掌握感叹句的基本表达方法。 (2) 理解进行时态表示将来的动作。2. Difficul

5、t points: (1) What和How引导的感叹句型 。 (2) 理解本课中进行时态表示将来的动作。. Learning strategies1. 把句型结构公式化,有助于理解记忆。 如:感叹句的构成。2. 听前先阅读听力任务,明确重点,听的过程中要记下要点。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/Titanic的视频片段/歌曲、海报、录音机等V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(5mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purp

6、ose1 (Class activity)Greet the Ss and introduce Celine Dion. Lead to 1a.T:Good morning ,boys and girls !T: Do you like music ?T: Do you like English songs ?T: Can you tell me some English singers ?T: A famous singer ! Who else ?T: Yes , Many young people like him . Any more ?T: .T: (Shows pictures o

7、f Celine Dion ) Do you know this woman singer ?T: It doesnt matter . Look at this poster . Have you seen this film ?T: Yes, you are right .Its a very sad love story. Do you know the theme song of this movie ?T: Right . My Heart Will Go On .Do you know who performed this song ?T: Its Celine Dion . Do

8、 you want to enjoy this song ?T: Ok , lets enjoy !T: Wow ! What sweet music !(Write down on the Bb)T: Celine Dion is a very famous singer. She performed the theme song of 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games ,“The Power of the Dream” . Let enjoy a part of it .Learn something about Celine Dion.Ss: Good morning

9、 , Mr.Ss: Of course .Ss: Yes.S1: Lady GAGA.S2: Justin Bieber .S3: .S4: .S5: .Ss: Sorry .Ss: 泰坦尼克号.S7: 我心依旧Ss: .Ss: Sure !导入到新课,学习1a中的背景知识。Remark:因为本单元的主题是音乐,在尚未正式上课时,教师可以播放一点音乐,以便营造气氛。在列举所知道的歌手时,允许学生说汉语。教师要让学生欣赏一下 My Heart Will Go On .Stage 2(10mins):Pre-listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activity

10、Designing purpose( Class activity)Teach the new words by pictures or videos.T: It sounds beautiful ! Look , where are they ?T: Yes, they are at a concert . Look carefully , can you see who is giving the concert ?T:You are right .Look ! how exciting the fans are ! (Write down )Do you like him ?T: I k

11、now he is one of the most popular singers in China . But I dont like him at all . T: Because I never hear clearly what he is singing ! He is good at hip hop . But you are big fans of him . Now, lets check ,listen and tell me what he is singing .Ready ?T: .T:.T: You are really his fans . Its very dif

12、ficult for me to hear clearly what he is singing . Now , please look at the two sentences on the Bb. What can you find ?T: Right . Thats we will learn today! In English we call it “Exclamations” . .T:Now, try to translate these exclamations into English .Learn the new words .Ss: 在演唱会上。Ss: 周杰伦。Ss: Of

13、 course .Ss: Why ?Ss: Yes .Ss: .Ss: .Ss: 都是感叹句!S1: What a nice flower !S2: How tall the boy is !S3: How exciting !S4: .解决新词汇,引出新语法。Remark: 周杰伦是学生所熟知的说唱歌手。教师可以播放他的歌曲片段,让学生说出歌词。教师要把引出的感叹句板书在黑板上,并稍加解释其构成方法,但本次课不要讲太多。可以让学生翻译几个简单的汉语句子。Stage 3(5mins):While-listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDes

14、igning purpose(Individual work )Let the Ss listen to 1a and finish 1b.T:Good performance ! Now please read the questions in 1b.Then you will listen to a long conversation and answer the questions . Get started reading the questions .T: Are you clear about the task ?T: Youd better have your pen ready

15、 . You should take some notes while listening . You can just write down some hints . Can we start now ?T: Do you need one more time ?T: Ok , Check your answers this time .T: Now , Lets check the answers ! Question One , volunteers ,please !T: Do you think so ?T: .Listen to 1a and finish 1b.Ss: Yes .Ss: Yes .Ss: Yes .S1: She is going to .Ss: Yes .S2: .训练学生的听力技能。完成1b。Remark:1b的听力任务是回答问题,教师要提醒学生要先整体听懂,并记下关键词或提醒记号

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