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北师大版四年级英语下册Unit8 Mocky is late教案.docx

1、北师大版四年级英语下册Unit8 Mocky is late教案北师大版四年级英语下册Unit8 Mocky is late教案 Unit8 is late 第一时一、教学目标:知识目标:1、能够听、说、认读本时的单词和句型:late, hurr, earl, sl, bren, fix, fixed, hats the tie? is late2、能够正确说做Its tie fr dinner e are earl ath is bren二、教学重、难点:1、重点:学生能够正确听说、认读late, hurr, earl, sl, bren, fix, fixed, hats the tie?

2、 is late2、难点:学生能够在生活中熟练运用这些短语:() is late e are earl/ late Its tie fr dinner ath is bren三、教学准备:教师准备:多媒体,教材,教学卡片 学生准备:教材四、教学用时:一时五、教学过程:Step1师生问候T: Gd rning, bs and girls Ss: Gd rning, iss uangT: Glad t eet u I lve u Ss: e tT: Than uStep2ar up (pla a gae)Step3学习新知1游戏结束,告诉学生上新时,教师看表发现手表坏了。询问学生现在几点了?2、教

3、授bren可使用事先准备好的rbt,取掉rbt的手臂,然后教读bren。告诉学生今天Lulu and g t visit Unle B 让学生仔细听录音,然后回答黑板上的问题。*hat da is it tda?*In this str, hat da is it tda?(设计意图:训练学生的听力和对的大致理解能力,以及对bren的掌握情况)3、 教师首先对的整体进行描述再动作引入late, hurr, earl, sl并让学生找出反义词。4、通过实物rbt呈现bren,然后引出fix, fixed,让学生区别fix, fixed。(Teaher sh the rbt and as: hat

4、s this? Eliit, Its a rbt Teaher sas, h! rbt is bren h an help e! h an fix it? Its fixed)对单词的练习,可以把单词带入到句型里进行练习。竖排,横排交换进行。完成以后,教师再提出问题hats rng ith s ath?然后请学生自己提问,全班认真听。提问的学生抽取一名学生做答。(设计意图:使用道具给学生直观的印象,加深理解记忆。教师再次提问检查学生对的掌握情况。而让学生自己提问培养学生熟练使用英语的能力。)Step4巧设活动,巩固新知。pla a gae (tuhing gae)教师在黑板上写出本的重点句型,

5、每组选取1名学生进行比赛。老师很小声的念出句子。全班同学大声的说出句子,4名学生一边说句子一边轻拍正确的句子。看谁又快又准确。Step知识的迁移与运用ne da, Lulu and g t visit their friend Unle BLulu: Hurr, ! Its tie t visit Unle B!: Dnt rr! Its 2:00 l e are earlLulu: e are late! : h! L, there is a superaret I ant se ht dgs, haburgers, apples, bananas here is Lulu?In Unle

6、Bs huseUnle B: Lulu, here is ?Lulu: I dnt nUnle B: , e are eating n: I have n ne ! I ver late!Unle B: u are late, : fd! h, gdness!Step6 er:As the hildren t tell the str t their failies六、板书设计:Unit8 is late! hat da is it tda? Its nda/ Tuesda/ ednesda/ Thursda/ Frida/ Saturda/ Sunda七、教学反思Unit8 第二时一、教学目

7、标: 知识: 1巩固复习句型:hat tie is it? Its tie t/Its tie fr 学习单tie, hurr, late, earl, ne/t l 2复习,学唱英语歌曲。 能力: 1 小组表演培养学生的交际能力和表演能力; 2 听力练习培养学生的听力。 情感: 1利用歌曲培养学生的学习兴趣; 2小组表演培养学生大胆表达的自信心。二、教学重、难点: hat tie is it? Its 4 l Its tie fr shl Its tie t have lunh三、教学准备: 教师准备:教学卡片 多媒体 教材 磁带学生准备:教材四、教学用时: 一时五、教学过程: IRevie

8、 () 1 hat tie is it?2 hat d u d at t l?II rds t learn (1) 1Have the students l at the tp f this page Have the l at the ls Have the tr t read the tie theselves2 Have the students l at the sreen Have the read the rds after the rerder 3 Have the students read the rds4 Pla the Bing gae t reeber the rdsI

9、II Listen t this (8)1 Have the students l at the pitures And have the tal abut the pitures2 Pla the tape and have the students he the rret anser3 he the anser4 Plat the tape again And have the students repeat the sentenesIV Lets sing (12) 1 Pla the sng hen it is finished, as the students hat rds the

10、 have heard2 Have the students ath and listen t the sng3 Pla the sng again and have the students tr t fll the sng4 Sing the sng in grups Sing the sng tgetherV Set her 1 Sing the sng t ur fail2 p the rds n page六、板书设计 hat tie is it? Its 4 lIts tie fr shl Its tie t have lunh七、教学反思:Unit 8 is late 第三时一、教

11、学目标:1 知识目标:1)词汇:掌握时间的几种表达方法 Its l / Its fifteen / Its thirt / Its frt-five2)句型:掌握hat tie is it?/ Its ne l/ Its t fifteen/ Its three thirt/ Its fur frt-five/ Its tie t 2 能力目标:1)掌握时间的表达法,学会看表。2)能够听懂时间,能够询问及回答时间。3)能运用所学的语言知识在创设的情境中进行熟练的交际,并在此基础上能将其应用于日常生活之中。3 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,增强学生的参与意识,引导

12、学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。4德育目标:通过本的学习,培养学生的时间意识,能够珍惜时间、热爱生活的良好品德。二、教学重点、难点:重点:三个句型: hat tie is it? / Its ne l Its t fifteen Its three thirt Its fur frt-five/ Its tie t 难点:熟练地运用三个句型参与交际三、教学准备:教师准备:录音机, 教学卡片,自制时钟, 学生准备:教材四、教学用时:一时五、教学过程:Step ne aring up 1 Free talT:lass begins Gd rning, bs a

13、nd girlsS: Gd rning LuT: Sit dn, please2 Revie 1) hat tie is it? Its l/fifteen/thirt/frt-fiveT: hats this?(拿出自制时钟) S: Its a l T: N lets unt the nubers (带领学生用一只手拨动时针转圈,同时unt fr 1 t 12)。T: N l at the l, h an tell e hat tie is it? S: Its t l(本环节老师利用单词卡片,让学生复习回顾如何用英语询问及回答时间,强调几种不同的时间表达法)Exerise: (幻灯片展示不

14、同时间点的钟表,同学两人一组问答时间,巩固所学句型) 2) g t shl/ have English lass/ visit granda/ pla ith friends/ g he/ ath TV/ eat dinnerT: l at the first piture, hat des he d? Tell e the e rdsS: (G t shl)T: Gd Next(通过幻灯片上图片的展示,让学生复习所学的词组)Step t Lead inT: h an tell e hat tie is it n? S: Its telve lT: , at 12:00, hat d u d

15、ever da? Please thin it ver S: ( have lunh) T: , its tie t have lunh, right? S: es T: L at this tie, hat tie is it n? S: Its 4 lT: At 4:00, hat d u d? S: g heT: es, s lever, its tie t g he(引出新句型 Its tie t ,并且用刚复习过的词组做造句练习)Step three Learn the dialgue T: , n its tie t learn the dialgue, pen ur b and

16、turn t P181 Read the dialgue flling the tape2 Read in grups3 Pratie ith the given phrases4 Present the students dialgues Spen exerise:(Arding t the pitures n the sreen, ae the dialgue ith the flling sentenes)hat tie is it? Its l/fifteen/thirt/frt-five Its tie t Extra nledge:T: l at l, pleaseAt 12:00

17、 l, its tie t have lunh At 8:00 l, its tie fr lass对比分析以下两句话: Its tie t have lunh Its tie fr lass(引导学生自己发现并总结规律)Its tie t +动词 Its tie fr +名词Exerise:hse t r fr:1 Its tie supper e have u fd A t B fr2 Its tie pla puter gaes A t B fr3 Its tie have hinese lass A fr B t 4 Its 8:00 n Its tie ath lass A fr B

18、 tStep fur Listen and ath 1 Sa sth abut eah piture 2 Guess hat tie d the d the things 2 Listen fr the first tie 3 Listen again ne b ne sentene 4 Listen and read the sentenes and he the ansersStep five Her 完成练习 P19 Step six nlusin Sa “Gdbe! ”T: (看挂钟) , Its Its tie t stp ur lass Gdbe, bs and girls!Ss:

19、Gdbe, Lu!五、板书设计:Unit8 is latehat tie is it? Its tie t have lunh Its l Its tie fr lassfifteenthirt Its tie t +动词frt-five Its tie fr +名词六、教学反思:Unit8 第四时一、教学目标 1The students an read the rds and regnize the rds preliinar 2 The students an desribe the tie in English 3 The students an grasp h t prnune “”,

20、 “i” 4 Develping the pupils abilit f -peratin b grup r二、教学重、难点:The students an grasp h t prnune”, “i”学生能够掌握这两个字母组合的发音规律,能够理解他们在不同单词中的发音。三、教学准备:教师准备:urseare, audiassette rerder, ne rds ards 学生准备:教材四、教学用时:一时五、教学过程:Step1 ar up:T: lass begins! rning! Bs and girls!S: rning ,teaher!T: Sit dn, please!Step2

21、 Revie1 Revie the nubers ne thrugh tent in a lass drill2 Revie the nubers rite the rd thirt n the bard Sa the nuber alud and have he hildren repeat it after u3 Repeat the predure fr the ther nubersStep 3 Read and he1 Have the hildren pen their bs at page 19 sh ur p f the page2 Pint t the piture n th

22、e right Sa, “This is Lu” Tell the hildren that the are ging t read abut Lus bus da3 N pint t the piture f the diar Sa, “This is Lus diar”4 Pint t the first entr in the diar, “9:1 Visit the dtr” Have the hildren read the rds alud tgether Repeat the predure fr the ther entries6 N diret the hildrens at

23、tentin t the sentenes at the btt f the page Explain that se f the sentenes are true and se are false All the infratin the hild need is ntained in the diar7 Pint t the first sentene Have the hildren read the rds alud tgether8 As the hildren if the sentene is true r false Then have the hildren he ( )

24、the bx next t the rret anser9 Repeat the predure fr the ther sentenesStep 4 ExtendHave the hildren ae a ne passage lie this textStep Su up Pratise the students listening And speaingAs the hildren t n the ne languages f this unit and at the sae tie, nslidate the e pint fr this unitnslidate the ntents

25、 have learned作 业设 计ust d: 1 Read the ne text ties at he 2 Translate the text int hinese 3 Previe page 21,22,23hsing d: Read a ne str b urself四、板书设计 Unit 8 is late hat tie is it? Its l Its tie t Its tie fr 五、教学反思:Unit8 第五时一、教学目标 1The students an read the rds and regnize the rds preliinar 2 The studen

26、ts an desribe the tie in English 3 The students an grasp h t prnune “”, “i” 4 Develping the pupils abilit f -peratin b grup r二、教学重难点:学生能够掌握时间的表述,并能进行灵活运用。三、教学准备:教师准备:urseare, audiassette rerder, ne rds ards 学生准备:教材四、教学用时:一时五、教学过程:Step1 ar up:T: lass begins! rning! Bs and girls!S: rning ,teaher!T: Si

27、t dn, please!Step2 Revie1 Revie the nubers ne thrugh tent in a lass drill2 Revie the nubers rite the rd thirt n the bard Sa the nuber alud and have the hildren repeat it after u3 Repeat the predure fr the ther nubersStep 3 Tuh, as, and anser1 Dra the hildrens attentin t the pitures at the btt f page

28、 21 sh ur p f the page2 Pint t the Peters speeh bubble As, “hat is Peter saing?” See if the hildren an read the questin ithut ur help Then read the rds tgether3 Repeat the predure fr ang Lings anser4 Divide the lass int t grups ne grup is Peter and the ther is ang ling N have the hildren repeat the

29、dialgue in a lass drill Tell the hildren that the are ging t rle-pla the situatin6 Put the hildren int pairs t pratie the dialg Enurage the t use their n tie and ativities7 he the ativit b asing hildren t rle pla in pairsStep 4 rite the tie1 Have the hildren pen their bs at page 22 sh ur p f the pag

30、e Dra their attentin t the first piture Tell the the t sentenes bel are abut the piture2 Pint t the first sentene Read it alud and have the hildren repeat it after u Repeat fr the send sentene3 N explain t the hildren that the have t rite ut the send sentene bel eah piture arding t the tie in the pi

31、ture The first piture is pleted as an exaple4 Have the hildren l at the tie indiated n the l As, “hat tie is it?” Eliit the anser fr hildren and have the rite ut the tie n the ine Repeat the predure t finish the ther pituresIn the end, have individual hild read ut their sentenes t he the ativitStep Lets hantTell th

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