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and but or 的用法.docx

1、and but or 的用法Unit3 Grammar1知识目标:正确使用and、but和or;正确使用不定代词。能力目标:能在恰当的时候正确使用and、but、or和不定式来表达事件。情感目标:通过校游的描述,激发学生对生活的热爱。使用说明:认真阅读课本p45-48后再完成导学案。重点、难点:and、but和or的用法;动词不定式的用法一、自主学习:(一)复习巩固:翻译下列句子1.我能自学如何制作网页。I can _ _ how _ _ _ _.2.市区路很拥挤。There is _ _ _ _ on the city road.3.埃菲尔铁塔是金属做的。TheEiffelTower_ _

2、_ _.4.我现在不再晕车了。(1)I _ _ _ _ _.(2)I _ _ _ _.5.在世界公园你可以看到来自全世界的一百多处名胜。You can see _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the park.6.Mr. Wu邀请我参加他的生日聚会。Mr. Wu _ me _ _ his birthday party.二、导学部分:1.考考你对课文的记忆情况,能否记得用什么词来完成句子?(1)It was a great day _ we did not enjoy it at the beginning.(2)The sky was blue _ everything wa

3、s beautiful.(3)Theyre small _ wonderful.(4)The music was great _ Kitty wanted to join in the dancing.(5)Lindas mother can look at Lindas photo on Daniels home page _ Linda can show her mother her photos when she goes home.2.你能否根据上面的句子总结归纳出and、but和or的用法。and: _but: _or: _3.你能正确完成P46-P47的练习吗?4.如果你准备外出旅

4、行,你会考虑下面一些问题吗?你能告诉我们你的回答吗?(1)Who do you plan to take out?(2)Where do you want to visit?(3)What do you want to take?(4)How do you decide to go out?(5)What do you hope to do there?5.你发现plan、want、decide、hope后面加动词的什么形式?还有哪些动词有同样的用法?你能例举出来吗?6.你能用你例举出来的词和你的同桌造一组对话吗?7.你能总结出动词不定式的用法吗?8.请你正确完成“A trip to Sout

5、h Hill”的练习。三、合作、探究、展示:1.小组合作讨论复习、导学部分的内容2.小组展示复习、导学部分的内容3.小组点评复习、导学部分的内容四、当堂检测:1.完成评价手册p80II, III2.根据要求完成句子.(1)Mr. Smith is the owner of the big house over there.(2)The girl could swim last year.(3)This world is full of _(amaze) things.(4)Did they go there on _(foot) ?(5)Do you think _() are the lar

6、gest animals on land?(6)Can you remember my _() about your homework?(7)Who first _(think) of the idea? Daniel did.(8)Children, _(not be) late next time.(9)We are _(hold) a sports meeting next time.五、课堂小结六、布置作业:评价手册p63V七、反思Unit9When was he born?一、学习目标a.巩固本单元重点词组和句型。b.能用一般过去时谈论自己和别人的生活经历和成就。c.通过谈论自己崇拜

7、的名人,了解他们的经历,学习他们积极上进、努力奋斗的精神。二、学习流程1.重点词组开始做某事太以至不能如此以致于停止做某事停下来去做某事滑冰参加一个5岁男孩在岁时因为主修学着做某事举行聚会看见某人做了某事看见某人正在做某事以而著名=世界纪录2.重点句型他是什么时候出生的?他出生于1895年。他打嗝打了多久?他打嗝打了69年5个月。他从什么时候开始学英语的?你多早开始做事都不为过。You are neveryoungstart doing things.这个盒子如此重,以致于他搬不动。The box isheavyhe cant move it.他所有的空闲时间都是和他的孙子一起度过的。Heal

8、l hishis grandson.当我经过公园时,我看见他正在踢足球。When Ithe park, I saw himfootball.他是在该项比赛的70年历史中第一个获得此奖项的中国钢琴家。He was theChinesein thehistory of the competition tothis prize.在他十岁时,他开始游泳。theten, he started.因为背痛,他停止踢足球了。Heplaying soccerhis sore back1.被动语态be born意为“”,后面跟表示时间或地点的介词短语(be用过去时态形式was或were,因为人的出生为发生在过去的

9、事,所以用)。本句型实际上是语态,born是bear的,被动语态的结构为“+动词的”。2.When引导的时间状语从句He started to learn the pianowhenhe was seven.意为“”,这是一个由when引导的时间状语从句,意为,此句中,可以和进行替换。3.When / How long引导的特殊疑问句When是对进行提问,而How long是对进行提问。For example:My father stayed therefor two months.(对划线部分提问)did your father _ there?My father went therein

10、1990.(划线提问)did your fatherthere?三,当堂检测1. Deng Yaping _ _ _ the Olympic Games in 1994.(参加)2. In 2004 Olympics, Liu Xiang set a new rin 110 hurdles.3. She won a gmedal at the last Olympics.4. The boy could hum songs and difficult pof music.5. China is(因而出名) its silk trade.1. Peter won the first prize

11、in the speech competitiontwo years ago.(对划线部分提问)Peter win the first prize in the speech competition?2. We lived in London for aboutthree years. (对划线部分提问)youin London?3. My sister goes to a movieonce a week.(对划线部分提问)your sister go to a movie?4. My brother is young. He cant look after himself.(合并句子)My

12、 brother isyounglook after himself.5. I played the violin. I was ten. (合并句子)I played the violinI was tenold.九年级九年级英语下导学案Unit11 Section A一、学习目标:(一) Important words and phrases:restroom, shampoo, drugstore, cafe, escalator, block, oak, magic, fresh, uncrowded, department store (二) Important sentences:

13、 1) Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 2) Could you please tell me if there are any good museums in Newtown? 3) Could you tell me how to get to the post office? (三)Grammar: 由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句和简单句的互换。二、预习检测:预习并翻译下列词汇:1)公共厕所,休息室_ 2)药店_ 3)电动扶梯_ 4)街区 _5)橡树_ 6)香波_ 7)魔术 _8)新鲜的_ 9)百货商店_三、教学过程Step

14、1 情景导入:Excuse me .Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?Step2 自主学习:1a、Where can you do the following things ? Match each thing with a place in the picture.1c、2c PairworkStep3 合作互动:3a and 3bRead the article .Then list the advantages and disadvantages of going to the mall.四、梳理归纳:本节课我学会

15、了_五、当堂检测(一)、单项选择( )1.-Could you please tell me _?- No.32 Bus will take you right there.A. where is Henan Museum B. what Henan Museum is likeC. how can I get to Henan Museum D. which bus I shall take to Henan Museum( )2. Nobody knows what dinosaurs _ .A. looked like B. looked for C. looked at D. look

16、ed after( )3. Everyone else was invited in my class _ me.A. except B. but C. besides D. and( )4. There were many famous predictions that never _ .A. came true B. came real C. come true D. be true( )5. While the boy was shopping, he saw the UFO _.A. took off B. taking off C. takes off D. take off( )6

17、. Dont watch TV _ .A. all the same B. a11 the time C. sometimes D. at times( )7. Tom writes as _ as I.A. careful B. carefuler C. more careful D. carefully( )8. Mr. Li said I could do better_ English.A. on B. in C. at D. for( )9. -The teacher will give my mother a call. -The teacher will _this aftern

18、oon.A. call her up B. call up she C. call she up D. call up her( )10. -Does Ted tell you if he _next Sunday?-No, he doesnt .But if he _, Ill give you a ring.A. will come; will come B. comes ; will comeC. comes; comes D. will come; comes( )11. If you do, the teacher _ .A. will take it away B. take aw

19、ay itC. take it away D. will take away it( )12. -Xiao Fang, do you like the city life or the country life?-It s hard to say. In the city there is _interesting, but in the country there is _ pollution.A. more, less B. less, more C. more, fewer D. much, much( )13. Grandparents told us they were _ .A.

20、Keep healthy B. did exercise C. in good healthy D. in good health( )14. I think there will be _ tall buildings, and there will be_cars and more buses in the future.A. more, fewer B. fewer, more C. more, more D. much, less( )15. I got up late before, But now I _up early.A. used to get B. am used to g

21、et C. am used to getting D. used to getting二、完形填空Maybe you know a lot about the city you live in. You may even know some interesting facts about Earth, but 16 do you know about Mars? Will there be 17 there just like people on Earth?Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and its the most like Earth,

22、but its much 18 than Earth because its farther from the sun. Its also the only planet whose surface can be 19 from Earth.Mars is often called the red planet because the rocks on it have a dark 20 color. There are strong winds on Mars that can 21 dust into the hills. For many years, people have 22 Ma

23、rs. They have sent instruments and robots there. Some of the robots got there, 23 most failed. NASA(美国国家宇航局) sent two robots to Mars two years ago. They wanted to 24 signs of water and life on Mars. Some day, humans will travel to Mars and have an even 25 look at our red neighbor. Maybe it could be you!( )16. A. when B. what C. which D. how( )17. A. sound B. life C. air D. water( )18. A. hotter B. colder C. bigger D. smaller( )19. A. seen B. wrote C. heard D. visited( )20. A. red B. black C. white D. yellow( )21. A. blow B. look C. mix

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