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四年级下册英语教案UNIT FIVE lesson16 北京版.docx

1、四年级下册英语教案UNIT FIVE lesson16 北京版UNIT FIVE IS MAY DAY A HOLIDAY?Lesson16教学目标1.学生能在提供的场景中,联系生活,从when、 who、 what to do和 what to say四个方面来介绍节日。2.学生能够在询问或回答的过程中认读,听懂等这些关于节日日常活动的交谈用语3.学生能够学习更多的节日活动,了解文化知识,感受其文化内涵学情分析在一年级上册第六单元学生学习了Happy Chinese New Year,学习了如何问候Happy Chinese New Year。在一年级下第五单元第19课学习了情景句Happy

2、 Childrens Day.因此孩子们对Childrens Day.这个词汇并不陌生。三年级上第七单元When is Thanksgiving?中学习了两个国外节日Halloween和Thanksgiving,并且学习了中国的国庆节。学生掌握了部分关于节日的日期表达,联系生活可以扫清课文理解障碍帮助学生理解、掌握四会词汇。重点难点1.理解和认读all over, get gifts, hold parties, every year on this day这些有关节日的交谈用语。2.学生能够根据不同的节日及活动,对主要功能句型进行替换练习。教学过程活动1【导入】Warmup(1) Greet

3、ing(2) T:I have a riddle for you . Please what is it?S:Its Childrens Day./Christams/New Year.设计意图:简单的英语猜谜及交流让学生进入英语环境并引出课题T:Can you tell me something about Childrens Day?学生结合生活以及已有知识尝试用英语介绍儿童节,如果学生不能描述,教师可适当加入语言引导。S: Its on June 1st.Its a holiday for children.S: Children can get or give gifts.We sho

4、uld say happy ChildrensDay to our friends.T:What will you do on Childrens Day? What do you do on Childrens Day?S: We will go to the zoo.We go to the park.We go to the zoo. I go fishing. I go roller-skating.设计意图:利用学生旧知识建立新知识链接,进一步了解儿童节。通过思维导图,引导并帮助学生构建知识结构,了解节日的基本知识。对节日的学习,引导学生注意节日的时间,活动等信息。T:On Chil

5、drens Day, you have so many activities. Do you want to know about me ?What do I do on Childrens Day?S: Yes.T:I like to go to .(播放欢乐谷视频,调动学生兴趣)Do you know it?Where is it?S:HuanLegu.T:Yes, its an amusement park.(呈现去年学习组织去欢乐谷的照片,并学习单词amusement)I also like to go to a puppet show?Do you know it?S: Yes, i

6、ts木偶剧S:No.T: Ok.Now, I have a puppet show for you. I like it so much. Do you want to see it?S: Yes(欣赏木偶剧)设计意图:利用生活中amusement park和 puppet show的短片,从视觉感官让学生直观理解 amusement park和 puppet show。将新词汇提前学习,分解课堂新词的难点。活动2【讲授】Presentation(1) 呈现主题图T:Who are they?S:They are Mike and Lingling.T: They are talking ab

7、out a holiday.Lets listen carefully.Please answer the question: which holiday are they talking?S:They are talking about Childrens Day.设计意图:通过让学生带着问题听录音,培养学生捕捉关键信息的能力,建立学习意识,吸引学生的注意力。(2)T: We go to the zoo or go to the amusement park.How about them?What do they do on Childrens Day? Watch the cartoon

8、carefully and answer the question.S:They go to cinemas,parks and museum.S: We go to cinema,parks and.T: How does Mike ask?S:What do you do on Childrens Day?T: How does Lingling answer?S:We go to cinemas,parks and museum.设计意图:观看视频第一次回答问题时,学生能够捕捉到信息 cinemas和 parks。新词museum读音不准确。设置小喇叭,引导学生倾听关键句,再次认读新词汇

9、museum.继而通过巩固Mike和Lingling的提问及回答,帮助学生感知句型及文本。(3)T:Do you know what is a museum? Look, I have one.(播放美术科学博物馆视频)This is an Art Science museum.(学生观看短片学习单词Museum)T: Do you get it? I have some other pics for you.This is an Art Museum. Do you know them.Great, They are teddy bears. There are lots of differ

10、ent teddy bears there.That is the Teddy Bear Museum.Do you like it?The last one is.(学生通过前两个单词的学习,能够说出 Cinema Museum)(4) T:We go to parks to celebrate Childrens Day.Someone go to the museum to celebrate Childrens Day. Now do you understand the word “celebrate”?(学习单词“celebrate”)Do you have Childrens D

11、ay?S: Yes, I have.T:So Children in Tongzhou celebrate Childrens Day.Look, this is a map of China. Children in Beijing_ Childrens Day. Do children in Beijing have Childrens Day?S: Yes,they thave.T:So can you fill in the blanks?S:Children in BeijingcelebrateChildrens Day.Children in XinjiangcelebrateC

12、hildrens Day.T:Look at the map, wow so many stars and so many children celebrate Childrens Day.Thus we can say Children all over the countrycelebrate Childrens Day.设计意图:学生通过引导,能够尝试运用celebrate, 并通过观察中国地图直观理解并学习all over the country(5)T:Did you remember how does our school celebrate Childrens Day? Lets

13、 enjoy some pics.Our school holds a school _ on Childrens Day.T:Whats in their hands? Who gives them? Our teacher gives them as gifts.So we can get_”(欣赏图片,引导学生完成填空)设计意图:通过总结庆祝儿童节的不同方式和采取对称的英语表达,让学生感受单词“celebrate”的含义。进一步通过回忆我校庆祝儿童节的方式hold a school party.学生可以联系生活感知短语的含义,并且吸引学生的注意力,为下文的学习做好铺垫。(6)T:That

14、 is our school how to celebrate Childrens Day.How about Mikes school?Does their school hold parties?(引导学生观看视频,回答问题)S: Yes, they hold parties.T:How often do they celebrate Childrens Day?S: They hold parties every year on this day.(前一个环节分解了对话的难度,提前处理 hold parties以及get gifts.接下来对话学习着重注意 every year的学习)(

15、7) Listen and repeat.(有感情地跟读对话,模仿语音语调)设计意图:通过个人读、小组读、全班读等多种朗读方式来体验对话人物的情感,更好地感知语言知识,突破难点。(8)Exercise: Listen and fill in the blanks.设计意图:通过倾听录音和完成填空,进一步巩固对话中的难点和重点词汇。为角色扮演做好铺垫,纠正单词发音。(9) T:Lets make role-play.Please pay attention to your voice, emotion and pronunciation.Work in pairs to make role-pl

16、ay.设计意图:通过合作交流、角色扮演易激发学生学习的兴趣,强化学习动机,树立学习英语的自信心。活动3【练习】Practice1教师引导学生根据思维导图及所要求的四个方面来示范介绍节日。2学生小组活动说一说信封中的节日。设计意图:通过教师举例示范描述节日,这为学生接下来语言的输出提供范例。更是为突破本节课的难点做铺垫。学生抽取的信封中含有词汇短语,这是为了拓宽学生的视野,在内容上给学生更多支架,培养学生的处理信息的能力以及语言的表达和组织能力。同时也是对学生的一个分层的教育。活动4【练习】Production1出示绘本故事图片,介绍故事主人公,让学生了解部分内容,并提出问题。T:We have

17、 two new friends. One is Kitty and the other is Peter.Today is their Childrens Day.They will have a show at the school party.Look what are they doing?S: Make a butterfly.T:How do they feel?S:They are very happy. /They are very excited.T:But now is kitty happy?.S: No, she is sad. She is worried. She

18、is unhappy.T:Do you know why?S: She is ill. She feels bad. Her show is bad.设计意图:通过观察绘本图片,了解绘本故事情景并引发思考。学生在情景中初步分析Kitty不开心的原因,培养学生主动思考的意识。2观看并聆听故事,寻找伤心的原因T:Lets enjoy the story and find out why is Kitty sad?S: Butterfly broke. Butterfly wings are broken.T: At the end of the story, Kitty has butterfly

19、 wings. Where does she get it?S: Her friend. Its Peter. Peter gives one wing to Kitty.T: Its so kind of Peter to help his friend. Now the tittle is superstar. Do you know who it is?S: Its Peter because he helps others.T: Maybe he is. Watch it again and tell me who is superstar.S:They are both superstars.设计意图:对学生进行情感教育,朋友间互帮互助,分享节日的喜悦。帮助学生建立互帮互助以及分享的意识。与此同时,简单的绘本故事提高了学生的阅读兴趣,培养了学生观察、思考、讨论、解决问题的能力。活动5【作业】Homework1朗读对话。2与家长分享绘本故事或介绍一个节日。设计意图:设置分层作业,作业内容明确,关注到学习有困难的学生,努力使学生全员参与英语课堂。提高学生学习英语的积极性,培养学生思维的灵活性和敏捷度。

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