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本科毕业设计论文translation of personal names in english literary works英语文学作品中的人名汉译.docx

1、本科毕业设计论文translation of personal names in english literary works 英语文学作品中的人名汉译届 别 2017 届 学 号 毕业设计(论文)英语文学作品中的人名汉译(宋体、小二) Translation of Personal Names in English Literary Works (Times New Roman, 小二)姓 名 (华文中宋、小三) 院系、 专 业 外国语学院、英语 导 师 姓 名、职 称 完 成 时 间 2016年12月 Translation of Personal Names in English Lit

2、erary Works( 英文标题:Times New Roman, 小三,加粗)A ThesisSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Bachelors Degree in English Language and LiteratureBy(汉语拼音)Undergraduate ProgramDepartment of Foreign LanguagesXiangnan UniversitySupervisor: Academic Title: Signature_ Approved December 2016

3、 CONTENTS(Times New Roman 大写、小三,居中、加粗、空一行)(目录内容:Times New Roman, 五号字,其中一级标题还要加粗,分散对齐,行间距20磅,标题除每一行的首字母和专有名词大写外,单词首字母不要大写;各级标题的排序用阿拉伯数字表示,不能用Chapter One 或 Part One 之类的标识,引言、结论、参考文献和致谢部分不要排序;各级标题各自对齐,二级标题比一级标题缩进3个字符后,再对齐,以此类推;中文摘要和英文摘要的页码标序分别用小写的i, ii 表示。)Abstract in Chinese.iAbstract in English.iiInt

4、roduction.11. The definition and characteristics of personal name.21.1 The definition of personal name.21.2 The characteristics of personal name.21.2.1 Symbolicness.21.2.2 Definiteness.31.2.3 Variation.32. Personal name and culture.52.1 Relationship between personal names and culture.52.2 Cultural i

5、nformation in literary works.52.3 Personal names in literary works .63. Naming methods of persons in English literature.7 3.1 Implying the meaning in pronunciation.7 3.2 Expressing the meaning by personal names.7 3.3 Originating from the allusions.74. Translation strategies.94.1 Two fundamental stra

6、tegies: domestication and foreignization.94.2 Translation strategies for personal names in literary works.9 4.2.1 Foreignization.9 Transliteration.94.2.2 Domestication.10 Culture compensation. Giving up the name, only getting the meaning. .11Conclusion.12Bibliography.13Ackno

7、wledgments.14摘 要(小三,宋体、居中、空一行)(正文:宋体、小四、行间距20磅)人名是一门艺术,也是人类社会中最普遍的语言现象,是人们利用语言符号区别他人的特定标志。人名同复杂的社会文化有着深刻的联系,因而有着深刻的文化内涵。本文选取了文学作品中的人名作为研究对象。文学作品中的人名,往往是作者根据其创作意图,为更深刻地揭示人物性格,预示人物命运,体现作品的背景和主题而精心设计的,具有深远的延伸寓意。然而某些寓意深刻的人名增添了文学作品的复杂性,从而使译者在翻译时难以把握。为了最大限度地传达原作的寓意,保持原作的风格,译者在翻译文学作品中的人名时,应从文化的角度入手,采取归化和异化

8、的基本翻译策略,以音译、文化补偿和取意舍名等方式灵活处理。关键词:人名翻译;文学作品;文化内涵;翻译策略(关键词之间用分号隔开)ABSTRACT(Times New Roman、 大写、小三、加粗、居中、空一行)(正文:小四、Times New Roman、行间距20磅)Naming is an art. Names, which are used by human beings, are the commonest language phenomenon in human society. They are the signs for people to distinguish one pe

9、rson from another. Naming is a special and linguistic phenomenon which relates to cultures extensively and profoundly. The present paper will focus on the study of personal names in literary works. Some of these names give vivid images of the characters, some of them show the temperaments of the cha

10、racters, and some of them suggest the fate of the characters. Such personal names in literary works are much more intentionally given than in daily life. They take the task to help with the development of the whole work, so the translation of them should also be taken into careful consideration. For

11、 the purpose of being faithful to the meaning and style of the source text, when translating the personal names in literary works, a translator should start from the perspective of culture, flexibly taking the two basic translating strategies: domestication and foreignization. Key words: translation

12、 of personal name; literary works; cultural connotation; translation strategies.(关键词除了专有名词之外,单词首字母不要大写;关键词之间用分号隔开)特别说明:一、封面和封二之间插入“分页符”;二、封二和目录之间插入“分节符”(方法:点击“插入分隔符分节符类型中的“下一页”“确定” );三、目录和中英文摘要之间插入“分节符”,中英文摘要之间则插入“分页符”,中英文摘要的页码分别用 “i、ii ”标记;四、中英文摘要和正文之间插入“分节符”;五、正文各节之间插入“分页符”六、页眉部分为“外国语学院英语专业2017届毕业

13、论文”(楷体、小三号字,但页眉部分的文字内容只出现在论文正文部分,其它部分(不含封面和封二)页眉只留一条下划线,没有文字内容。)Introduction(Times New Roman、顶左对齐、小三、加粗、不空行)(正文内容:小四、Times New Roman、每段的首行向右缩进3个英文字符、行间距20磅)Each person in the society has his or her name which differs him or her from other members in the community. Names are used by human beings and

14、they are the signs for people to distinguish one person from another. Naming is a special social and linguistic phenomenon which relates to cultures extensively and profoundly. The information of a nations history, language, psychology, religion, customs, concepts of moral and value are all implicat

15、ed in personal names. Therefore personal names are not only linguistic symbols but social symbols, which are windows for people to see through different cultures in different societies. They contain profound culture connotation, so the studying of names attracts a number of translators. For example,

16、 Andre Lefevere, a doctor of Belgium, makes a discussion about “names” in his work Translating Literature: Practice and Theory in a comparative Literature Context. Here “name” refers to those famous peoples names or characters in English literary works. Personal names in literary works work quite di

17、fferently from personal names in daily communication. They are not only simple signs for labeling some persons, but closely connected with these persons characteristics and even fates, both in reality and in fiction. So, in later use of these names, people familiar with the sources of these names ca

18、n easily get the proper associations in their minds. Thus, the popularity and frequent use of these names has become part of the culture, and by many means the usage of these names has been spread to some other cultures. In this paper, I will talk about translation of personal names in English liter

19、ary works.(特别提醒:各节之间要插入分页符,即1和2之间,2和3之间,插入分页符,但一节之内的各小点之间不要插入分页符,即1.1 和1.2之间不要插入分页符,也不需要空行。插入分页符的办法:单击文档上方的“插入”,选择“分隔符”中的“分页符”,单击“确定”,即可。)英文引文文内标注法:另外注意引文后句号的位置。如果在引文中已经出现作者,那么在引文后标注(作者名字+文献年份:页码)就可以了。例如:(刘重德, 1996: 56)或者(Nida, 2003: 45) Some scholars believe that “identity is found at the unstable

20、point where the unspeakable stories of subjectivity meet the narratives of history, of a culture” (Hall, 2006: 13).What is plagiarism? Simply speaking, “ Using another persons ideas or expressions in your writing without acknowledging the source constitutes plagiarism” ( Gibaldi, Manual, 2008: 143).

21、1. The Definition and Features of Personal Name1.1. The Definition of Personal Name(小四,加粗,二级标题在一标题的基础上往右缩进3个英语字符, 三级标题和二级标题的位置一样) As we know, “name” is very important in our daily life, we have to use various “names” everyday, but what is “name”? Can you give the definition to us? In Oxford Advanced

22、 Learners English-Chinese Dictionary, “name” is defined as “a name or words that a particular person, animal, place or thing is known by”. The definition is very simple, and Ernst Pulgram in his “Theory of Names” offers a more detailed definition of a name as following:“A proper name is a noun used

23、in a non-universal function, with or without recognizable current lexical value, of which the potential meaning coincides with and never exceeds its actual meaning, and which is attached as a label to one animate being or one inanimate object (or to more than one in the case of collective names) for

24、 the purpose of specific distinction from among a number of like or in some respects similar beings or objects that are either in no manner distinguished from one another or, for our interest, not sufficiently distinguished.” (Dunkling, Leslie Alan, 2001: 56)It is easy for us to know that “personal

25、name” are peoples name-the name that a person inherits at birth and the other name that are given to him or her. In this article, we will focus on personal names in literary works.1.2. The Characteristics of Personal Name From the definition, we can see a name is basically functioned as “a label”, w

26、ith the purpose of “specific distinction”. As special signs indicating individuals in the society, personal names, have some particular characteristics that no other signs can replace.1.2.1. Symbolicness(三级标题与二级标题的位置一致,字体为小四,加粗,起始的正文内容则还是保持与原来的一致,即首行只往右缩进3个英文字符。) Personal names, as a branch of the system of names, are symbols which represent different figures of the human beings. The start of naming people is an important mark which distinguish men from animals.All human behavior originates in the us

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