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外研版必修3 Module2教案设计.docx

1、外研版必修3 Module2教案设计Module Two Developing and Developed CountriesPeriod OneTeaching content: Introduction; Reading and Vocabulary Teaching important points:1.Help the students master some new words related to the topic of this module;2.Help the students master some difficult language points and unders

2、tand the passage;3.Help the students improve their reading skill.Teaching difficult points:1.Help them make sense of the new words related to the topic of this module.2.Help them master the important language points in this passage.3.Help them understand the passage better and improve their reading

3、ability.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inThere are more than 200 countries in the world.Some are very rich,such as:America,Japan,Sweden,France and so on.But some are very poor,such as:Nigeria (naidirin.尼日利亚(位于非洲),Nepal( nip:l; -p:ln.尼泊尔(亚洲国家),Ethiopia (,i:iupin.埃塞俄比亚),and so on.This module,we will

4、talk about this topic:Developing and Developed Countries.Some pictures:Step 2 Introduction1.Activity 1 on P11Read through the given information to understand and try to match the countries with their continents;Call back the answers and explain if necessary to get more background language about our

5、topic of this module;Read out the words in the box aloud together.Suggested Answers:Continent Country North AmericaThe UsAsiaJapanEuropeFrance, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Sweden,The Netherlands, The UKOceaniaAustralia2.Activity 2 on P11Read through the given information to understand and try to match

6、 the words with the definitions;Call back the answers and explain if necessary;Read out the words in the box aloud together.Suggested 2.poverty 3.disease 4. hunger 5.income 6.developed country 7.developing country【*3.Activity 3 on P11】【Just ask the students to read through the gi

7、ven information to understand and think about the question by themselves.They dont need to present their opinions in class,because it is to difficult for our students.】Step 3 ReadingAs we all know, there are two kinds of countries in the world; if the country is rich, we call it a developed country;

8、 if the country is poor, we call it a developing one. Now, whats the difference between them? Lets learn the text, the human development report will give the difference between them.1.Fast readingActivity 2 on P13Read through the passage quickly and silently to get the main idea and write the names

9、of the countries below.After a while,call back the answers and explain if necessary.Suggested answers:Human Development IndexTop of the listNorwayNumber 7The USNumber 13The UKBottom of the listAfrican countries, Sierra Leone2.Careful ReadingActivity 1 on P12Read through the text carefully and silent

10、ly to get more details and find the answers to the questions.After a while,call back the answers and explain if necessary.Suggested answers:1)147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2015 or earlier.2)It measures a countrys achievement in three ways: life expectancy, education

11、and income3)To reduce poverty and hunger, and ensure all children are educated up to the age of 11.4)There are some examples of successful development, like in China, but more effort is needed.5)They need to give more money.3.Language points【Ref:Notes to the text】Go through the passage together with

12、 the class to explain some language points.4.Post-readingActivity 4 on P13Read through the text individually and silently to understand it better and then complete the chart with figures from the passage.After a while,call back the answers and explain if necessary.Suggested answers:FactFigureIncreas

13、e in life expectancy in China(1953-1962)13 yearsNumber of people moved out of poverty in China(1993-2003)150 millionNumber of hungry people in developing countries799 millionNumber of children not receiving education in developing countries115 millionNumber of people without safe water in developing

14、 countries1 billionStep 4 Consolidation1.Activity 3 on P13Read through the given information to understand and try to complete the sentences;Call back the answers and explain if necessary;Read out the words in the box aloud together and the sentences individually.2.Activity 5 on P13Read through the

15、given information to understand and try to choose the correct answers;Call back the answers and explain if necessary.Step 5 Summary and Homework1.Summary: Summarize what they have learned in this period.2.Homework: Reading on P75-76 in workbook.Appendix: Notes to the text1.developed countries发达国家 de

16、veloping countries发展中国家-ing分词和-ed分词作名词的前置定语时,现在分词表示主动或进行,过去分词表示被动或完成。 boiling water 滚开的水 boiled water凉开水 falling leaves正在下落的树叶 fallen leaves落叶(已经落在了地上)2.Not many children have an education up to 11 years old.up to 意思是“多达,达到”,常置于表示数量的名词前。e.g:They have completed up to 80% of the project so far. e.g:Th

17、e three-year-old boy counted up to a hundred.3.From this agreement came The Human Development Report.人类发展报告就出自这一项协议。全部倒装:全部倒装是指为了强调或语法需要将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构常用于一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有:1)here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首时, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。(1) There goes the bell.铃响了。(2) Then came the chairm

18、an.然后主席就来了(3) Here is your letter.这是你的信。(4) Here comes the bus.2)当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时。 South of the city lies a big zoo. From the valley came a frightening sound. This is our building, on the top of which is flying a red flag.注意:当主语是代词时,主谓不倒装。e.g:Here he comes. Here you are. Away they went.4.The UK is i

19、n the 13th position, while China is in the middle of the list.居于13位的是英国,而中国位于中游水平。while在此意为“然而,可是”,具有轻微的转折含义但重在前后对比。此外,while还可表示“当的时候”,常与延续性动词连用,多用于进行时。e.g:My mother is busy cooking,while my father is watching TV after work. He always listens to music while he is driving to work.5.The bottom ten cou

20、ntries are all from African countries, with Sierra Leone at the bottom of the list. 倒数的十个国家都来自非洲,塞拉利昂位居倒数第一。该句中用了with + O. + OC.结构(with复合结构)作状语,表示伴随状态。e.g:Cubist artist painted objects or people, with different aspects of them showing at the same time. With a book in his hand, the teacher came into

21、the room.6.China increased life expectancy by 13 years.中国的人均寿命增加了13岁。by prep. 与表示“增加、减少”的词连用意思为“增加/减少了”(增加/减少的净值);to表示“增加/减少到”(增加/减少后的值)。e.g:The price of oil fell by $4 a barrel to $82 last week.7.Useful expressionslife expectancy 预期寿命surprise U/C/ the top/bottom of 在顶/底部at number 7 居第7位in the

22、13th position 居第13位in the middle of make suremake progressUmake efforts (to do sth.) Period TwoTeaching content: Grammar; Pronunciation & SpeakingTeaching important points:1.Encourage the students to sum up grammatical rules themselves;2.Encourage the students to apply the grammatical rules to pract

23、ice.Teaching difficult points:1.Help the students understand the differences between the two pairs of link-verb;2.Help the students master the rhythm of English.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Greetings and Revision1.Greet the students as usual.2.Check up the homework in last period OR ask some students

24、to read out new words in this module.Step 2 Grammar-Link words1.Activity 1 on P14Read through the given information to understand and try to answer the questions;Call back the answers and explain if necessary;Summarize the usages of but & however;Read out the sentences aloud individually to understa

25、nd them better.but and however 都表示转折,意为“但是,可是,然而”but:并列连词,可连接两个并列成分也可连接两个并列分句。but前后的两个句子或短语在意义上形成鲜明对照。【but用来连接两个分句或两个较长的短语时,but前面一般要加逗号。】1)He is old but strong. 他年纪虽大却很强壮。2)Learning the guitar isnt difficult, but you will have to practise.弹吉他并不难,但是你得练习。3)He tried,but could not do it. 他试过,但是干不了。howev

26、er:副词,较 but的意义弱。通常用作连接性状语,不能连接并列分句而需另起一句,其位置可以在句首,句末或插入句中。当其用在句首或句尾时要用逗号与主句隔开(句首居多,本模块重点熟悉用于句首的情况);当它被用作插入语位于句中时,则前后应各有一个逗号。4)However,we need not do that now. 可是,我们现在不需要做那个。5)He said it was so;he was mistaken,however. 他说是那样的,然而他却弄错了。6)His friends,however,had other ideas. 然而他的朋友们却另有见解。注意:however还可用作连

27、接副词,引导让步状语从句,意为“无论怎样”。7)However much he earns,he is still unsatisfied.8)I must catch him,however fast he runs.2.Activity 2 on P14Read through the given information to understand and try to link these sentences;Call back the answers and explain if necessary;Read out the completed sentences aloud indi

28、vidually to understand them better.【Pay attention to Learning to learn.】3.Activity 3 on P14Read through the given information to understand and try to answer the questions;Call back the answers and explain if necessary;Summarize the usages of although & while;Read out the sentences aloud individuall

29、y to understand them better.although and whilewhile:用作连词时,意为“然而”,连接两个并列分句,强调两个事实之间的对比。1)He went out for a walk,while I stayed at home. 他出去散步了,而我却呆在家里。2)I like singing while she likes dancing. 我喜欢唱歌,而她喜欢跳舞。3)You like sports,while I prefer music. 你喜欢体育,而我更喜欢音乐。although:引导让步状语从句放在主句前后均可,有时还可放在句中。althou

30、gh可以用but改写成另一种句子,但应注意两者在句中的位置且两者只用其一,与汉语不一样。4)Although many difficulties are still ahead, we are determined to make greater achievements. 尽管在前面的道路上还有许多困难,但是,我们决心要取得更大的成就。 5)He often helps me with my English although he is quite busy. 尽管他相当忙,但还是常常帮我学英语。 注意:1)although引导的从句不能与but, however连用,但可与yet, sti

31、ll连用。不能说:Although he was old, but he worked hard. 应把but去掉。当然,保留but而去Although也可。 2)although/though:两者同义,用法基本相同。前者较正式,多置于句首;后者较通俗,口语化,也可置于句末。4.Activity 4 on P15Read through the given information to understand and try to join the sentences;Call back the answers and explain if necessary;Read out the completed sentences aloud individually to understand them better.Step 3 Pronunciation1.Activity 1 on P15Listen and repeat these sentences twice to notice the rhythm.2.Activity 2 on P15Read the completed sentences aloud using correct rhythm;Then listen to and follow

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