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1、少数民族酒礼酒规少数民族酒礼酒规The wine custom of Minority09级师范四班赵巧299200910020004少数民族酒礼酒规The wine custom of MinorityAs is known, there are 56 nationalities in China. Every nation has its own national etiquette, culture, costume. I will simple introduce some minority wine culture to you.众所周知,中国有56个民族。每个民族都有自己的民族礼仪

2、,文化,服饰。下面我就简单的来介绍少数民族的酒酒礼酒规女真族酒宴Nvzhen nationality forced jollity: 女真人是满族人的祖先,每天一项日常事务就是喝酒,每喝必劝,尽醉而归。景祖乌古酒时,女真人酗酒成风,世祖劫里钵曾醉后骑驴入定。他们喝酒的办法豪放到不用杯子,而共用一只酒桶,大家依次舀酒痛饮。每逢婚嫁,夫婿和亲戚到女家,要抬上许多酒菜待客,酒用金银瓦器盛装。将士出征,全军会饮,此时将官招人献计,共议长短。平时宫廷夜夜大家喝酒跳舞快活,以致影响朝政。NvZhen people is the father of the Manchu people, every day

3、their daily affair is drinking,。Every drink will advise, all of people drunk then return. When uriah JingZu ancient wine NvZhen people drinking rampant, and ancestor robbery in the bowl was drunk donkey meditation. They do not drink the cup to the uninhibited way, and share a barrel, they turn to sc

4、oop swig of wine. Every marriage, husband and relatives go to the brides home hospitality to be carried to many food and wine, shall bear the waiters. Many dressed with gold and silver pot wine. All of soldiers will drink. This time recruiting generals offered advice, and discuss the length. At ordi

5、nary times through everybody dance happy palace, so that affect affairs of state.幺佬族重阳酒:MAO guy clan et wine: 重阳酒是幺佬山乡农家最喜欢的传统饮料,重阳酒醇香扑鼻,越喝越想喝,往往哪时醉了都不晓得,醒来头不晕。每年农历九月初九重阳节,幺佬山乡家家户户选出一部分上好的糯米熬酒。重阳酒的制作方法与汉、壮族地区的甜酒制法相似,封密窖藏一段时间后才开坛饮用。Wine is MAO guy et wine is a favorite traditional beverage, , more dr

6、ink more wants to drink, often when drunk all dont know, wake up head not dizzy. The double ninth festival every year the double ninth festival, rural households what guy on selected part of a glutinous rice wine. Cook With the method of making et wine han, zhuang region, sealing secret liqueur and

7、saut similar caches wont leave until after a period of drinking altar. 重阳酒的来历反映出幺佬人民的纯朴善良的心地:不晓得是哪朝哪代了,幺佬山乡被一些有钱人霸占了,广大的幺佬人贫穷困苦,日艰月难。重阳节到来了,一对在山窝里开荒种地,相依为命的穷苦夫妻,没鸡没鸭,没肉没酒,只有半缸底米,只好熬了三碗稀粥过节。他们夫妻俩各地吃了一碗后,正在你推我让,谁也舍不得吃的时候,传来了敲门声。他俩开门一看,门外站着一个白发苍苍、衣衫破烂的老人。夫妻俩问道:老人家,你有什么事呀,”老人说:“主人家,我走远路经过这里,身无分文,已经三天都没有

8、吃东西了。好心的人呀,能给我一点儿东西充充饥吗?夫妻俩赶忙把老人请进屋里坐下,把那碗舍不得吃的稀粥端给老人吃。“老人家呀,真对不起你了,今天是重阳节,我们家穷,只有这碗粥了,你不嫌弃,将就吃吧!”那老人也不客气,一口气就把粥喝光了。老人暖和过来后,对夫妻俩说:“谢谢你们了,我教给你们一种酿酒的方法吧!”于是,他把重阳酒的酿制方法教给了夫妻俩,然后告诫说:“这种酒千万千万不能卖呵!”说完,就不见了。. The origin of the wine et reflects peoples simplicity what guy the kind heart,dont know is which o

9、n which generations,. The unitary Lao Shan occupied by some rich, the majority of the guys who unitary of poverty, difficult months at hard times. The double ninth festival arrived, a pair come from a nest in the mountain farming pioneers .The poor couples, didnt stray, no meat chicken didnt duck: n

10、o wine, only half of under gravel meters, had to endure the three bowls of gruel the feast. They eat a bowl around the couple after being let you push me, who can not bear to eat. There was a knock at the door. They open the door a look, the grey, stood tattered old clothes. The couple asked, old ma

11、n, you have what matter ah, the old man said: master, I walk long distances to pass through here, penniless, had not eaten for three days. Kind man ah, can give me a little things filling to appease hunger? The old couple quickly, please sits down into the house and put the bowl wont eat gruel end t

12、o old people to eat. Old man ah, Im really sorry you, today is the double ninth festival, our family is poor, only the bowl of porridge, you dont abandon, will eat! The old man and youre welcome, breathe drank the porridge. The old man warm after coming couple said: thank you, I teach you a wine-mak

13、ing method! Then, he put the wine brewing methods et taught the couple, then warned: this wine slots cant sell ah! Say that finish, he disappeared. 第二年重阳节到了,夫妻俩按照老人说的方法酿制出一种酒。这种酒真奇怪,留久了不但没有像别的酒那样变酸,反而越陈越香甜。打开酒坛,满屋子飘香。喝上一口,隔几夜嘴巴还留香。夫妻俩高兴极了,把这种酿酒方法告诉乡亲们。这样,幺佬山乡家家都喝上了神仙美酒。因为神仙交待过这种酒是不能卖的,因而市面上没有卖的。” Th

14、e following year, the couple to the double ninth festival in accordance with the old man said method is brewed a kind of wine. This wine t is strange, stay for a long time not only not like other wine that, instead of the more, but the better it sweet . Open the jars, full house fragrance. Drink a m

15、outhful, every few nights mouth still stay joss-stick. The couple was delighted and put the wine-making method tell villagers. This guy Township families are unitary drink the wine gods. Because the gods had this account can not sell liquor, so the market did not sell傣族:Dai: 傣族的嗜好品有酒、烟、槟榔、茶等。几乎各地傣族都

16、有这些嗜好,只是嗜好的程度稍有差异。Dai hobby products are wine, smoke, betel, tea, etc. Almost everywhere, the Dai have such hobbies, but slightly different degree of addiction.嗜酒是傣族的一种古老风俗,在明代就有咂酒之俗,酒己成为宴客必备之物。近现代以来,饮酒更是普遍嗜好,男子早晚两餐多喜饮酒少许,遇有节庆宴会,必痛饮尽醉而后快,且饮酒不限于吃饭时,凡跳舞、唱歌、游乐,必皆以酒随身,边饮边歌舞。所饮之酒系家庭自酿,傣族男子皆善酿酒,全用谷米酿制,一般度

17、数不高,味香甜。也有度数较高的,如西双版纳迦旋寨出产的一种糯米酒,含酒精成分在60度以上,酒味香醇,倾人杯中,能起泡沫,久久不散,称为堆花酒,远近驰名,被誉为“十二版纳”之佳酿。Alcohol is an old custom of the Dai, in Ming dynasty is the common, wine sucks wine has become essential thing. Competitive Modern, drinking more common hobby, man more than two eat drink sooner or later, there

18、is a star wood dinner, will as organizers swig drunk and then quickly, and alcohol are not limited to a meal, whoever dancing, singing, amusement, will all with the wine to drink, edge with edge dances and songs. Drink wine that is family since brew. Dai men are good wine, with all GuMi brewed, gene

19、ral degree is not high, taste sweet. Also have degrees higher, such as such as the Caramel Rotary Village in xishuangbanna spin a glutinous rice wine, alcoholic composition in 60 degrees above, taste delicious, glass, can pour people, billowing foamed away, is famous for its HuaJiu called heap, know

20、n as the with twelve grade. 布衣族:Commoner race: 布依族成年男子爱饮米酒,妇女们爱吃糯米甜酒.逢年过节要饮年节酒,婚姻娶嫁要饮双喜酒,送往迎来要饮“迎客酒”和“送客酒”。因此,每年秋收以后,家家户户都要自酿几缸米酒和糯米甜酒,米酒既供自家平时饮用,又以之待客,特别是请客时,若席上无米酒,再丰盛的席面,客人的兴味也不浓,主人的脸上也觉得无光。布依族人以豪爽好客而著称,因此,他们饮米酒时,有三大特点:其一是酒用坛子装,将葫芦(地方土语叫“革当”)伸进坛里汲取;饮酒不大用酒杯,而多用碗,这样才显得豪爽。其二是要行令猜拳,这除了助兴以外,更主要的是与席者互相

21、考智慧与机敏,看谁能摸透对方的心里。当然,这也是互相敬酒的一种手段。其三是要唱酒歌,这是三大特点中最主要而且最有趣的一个。酒歌的内容无所不包,诸如开天辟地,日月星辰,民族族源、历史,山川草木,乃至对村寨及主人的称赞等等。你唱一首,我答一曲,对答不了的“罚”酒。这样一来二往,既对了歌,又传播了知识,真是别具民族风韵,兴味盎然。BuYi adult male love drinking rice wine, women love to eat glutinous rice wine. When festivals to drink wine festival, marriage marry to

22、drink in joyful wine, sent to double to drink Welcome wine and visitor out wine Therefore, every year autumn harvest later, every household will since making a few cylinder rice wine and glutinous rice liqueur, rice wine drinking at ordinary times for both home and to entertain guest, especially, if

23、 table on without rice wine, the abundance of place area, the guest again off nor thick, masters face also feel light. BuYi man with a gracious hospitality is known, therefore, they drink rice wine, has three characteristics: one is wine jugs installed, will hoist with called leather (local dialects

24、 in the altar when) into absorbing; Drinking dont use glass, multi-purpose bowl, so just seem to be well educated. The other is to make the line finger-guessing game, which add to the fun in addition to other, more important is who I consider the wisdom and smart each other to see who can find out a

25、bout each others heart. Of course, this is also a means to toast each other. The third is to sing drinking songs, this is the most important three characteristics and the most interesting one. Song of the contents of the all-encompassing wine, such as an epoch-making, moon and stars, national ethnic

26、 origin, history, mountains and vegetation, and even praised the owner of the village and so on. You sing, I answer one, verbal exchanges can not be fine wine. As a second go, both on the song, but also the dissemination of knowledge, is really unique ethnic charm, fascinating. 唱酒歌的方式是先由主人端起一碗酒,向客人们


28、人唱一首,唱完,大家各饮一口酒,要是谁不会唱,就“罚”饮三杯。Sing the way is wine first by the master end up a bowl of wine to the guests edge, worship singing. The content of the opening song is mostly some kind words. For example the host is clearly put the wine full table, host is modestly sings last night and this morning th

29、e magpies blasting snuff called, said the must have the guest, clients really came to. this think eluded pigs, farrow thin shell, the field to catch duck, duck was eagle diao peck; tents to catch chicken, chicken was wild cats to drag out, pond fish, fish are otter catch. peacock fell thorn, Lin, Ki

30、rin fell hillsides, really easy honored guest to my house. At the end of the song, and each guests sip of wine. Guests also lift brimmed one bowl of rice wine to sing reciprocate, content is thanks to his owners hospitality and congratulate village neighborhood peace, crops, such as horses, such as

31、the drink crowds, you sing my wine; wishes to host family, happiness and good life. wish village neighborhood, harmony and happiness; wish, wish sheep rodeos strong with slope. master really diligently, let me sit seated, and my pig liver, and reverence my waist chicken gristle. thanks! Thank you, m

32、asters trouble, we turn back, the fame said. set One, finish sing a song, we each drink one sip of the wine, if who cant sing, penalty drink three cups. 布依族人生活中,还有一种饶有风趣的“迎客酒”。就是娶嫁迎亲或逢年过节,客人来到时,主人要在大门口摆上一张桌子,桌上放酒壶和碗,客人一到,主人急忙在碗里斟了酒,双手端着,唱起一首“迎客歌”:“风凰飞落刺笆林,鲤鱼游到浅水滩,今天贵客到我家,不成招待太简慢,献上一碗淡淡水,只望客人多包函”。客人若是能歌者,就以歌答道。“画眉飞上梧桐树,小虾游到大海里,今天来到富贵府,主人殷勤真好客,只因我的口福薄,这碗仙酒不敢诀。”如此对答几个回合以后,双方不分胜负,最后客人饮了一口酒,就进到堂屋里。若是客人不会唱歌,主人每唱一首,客人只好喝一口酒,一直要唱七首或九首。客人也就要喝七口或九口酒以后才能罢休。所以,不会唱酒歌,既要被“罚”酒,又要逗得所有围观者哄堂大笑Buyi peoples lives, there is an interesting and funny, Welcom

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