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1、九年级英语第十一单元检测九年级英语第十一单元重点词汇1.(短语) 越越 ; 愈愈 2.(短语) 不包括;不提及;忽略 3. n. 友谊;友情 4. n. 君主;国王 5.adj. 首要的;基本的 6.n. 大臣;部长 7.(短语)首相;大臣 8.n. 名声;声誉 9.adj. 苍白的;灰白的 10.n. 王后;女王 11.v(.仔细地)检查;检验 12.conj. & adv. 也不 13.(短语)既不也不 15.n. 权利;力量 16. n. 财富;富裕 17. adj(.天空)阴沉的;昏暗的;灰色的 18.n. 柠檬 19. v. 取消;终止 20. n. 重量;分量 21. n. 肩;肩

2、膀 22. n. 球门;射门;目标 23. n. 教练;私人教师 24. v. 踢;踹 25. n. 同队队员;队友 26.n. 勇敢;勇气 27. adv. 宁愿;相当 28.(短语)而不是 29. v. 拉;拖 30.(短语)齐心协力;通力合作 31.n. 轻松;解脱 32.v. 点头 33.n. (意见或看法)一致;同意 34. n. 过失;缺点 35.v. 使失望 语法重点 1. Id rather go to the Blue Ocean Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating. would

3、 rather do sth.,意为“宁可,宁愿 还是好些”。 e.g. Id rather play tennis than swim. 比起游泳我宁愿去打台球。2. Yes, she was, and waiting for her drove me crazy. drive v. 迫使 drive sb.+adj.,使某人怎样drive sb. crazy/mad 使某人发疯/发狂 e.g. That thing almost drive me crazy. 那件事几乎要使我发狂了。 Youll drive mum mad one of these days. 你这样总有一天会把妈妈急疯

4、了的。 3. What happened? happen 发生,不及物动词, 常见的用法有 (1) “sth.+happen+地点/时间”,“某地/某时发生了某事” e.g. Whats happening outside? 外面发生什么事了?(2) “sth.+happen to+sb.” 意为“某人出了某事(常指不好的事发生在某人身 上)”。 e.g. A car accident happened to him yesterday. 昨天他发生了交通事故。(3) “sb.+happen+to do sth.” 意为“某人碰巧做某事” e.g. I happened to meet her

5、 in the street. 我碰巧在街上遇见她。4. The more I got to know Julie, the more Ive realized that we have a lot in common. the+比较级+从句 ,the +比较级+从句 “越, 越” e.g. The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. 你越用功,进步就越大。5. Why dont you ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julie? Why dont

6、 +sb.+do sth.? =Why not + do sth.? 为何不?用来提出建议或劝告。 e.g. Why dont you go with us? Why not go with us? 你为什么不和我们一起去呢?6. Then she wont feel left out. to be/feel left out 表示“被遗忘;被忽略;被冷落”之类的意思。 e.g. No one speaks to him, he always feels left out. 没人跟他讲话,他总是觉得被人冷落。7. He slept badly and didnt feel like eatin

7、g. 他的睡眠很糟糕,他也不想吃东西。 feel like doing 想做某事 e.g. I feel like having a drink. 我想喝点酒8. His face was always pale as chalk. 他总是面色苍白。 (as) pale as chalk是一种明喻修辞结构,虽然英语把苍白比作chalk(白垩,一种白色石灰岩),但汉语不可真译,相当于我们说的“惨白;苍白”。 e.g. You look as pale as chalk today. Whats wrong? 今天你看着面色苍白,哪里不舒服? 另外值得注意的是,汉语描述不健康的人的面部颜色时常用“

8、白”字,如“煞白;苍白;灰白”等等,英语常用pale来表达。e.g. He suddenly went pale. 他突然面色苍白。9. One day, a doctor was called in to examine the king. 一天,医生被传唤去给国王检查身体。 call in 召来,叫来 e.g. He only waited two minutes before he was called in. 他只等了两分钟就被叫了进去。 Call in the doctor at once. 马上去请医生来。 call短语归纳 call back 唤回,叫回; 回电话,再打电话 ca

9、ll up (给)打电话; 想起,回忆起 call away 叫走,叫开 10. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. 药物和休息对他都无帮助。 neither 表示“两者都不”; 常用词组:neithernor 既不也不,谓语动词跟最近的主语一致 e.g. Neither he nor I am from Beijing. 他和我都不在北京。 both, either & neither neither表示“两者都不”, 作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。 e.g. Neither of his parents is a doctor. 他的父母都不是

10、医生。 both表示“两者都”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 e.g. Both of his parents are doctors. 他的父母都是医生。 either表示“两者中的任何一个”,作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。 e.g. Either of his parents is a doctor. 他的父母中有一个是医生。 both . and . 连接主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;either . or . 与neither . nor . 连接主语时,谓语动词常与离它最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 e.g. Both my sister and my mother are te

11、achers. Either Tom or I have to clean the room. Neither the twins nor John knows how to spell the word.11. Im always worried about losing my power. Many people are trying to take my position. 我总在担心失去我的权力。 很多人都想要取代我的位置。 1) be worried about =worry about 担心 e.g. We are all worried about my grandpas hea

12、lth. 我们总是担心我爷爷的健康。2) take ones position 取代某人的位置 同义词组:take ones place e.g. He takes my position/place. 他取代了我的位置。13. Im always worried about being followed by others. 我总是担心被人跟随。 be followed by 被跟随 e.g. Lightning was quickly followed by heavy thunder. 闪电过后,很快就是雷声滚滚(打雷跟在闪电之后)14. find a happy man in thre

13、e days time. in three days time 3天的时间 in+时间段 在一段时间内,用于将来时 e.g. I will be back in three days. 我三天之内回来。15. The general finds a happy person with power, money and fame. with 表示伴随,“带着, 与 一起, 随着,有” ; 反义词: without 意思是“没有”。两个词的后面均可接名词或动名词。e.g. He left without saying a word. 他一句话都没有说就走了。16.How could he have

14、 missed scoring that goal? could have done 表示“过去本能够做某事但未做”,含责备意义。 e.g. How could he have been such a fool? 他怎么这么糊涂? How could she have forgotten what kind of man he was? 她怎么能忘记他是哪种人呢?17.He was really worried that his coach might kick him off the team. kick v. 踢;踹 kick sb. off 开除某人 e.g. Tim made a hu

15、ge mistake, and the manager kicked him off the company. 蒂姆犯了一个很大的错误,经理把他开除出了公司。18. Ten minutes later, Peter heard his father knocking on his bedroom door. knocking 在这里做hear 的宾补。 相同用法的词还有: see/ watch/ find/ hear/ notice sb. doing sth. e.g. When Lisa was alone at home, she heard something making noise

16、 outside. 当丽莎独自在家时,她听到外面有响声。 第十一单元检测题一单项选择1. Walking more is good for our health.Youre right. So Id rather _ an hours walk to work than consider _ a car. A. take; driving B. take; drive C. take; to drive 2 He would rather _ to jazz. A. not listen B. not to listen C. not listening 3. What a heavy rai

17、n! So it is. I prefer_ rather than _ on such a rainy day. A. to go out; stay at home B. to stay at home; go out C. going out; stay at home 4. Im very tired these days because of the senior high school entrance examination. Why not_music? It can make you _. A. listen to; relaxed B. to listen to; rela

18、xed C. listen to; relax 5. The teacher spoke loudly in order to make the students _ her. A. hear B. hearing C. heard 6. The students in this school are made _ school uniforms on Monday. A. to wear B. wearing C. wear 7.Shall we go fishing at six oclock tomorrow morning? _.Will seven oclock be OK?A.Su

19、re, its up to you B. Sorry, Im not available C.Sorry, I cant make it 8 Hunger drove him _. A.steal B.stealing steal 9. The movie is wonderful I want to see it again A. too; to B. so; that C. as; as 10. Students should learn how problems. A. solve B. solving C. to solve11. Excuse me. Could you p

20、lease tell me _ my car? Sure. Park it right here. Ill help you. A. how to stop B. where to park C. where to stop 12. Can you tell me what happened him just now? A. with B. for C. to 13. Look, so many people are running out of the station. I wonder what _. A. is happened B.was happening C. had happen

21、edRemember this , children . _careful you are , _mistakes you will make . A.The more; the more B.The fewer; the more C. The more; the fewer 14.You look too tired. Why not _ a rest ?Sounds good. A. stop having B. to stop having C. stop to have15.I made a call to my parents yesterday, but _ of them an

22、swered it. A.either B.none C.neither 16. Which jacket do you prefer, this one or that one?_ is OK. I dont care too much. A.Both B.Either C.Neither 17. Tim, how do your parents like pop music? _ my dad _ my mom likes it. They both prefer classical music. A. Either .or B.Neither . nor C.Not only . but

23、 also18. Im not going swimming this afternoon. _. I have to help my mother do some cleaning. A. So am I. B. So I am. C. Neither am I. 19. - Would you like coffee or tea- _. Some water, please.A. Both B. Neither C. Either 20. Will you go to peters party this Saturday evening?I havent decided yet. If

24、you dont go ,_. A. so will I B. Neither do I C. Neither will I 21. I like playing soccer ,what about you? Me , too. A. So do I B. Neither am I C. Neither do I 22.You look too tired. Why not _ a rest Sounds good. A. stop having B. to stop having C. stop to have23.I made a call to my parents yesterday

25、, but _ of them answered it. A.either B.none C.neither 24. Which jacket do you prefer, this one or that one? _ is OK. I dont care too much. A.Both B.Either C.Neither 25. Tim, how do your parents like pop music? _ my dad _ my mom likes it. They both prefer classical music. A. Either .or B.Neither . n

26、or C.Not only . but also26. Im not going swimming this afternoon. _. I have to help my mother do some cleaning. A. So am I. B. So I am. C. Neither am I. 27. - Would you like coffee or tea? - _. Some water, please.A. Both B. Neither C. Either 28. Will you go to peters party this Saturday evening?I ha

27、vent decided yet. If you dont go ,_. A. so will I B. Neither do I C. Neither will I 29.Many children are left alone in the countryside. Lets try our best them. A. help B. helping C. to help30. I didnt hear you come in just now. Thats good. We tried _ any noise, for you were sleeping. A. not make B.

28、not to make C. to make 31 _ will your father come back from Beijing? In two days. A.How often B.How long C. How soon32.Welcome to our school ,ladies and gentlemen. _ , Id like to introduce myself. A.To be honest B.To my surprise C.To start with 33. Meimei is a beautiful girl _ big eyes and dark hair

29、. A. in B. on C. with 34. He will be kicked _ the team if he break the rule again. C.out 35. When will he leave for Shanghai?As soon as he _ his work. A.finished B. will finish C. Finishes36.Can you hear someone _ in the classroom? It is Mary.A.sing B.sings C.singing 37.I often hear her _

30、after class.A. to sing B. sang C. sing 38. Dont be too _ on him hes very young. A.easy B.strict C.hard 39 The two teams continued _ the game after half an hour. A. play B. to play C. playing 40. To their _, they all passed the exam. A. surprise B. surprised C. surprises 41. _ his new sunglasses _ Tony look myst

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