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1、新版pep英语四年级上册unit3Myfriends教案学科英语授课年级四年级主备教师田丽丽课题Unit 3 My friends A Lets learn 第一课时教学目标1. 能听懂会说本课对话:I have a good friend. Hes tall and strong. Who is he?His name is.2. 牢记新词组和单词:tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet教学重点听说认读新单词:tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet及运用。教学难点会用所学单词描述他人的外表

2、。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动反思与修改Step1.Warm up1Greetings.教师面带微笑,走下讲台与学生握手问候。Whats your name? My name is Whats his name? His name is 2播放歌曲“My friends”Step2.Presentation& Practice1. 拿出Sarah的头饰,介绍This is Sarah. Shes my friend.强调女孩的时候要用shes继续介绍Shes friendly and cute.(Teach the new words.)Chant: friendly friends ,

3、friendly friends,friends are friendly.2.T :Ask one student: Do you have a friend? Who is he/she?学生跟读。3.Ask and answer: (have a train)S1: Do you have a friend? S2: Who is she/he? S3:His/Her name is.4. 教学单词short, tall, thin, strong:出示有一高一矮的人物图片:-Hes tall. Whats he like?- Hes short. 出示有一胖一瘦的人物图片,-Hes t

4、hin and Hes short .教师要同时用形象的身体语言表述这对反义词和句子的意义,慢慢过渡到描述周围的同学。5. 教学单词cute 和quite 结合表情和图片帮助学生理解意义。 He is cute./quite. 让学生想想Who is cute./quite? is cute./quite.(启发学生,具有这种特征的某位老师,父母,爷爷奶奶等家人) 学生学习单词cute./quite。观察和理解单词cute./quite,结合句型进行操练,并能表达出cute./quite的表情,最后结合句型Who is cute./quite? is cute./quite进行巩固。(设计意图

5、:通过学生熟悉的和蔼可亲的人物形象,帮助学生学习新知识,再借助表情,让教师和学生show出cute,quite评出身边可爱的人来。)6Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 通过听课文,要求学生完成一定的任务,使学生能够养成良好的听力习惯,为下一步口头交际训练打下基础。I have a good friend. Hes tall and strong. Who is he?His name is.7猜一猜:eg: S1:I have a friend. -Shes/Hes (short, tall, thin, strong.) S2: Who

6、 is she/he? S3:His/Her name is.8 Lets chant 跟着录音学唱歌曲,并掌握歌词的意思9Chant about your new friend.作业布置1. 书本第25页对5遍2. 抄写本第 页。教学板书教学反思学科英语授课年级四年级主备教师田丽丽课题Unit 3 My friends A Lets talk 第二课时教学目标1能正确的语音语调朗读对话。2. 会说Whats his name? His name is. Hes.3能听、说、认读I have a new friend. A Chinese friend? Whatshis name? His

7、name is.教学重点1能听懂、会说Whats his name? His name is. Hes. 2.词汇:Chinese, friendly教学难点Chinese, his的尾音教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动反思与修改Step1.Warm up1Lets review复习已学形容词tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet2做“猜人”的游戏。让一个学生描述班里某一个同学的模样,其他同学来猜这个人是谁。尽量多做几组,练习句型Whos he/she? He/She is .Step2.Presentation& Practice1 新课导

8、入。教师先自我介绍My names .,然后提问一名男生Whats your name?该名学生回答问题后,教师对大家说:His name is He is教师问学生:Whats his name? 启发学生回答:His name is.教师继续指其他男生,让学生回答:Whats his name? 教师再指另一个男生,让一个学生问Whats your name?另一个学生回答 His name is.(多做几组)2 教师指着一个女生说:Shes Her name is 然后问学生:Whats her name?让学生试着回答:Her name is教师再指几个女生问:Whats her na

9、me? 让学生两人一组做Whats her name? Her name is的问答练习。3 教师出示课文人物图片,让学生做问答:Whats his/her name? His/Her name is4 出示班里某个学生的照片,教师说:Look, I have some pictures. Look at this picture, who can tell me his /her name?5 句型His/Her name is6 教师依次出示一些学生的照片,让学生看着照片运用所学知识对这个学生进行描述。例如:His name is Peter. He has short black hai

10、r and big eyes. Hes tall and strong.7 教师出示John的图片问:What s his name? 学生回答John.教师再出示他妈妈的图片,说:She is Johns mother. John is talking about his Chinese friend to his mother. 解释Chinese. 教师:We are all Chinese, because we are all from China.(这时教师可以指一指教室里的国旗,帮助学生理解) 教读单词Chinese。8 让学生观看教学课件,学生就对话内容回答问题。Whats h

11、is friends name?Is he tall and strong?9听录音,跟读对话。10让学生表演课文对话。 作业布置1. Listen to and repeat “Lets talk” and “Lets chant”.2. Describe your best friend to your parents.3. Make a new dialogue about your best with your partner.教学板书教学反思学科英语授课年级四年级主备教师田丽丽课题Unit 3 My friends A Lets spell 第三课时教学目标1感知并归纳o-e在单词中

12、的发音规则,听、说、认读词汇nose,note,Coke,Mr.Jones2能够读出符合o-e发音规则的单词;能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合o-e发音规则的单词。教学重点能够读出符合o-e发音规则的单词;能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合o-e发音规则的单词。教学难点1. 容易与o的短音混淆。2. 能够读出符合o-e发音规则的单词。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动反思与修改Step1.Warm up1. Lets read the word复习i/i-e的发音及单词发音。i /i/ big six milk pig i-e / ai / like kite five nine rice2. Lets

13、review复习o的发音及单词发音o box dog body orangeStep2.Presentation& Practice1Read, listen and chant 听录音,让学生跟读这四个单词:nose, note, Coke, Jones. 让学生自己编写chant,教师提出要求:chant要有助于学生记住单词的拼写和认读。 教师选出比较优秀的chant进行展示。如:N-o-s-e, nose, nose, nose, 鼻子N-o-t-e, note, note, note, 笔记C-o-k-e, Coke, Coke, Coke, 可乐J-o-n-e-s, Jones, J

14、ones, Jones, 琼斯 2学习Read, listen and tick 让学生自由读单词,发现所有单词的共同点:都含有o。 让学生再次读,感受所有的字母o的发音,把不同的画出来,分类整理好。 让学生说说那些不用,有什么不同;每组单词中圈出发音不同的单词,.师加以指导,指出字母o的两种不同发音。3Listen, circle and write 教师播放录音,让学生听录音独立完成单词书写。 师生一起订正答案。4. 强化o-e在单词中的发音。教师出示更多含有o-e结构的单词,比如close, code, nose, note,rose, home, 学生尝试拼读出来。作业布置1. Lis

15、ten to and repeat “Lets learn”.2. Listen to and repeat “Lets spell”.教学板书教学反思学科英语授课年级四年级主备教师田丽丽课题Unit 3 My friends B Lets learn 第四课时教学目标1能听懂、会说、认读Lets talk中的对话。2能用She/He has glasses.表达“他/她戴着眼镜。”3能完成Lets play部分的游戏,进一步熟悉、巩固所学的描述朋友的句子。教学重点1掌握She/He has的用法。2能表演Lets talk 的对话。教学难点能运用所学的句型描述自己的朋友。教 学 过 程教学环

16、节 教学活动反思与修改Step1.Warm up1Sing a song: friends2Read the wordstall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quietStep2.Presentation& Practice1.出示各种图片,让学生猜测“tall or short ; big or small thin or strong”2出示自己朋友的照片,让学生猜人物特征 A boy or a girl? Tall or short? Look and choose has glasses or not? Who is he /she?3. 呈现

17、对话John has a friend,Lets guess who is he/she? A boy or girl? Tall or short?4. Listen to the tape and answer the question Who is johns friend? Wu yifan5. Listen to the tape again and answer the question Whats he like? Ss will answer: “Hes a boy .Hes tall and thin .He has glasses . His shoes are blue”

18、6.Look at the picture and teach them He has glasses. His shoes are blue She has Her are7.Make a chant about: He has glasses. His glasses are black He has shoes . His shoes are blue She has Her are8. Listen the third time and imitate9. 分角色读对话10. Lets play 1)教师用课件呈现句型:He/She is He/she has .His/Her sho

19、es are His/Her bag is What is his/her name? 2)小组活动用以上句型描述自己的好朋友。小组选一名同学到讲台上汇报,让其他小组的同学猜,如果根据描述还猜不出来可以继续想向台上的同学进行提问,知道确定位置。11说说我的卡通人物 1)教师先拿着课前准备的卡通人物,分发给学生 2)让一名学生拿着分到的卡通人物图片,不让别人看到他/她的图片,到台前描述卡通人物的特征,让全班同学猜。作业布置1、Listen to and repeat “Lets talk”.2、Act out “Lets talk” with your partner.教学板书教学反思学科英语授

20、课年级四年级主备教师田丽丽课题Unit 3 My friends B Lets learn 第五课时教学目标1. 听、说、认读短语long hair, short hair, a green bag, blue glasses,brown shoes。2. 听、说、认读句子My friend has blue glasses. Its Wu Yifan. His glasses are blue.3. 能完成Say and draw.教学重点听、说、认读短语long hair short hair a green bag blue glasses brown shoes教学难点glasses的

21、发音;短语的灵活组合。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动反思与修改Step1.Warm up1.sing a song Colour song(review colours)2.复习三年级下册第三单元的表示形状的反义词。3.Free talkTalk about your friends. Hes.Shes.Step2.Presentation& Practice1. Lets learn1)教师利用课件呈现Lets learn部分的教学图片2)教师描述图片:My friend has blue glasses. Who is he?3)让学生回答:Its Wu Yifan. His glass

22、es are blue.4)教师说:He has blue glasses. 并指出与His glasses are blue.是同义句,可以说成“他戴着蓝色眼镜”,还可以说成“他的眼镜是蓝色的”5)教师出示举几个句子,让学生变为同义句。a. She has brown shoes.b. She has long hair.c. He has short hair.d. He has a green bag. 6) 教学单词long hair 和 short haira. 教师出示Chen Jie的面具,问:“Who is she?”学生回答:Chen Jie. 教师说:She has lon

23、g hair.b. 教师出示John的面具,问:Who is he? 学生回答:John. 教师说:He has short hair.c. 教书出示图片,让学生仔细观察,分别描述每一幅图片。d. 教师根据班级的实际情况,让学生分别描述一下班上同学的头发,同时教师也可以引导学生说说不用颜色的统发,如:black hair, yellow hair.7) 教师利用课件出示几张人物图片,让学生用She/He has 来描述人物。2. Say and draw 1) 教师描述一个同学的特征,让学生进行画图 2)等学生结束画图后,选几名学生的作品拿到台前展示,和同学们一起进行评价、订正。 3)让学生两

24、人一组,一位同学描述,一位同学画图。最后让学生展示自己的作品,评出优秀的作品。3. Lets sing 1) 教师播放歌曲录音,让学生倾听,掌握其旋律。 2)为学生指出疑难的句子,并解释其汉语意思。 3)教师讲解clap your hands 拍拍手。 4)让学生先跟读歌词,并学着替换其中的形容词进行唱歌。 5)男女生分组竞赛唱歌、替换歌词比赛唱歌。对表现优秀的学生给予奖励。作业布置1. Listen to and repeat “Lets learn”2. 用英语描述自己的一位朋友给家长听。教学板书教学反思学科英语授课年级四年级主备教师田丽丽课题Unit 3 My friends B Rea

25、d and write 第六课时教学目标1能听懂、会说、会认读Read and write中的短文。2能完成Look, choose and write.部分的书写练习,进一步熟悉、巩固所学的词汇。3提高学生的写作能力。教学重点1掌握四会词汇:short, tall, bag, thin, white, shoes, glasses, long hair, short hair2能完成Read and match.的配对练习。教学难点利用学过的句型,写一篇描述自己父母的文章。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动反思与修改Step1.Warm up1Lets sing 复习上节课学习的Lets si

26、ng, 播放录音,让学生跟唱歌曲。2Free talk 让学生两人一组,互相向对方介绍自己的一个好朋友,编对话,最后展示对话,教师评价,对表现好的学生给予表扬。Step2.Presentation& Practice1Read and match 1)先让学生观察Read and match.部分教学图片,尤其注意观察图中的几个人物的外貌特征。 2)教师出示练习,让学生连线。左面是特征,右边是名字。播放Read and match.部分的录音,先让学生听音独立完成连线,最后一起核对答案。 a. He has short hair and a big green bag. Kate b. She

27、 has long hair and orange shoes. Ben c. She is tall and friendly and she has a blue hat. James d. He is short and thin and he has glasses. Ann2学习单词hat和near 1)hat帽子 a.教师出示帽子图片,问:What is it? b.出示单词hat,让学生跟读。 c.出示几张人物戴着帽子的图片,让学生看图说句子。He has a yellow hat.She has a black hat. 2) near表示方位,在附近 near the win

28、dow 在窗户附近 结合实际情况,提出问题,让学生进行问答:Who is near the window?3Look, choose and write. 先让学生独立完成这部分内容,然后一起订正答案,同时让学生读句子,说说每句话的意思。以展示图片的方式引出单词tall,thin,bag,long hair并着重对这几个单词的书写进行指导和练习。4. Lets check教师播放录音学生完成练习。5. Look and match教师播放录音学生完成练习。6. Story time以课前预习和课上表演为主。 作业布置1Listen to and repeat “Read and write”2 Write less than three sentences about your mother or your father.教学板书教学反思

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