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1、四川省成都市英语中考试题及答案2019年四川省成都市英语中考试题A卷(共100分)六、选择填空(共15小题;计20分)A. 从以下各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)31. Sallys favorite _ is orange.I see. Thats why all her sweaters are orange.A. fruit B. color C. juice31. B 解析:此题考查名词的用法,题中orange有橘色和橘子的意思,根据后句意:那就是为什么她所有的毛衣都是橘色的,可知考查颜色的意思,故选B。32. Is that Tom ove

2、r there?It _ be him. He is on the plane to Chengdu now.A. cant B. might not C. must32. A 解析:本题考查情态动词表最大可能性的否定推测这个知识点。文中关键句是“He is on the plane to Chengdu now.” 说明对方看到的一定不是Tom. 情态动词中表最大可能性的否定推测为:cant. 故选择A.33. Uncle Lee, may I see your bike?Sorry, mine is broken. You can ask your aunt for _.A. mine B

3、. his C. hers33. C 解析:此题考查名词性物主代词的用法,根据句意:我的自行车坏了,你可以问你的阿姨借用她的自行车,应该填入名词性物主代词,故选C。34. Could you please tell me _? Sure. On Friday afternoon.A. where the book sale is B. when the book sale is C. what the book sale is about34. B 解析:本题考查宾语从句的引导词。从句子 “Could you please tell me ”可知后文需要填一个宾语从句。从答语来看,回答了时间。

4、故此题选B.35. Smart phones _ by Huawei are getting more and more popular around the world.A. made B. making C. to make35. A 解析:此题考查非谓语动词的被动用法,根据句子可知“Smart phones are getting ”为一个完整的主系表结构,空格后面by Huawei得知为被制造,非谓语表被动用过去分词,故选A。36. Be quiet! The students _ and English exam.A. take B. are taking C. will take3

5、6. B 解析:此题考查时态的用法。根据前面的 “Be quiet.”可知是对说话时当下的情况提出了保持安静的要求,因此选择了现在进行时,故选B。37. Unluckily, Notre Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) _ this April. We felt so sad for that.A. was burnt B. is burnt C. has been burnt37. A 解析:此题考查时态及语态的用法。根据句中的“this April”以及“felt”可知时态应该为过去时,再联系句子的主语为巴黎圣母院,可知答案为A。38. Compared with newspa

6、pers or TV, the Internet offers people _ information.A. much B. more C. most38. B 解析:此题考查比较级的用法。根据句中的“compared with”可知句子是拿Internet与newspaper or TV做比较,因此选B。39. The boy _ lost is crying there.How do you know he gets lost?A. whose B. who C. whos39. C 解析:此题考查定语从句的用法。根据句子结构可知,the boy是定语从句的先行词,并且作定语从句的主语,

7、因此选C。40. You are not supposed to enter the teachers office _.Thanks, mom. I got it.A. unless you are allowed toB. if you want to ask questionsC. when you are asked to come in40. A 解析:考查连词以及句意理解。从对话中可看出来妈妈的意思是“你不应该随意进入老师的办公室,除非被允许进入。” 故选A. 此题还可以用代入法,可得A.B. 补全对话 根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共5小题;每小题2分,计1

8、0分)Holly: Hey, Luke. 41 Luke: Pretty good. You know I moved into a new house.Holly: Really? 42 Luke: A week ago.Holly: Wheres your new house?Luke: 43 Holly: Thats a good place. 44 Luke: Yes. Its expensive but nice. All my family like it.Holly: Congratulations! I guess youll have a house-warming part

9、y, right?Luke: Of course. 45 Will you come then?Holly: Cool. I cant wait to see your new house.A. When was it?B. Its on Red Tree Street.C. Hows it going with you?D. Its next Monday, the 17th.E. Did you spend a lot of money?4145:CABED七、完形填空 阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。(共15小题;计20分。A篇每小题2

10、分,计10分;B篇每小题1分,计10分)AAs a police artist, Joe Brown draws pictures of suspects (嫌疑犯) when people tell him about the 46 of each suspect. Then, the police put the pictures in newspapers and on television to help 47 the suspects.His job is interesting but not 48 , because different people describe the s

11、ame person differently and sometimes many people dont have good 49 , especially the old. “The suspect is of medium height and young. He has long straight brown hair and big eye,” an old woman says. Another woman says, “Hes tall and thin with blonde hair. Hes about thirty years old.” In the end, the

12、real 50 is a short heavy man and he has short brown hair.46. A. act B. personality C. appearance47. A. remember B. find C. describe48. A. easy B. exciting C. useful49. A. expressions B. methods C. memories50. A. artist B. criminal C. policemanA篇完型填空A篇文章是教材七年级下Unit 9 What does he look like ? Section

13、B 2b的课文改编。本篇文章主人公Joe Brown从事警方画像师一职,文章对他的日常工作进行了描述。他工作的难点在于:不同人对犯罪嫌疑人会有不同的描述。因此最后犯罪嫌疑人的画像和嫌疑人真正的长相会有出入。46. C解析: 名词辨析。根据句意,当人们告诉他关于嫌疑犯的长相。appearance表示长相、外貌。47. B解析: 动词辨析。根据句意,帮助找到嫌疑犯。find表示发现、找到。48. A解析: 形容词辨析。提示词but,根据后文不同的人描述相同的人会出现不同的说明,说明他的工作并不简单。49. C解析: 名词辨析。通过常识推理,后文提到尤其是老人。推理得出是记忆力不好。50. B解析:

14、 名词辨析。全文中心讲得是对嫌疑犯的描述,根据选项选criminal。BOne day in class, the teacher held up an apple. She stood on the platform (讲台) and said, “Please 51 it in the air, and”One student 52 his hand and said, “I can smell it. It is the smell of an apple.”The teacher stepped 53 the platform, passed by each of the studen

15、ts and said, “Smell 54 to see if the smell of the apple is still in the air.”Half of the students put up their hands to show that they could smell it. The teacher returned to the 55 of the classroom and asked again who else could smell the apple. The rest raised their hands except one boy. The teach

16、er came to the boy and asked, “You really cant smell the apple?”The boy answered, “No, I cant smell it. I dont think its a 56 apple.”The teacher 57 at the boy and said to the class, “Hes right! Its not 58 to get the apple smell from this apple.”All of the other students had been tricked. Some may ha

17、ve thought that perhaps the apple didnt have the apple smell, 59 they didnt dare to speak up. They just 60 the first student blindly and went along with him.51. A. watch B. feel C. smell52. A. shook B. raised C. showed53. A. on B. off C. towards54. A. later B. once C. again55. A. front B. middle C.

18、back56. A. real B. tasty C. nice57. A. laughed B. smiled C. shouted58. A. surprising B. possible C. common59. A. and B. so C. but60. A. followed B. admired C. preferred完形填空B篇通过一个小故事讲述“通往真理的道路”。一个老师拿了一个假苹果来测验学生是否有勇气讲出自己认为的观点。告诉大家要敢于尝试,并且相信自己别人才能相信你,不随大流。51. C解析: 动词辨析。 根据句意, 请闻一下空气中的气味,后文有提示“I can sme

19、ll it.”。52. B解析: 动词辨析。根据句意一个学生举起手,用raise表示举起,相当于put up。53.B解析: 介词辨析。根据句意老师走下讲台 ,step off 表示走下。54. C解析: 考查副词。根据句意再闻一次,看看苹果的味道是否还在空气当中。55. A解析: 考查名词。提示词return 根据前文老师先走下了讲台, 然后又走回讲台最前面。56. A解析: 形容词辨析。学生回答老师他不能闻到苹果的味道,因此这不是一个真正的苹果。57. B解析: 动词短语辨析。 smile at sb 朝某人微笑 A. 选项 laugh at 嘲笑 C. 选项shout at 朝某人叫喊

20、根据句意老师朝着学生微笑。58. B解析: 形容词辨析。老师说那个同学的回答是正确的。就说明那不是一个真正的苹果。空格前面有not, 选possible.表示不可能。59. C解析: 考查连词。他们可能想过苹果不是真的,但是他们不敢说出来。前后是转折关系。因此填but.60. A解析: 动词辨析。 随大流赞同第一个同学的观点。因此选follow.第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;计30分)八、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)Dear Dr.Green,My relationship with my mother is wo

21、rse and worse now. It seems shes never tired of talking. She talks here and there, day and night. More seriously, I feel like we dont have much in common. She doesnt always understand what Im trying to say. What should I do?Yours,Jim Dear Jim,I know how you feel. Its not easy being your age. And its

22、 not easy being a mother, either.Its common for kids to have trouble talking with parents, and talkative mothers are not new to teenagers. But remember, shes nagging (唠叨) you because she just wants whats best for you. Talking is her way to show love and care. And she also wants to know more about yo

23、u. After a days work, shes tired, too. But she will never be tired of caring about you. Kids should learn to understand and care about parents.In my opinion, its helpful to share school life with her. Then, you talk and she listens. Doing some housework together with her is another good way for you

24、two to know each other better. And if possible, often tell her your feelings about the things around you. Always keep in mind: be polite and patient.Yours,Dr.Green61. Jim wrote to Dr.Green because he had trouble getting on with his friends.62. In Jims eyes, his mother doesnt always understand what h

25、es trying to say.63. Dr.Green thinks its common for kids to have trouble talking with their parents.64. In Dr.Greens opinion, talking is a way for mothers to relax after a days work.65. Dr.Green explains three reasons for moms nagging and offers three suggestions.判断正误61.B解析:细节题根据第一句:My friendship wi

26、th my mother is worse and worse now.与妈妈有矛盾而不是朋友。62.A解析:细节题根据文中:She doesnt always understand what Im trying to say.表示母亲并不理解自己在表达什么。63.A解析:细节题 根据第二段:Its common for kids to have trouble talking with parents. 孩子和父母说话有困难是很常见的。64.B解析:细节题 此题犯了无中生有的错误。题目翻译为:在格林先生看来,对于母亲来说,在一天的工作之后,交谈/交流对于母亲来说是一种放松的方式。文中并未提及

27、。65.A解析:细节题 文中提出四种为什么母亲唠叨的理由:1. 她仅仅是想要把最好的给你; 2.谈话对于母亲来说是一种表示她的爱和关心的方式;3.她也想要更多地了解你;4. 她对于关心你这件事情是永远不会感到疲惫的。以及三点建议:1.与母亲分享你的学校生活;2.与母亲一起做家务事;3.告诉你的母亲你对于发生在你周围的事情的一些看法。九、阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共10小题;每小题2分,计20分)ATravel around England-Places to visit in LondonThe ThamesIt turns through London, dividing

28、 the city into two parts. Its interesting to take a trip on the river. This way, you can see almost every place of interest of London.Big BenMay 31, 2019 is the 160th birthday of the largest four-face clock in the world-Big Ben. It isnt the name of the tower itself but the 13-ton bell inside it. Eve

29、ry hour, it “bongs” the number of hours to tell the time.-Places to visit in LiverpoolMusic: “The Beatles Story”If you love The Beatlesthe world-famous 1960s music group, come here!Open every day except Dec 25 and 26Adult: 16.00Under-16s and student: 12.00Child under six: FreeSport: “Liverpool FC”Do you love football? Visit Anfield football center, home to Liverpools favorite football team.Closed on Sat. & Sun.Adult: 15.00Under-16s and student: 9.00Child under six: FreeMuseum: “Liverpool Museum”You can learn all about the hist

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