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1、电影猫鼠游戏字幕对白猫鼠游戏非常感谢Thank you very much欢迎各位来到真真假假and welcome to To Tell the Truth.我们的第一位客人 他让自己成为Our first guest, hes made a career最无耻的以冒名顶替为生的骗子out of being the most outrageous impostor是我们这个节目从未邀请过的that weve ever come across on this show你很快就会明白我的意思的and youre going to see what I mean.号选手 请问你叫什么名字?Numb

2、er One what is your name, please?我叫弗兰克威廉阿巴戈尔My name is Frank William Abagnale.号选手呢?Number Two?我叫弗兰克威廉阿巴戈尔My name is Frank William Abagnale.号选手呢?Number Three?我叫弗兰克威廉阿巴戈尔My name is Frank William Abagnale.从年到年.From to 我成功地冒充了 泛美航空公司的 飞行员I successfully impersonated an airline pilot for Pan Am Airways免费飞

3、了百多万公里and I flew over two million miles for free.那段时间 我是乔治亚州一家医院的During that time, I was also the chief resident pediatrician儿科见习医生主管at a Georgia hospital还是路易斯安那州首席检察官的一名助理and an assistant attorney general for the state of Louisiana.在我被逮捕时 我被认为是By the time I was caught, I was considered美国历史上 最年轻及最胆大

4、的骗子the youngest and most daring con man in U.s. history.我在美国境外的个国家 和境的个州里.I had cashed almost $ million in fraudulent checks用伪造的支票套取了约百万美元的现金in foreign countries and all states.而所有这些都是在我岁生日之前做的And I did it all before my th birthday.我叫弗兰克威廉阿巴戈尔My name is Frank William Abagnale.他要讲真话了So, for the first

5、 time hes gonna have to tell the truth首先由基蒂发问and were going to start our questioning with Kitty.谢谢 号选手 凭你的聪明才智Thank you. Number One, why, with all your talent.你肯定是个非常聪明的家伙and youre obviously a very bright fellow.你为什么不找个合法的职业谋生?why didnt you go in for a legitimate profession?这是个挣钱多少的问题It was really a

6、 question of dollars and cents.年轻的时候的时候 我需要钱.When I was a young man, I needed the money我想这个职业 是最简单的挣钱方法and I thought this list of careers was the easiest way to get it.明白了I see.号选手 我发现这真奇妙Number Two, I find this all very fascinating.是谁最后抓住你的?Who was it that finally caught you?他叫卡尔汉莱提His name was Car

7、l Handratty.汉-莱-提Han-an-an-ratty.莱提Ratty.汉莱提Handratty.汉莱提Han-ratty.卡尔汉莱提Carl Handratty.- 是的 - 我.-Yes. -I.叫.卡尔汉莱提am. Carl Handratty.我代表美国的联邦调查局I represent the FBI from the United states of America.我有官方许可Yeah. I have orders来见那个美国囚犯 阿巴戈尔to see the American prisoner, Abagnale.an法国 马赛 年圣诞节前夕你坐在这里You sit

8、here.不许开这扇门You do not open the door.不许从这个小孔You do not pass him.递给他任何东西 anything through the hole.天啊Aw. Jesus.你知道 我自己也有点感冒了You know, Ive got a little bit of a cold myself.弗兰克Frank.按照欧洲人权法.Im here to read the articles of extradition.我来宣读引渡条例according to the European Court for Human Rights.第款: 引渡将被批准.A

9、rticle One: Extradition shall be granted关于犯下按照法律应受惩罚罪行.in respect of offenses punishable under the laws.- 救我 - 最长期限至少一年的- help me. - for the maximum period of at least one year严厉刑法of a severe penalty.救我Help me.弗兰克. 住口Frank. stop it.救我Help me.你没想骗我 是吧?You dont think actually you can fool me, do you?还

10、有页没读完呢 注意听 pages to go. stay with me.第款:Article Two:如果引渡请求中 包含了几种不同的罪名.If the request for extradition includes several separate offenses而其中的每一项都可以进行判罪.each of which is punishable under the laws.根据 请求方的法律.of the requesting party.弗兰克?Frank?弗兰克?Frank?他妈的!Goddamn it!快找医生来!Get me a doctor in here!- 我需要名医

11、生! - 是的- I need a doctor! -Yes.医生! 现在就要!Doctor! Now!别紧 弗兰克 我们带你去医生那儿Dont sweat it, Frank. Were going to get you right to a doctor.弗兰克 如果你能听见我 别担心Frank, if you can hear me, dont worry.我明天早晨就带你回美国Im going to take you home in the morning.明天早晨 弗兰克Home in the morning, Frank.- 你在做什么? - 洗掉虱子- What are you

12、doing? - Washing off the lice.要尽快送这个人上飞机 他需要医生This man has to be on a plane for America. He has to see a doctor.医生明天来The doctor comes in tomorrow.我花那么大的功夫才抓住他I have worked too long, too hard不是为了让你来for you to take this away from me.如果他死了 你负责If he dies, Im holding you responsible.先生Monsieur!弗兰克Ah, Fra

13、nk.好吧 卡尔.Okay, Carl.我们回美国吧lets go home.新罗谢尔罗特瑞俱乐部.The New Rochelle Rotary Club的历史可以追述到has a history that goes back to .在这些年中.In all those years只有少数几位先生weve only seen a handful of deserving gentlemen被荣幸接纳为终身会员inducted as lifetime members.那是一种荣誉Its an honor that, uh现已有个名字铭记在这荣誉之墙上了that has seen names

14、enshrined on the wall of honor今晚 我们会产生第位and tonight, we make it :请起立 让我来介绍我的好朋友so please stand as I present my very good friend一个总是把我们的铅笔磨尖.a man who keeps our pencils sharp.把我们的钢笔充满墨水的人and our pens in ink.弗兰克威廉阿巴戈尔Frank William Abagnale.我很谦卑的站在I stand here humbled罗伯特瓦格纳市长.by the presence of Mayor R

15、obert Wagner.及我们的俱乐部主席杰克巴恩斯的旁边and our club president, Jack Barnes.最想说的就是 我荣幸地看见我的太太保拉.Most of all, Im honored to see my loving wife Paula.和我的儿子小弗兰克.and my son, Frank Jr.弗兰克. 站起来 快点.Frank. Aw, stand up. Come on.他坐在第一排sitting in the front row.两只小老鼠掉进了一桶奶油中Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream.第一只很快就放弃了 然后被淹死了The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned.第二只. 没有放弃.The second mouse. wouldnt quit.他努力的挣扎着.He struggled so

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