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1、小屁孩日记Diary of a Wimpy Kid小屁孩日记精讲之一影片简介本片段剧情:今天是格雷格和他的好友罗利升入初中的第一天,格雷格想好好表现,成为班级年鉴中的明星,但是他很快发现,不但上厕所成问题,连在食堂吃饭也没有座位,在结束了糟糕的一天之后还被哥哥狠狠奚落了一番影片对白:Rowley: Is that cheese?Chirag: Stop! Good God, man! You almost got the Cheese Touch.Greg: The what?Chirag: The Cheese Touch. Nobody knows when or how, but one

2、 day that cheese mysteriously appeared on the blacktop. Nobody knew who it belonged to. Nobody touched it. Nobody threw it away. And so there it sat, growing more foul and powerful by the day. Then one day, a kid named Darren Walsh made the biggest mistake of his life.Girl: Darren touched the cheese

3、!Darren Walsh: No, I didnt! I just looked at it! Really!Chirag: Darren had the Cheese Touch! It was worse than nuclear cooties. He became an outcast. The only way to get rid of the Cheese Touch was by passing it on to someone else. And so began the Cheese Touch Frenzy. Friend turning on friend. Brot

4、her turning on sister. It was madness. Until a German exchange student named Dieter Muller took it away.Boy: Dieter has the Cheese Touch!Dieter Muller: Ze Cheese Touch? Vat is it? Vat does it mean, ze Cheese Touch?Chirag: Sadly for Dieter, that fact was lost in translation.Dieter Muller: Noooooooooo

5、ooooo.!Chirag: Thankfully, he moved back to Dusseldorf and took the Cheese Touch with him. And so the cheese sits, patiently waiting for its next victim.Rowley: Wow.Greg: Wow.Chirag: This is a terrible place.*Rowley: No doors?Greg: None. Im not pooping until Im in high school.Greg: The cafeteria, po

6、ssibly the cruellest place on Earth. But I was about to make some kids day by sitting next to him.Boy: That seats saved.Greg: For who?Boy: Its saved. That ones saved, too.Girl: So not happening.Girl: Ah, ah, ah.Boy: Taken.Rowley: Where are we supposed to eat?Fregley: I guess this is where all the co

7、ol guys hang out.Greg: Fregley must have bumped his head when he was little, like, really hard. Okay, okay, so my first day could have gone better, but at least I wasnt humiliated.Rowley: Hey, Greg! You want to come over and play?Quentin: What did he just say to you?Greg: Oh.I think my rides here.Qu

8、entin: Hey, guys. So this guy says to that guy, You wanna come over and play?Rowley: Yeah! Do you guys wanna play with us?Greg: See? This is the problem. Right now I have to take abuse from these morons. But in 20 years, Quentin here will be working for me.Big Quentin: Greg, please dont fire me. I r

9、eally need my measly, pathetic job scooping your dogs poop.Big Greg: Whatever. Ill think about it. No, no, no. Vanilla on the bottom and chocolate on the top! I cant eat this!Greg: Play, Rowley? Play? Ive told you, like, a billion times that guys our age say hang out, not play.Rowley: Oops.Greg: Ser

10、iously, if youre not gonna listen to me, just tell me, cause if you pull another stunt like that, well be stuck on the cafeteria floor for the rest of middle school.Rowley: I found half a Snickers bar down there.Greg: I cant be the guy who eats off his lap in the cafeteria. I should be at the top of

11、 the food chain by now. Somethings got to change, fast.Rowley: My mom told me to just be myself and people would like me.Greg: That would be good advice if you were somebody else.Rodrick: Hey, little brother. Was your first day as crappy as I said it would be?Greg: No. Not at all. You were wrong. It

12、 was actually better than I.Rowley: Worse.Rodrick: You didnt listen to me, did you? I told you not to talk, look or go anywhere, and what happened?Rowley: He had to eat his lunch on the floor.Greg: Rowley.Rodrick: Perfect. And if nobody wants you sitting at their table, you think they want Chummy Bu

13、ttons over here? I was right. Youre not even gonna make it out of there alive. The only chance you have of making the yearbook is when they dedicate it to your memory.妙语佳句 活学活用1. blacktop: 柏油路,沥青路。2. cootie: 虱子,小孩子们用这个词指代那些邋遢的人身上携带的“病菌”或让人讨厌的地方。和nuclear结合在一起,则显得更具威慑力和散播力。3. outcast: 被抛弃者;被排斥者。例如soci

14、al outcast是“社会弃儿,被社会排斥的人”。4. frenzy: 疯狂;狂乱。5. turn on somebody: 突然袭击某人。6. exchange student: 交换生。7. cafeteria: 自助餐厅;自助食堂。8. make somebodys day: 使某人高兴,使某人一天非常快活。看一下例子:Go ahead,make my day.(来吧,让我也高兴高兴。)9. hang out: 常去(某处)。看一下例子:Dont hang out with that guy any longer.(别再和那个家伙鬼混了。)10. abuse: 辱骂;恶语。11. mo

15、ron: 笨蛋;蠢货。12. measly: 小(或少)得可怜的,微不足道的;拙劣的。例如:a measly performance(拙劣的表演)。13. vanilla: 香草香精。14. pull a stunt: 开玩笑;耍花招。看一下例句:He has pulled similar stunts with other journalists.(他对其他记者也耍了同样的花招。)15. crappy: 糟糕的。16. Chummy Buttons: 格雷格的哥哥对罗利的嘲讽性称呼。chummy的意思是“非常友好的;亲密的”。本片段剧情:格雷格和罗利报名参加了摔跤俱乐部,踌躇满志的格雷格本以

16、为可以一显身手,没想到却被脏兮兮的怪人弗雷格利轻松打败,顿时颜面扫地影片对白:Rowley: Wow, theres a lot to sign up for. You could be class favorite in a bunch of things. Jazz dancing! We could do that one together!Greg: I cant believe all these activities. Theyre all so much work. Staying after school, meeting before school, on weekends.

17、 What kind of extracurricular activities are these?Patty: Out of my way. Who let you into this school, Greg Heffley?Greg: I was thinking the same thing about you, Patty Farrell.Patty: You listen to me, Greg Heffley. Im running for student council president and Im warning you, if you get in my way, I

18、 will beat you up, just like I did in kindergarten and fourth grade.Rowley: Fourth grade? That one was ugly.Greg: Whats her problem? What did I ever do to her?Little Greg: Patty, Patty is a fatty, has a face just like a ratty!Greg: Come on, that was pretty funny. She needs to get a sense of humor. A

19、nd I need something to make me a class favorite.Angie: What about class favorites?Greg: Dont you ever say hi or hello before you start talking?Rowley: Hi.Angie: Hello.Rowley: Oh, Gregs only here because he really wants to be something.Greg: Rowley! I was just saying that I would really like to nail

20、these people because its so obvious that theyre only doing these activities to get in the yearbook.Angie: You know, I like your point of view. You should sign up for the school paper. Were the voice of the people. Well, the people are mostly idiots, so I guess, technically speaking, were the voice o

21、f the people making fun of the people.Greg: Thanks, but I cant be on the paper because Im gonna be in the paper a lot. So that would be a conflict of interest.Angie: Youre the people. Got it.Greg: Do you believe me now? That girl is crazy town.Rowley: Look! They have wrestling!Greg: Thats it! Im gre

22、at at wrestling. Ive watched it for years, I know all the moves. Tombstone piledriver. Chair shot. Vader Bomb.People in Gregs imagination: Heffley! Heffley! Heffley! Heffley! Heffley! Heffley! Heffley!Greg: Okay. Something is very wrong here. These dont look like wrestling costumes to me.Coach: Welc

23、ome to wrestling, you future Olympians! So, just to make sure we all get off on the right foot and nobody gets seriously injured, were gonna teach you a few basic moves. Remember, this is about learning the sport and having fun! All right. Its not a competition because everyone here is already a sup

24、erstar to me. Coach Brewer, can you step over here for a moment, please, give me a hand? Thanks. Thats known as a speed takedown. Nice job, Coach Brewer. Can you get up and come behind me? Put one arm over my shoulder? Lets go, yeah. You got it, walk it off, come on. That was known as the arm drag.

25、Lets give Coach Brewer a hand, everybody! Hes fine. Yeah, Heffley.Greg: What about piledrivers and Vader bombs?Coach: That is fake wrestling. This is real wrestling! Lets go!Greg: If I have to wrestle Benny Wells, hell kill me!Coach: Lets move! Come on! Okay, to keep things fair, Ive divided you int

26、o weight categories by your size, so Rottweilers over here. Bulldogs, you stay right there. And we got two Chihuahuas. Yeah.Greg: Nice head gear.Fregley: Thanks. My mom let me borrow it.Coach: All right, lets see what you got.Greg: Dont worry, Fregley, Ill take it easy on you. Hey, I wasnt ready!Coa

27、ch: Nobodys keeping score, but that was a sweet speed takedown, Fregley!Fregley: This is fun, Greg Heffley!Greg: Get off me!Kids: Fregley! Fregley! Fregley!Greg: Blow the whistle, blow the whistle!Coach: All right! Fregley! Outstanding!妙语佳句 活学活用1. extracurricular activities: 课外活动。2. Out of my way: 让

28、开!别挡着道!3. student council: 学生会。4. beat you up: 把你痛打一顿。请看例子:The bandits robbed the old man and beat him up.(歹徒抢劫了老人,并将他毒打一顿。)5. nail: 揭发。例如:nail the truth(挑明真相)。nail还可以表示“抓获并证明有罪;抓住,截住”。例如:nail somebody for dinner(留住某人吃饭)。6. get off on the right foot: 一开始就做对,一开头就顺利。get off on the wrong foot则是“一开始就做错,

29、一开头就不顺利”。看一下例子:When you go for an interview, it is important that you get off on the right foot.(你去面试时,重要的是给人一个好的初步印象。)7. takedown: (摔跤中的)抱摔。8. walk it off: 走走就没事了,靠走路来缓解疼痛;用走路的方式解决。例如:Are you sleepy? Try to walk it off.(困吗?走一走,把瞌睡虫赶走。)9. arm drag: (摔跤)托臂摔。10. Rottweiler: 巨型犬。影片中教练用体积不同的狗来给个头不同的学员分类

30、。11. Bulldog: 斗牛犬。12. Chihuahua: 吉娃娃犬。13. head gear: 头盔。14. Ill take it easy on you: 我会对你手下留情的。本片段剧情:格雷格在摔跤课上再一次遭到羞辱这一回是被宿敌帕蒂打败并作为头条新闻被登上了校报。眼看凭借摔跤成为班级明星是不可能了,于是格雷格将目光对准了“最佳着装”影片对白:Coach: Well, I dont know where you put it, Heffley, but you gained 10 pounds and joined the Bulldog class.Greg: Yes.Row

31、ley: I thought you didnt gain any weight this week.Greg: My moms ankle weights.Coach: All right, bulldog Heffley. Meet your new opponent.Greg: What? But this is boys wrestling.Patty: Ever hear of Title IX?Coach: Her parents threatened to sue, so you show her what its like to wrestle a real live boy.Patty: Come on! What you waiting for, huh? Dont be such a wuss, Heffley. Make your move!Greg: Shes a girl! Where do I grab her?Patty: Stay down!Angie: Patty, over here!Greg: Get off of me!Patty: Can I wrestle somebody good now?School paper: A GREAT DAY FOR WOMENAngie:

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