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1、新人教版八年级下册英语第一单元优选练习题附答案教学提纲新人教版八年级下册英语第一单元优选练习题附答案Section A (Grammar Focus4c)一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. The girl is going to repair the bike by (she).2.-Peter and Tom have (cold). -They should go to see a doctor quickly.3. Helen fell off her bike and (hurt) her knees.4. Frank ran fast and (fall) down.5.-Wh

2、at is Frank doing? -He is (lie) on the sofa watching TV.二、A根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1-约翰怎么了? -他昨天伤着自己了,他后背疼。 -Whats the with John? -He himself yesterday. He has a sore back.2-我应该怎么办? -你应该躺下休息几天。 -What I ? -You should and rest for some days:3他们立即把老人送到了医院。 They took the old man to the hospital .4你跌倒了吗? Did you

3、 ?5你在哪里下的火车? Where did you the train?6令我惊讶的是,他通过了考试。 , he passed the exam.7我们不想陷入麻烦之中。We dont want to trouble.3、补全对话。在横线上填上一个适当的单词,使对话完整、通顺、正确。A : Whats the 1. , Eric?B:I cough a lot and have a sore 2. . I cant speak clearly. A:Did you take your 3. ?B:Yes. It is 37.5.A:Oh,you 4. a fever. You 5. go t

4、o hospital. B:Can you go with me?A:Sure. Lets go四、单项选择。( )1. He is badly ill,he should get X-ray in hospital. A. the B. a C. an( )2. -Why are you late for school today? -Im sorry. I didnt catch the early bus and I had to the next one. A. wait for B. ask for C. care for( )3-Did you make tile kite ,ki

5、ds? -No, our uncle made it for us. A. yourselves B. yourself C. themselves( )4. -How did he himself? -He fell down from his bike. A. hurt B. leach C. cut D. enjoy( )5.- I have a serious cold these days. - . A. That sounds boring B. Im sorry to hear that C. Youre welcome D. Thanks a lo五、完形填空。 Health

6、is the most important for any of us. In order to 1 healthy, we need some common knowledge. Firstly,pay attention to the diet. We should eat lots of fruit and 2 ,because they are rich in fiber(纤维) and low in fat. As a proverb says,An apple a day 3 the doctor away. So fruit is good for health. Dont ha

7、ve a lot of food that contains 4 fat,such as butter. At the same time,we should eat sweets in proper quantity, 5 too much sugar is bad for us. Dont drink too much coffee,either. Secondly,exercise is 6 .Regular exercise can help us keep from getting fat. People who do running every day usually have 7

8、 hearts than those who dont. Finally,have good living 8 . We should sleep for about 8 hours at night,and 9 work too late. Overwork and little sleep will lead to illness. Whats more, 10 cigarettes(卷烟 ). These are the things we should pay attention to so as to stay healthy.( )1. A. leave B. sound C. g

9、row D. stay( )2. A. drinks B. meat C. vegetables D. porridge( )3. A. sends B. keeps C. stops D. carries( )4. A. too much B. many too C. much too D. too many( )5. A. but B. although C. because D. so( )6. A. necessary B. impossible C. dangerous D. different( )7. A. bigger B. nicer C. heavier D. Strong

10、er( )8. A. places B. habits C. rooms D. times( )9. A. always B. ever C. never D. Hardly( )10. A. stay away from B. take up C. take care of D. ask for六、阅读理解。 Its important for us to be healthy. Everybody wants to be healthy. But how can we keep healthy? Here is some useful advice. First, you should e

11、at fruit and vegetables three or four times a week. There are some kinds of vitamins our bodies need. We should not eat too much meat. Then eat some tofu every day because its good for people, both the young and the old. Milk is also necessary(必要的), especially for women. So you should have milk twic

12、e a day. It can help you to be strong. Next, doing more exercise is better. You can do morning exercises or evening exercises. After supper you should take a walk.( )1. How often should we eat fruit and vegetables? A. Once or twice a day. B. Two or three times a day. C. Three or four times a week. D

13、. Three or four times a month.( )2. Tofu is good for . A. young people B. old people C. students D. young and old people( )3. We should have twice a day. A. fruit B. milk C. tofu D. vegetables( )4. To be healthy we can NOT .A. do morning exercises B. do evening exercisesC. take a walk after supper D

14、. eat too much mean( )5. The passage mainly tells us .A. how to keep healthy B. what health is C. why health is important D. how often you should exerciseSection B(1a3b)一、根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词。1. He felt (生病的) and fell down after running in the hot sun.2. Put your head down and press the sides of your n

15、ose if you have a n .3. He likes to climb mountains to b the fresh air.4. He found himself in a very dangerous (情况) when the rainstorm came.5. We should know the (重要性) of good decisions.二、选用方框内的词,并用其适当形式完成句子。die important decide we climb1. As a disabled mountain ,he hopes to get to the top of M. Tai

16、shan.2. His pet dogs made him very sad.3. His action tells us that making good is important in some situations.4. We all enjoyed at Davids birthday party.5. Have you seen the of learning a foreign language well?三、根据汉语提示完成句子。每空不限一词。1昨天他坚持工作到半夜。 He until midnight yesterday.2到了我们做决定的时候了。 It is time for

17、 us to .3医生不得不截掉他的左腿。 The doctor had to his left leg.4格林先生掌管着一个有5000名工人的公司。 Mr. Green a company of 5,000 workers.5我们希望尽快走f“困境。 We hope to the difficult situation as soon as possible.四、单项选择。( )1. Li Ming used on the right in China, but he soon got used the left in England. drive; to drive B. dri

18、ving driving C. to driving; to drive D. to drive; to driving( )2. Did you have problems in the humid room? A. to breathe B. breath C. breathe D. breathing( )3. -Jim,please help me the cooked meat. I want to make fried rice. -OK. Im coming. A. cut B. cut up C. cut off( )4. He has much as an engineer.

19、 So he can build the bridge successfully. A. balance B. experience C. surface D. service( )5. I my money. Would you please lend me some? A. ran out of B. made use of C. took care of D. paid attention to( )6.Would you mind the window? Its cold outside. A. open B.close C.opening D.closing( )7.-Look! A

20、 car hit a bike at the street corner. -Yes. Shall we report the to the police? A. game B. exhibition C. performance D. accident( )8.-What does the word haze in Chinese? A. invite B. print C. mean D. turn( )9-What a nice model plane! -Thanks. I made it with a 3-D printer by . A. me B. him C. itself D

21、. myself( )10. You should smoking. Its really bad for your health. A. put up B. give up C. get up D. set up五、启完形填空。 Mike is a factory worker. He works long hours every day. He is often very l after a days work. His wife,Jenny,has no 2 ,so she stays at home to cook the meals. Every day he can have hi

22、s dinner when he 3 home from his factory. One day,Mike came home very 4 because he was very busy in the factory. He was very 5 when he got home. He was not 6 when he found his dinner was not ready. He was very angry with his wife. He 7 at her,“Im going out to eat in a 8 .” “ 9 for five minutes, said

23、 his wife. Why? Do you think that dinner will be ready in five minutes? asked Mike. Of course not, she answered. But I 10 be ready to go with you in five minutes. ( ) 1. A. tired B. relaxed C. lucky D. popular( )2. A. money B. time C. idea D. job( )3. A. leaves B. builds C. gets D. crosses( )4. A. q

24、uickly B. late C. slowly D. early( )5. A. full B. active C. hungry D. friendly( )6. A. bored B. careful C. normal D. happy( )7. A. shouted B. laughed C. rushed D. smiled( )8. A. bank B. restaurant C. hotel D. factory( )9. A. Care B.look C. Stand D. Wait( )10. A. wont B. have to C. can D. mustnt六、短文填

25、空。 阅读短文,从下面方框中选出10个词,并用其正确形式填入下列短文中,使短文意思正确、通顺。(每词限用一次) people cut easy hurt wet difference much anyone unlucky well take clean If you dont keep yourself warm enough, winter can be a time to have an illness. During the winter months,people. 1 get colds and flu(流感).Many people think they are the same

26、,but they are 2 . Colds can stay with you for up to a week. You will have a running nose,a sore throat,a headache,a cough and a fever. Flu is 3 serious. You will feel sick very quickly. You will have a fever and a headache. Your body will 4 and become weak. This could last for up to four weeks. Is t

27、here any way to keep yourself away from colds;rod flu? Staying clear of(避开) 5 with colds or flu may work. Try not to touch(触摸) your nose or eyes it you have been close to 5 who has a cold. Wash your hands,especially after 7 your nose. Going out with 8 hair can also give you a cold! If you catch a co

28、ld or flu,go to bed and rest. Doing this will help you get 9 . Drink lots of water. Stay in a warm,well-aired room. If you have a headache,or your muscles(肌肉) hurt,dont forget 10 some medicine.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Self Check一、请列举人的身体病症,至少5种。 二、英汉互译。1. run it under water 2. put your head do

29、wn 3.跌倒 4.晒伤 5. have problems doing sth. 6. be used to doing sth. 7通过某人自己 8 .be ready to do sth. 9切除 10.掌控 11. mind doing sth. 12.go on doing sth. 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.I (hurt) myself playing soccer yesterday.2.Alan cut (he) when he was cooking yesterday3. Aron loves mountain climbing and he doesnt mind

30、 (take) risks.4. Tony has problems (learn) Chinese.5. Do you know the (important) of good habits?6. Although it was dark, we kept on (work).7. He got hit by a car and (fall) down.8. Did you go to the hospital (get) an Xray?9. Who (come) to your office yesterday?10. She is just not ready (go).四、单项选择。( )1. Theteacher-free exam means that students take their exams teachers.Students must be more honest. A. without B. against C. through D. by( )2. If we just think about , the boat of friendship will be overturned anytime.A. myself B. himself C. yourself D. ourselves( )3.-Have you read

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