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BizEnglish 商务英语必用.docx

1、BizEnglish 商务英语必用Business English2007年7月23日21:35关键词: 日常 商务 接机 英语 口语Part 1状况1:第一次和客户见面A: How do you do!Mr.Wise.Glad to meet you!(您好吗?Wise先生,很高兴认识您。)B: How do you do!Mr.Li.Glad to meet you too.(您好!李先生,我也很高兴认识您。)状况2:和老客户见面A: Hello!Mr.Johnson.How are you?(嗨!Johnson先生,您好吗?)B: Hello!Mr.Bill,fine,thank you

2、,and you?(嗨!Bill先生,我很好,谢谢,您呢?)A: Im fine too,thank you.Glad to see you again.(我也很好,谢谢,很高兴再见到您。)B: Me too.(我也是/我也很高兴再见到您。)状况3:第一次和客户见面,找到人后再相互问候A: Excuse me!Are you Mr.Lin?(对不起,请问您是林先生吗?)B: Yes,thats right.(是的,正是。)A: How do you do,Mr.Lin!Its my pleasure to see you.(噢!林先生,您好!很荣幸认识您。)B: Me too.(我也是/我也很

3、荣幸。)状况4:和老客户见面相互问候家人及生意A: Hello!Mr.Rown,glad to see you again.(哈喽!Rown先生,很高兴又见到您。)B: Hello!Lisa,how are you?(嗨!Lisa,你好吗?)A: Very fine,thank you,and you?(很好,谢谢,那么您呢?)B: Im fine too.(我也很好。)A: How is/are your family?(家人如何?)B: They are fine,thank you.(他们都很好,谢谢。)A: How is your business?(生意如何?)B: Very goo

4、d/just so so/not very good/not bad/Its the same as usual.(很好/马马虎虎/不太好/还不错/和平常一样)A: How was your trip?(旅途如何?)B: Very good,but I am a little tired,because its a long trip.(很好,但是我有点累,因为飞行很长。)Part 2状况1:在机场A: Excuse me!Are you Mr.Johnson?(对不起,您是Johnson先生吗?)B: Yes,thats right.(是的,我是。)A: How do you do,Mr.J

5、ohnson,my name is Tom Lee,the sales manager of the ABC company.(您好,Johnson先生,我的名字是Tom Lee,ABC公司的业务助理。)B: How do you do,Mr.Li,glad to meet you.(您好,李先生,很高兴认识您。)A: Me too,I came to pick you up to your hotel.(我也是,我来接您去您的饭店。)B: Thank you,you are very kind.(谢谢,您真好。)A: How was your trip?(您旅途还好吗?)B: (1)Yes,

6、very good,thank you.(是的,很好,谢谢。) (2)No,not very good,I was got air.(不,不太好,我晕机。)A: Do you feel better now?(您现在感觉好一点了吗?)B: Yes,but I feel very tired,because its a very long trip.(是的,但是我感觉很累,因为飞行时间很长。)A: Lets go,lets get you checked in the hotel/Lets go and check in the hotel.(我们走吧,让您到饭店登记吧。)B: Ok,thank

7、 you.(好的,谢谢。)A: Let me help you with your luggage.(让我帮您拿行李。)B: (1)Thank you.Its very weight.(谢谢,他们很重。) (2)It doesnt matter,thank you,I can handle by myself.(没关系,谢谢,我自己可以处理。)A: This way please,my car is outside.(这边请,我的车在外面等。)B: Ok,lets go.(好的,走吧。)A: Please wait for me here,I am going to the parting l

8、ot to drive my car.(请在这儿等我,我去停车场开车。)B: Ok,no problem.(好的,没问题。)A: Lets go to the parking lot directly,because it is not convenient here.(让我们直接到停车场去吧,因为这儿不好停车。)B: Of course,no problem.(当然,没问题。)状况2:在机场接机问候语A: Let me help you with your luggage.(让我帮您拿行李。)B: Thank you!You are very kind.(谢谢!你真好。)A: How was

9、 your trip?(旅途如何?)B: Very good.Thank you.(很好,谢谢。)A: Do you feel tired?(您觉得累吗?)B: A little,because it is a long trip.(有一点儿,因为飞行很久。)A: This way please.(这边请。)B: Ok,thank you.(好的,谢谢!)A: Please wait for me here,I am going to parking lot to drive car.(请在这儿等我,我去停车场开车。)B: Ok,no problem.(好的,没问题。)状况3:在机场接机及途中

10、对话A: Are you Mr Gerry Wise?(您是Gerry Wise先生吗?)B: Yes, thats right.(是的,正是。)A: How do you do? Mr. Wise, nice to meet you, I am Mickey.(您好,Wise先生,很高兴认识您,我的名字是Mickey。)B: How do you do! Mickey. Its my pleasure to see you.(您好,Mickey。很荣幸见到您。)A: Welcome to Taibei, this is my business card.(欢迎到台北,这是我的名片。)B: T

11、hank you, this is mine.(谢谢,这是我的。)A: Let me help you with your luggage.(让我帮您拿行李。)B: Thank you, its a little heavy.(谢谢,有点重。)A: My car is in the parking lot, this way please.(我车在停车场,这边请。)B: OK.(好的。)A: Do you come to Taibei the first/Is this the first time you come to Taiwan?(您第一次到台湾吗?)B: Yes.(是的。)A: Ho

12、w was your trip?(旅途如何?)B: Very good.(很好。)A: Do you feel tired?(累不累?)B: Yes, a little, but it doesnt matter.(是的,有一点儿,但是没关系。)A: We will flight to Magong tomorrow morning, the flight time is at 6:40 in the morning.(我们明天一早飞马公,班机时间是早上6:40。) My boss will go to the hotel to pick you up at 5:50, so you shou

13、ld get ready before 5:50.(我老板会在5:50去饭店接您,所以您在5:50前要准备好。)B: I see, I will wait for him on time.(我知道,我会准时等他。)A: If you need the morning call, please inform the counter of hotel.(如果您需要叫起床,只要告知饭店柜台。)B: It doesnt matter, I have alarm.(没关系,我有闹钟。)A: Are you hungry?(您饿吗?)B: Yes, a little.是的,有一点儿。A: We can h

14、ave a quick meal in the Nongteli near your hotel.(我们可以在您饭店附近的侬特利用个简餐。)B: Ok, thank you.(好的,谢谢。)Part 3状况1:在公司接应电话A: This is ABC company. May I help you?(这是ABC公司,我可以帮您什么忙吗?)B:David Wang,please./Is David in?/Could I speak to David?(我要找王大卫先生(请接王大卫先生)。)A: Who is calling/speaking?/May I have your name?(请问

15、贵姓?)B: William Johnson。A: Hold on,please/Wait for a moment.(请稍候。)(如果要找的人不在时)A: Sorry, hes(was/went) out. Would you like to leave a message?(对不起,他不在,您要留言吗?)B: Tell him to call me back, for I will wait for his telephone in my componey. (I live in room 1020, Hilton hotlel)(请他回电,告诉他我在公司等他的电话。(我住在希尔顿饭店,房

16、号1020))A: Ok, Ill ask him to call you back as soon as he returns.(Ill give him the message)Thank you for your call.(好的,他一回来,我会请他马上回电。(我会将此留言转告他)谢谢来电!)B: Thank you for your help.(谢谢您的帮忙。)状况2 人在国外,经由接线生打对方付款电话回台湾A: Operator, I want to make a collect overseas phone call to Taiwan.(接线生,我要打一通对方付款的越洋电话到台湾

17、。)B: Whom would you like to speak to?(您要找哪位?)A: David Lee.B: Telephone number?(电话号码多少?)A: The code is 886, the area code is 02, the phone number is 25432100.(代码是886,区码是02,电话号码是25432100。)B: May I have your name?(您的大名?)A: Lisa Wang.B: Hold on, please.(请等一会儿。)A: Ok, thank you.(好的,谢谢。)B: The line is thr

18、ough now. Please speak.(接通了,请讲。)状况3 在公司接电话,要找的人如不在,请对方留言A: Morning,this is ABC company,may I help you?(早安,ABC公司,我可以帮您什么忙吗?)B: Extension 123,please.(请接分机123。)A: Hold on,please.(请稍候。)B: Thank you.(谢谢。)C: Import department,may I help you?(出口部,我可以帮到您什么忙吗?)B: Yes,I would like to speak to Mr.Wang.(是的,我想和王

19、先生谈话。)C: Sorry,he was out(he went out to have luch just now).Would you like to leave a message?(对不起,他不在公司(他刚出去吃午饭),您要不要留言给他?)B: Yes,please ask him to call me back,Im David Lee,my phone number is 27720151.(是的,请他回电,我的名字是David Lee,我的电话号码是27720151。)C: Please repeat your phone number.(请再重复一下电话号码。)B: Ok,

20、2-7-7-2-0-1-5-1(好的,2-7-7-2-0-1-5-1。)C: How do you spell your name?(您的大名如何拼写?)B: D-A-V-I-D L-E-E.C: Ill ask him to call back as soon as he returns.(他一回来,我请他回电。)B: Thank you, bye.(谢谢,再见。)C: Thank you for your call/Thank you for calling.(谢谢来电。)单词/词组1、打电话号码 make a phone call2、接线生 operator3、对方付款电话 collec

21、t call4、预先付款电话 prepaid call5、长途电话 long distance call6、市内电话 local call7、国际电话 international phone call/overseas phone call8、代码 code9、区码 area code10、等一下 Hold on,please./Wait a moment./Moment,please./Wiat a minute./One moment,pleast.11、分机 extension12、部门 department13、(请对方)留话 leave a message/Would you lik

22、e to leave a message?14、(帮不在的人)留话 take a message/May I take a message?15、重复 repeat/Can you repeat your phone number?16、回电 call back状况4:客人来电,刚好接电话的人就是要找的人,互相问候,约订见面时间地点A: Morning,this is ABC company.May I help you?(早安,这是ABC公司。我可以帮到您什么忙吗?)B: Mr.Lee please./Is Mr.Lee in?/May I speak to Mr.Lee?(请接李先生。)A

23、: Yes,speaking.Who is calling?/May I have your name?(是的,我就是。请问谁来电?)B: I am George from USA.(我是美国来的George。)A: Oh,George,how are you?Where are you in now?(噢,George,您好吗?您现在在哪里?)B: Very fine,thank you,I am in Taibei now.(很好,谢谢,我现在在台北。)A: When did you come to Taipei?(您何时到台北的?)B: The day before yesterday.

24、(前天(昨晚很晚的时候))A: Its my pleasure to hear you,Which hotel do you stay in now?(很高兴听到您的消息,您现在住哪个饭店?)B: I stay in Hilton hotel.(我住希尔顿饭店。)A: What is the room number?(房号几号?)B: 1020.A: May I have a appointment with you tonight?(我们今晚可以碰个面吗?)B: Very sorry,I am occupied tonight,what about tomorrow night?(很抱歉,我

25、今晚排满了,明天晚上如何?)A: Ok,where and when?(可以,在哪里见面?几点钟?)B: 7:00,in my staying hotel.(7:00,在我住的饭店。)A: Ok,I am going to the hotel to pick you up.see you tomorrow night.(好的,我会到饭店接您,明晚见。)单词/词组1、请再说一遍 Pardon?/May I beg your pardon?2、请问贵姓 Who is calling?/Who is speaking?/May I have your name?3、前天 the day before

26、 (yesterday) 后天 the day after (tomorrow)4、到达 arrive/reach/get5、占满 occupy 我没空 Im occupy./I have no time./Im not available.状况5:去接客户前,先打电话到饭店提醒他A: This is Hilton hotel,may I help you?(希尔顿饭店,我可以帮到您什么吗?)B: Room 1020 plese.(请接1020房。)A: Hold on, please.(请稍候。)C: Hello,this is George.(喂,我是George.)B: Is that

27、George speaking?(George吗?)C: Yes,it is right,who is speaking?(是的,正是,请问哪位?)B: This is Lee of ABC COMPANY.(我是ABC公司的Lee。)C: How are you ?Mr.Lee?(您好吗?李先生?)B: Fine thank you,and you?(很好,谢谢,您呢?)C: I am fine too.(我也很好。)B: I just remind you of our appointment at 7:00 tonight.(我只是要提醒您,我们晚上7:00有约。)C: Ok,I see

28、.(是的,我记得。)B: I am going to pick you up now.(我现在要去接您。)C: Thank you,I am waiting for you.(谢谢,我会等您。)B: See you later.(待会儿见)C: See you later.(待会儿谈)状况6:如不清楚经理什么时候回来,打电话者又无法留言,请他再打来A: Hello, this is ABC company,can I help you?(ABC公司,我可以帮到您什么忙吗?)B: I want to speak to your export manager.(我要和你们外销经理说话.)A: I

29、am sorry ,he went out just now, who is calling?(很抱歉他刚出去,请问哪位找?)B: This is John Martin from USA.Do you know when he is coming back?(我是美国的John Martin。您知道他什么时候回来吗?)A: I am sorry,I dont know.(很抱歉,我不知道)B: Where can I find him?(您知道哪里可以找到他吗?)A: I am sorry ,I dont know either.May I take a message?(抱歉,我也不知道,

30、我可以帮他留言吗?)B: It doesnt matter,I will call him again.(没关系,我再打来。)A: I am sorry I couldnt help you.(抱歉,我没帮上忙。)状况7:打电话来时,正好忙线中,请对方稍候A: Hello, can I speak to Mr. Lin please?(喂,我要找林先生)B: I am sorry sir,the line is busy now.Can you wait for a moment?(对不起,先生,他忙线中,您要不要稍候。)A: Ok ,thank you.(好的,谢谢。)B: Hello,th

31、e line is through now,please go ahead.(喂,林先生的电话线通了,请讲。)Part 4状况1:先和客户约定吃饭时间和地点A: Would you be interested in dinner with me.Are you free?(我今晚想邀请您吃晚饭,不知您是否有空?)B: Thank you for your invitation.I am free tonight.(谢谢您的邀请,我今晚有空。)A: Which food would you like best?Chinese food,western food or sea food?(您喜欢吃哪种菜?中餐、西餐还是海产?)B: I prefer western food.(我比较喜欢西餐。)A: Ok,I am going to the

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