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1、bec高级口语分册答案BEC高级口语分册答案PRESENTATION部分 1A。A lot needs to be done to maintain customer interest in a companys products. First, brand image. Companies need to make every effort to improve the corporate reputation and brand image, for the simple reason that customers trust big brands.-Second, product. We

2、 need to obtain suggestions from staff and customers, which can help us to adjust the products to suit the changing needs of customers. -Third, price and promotion. We should evaluate our pricing polity from time to time to make sure it remains competitive. And attractive promotions have to be desig

3、ned to attracted customers attention.So, brand, product, price and promotion should be considered in maintaining customer interest in the products. 1BMaking a career plan is necessary in the course of career development. It brings lots of benefits to us.First, motivation. A good plan acts as an effe

4、ctive motivator. When you look at your plan, youll be motivated to see it come true. So youll have more passion and energy to work harder to achieve your plan. If we have no plan on mind, we know well always waste our time! - Second, focus. We have to focus on a career path if we want to achieve hig

5、h success in career development. If we have a plan, we are more likely to stick to one career path. If we have no plan, we may be likely to hop between different kinds of jobs, and you know, frequent job hopping brings negative impact on our career development. So, its wise for everybody to think ca

6、refully about his career plan, particularly the fresh graduates like us! 1C Product diversification plays a key role in the success of a business. First, diversified products attract more customers. As each product can only meet the needs of one particular group of customers, have a range of product

7、s means we have more groups of customers. Second, diversification meets the expectation for a customer to choose. Customers prefer to have more than one choice of products so that they will be able to compare and choose. Third, customers usually associate diversification with the size of a firm, the

8、 larger range of products they provide, the stronger this firm is. Therefore, diversification is essential. 2A。Its necessary for companies to create a safe working environment. First, a safe working environment prevents injuries. If the working environment is unsafe, there may be accidents and injur

9、ies. In this case, the firm has to pay a large sum of compensation to the injured or the killed, and the government will impose a big fine to the firm or even put the firm out of business. Whats more, once the accident hits the press, customers might feel this firm is irresponsible and associate the

10、 injuries with low quality products. -Second, a safe working environment improves the efficiency and accuracy of the employees. Nobody can focus on the job if he feels his health or his life is endangered. Therefore, firms should closely monitor the production process, for example, check machinery a

11、nd equipment for proper working conditions, require safety glasses or other equipment that can prevent injury. 2B Maintaining personal contacts with customers brings lots of benefits to companies.First, customers feedback. If we maintain personal contact with customers, theyll be willing to share wi

12、th us how they feel about our products or services, for instance, what they like and dislike about us. Its this first-hand information that enables us to improve the product, price or services. -Second, personal contact makes customers feel valued and theyll develop a friendship with us, it is this

13、kind of friendship that translates into sales. And they wont easily switch to our competitors.Therefore, well ensure that customers have some personal contact with us. 2C。In order to keep a balance between company growth and production capacity, we should take several steps. First, we need to work o

14、ut an optimal balance rate between company growth and production capacity, that is, a rate between the need of infrastructure and personnel with production growth. For example, when we need 200 people to make 20000 tons of steel, and 300 people to make 2400 tons of steel, based on this we can work o

15、ut an average rate, that is, if we want to produce 3000 tons we might need 350 at most. -Second, forecast sales. With an accurate forecast we can plan for production very well, say, if we need more production lines, or if we need to recruit more workers. But the truth is that we cant always make an

16、accurate forecast. One way to deal with over-forecast or under-forecast might be outsourcing manufacturing. Anyway, its not easy to keep a good balance between company growth and production capacity! 3A。In order to maintain employee satisfaction, we should consider the following factors:First, a saf

17、e working environment. Needless to say, no one wants to work in an unsafe environment. Second, competitive salary and incentives. When an employee knows he is paid more than a counterpart in a competition company, hell feel proud of his position and will work harder to keep it. Third, career develop

18、ment opportunities. Aspiring to achieve a position above the present position is natural. If an employee knows his current position is leading to a higher position, he would be motivated to reach that position more quickly by working harder. To sum it up, environment, salary and opportunities all ma

19、tter to staff satisfaction. 3B. Its necessary to conduct effective market research before launching a new product. First of all, we must research on the market potential and market share we can grab. Is there a consumer demand? How long will this demand remain? As we all know it takes large investme

20、nts to launch a new product, we must ensure this new product has a steady customer demand so that we can recover the investment and the investment will yield returns. Second, since this is a new product, we have to assess customer satisfaction and purchase behaviors, pricing and promotion activities

21、 etc. Its the result of the research that enables us to decide the pricing strategy, the promotion methods, and the places of sales. Therefore, market research is the key to the success of a new product. 3C。When we introduce new technology into the workplace, we must do the following things. Firstly

22、, we must find out the areas new technology will have impact on. It may have negative impact on the work efficiency, because it takes some time for our staff to get used to it. In the duration of the learning and adjusting process, their efficiency might slow down, and they may make some mistakes. S

23、econd, new technology might make some staff feel stressed out because they have a hard time learning how to use the new technology. Some of them will feel embarrassed that they cant learn as quickly as others. In order to deal with these problems, we have to provide them with detailed trainings and

24、ensure the trainings are effective. So, we must give them enough time to adapt. We may set up a transition period, during this period, the old technology might co-exist with the new technology, which helps the staff to deal with their work as usual, and also learn how to use the new technology. To s

25、um it up, doing research, providing trainings can reduce the negative impact of new technology. 4A. It is important a person to have a range of skills in the course of his career development. When he has a range of skills, he is obviously more competitive than those who dont and therefore has more c

26、hances of promotion. And it will be easier for him to find a job outside his company if he is not satisfied with his present job. -In addition, a person with a range of skills is more likely to work his way up to the top of the corporate ladder. He can get a promotion sooner but not later. Therefore

27、, we all need to acquire a wide range of skills, for instance, English, computer, and so on. 4B. Customer service plays a key role in business nowadays.Firstly, we live in an increasingly service-oriented economy. We have to serve our customers well in order to retain their repeat business. When eac

28、h customer feels as if he is being treated preferentially, he turns into a loyal customer. Secondly, when a customer feels happy about our services, he is likely to recommend our brand to others, on the other hand, if he feels unhappy, he is likely to tell 24 people, you know, this is the so-called

29、1-to-24 theory. Therefore, we must make every effort to provide satisfactory customer services to them. 4C. In order to maintain effective financial control, we should do the following things: First, hire capable and reliable financial management staff. Incompetent and dishonest people make any fina

30、ncial control system ineffective. Second, implement proper procedures for initiating and approving transactions, every transaction should be properly authorized. Third, maintain adequate documents and records like invoices and authorization paper. Therefore we can trace each transaction to the sourc

31、e document. To sum it up, people, procedures, records are the necessary factors to consider in financial control. 5A. In order to hold a successful meeting, we must take the following steps. Firstly, set up a clear and achievable objective for this meeting, and make everyone knows this objective in

32、advance to make their own preparations about data and questions, etc. Second, make preparations before the meeting starts, for example, easy travel access, adequate meeting facilities and support, etc. Third, the agenda has to be prepared in due time, must cover all standard topics and potential issues arising. Fourth, the timing is important. Each subject is allocated an estimated discussion time. If it is exceeded you will draw the President attention to avoid wasting time of the whole group. Above all, a good President o

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